Natural Cures for Bloating and Fluid Retention

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laurie (Flora, Il, Us) on 06/13/2010


I read how acv helps with weight loss so I took one tbl in a glass of water. This was vinegar from the grocery store. I noticed a feeling in my stomach I can never remember having in my life. Ive always had a weight problem and never feel full unless I stuff myself. Anyway my stomach felt satisfied and I hadn't eaten for hours. I knew it was because of the vinegar so I searched on the net and found that asv gives a feeling of satiety (feeling you get when you're full). I also read to drink acv that has not been processed which is what you get at the grocery, so I found a site that sells it with the "mother" still in it (read on the net what that is). I have had an extreme problem with swelling in my legs, stomach and hands for yrs and yrs. It has been my life. Anyway, I started drinking 3 tbls in a glass of water before meals. I could only eat twice a day because I felt full for hours and hours!! wonderful!! After a few days I had to get up repeatedly at night to urinate and I would go a gallon each time it seemed. I didn't even know I could hold that much. And my legs and feet swelled beyond belief. I did some research and figured I was detoxifying so I toughed it out and after about a week all the swelling went out of my legs, feet and hands and my stomach went down...I was astonished! And it did not come back until I went on a medication that upset my stomach so bad I couldn't drink the acv for 10 days. After a few days the hunger came back and after about 10 days so did the swelling. I'm now off the medication and back on the vinegar as of yesterday, and will let you know the outcome.

Oh yes, I also have a real bad problem with exhaling when I recline to do breathing relaxation exercises my doctor has me do for stress. It has made me miserable....Well guess what. After taking the vinegar a few days I could breath out normally!! And like the water retention and hunger returning after going off the acv, the trouble with breathing came back too... amazing.
