Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Renee (Fremont, Ca) on 11/06/2009

I have suffered from fibroids for many, many years. My monthy periods were debilitating to say the least. The only thing that worked for me was taking Naproxen and that killed my stomach for the next few days. I had been reading about the black strap molasses and was willing to give it a try. I am so glad I did! The first month I only took it when my menstruation started and felt my cramps had subsided somewhat but the second month I decided to take it a few days before my mentruation and what a difference it made. I feel like a totally different person. I still had to take 1 Naproxen but not 4 or more like before and I probably could have gone without it all together...I will try that next month. As far as the way I consume the molasses, I just add 1 tablespoon to one of my daily green tea servings.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carol (Weston, Fl) on 11/02/2009

Hi all. I have a large uterine fibroid, for which the longest diameter is 9.4cm--in other words the size of a large grapefruit. They symptoms are awful--periods lasting 15 days a month and terrible cramping and blood clotting. I thought surgery was the only answer, because of the size, but did some research, including your site, and decided on the following protocol instead. I will have the fibroid re-measured in 3 months and hopefully it will have shrunk. Here is the protocol I have just started, which I will do daily:

1) Blackstrap Molasses 3TBS per day and ACV 2tsp per day to relieve symptoms and hopefully shrink fibroids. UNSULPHURED BSM!!!!

2) Indole-3-Carbinol to remove excess estrogen

3) Nattokinase to help break down fibrin and break down blood clots

4) Maca--helps to rebalance hormones, generally in favor of progesterone

5) Serrepaptase and digestive enzymes to break down fibroid

6) May add progesterone cream, but have been using the cream for 3 years and it is obviously not working, so not sure if will use that as my progesterone has nor increased on it. Have an oral progesterone (Prometrium) not sure if will take or not. Is supposed to be for people who can't absorb the cream. However, some believe that if fibroid is bigger than a grapefruit, it may not be a good idea to take progesterone, as the fibroid may convert that to estrogen--so again, not sure if will be taking progesterone or not.

7) Diet--Mostly raw, no meat, no dairy, no wheat

8) Exercise--hard to do cause of fatigue but will try

9) Avoidance of xenoestrogens (parabens, plastics, etc)

10) Avoidance of things such as caffeine, MSG, aspartame,etc.

11) Milk thistle to help liver

12) Would like to do some liver flushes but body doesn't seem to handle it well, so not sure.

Well anyway, I just started this protocol. My period is due in about a week so it will be interesting to see at that point if my menstrual symptoms are any better. I will re-update at that time.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carol (South, Florida) on 01/01/2010


Just wanted to update my previous posts. Brief history: I have had a growing fibroid for at least 3 years and in the fall of '09 it got much bigger (9.4 cm) and symptoms of long menstrual cycle and huge blood clots started. Anyway, for the past 2 cycles I have taken unsulphured BSM and my cramps are much, much less. However, length of period and clotting has not improved, bloating during period is tremendous, and I don't have the sense that the fibroid has shrunk at all. I have not been very consistent with the ACV. I tried Nattokinase and Indole 3 Carbinol but they producted severe diarrhea, so I had to stop. I am happy that at leat the BSM helps with cramps and energy so that I can now function during my period. However, as for shrinkage, I don't know what to do. Many of the women who have posted here did not discuss how much their fibroids shrank but emphasized symptom relief instead. I would be most curious to know if anyone had fiboid shrinkage from the BSM and ACV. Thanks

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, California) on 01/02/2010

I would suggest that you research iodine supplementation for this problem. Many people have had wonderful results with this healing method.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Celteyes (Pearland, Texas) on 01/02/2010

I had fibroid shrinkage by taking maca maca capsules. I took 2 caps. 2 to 3 times daily. It also made me feel energetic and in a happy mood.

General Feedback
Posted by Aries36 (Knoxville, Tn) on 09/24/2009

Hi ladies, i'm thankful for you all and hearing your stories let me feel connected to a sista hood of women whom i've never met who is experiencing the same as i am so now i don't feel so all alone with this dreadful medical problem!I just want my life back and this is taking my body over daily. It makes me not even want to have a sexual relationship with my husband cause i feel like a good-year blimp! I take the avc with the (Mother) in it and the bsm and i do get relief from both. The avc does help control your weight but my question to you ladies is:

How long must we stay on these short term remedy? 4EVER... EVERYDAY TAKING THESE SHORT TERM REMEDIES THE WILL NEVER GIVE US A COMPLETE SOLUTION?? I hate the fact that when we give birth 2 bring beautiful kids into the world after that our bodies go through SOOOOOOOO... MUCH AND MEN HAVE NO ISSUES AT ALL!!

I'm just 36 and i feel like my life is OVER dealing with this crap. Doctor's always want to cut on us so we can go into menopause early and have to go to them for more medical issues and bills.. this is how they make their money. Anyway, to the point @ hand. I did find out that having the partial hysterectomy will allow them not to return because by having it done they want grow back because the uterus wall allows them to reattach to something, by removing it..there's nothing 4 them to grow on because there's nothing there. I still don't know what to do even with that info because i'm scared of early menopause. Someone please give me your input.

EC: You don't mention your ailment, but we think you are referring to fibroids...

General Feedback
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/24/2009

I had fibroids, too, if that is what your problem is. If they are not causing you too much of a other words, if they are more of a nuisance than an actual health problem...the best solution is to just wait them out, because they shrink and go away on their own after menopause. At 36, you are not too young to be having peri-menopausal signs and symptoms. To cut down on the bleeding, try taking bioflavanoids and Vitamin K-2. And if they are not life-threatening, DO NOT let the doctor cut on you. Peri-menopause is a time when women start to get anovulatory cycles and become estrogen dominant, so do not take any supplements or eat anything that contains phytoestrogens because it will only make the problem worse by adding to your over-all estrogen burden. You also might want to check your thyroid status, because low thyroid can cause heavy bleeding, too.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lanena0413 (Buffalo, Ny) on 09/22/2009

I am 31 female, went to the doctor and was diagnosed with fibroid tumors. I knew that I had some problem in my lower stomach because I constantly had pain when my stomach felt full. The first day of my period always was rough. I don't like surgery, so I went online looking for some natural remedy. I started trying the unsulphur black molasses (1 TB), a little hot water and soy milk. After trying this once daily for two months, the pain has been gone. My periods have become normal again. This also has given me more energy and feeling of less stress.

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Zoe (Munster, In) on 09/16/2009

Angie, can you explain a process of making this mixture.Thank you.

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/16/2009

That sounds like a great recipe. Do you chop or shred the veggies first, and do you let the mixture steep for any length of time before you use it?

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Barbara (Garland, Tx) on 12/13/2009

How do your prepare this remedy, I would like to try it?


Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Arlette (Cologne, Germany) on 12/15/2009

Can you please give the recipe and the process for the mixture. I have 2 cysts I am trying to get away in order to avoid a third cyst operation. Thank you!

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Diana (Fair Lawn, New Jersey) on 03/20/2010



i had cyst in my both ovaries..i tried your medicine..the mixture of carrot,beet, non alcoholic wine....i took it for 1 i am having my periods after a very long period....thank you

but i have heavy periods...i am on my 9th day...will this be a problem

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Setie (Pretoria, Gauteng, S.A. ) on 05/16/2010

hi guys i would like 2 try, beet 2 ,3 carr, 2 500g molases, 350 juice non alchol. so i am not sure that must i cook all or not 2 cook all and must i peal the cover .or i must just blendit all raw, 2 become juice.

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Lilia (Oakville, Canada. Ontario) on 11/25/2010

Could you please send a recipe. (beets, carot, red vine) Thank you. Lilia

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Lab (London, Uk) on 08/01/2011

Hello Angie,

please what type of non alcholic red wine did you use? and what tyoe of molasses as well plus the quantity.. thank you so much

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Tamera (San Antonio, Tx, Usa) on 07/01/2013

Can you please give me the recipe for the beet, carrot, red wine, molasses remedy. Thank You!

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Deanna (Muskegon, Mi) on 01/08/2014

Would you please send me a recipe.. I've many small and one large fibroids... Thanks

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Tanya A (Texas) on 02/17/2014

Thank you for your testimony AND your recipe. It's in her comment ladies :-)

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Kayla (Texas) on 03/17/2014

Does anyone know do you cook this mixture?

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Meryem (Wisconsin) on 05/15/2014

How would these ingredients be prepared? Do I juice them or boil them I really want to try this cure but would like more info on how to properly prepare them for maximum effectiveness. I know that this post is old but if anybody has any idea on how to prepare this please let me know.

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Nicole (Pa) on 04/08/2015

Hi how was it prepared? She blended everything raw and it was in a smoothie form? Or was it boiled? I'm going thru the same thing. I have pcos and have every symptom there is. Oh and what particular red wine did she used?

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Henrietta (Los Angeles, California ) on 07/14/2015

Will this fibroid mixture last for the 30 days and do you include water?

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Gabby (Kenya) on 09/29/2015

Hi, I am going through the same and trying to shrink a fibroid cyst and fibroids but am wondering do I need to start this immediately after my periods? What should be the daily potion mixture? Was your mixture for the whole month?

Beets, Carrots, Red Wine, Molasses
Posted by Jessica (Kyle Texas ) on 11/27/2015

Can you specify the quantity of each ingredient and is it OK to leave mixture sitting in refrigerator for the whole process of the treatment? Thank you!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Bobo (New Delhi, India) on 09/04/2009

Blackstrap molasses for fibroids/fibroadenoma: I have read that one should avoid sugar in case of fibroids then how safe is it to take BSM?? I have multiple fibroids in my breasts so am looking for remedies. Also should i avoid potaoes and rice? ?actually doctor has suggested that, but its quite hard to do that

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tkbworldwide (Atlanta, Georgia, Usa) on 07/13/2012

Hello. I have a question about the dosage as they seem to be varied. Do MOST people use one TEAspoon or one TABLEspoon? Also, are you guys taking it everday or only before and during your cycle? Finally, how do you know when to stop; is this intended to be a regimen until menopause? Thanks!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Heather (Leicester ) on 07/13/2012

Hi, it's tablespoon just before and during your period, some people take as much as 3 tablespoons a day. You need to drink a lot of water with it. I think it's best to then take a teaspoonful or something throughout the rest of the month but it can be challenging as it's not necessarily the easiest thing to take. As to when to stop it's up to you to try and see how it helps you I read an old book which claimed it cured you of fibroids eventually but it would be best to combine it with other therapies and try and establish the cause.

If you read the fibroids posts or google fibroids here there is lots of information. I'm always interested in this as I am similar, I would like to know what it is in the Bsm that helps us, we know that iron helps the anemia which can inturn lighten flow but also I think the copper in it helps reduce the fibroids. It's interesting that peple who take the contraceptive pill have relatively high levels of copper and don't suffer from such uterine issues. Iodine ( lugols) really helps too but it's gradual not instant like Bsm ( google this)

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 07/14/2012

Hello. I am a 51 year old not yet in menopause woman with fibroids, and ovarian cysts.

I take one full tablespoon of BSM in my one cup of coffee every morning for over a year now. I do not find it hard to take at all. In fact, if I make iced tea I use it as a sweetener in that also. I love the taste of it. (I didn't at first, but it really is an aquired taste. Keep at it, and you will start to like it! )

I use it every day, and find that it helps me a lot. Not sure if it is the iron, copper, or one of the trace minerals. I just know it really helps! Good luck to you.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Andy (London) on 09/16/2011

Soya contains estrogens. Its not good for people with fibroids. Fermented soya (natto) on the other hand is better and can help with fibroids.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Linda From Florida (Zolfo Springs, Fl) on 10/30/2012

jennifer from new york, stay away from soy period. Causes estrogen and will make ur fibroids grow. Try serrapeptase this shrinks fibroids and maca. maca will help regulate ur periods and fibroids too.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sunshine (Naples, Florida) on 06/01/2010 5 posts

Was just wondering how you have been doing with the grey hair issues. Did you try trace minerals and did it work?? If so, which ones. Thanks for any input!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Texastea (Cedar Park, Tx) on 09/10/2010

I started drinking baking soda with my Apple Cider Vinegar and honey to help with my fibroids around a month ago. I recently went to the doctor only because my sudden headaches and dizzy spells wouldnt go away. I was diagnosed with ANEMIA. I am wondering if the baking soda added to my mix is the problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elaine (Sligo, Ireland) on 10/07/2012

Hi Steff, I'm just curious about the vaginal itching that you mentioned you had because I also have it for a long time. Is it associated with fibroids as I also have a large one? You are the only one that has mentioned itching here so I would so appreciate if you could reply back. Many thanks, Elaine

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dee (Baton Rouge, La) on 12/31/2013

I don't even know if I have fibroid tumors - I just know that I've been passing huge clots for the past few days. I'm 43, and had tubal sterilization surgery in 1998 after the birth of my 2nd child. This happened to me before about 8 years ago, but without the clots. I went to the emergency room, and was told I had a hormonal imbalance. I don't want to deal with this for weeks, so I'm trying the ACV treatment right now. I'll let you know how it works...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Abigail (Nigeria) on 04/30/2017

Thank you to everyone that has responded, I have really learnt a great deal. My question here is what's the precise measurement of ACV and Bicarbonate of soda to shrinking and possibly eliminating large fibroids? Please an urgent response would be appreciated.

Posted by Robin (Macomb, MI) on 07/22/2009

What kind of iodine do u use?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mary (Dublin, Ireland) on 12/12/2012

This is great news, as Ihave been suffering for the last year and a half with fibroids and very heavy bleeding. I started BSM with ACV. Thanks for the feedback very helpful.:-)

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 02/18/2015

Do you know how to tell whether Blackstrap Mollasses are sulphured or not? "Happy Home" brand, the packaging only says that the only ingredient is BSM.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 02/20/2015

Dear Marcin,

I have been looking into this but have not found an answer. Perhaps it is a small company and not online. Is there an address or phone number on the package so you could call?

From reading, it sounds like the reference to sulfur is how it is processed and that it is better if it is done without sulfur. Sulfured will still have the nutrients. Personally, if I couldn't find the answer, I would use the bottle and then next time see if I could fine one that does say for sure that it is unsulfured.

~Mama to Many~

Grapes, Cherries
Posted by Vina (Powdersprings, Ga) on 07/06/2009

Are you eating regular grapes red, purple or green. And just any type of cherries. How much do you eat a day. Thanks for the info.

Grapes, Cherries
Posted by Bonnie (Hamilton, Canada) on 07/08/2009

Vina from GA: I eat any kind of grapes, and snack on about 12 a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Candy (Fort Madison, IA) on 05/28/2009

get yourself some transdermal magnesium or you can find a good magnesium supplement if you look hard enough. hope this helps you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melanie (Venice, Florida) on 05/30/2009

Thank you Candy. I will try that!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Tampa, Fl) on 07/14/2010

I've just started reading a few responses & haven't seen anyone discuss UTERINE ABLATION. I had it done about 5-6 yrs. Ago. It worked wonders for bleeding (only a few spots now) & my gyn now does them routinely in the office. Look it up - google it! My fibroids are no longer an issue either. The cramps are much better also and although my diet isn't great, I started jogging, which does help the cramping to where they are practically non-existent. I am also on a topical progesterone cream.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Yvette (Turlock, Ca. Usa) on 08/28/2011

I had an awful experience with endometreal ablasion and some of the risks include vaginal burns, bowel perferations, and uterine rupture. My proceedure was with Gynecare Thermachoice and it was as painful as childbirth. The machine malfunctioned and I have been left mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually traumatized! I am glad your experience was good and you have achieved relief, but I have no relief from baseball sized clots and changing pads every hour. I read the risks and thought- That won't happen to me... Well, I was wrong! Be very careful with your body- it's the only one you've got!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patty (Miami, Florida) on 09/08/2011

I did Uterine Ablation last March in 2010 and now for the past couple of months have started bleeding again. I really don't think surgery is really necessary. Many natural remedies that we have around us work just as good. I started using ACV tablets in April and began to see a big improvement right away. Make sure that the tablets you purchase only have ACV some will have Soy in them which actually will feed your fibroid. So if you want to get rid of it stay away from Soy and Caffeine it has made a BIG improvement.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by G (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/26/2022

You may want to try zinc +vitamin d, good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Tjones (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/25/2009

what is your status now? I am thinking of trying this and I would like to know if they have shrunk and are the symptoms are still gone ? Thanks Ty

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Isa Veronica (Nigerian, Adamawa State Yola) on 05/13/2009

Good day. I am been suffreing from fibroid for 15 years and happened to come arooss your wesit about how acv and bsm can cure fibroid and i started uesing for 2months now and have not see any changes in the fibroid. Pls help me

Dietary Changes
Posted by Diva (Norcross, Ga) on 08/17/2012

I tried Blackstrap Molasses it doesn't work.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lekisha (Logansport, Louisiana) on 01/11/2010

hi candy from tn, i have fibroid tumors and want to try this method that u did, how many times a day did u take the 2 tbsp of acv and lemon use? how long before you saw results and when did u take it? did you have one or multiple fibroids. thanks i really want to know.
kisha louisiana

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lekisha (Logansport, Louisiana) on 01/11/2010

glad i found this website, i donot want to have the surgery, and i want to have children, i am 35 yrs old and now the fibroids are causing alot of bleeding, i am anemic and i have been put on iron because my iron level is 9, i want to try candy from tn, method with the acv and lemon juice but i would like to know how many times a day did she take the two tablespoons and if she took them with water or not? thanks everyone for all the info, it has been very helpful.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mia (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/13/2010

When do you take the diluted ACV with water? With meal or in between meals? Thank You!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Julie (Commerce City, Colorado/usa) on 08/25/2010

Can you tell me what you mean by 'BSM'? You said you put it in your Cream of Wheat with raisins. Also, where did you purchase your vitamins and minerals? Thanks :-D

EC: BSM is the acronym for Blackstrap Molasses.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gloria Freeney (Rowlett, TX) on 02/01/2009

Hello! My name is Gloria Crawford Rowlett, TX, I am 44 years of age, I have been diagnose with uterine fibroids since 1996. As of Jan 2009 I went in for a yearly check-up at my OB-GYN and she stated the fibroids has increased in growth from 6cm to 8cm. I went to the Herb Mart and I was told about the BSM cause I was also told my blood iron was reading 35 which I wasn't yet on the border line of anemic yet, cause border line is 33. The OB-GYN stated I should be taking iron supplements everyday and I explained to her I can't take the iron pills, cause it makes my stomach hard and constipated. The OB-GYN stated she still recommend that I take the iron capsules everyday. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and thats when I was told to take BSM which I started taking since this week 1/29/09. Please help me out with this, my doctor has prescribed me with the birth controls since last year which has slowed my bleeding down a lot. My question is should I stop the birth controls while taking the BSM and how much BSM should I take daily. I was told by one of the specialist at the herb mart to take 1 tblsp twice a week.


Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 03/18/2011

Most people take Blackstrap Molasses everyday myself included and twice a day during my cycle.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pat Johnson (Kingston, Jamaica) on 04/22/2009

A Question How do you use the ACV for fibroids?

EC: Per the feedback below: Drinking "One tablespoon in a little water, three times a day."

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Keke (Aberdeen, Maryland, Usa) on 12/19/2010


If you doing the ACV AND BSM. Please do not drink coffee or chocolate the is going to make the fibroids grows really fast. I've learn that the hard way.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mich (Brooklyn, NY) on 01/04/2009

I started using ACV just because I read that it was good for you. I had no idea it helped your cycle or fibroids. I discovered that on my own before I found this website. It should be organic with the "mother of vinegar" in it. This is the ugly looking stuff with little strings floating around in it. Otherwise, it serves no purpose other that salad dressing. My cycles were less painful. However, once I stopped drinking it, the pain returned. So, I am back on it and adding molasses this time. For people who say it's not working, make sure you are using the correct form. I do not know the size of the fibroid the Dr says I have but I know ACV has helped me.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Julie (Pickerington, OH) on 12/06/2008

I have fibroid tumors, heavy clotting periods and anemia from this. It was horrible every month. I am 49 and every year for the past 5 years my doctor would say "they will disapear when you go through menopause" So my life isn't important now??? I found this web site and read about the Black Strap Molasses. I was sceptical, but was eager to try anything. I put a tablespoon with instant oatmeal every morning. I just had my first cycle since trying this. OMG it WORKS!!!!! No heavy day with clots!!! I can't believe it. I am so excited to tell everyone!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Wendy (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 11/27/2008

I have been using APV and BSM for about 8 days to trat what I believe are large fibroids. I also have pain in my upper right abdominal quadrant that seems to be gas because i get relief from gas relieving meds.

Anyway, my skin feels great but I still feel not so great. Rashs, itching etc. leaves me to think I have yeast issues as well. Long story short I mistrust conventional medicine and pretty much self diagnose when possible. New symptom to report is white froth and what looks kind of like cream in my urine.

i am 49 yrs old and have peri menopause, last period lasted 3 weeks with heavy bleeding for at least a week. My symptoms are keeping me home bound and usually experiencing some varying form of pain and discomfort. I hope and pray i can improve my health somewhat with the natural tratments on this site. I took 2-3 tblsp.each of ACV and BSM , yesterday i added 1/4 tsp.baking soda and started doubling my ACV treatment, once in the morning, once in the evening. Let you know if anything seems to be working.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Joy (Winnipeg, Manitoba) on 11/10/2012

hi my name is joy I hv read all the interesting miracle story of ACV and BSA. But my on case is different, I start having lower abdomen pain when I was 28 yrs, when I got marriad the pain increase, at the age 30 when I was trying to concive a baby I went to hospital the doctor said I hv uterine fibroids that it very small and he gave me some pain medications. But I have normal monthly circle. But the worst part of it now is that the pain comes every second day after my ovulation which will last for 2 days. I always see hell druing this time every month. I will feel like killing my self because the pain hot me from left lower abdomen to left lower back. please I seriously need help to concive a baby, will this remedy work for me?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Antoinette (Charlotte, NC) on 11/19/2008

I am a 40 yr old woman recently diagnosed with multiple uterine fibroids and blocked fallopian tubes. I am curious to learn more about the use of BSM/ACV. I've read the reviews posted on this site but remain unclear about how to ingest the BSM/ACV. I am currently adding 2 tablespoons of BSM and 2 tablespoons of ACV in 8 oz warm water twice daily. Is this adequate or should I be ingesting these first and following with water? Any suggestions? Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gee (St Louis, Mo) on 12/10/2009

I have been diagnosed with the 5 inch fibroids and blocked fallopian tubes too. I am very depressed about. I am scheduled to go back to the Dr. on December 22. The Dr. want to a partial Hysterectomy. I don't want to have it done. I have not been able to have any children. My husband and I. I have started taken the ACV this week. I feel better and I am not in as much pain. One my friends told me to take evening primrose oil from the health food store. I am praying the Fibriods will go away without having the surgery.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA) on 12/11/2009

Gee, Praying's good but do something actively as well about it. Like take charge of your health. Start juicing, check your diet, get maca (read about it in my past posts or research it online). ACV and Evening Primrose oil are not going to cut the mustard in this situation. Doing something actively to help yourself will alleviate depression too. Don't just accept the dr.'s diagnosis as final and let them cut part of you out because then you absolutely won't have children or have the chance. First, try alternative healing before you go that route. Lisa

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA) on 12/12/2009

Hi Gee, I want to apologize if I sounded like I was being self-righteous or preachy to you. I wanted to just reassure you that there are many alternative routes and not to get down believing that the doctors have all the answers. No, I am no expert, but I have spent a lot of hours and years studying alternatives in many aspects from birthing, schooling, natural remedies, herbal and homeopathic remedies so, I figure if I can help someone else out there with what I have learned, I will do that. Knowledge is a powerful tool.

And yes, there are alternatives to having your own children such as adopting or surrogate mothers, etc., but that was not what I got from your post. Sorry if I misread what you were sad about. In naming some actions you could take, I was not trying to be forceful but just giving you a few suggestions you could pursue.

I also have seen my acupuncturist turn things around for women who were diagnosed by Western drs. that they would not be able to conceive. Of course, these are all just suggestions. In the end we all have our own right to choice. Peace, Lisa

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dott (Ft.lauderdale, Florida, Usa) on 12/13/2009

DON'T be depressed!! DON'T have the hysterectomy surgery, AND I wouldn't go back to that ob/gyn either, myself (up to you though...).

Progesterone cream will sometimes shrink fibroids, and I just read an research report somewhere that indicated that concentrated tomato products, such as tomato powder and tomato paste may be helpful for such things.


Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mary (New York, Ny) on 12/17/2009

I was just reading some of the other postings, especially the one for Gee. Im not a doctor but I do recommend getting 2nd and 3rd opinions especially before undergoing a hysterectomy or partial hysterectomy. These are all very personal decisions that we have to make and that even our closest loved ones cannot make for us. No-one should feel coerced into doing anything. Im very grateful that the ACV and black molasses (1-2x a day) have been working for me for the pain and symptoms. While everyone's body is different, and while I hope the remedy works in shrinking the fibroid, I also should share that I recently learned of laproscopy which is a less invasive way of removing fibroids. This may be in some cases be an alternative method of surgery instead of a hysterectomy for those of us that hope to have children one day. I spoke with my doctor here in NYC who is supposed to be the top doctor for this and feel much more at ease as he was my second opinion and the first doctor was very insensitive and didnt mention this option. While I wish they were, natural remedies are not always an alternative to surgery but they can certainly help relieve a lot of unnecessary pain and help the healing process if one does opt for surgery. Thank you all for posting on this site and for supporting each other.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Kathryn (Geraldton, Wa) on 02/15/2010

I am following my mothers "wise women syndrome" (menopause) history and don't want to any more. Period stopped for 9 months, started for 2 weeks, stopped for 7 months and is still continuing after 5 weeks. Clots, heavy flow, embarassing moments the lot. I am of average height, weight and exercise x5 days a week, for at least 1hr 30mins each time, eat wholesome (no processed foods) mainly fruit, vegies and meat.

I wish to cease the blood flow and move onto my "wise women syndrome" sooner. I am unable to take AVC because of my very low blood pressure (I have tried and got incredible dizzy bordering on fainting.

I am considering taking Black Strap Molasses ... any advice on how much, how often and what else is out there that could help. Cheers in advance.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jessica (Kampala, Uganda) on 07/16/2012

I was done surgery of pituitary macroadenoma 2years ago im now 42 my Dr. tells me I go for ivf if I want a child but my fibroids have to be removed first- the fibriod is 4.7cm and my menses stoped due to the adenoma, Im now on hormone replacement of levothyroxide and pridinson and if I'm given fertility hormones without removing the fibroids they will grow bigger. Do you think I can try ACV, BSM and baking soda to shrink to fibroid to enable ivf possible? What are the complications with my case? Please give your comments it will help my decision I don't have a child but the Dr. told me I can have one through ivf but the problem is the fibroid.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ustabearepug (Tulsa, Ok) on 07/16/2012

Our bodies need to be alkaline, sick people are usually acidic, buy some PH strips that determine the acidity of our bodies, tear a piece and place in mouth one second, if it is yellow, not good, if it is dark blue, that's good, apple cider vinegar is highly acidic so someone tell me why it is good for us as I use it a lot. Honey good for us? It is acidic, baking soda is highly alkaline, I put 1/2 teaspoon in my drinking water and a couple drops of h202, that is good for us, walnuts will turn the strip dark blue, thats good, when watching TV, munch on english walnuts, that's good, when you get your little roll of PH strips, everytime you eat something, tear off a strip , insert into mouth and if it is yellow , again not good, dark blue, thats good, I love a baked cake, its acidic, not good, but I love them, I tell my wife not to bake those acidic cakes but she does, wonder if she has ulterior (motives)?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bonnie (Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario) on 11/07/2008

I have read your site about black strap molasses and "hoping" to get rid of fibroid tumors. I have tryed it and it didn't work for me. I think this site is just a way of getting people's hope up. I had my hope up on trying this molasses thing, like i said it didn't work for me. nothing can get rid of fibroids. if there was, the doctors would tell you, and we would't have to have a hysteromecty's. think about's something that grows inside of you..if there was a cure in molasses wouldn't they tell you?? I really don't believe in this stuff. I have tryed it and i can't speak for everyone...but it didn't work for me. Were all here for a little hope and cure, but really it doesn't work.the only thing i did was to cut out coffee, something i found out on my far as im concerned, that helped me alot!! no more heavy periods. now there normal and i have 2 fibroid tumors and they were almost the size of a baseball. i'm not sure if they are gone yet, i still have to go to the doctors to find out, but my period is back to normal. thank you..

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 12/28/2012

Please be careful of that drug that puts you in clinical menapause. If it is lupron. I took the lupron shots for 6 months before having the fibroids removed. They did not shrink the fibroids but they did make my bones frail. Lupron also affected my memory. I never experienced the forgetfullness I have now. Sometimes I just completely draw a blank and cannot remember my thoughts AT ALL. Thanks to the lupron shots. If I had it all to do over again... I would do nothing. My sister also had fibroids. She did not know it. She got pregnant. Because of the fibroids she could not have a vaginal birth. She had a C section. The doctor removed the fibroids after he took the baby out.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Erica (Linden, NJ) on 01/08/2015

Thank you for sharing your good news

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sherry (Longview, Washington) on 10/18/2008

Black Strap Molasses has really helped my heavy bleeding and clotting due to fibroids. I do not know how it works but it is working.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Laverne (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 02/13/2012

Hello Ladies, I'm now 54 and 4 years ago began menopause, not one period since then. Yeah!!! I used to have problems with fibroids and still have the fibroids but no problems unless I dont listen to my own adivce. I wanted to share what was reccommended to me by a holistic Dr..... Change your diet!!! Chicken, meat and eggs are coming from animals injected with hormones and these same hormones are feeding your fibroids and helping them grow. Have you seen how big chicken wings are now days!!!! Hormones! When I used to have myperiod I had huge clots ( like liver and onions) but when I changed my diet , it all got much better, no clots, no cramps and I felt much better. I still love chicken but now I buy it from Whole Foods and buy cage free eggs , the extra money is worth the freedom to be able to eat and be pain free. Ive shared this info with some friends and it has helped and I hope it helps someone out ther too. I chose this option because I dont want to have a hysterectomy. God Bless us all, we go through so much at least give us our chicken!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Linda (Zolfo Springs, Fl) on 10/30/2012

laverne from pittsburgh, im 46 yrs old and have uterine fibroids. I dont want surgery period, can u plz email me and tell me how u got rid of ur fibroids and what foods to avoid. Ive been trying to eat all natural w/no meat and started taking serrapeptase to shrink my fibroids. plz any info would be greatly appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Chris (Woodbridge, VA) on 03/12/2009

I'm 36 yars old, I just left my OB GYN, I had myomectomy 5 years ago thinking i would have kids within 3 years after the surgery as my Doctor suggested, even though I was not married yet and had no prospects...well here i am five years later in the same social staus with my uterus the size of a 5 month fetus. I had also taken a low dose bc that caused clots the size of my fist and drained me physically and emotionally. My doc suggested I would probably need another surgery but this would reduce my chances of being able to carry a child. Ive cried for the last 2 hours until i read your blogs...thank you ladies! i'm running to the health food store now and with a little prayer, faith, and acv and bsm I will be healed from these tumors!

Water and Air
Posted by Hope (London, UK) on 02/27/2009

Hi, Are your fibroids gone following the treatment.How long did u do it for? I am looking for natural remedies. I know deep down we can do it. Thanks

Water and Air
Posted by Vina (Marietta, Ga) on 03/01/2009

I would like to know how large your Fibroid were and are they completely gone. Did you have to change your eating habits, or were you a healthy eater. What all did you do? I am very interested in getting rid of these fibroids. Thanks for the information

Water and Air
Posted by Apple (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 12/12/2009

My uterine fibroid is now 13cm. No diet change, organic food, detox, enzymes pills, TCM per se helped. Last week, I started myself with qi gong and reflexology to tackle stagnation of chi in uterus. I'll allow myself 3 months to gauge results. Hope when I next write in, I'd report good results... BTW, I love this great site for sharing so generously! I am also drinking ACV regularly, and BSM helped with my monthly pain. Thank you so much!

Water and Air
Posted by Apple (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 04/16/2010

Been 4 months since I've tried qi gong (on and off basis due to hectic work schedule). I find it is helpful in minimizing monthly pain. Had I been more consistent, I believe the improvement would be very much more better. As long as there is very little discomfort each month, I do not care very much if the fibroid is still there. The bulge in my tummy is not really apparent.

Water and Air
Posted by Nigerian Girl (Lagos, Nigeria) on 06/17/2010

Hey there,

Glad to hear all this. I am 29, getting married next month and just recently diagnosed with a 5cm fibroid. I had no heavy periods over the years but just started having major cramps on my right side which took me to the doctor, had an ultra scan done, found out that there was a little cyst on my right ovary and this fibroid. Please, what specific fruits and veggies should I be eating?

Water and Air
Posted by Simi (Fremont, Ca) on 03/08/2011

My concern right now is am in the process of IVF.... Since doctor had prescribed estrogen pills for this cycle... They have scanned today a fibroid in my uterus muscle... he says its not so big but I want to take care of it naturally if there is a way.

My question is Can I take blackstrap molasses when my embryo is getting implanted and when I get pregnant to cure this fibroid. Can I take apple cider vinegar everyday twice... IF so what would the dosage be.... Past period was really really painful like hell I didnt want to take painkillers as it would only harm my body.... Am getting totally stressed with this issue...... I really want some natural cure.... Thats why I was browsing and came across this wonderful thread.... If I can take all this alongside my pregnancy it woud be really great but am not sure..... Pls advise..... as I dnnow if my Doctor can answer this qs.

thanks ladies, Sona

Water and Air
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/09/2011

I took BSM during pregnancies with no ill effects. 1 tblsp a day in hot water with ACV, the advice is to start with a tiny dosage. Maybe 1/2 tsp. Or less, once a day, and after a few days, twice a day. but I am wary of going over that amount even not during pregnancy.

Water and Air
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 03/09/2011

Hi Simi, I don't like to say what you can take when you are pregnant because it is a very unknown area for most things, but black strap molasses and apple cider vinegar are both kitchen remedies and I would suggest using them lightly, maybe a teaspoon of BSM a day and a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in water per day. That would be keeping well within what could possibly be in a recipe for cake for example and you would be able to eat cake. (I wouldn't haha! ) Hope this makes sense. Cheers and good luck, Lily.

Water and Air
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/09/2011

oops. missing a period before "with acv" meaning that with ACV, I am more wary.

Water and Air
Posted by Mary (Lagos) on 11/23/2012

Hello, I have read so much about your formula and would love to give it a trial. I have been diagonised with fibriods (4) in my uterus and womb and would seriously want to get rid of them. Kindly guide me on how to use the Apple Cider Vinger ans Baking Soda components to achieve the best results. Thank you. Mary

Water and Air
Posted by Jazz (Se) on 09/06/2020

Hi - did you ever dissolve all of your fibroids?

Water and Air
Posted by Anna Anna (A) on 10/02/2020

What is water and air? Is that some type of medicine to shrink fibroids?

EC: No, the poster from 2008 is referring to breathing exercises and hydration!

General Feedback
Posted by Mya (Los Angeles, USA) on 09/29/2008

I passed out and hit my head on the bed, because I lost so much blood. I went to the hospital in an ambulance. My doctor did a new procedure and a DNC. There was a girl there who was 16 years old who had her fibroids removed, how is this possible? I was so scared, but I came through, by the grace of God. I tried all of it and it didn't work.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Adaku (London, United Kingdom) on 08/26/2008

re: excessive and prolonged peroids. I have been trying the black strap molasses for almost 2 weeks it made my period worse. i have fibroids and exceesive bleeding every month and its difficult cause im trying for a baby pleas help i have prolonged periods.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Genuine (London, England) on 11/16/2011

If like YEA has shares in BSM as she seems to be the only one saying how good it is. I have used it and it doesn't work, it's like eating sugar. I would really appreciate it if anyone had some genuine remedies as I am also suffering. I have had embolisation but this was unnsuccesful.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ntianu (London, Uk) on 12/08/2011

Hi. I am battling with fibroids too. I found out taking seven seas oil reduces blood cloth and heavy bleeding. For those who are unsure about blackstrap molasses. They increase your energy level because of the sugar content and they are also good as a source of iron. I felt better after taking blackstrap molasses in terms of energy levels, I still take it now and again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eva (Sydney, Australia) on 05/03/2009

Hi, Can you tell me if you only used ACV or added anything else like lemon or baking soda. If you used ACV only how many times did you take per day and in what quantity. I am booked in for an operation in June for fibroids and would like to try it out. I dont want to lose my uterus as I dont have any kids yet.
