Natural Remedies for Eye Floaters

Supplements, Eye Exercises
Posted by Sandra (NY) on 07/04/2021

Eye floaters do not necessarily come from one aging. No one in my family has eye floaters, even my mom who is in her 70/s. I used a mascara that was given to me from Sephora brand which I never used before. Upon using their brand my eyes were all red and was burning. I went to the doctor and was told a chemical in the mascara. I am a very sensitive person when it comes to certain products. I never used any of these products again. However, I am using origins plant based mascara and did not have this problem. My eyes were extremely red and inflamed from the chemically mascara. I am taking lysine, digestive enzymes' and taurine. When I am stressed they show up more. The only thing I am able to control them with proper nutrition and some eye exercises along with a good eye vitamin.
