Effective Natural Remedies for Gallstone Relief and Prevention

Posted by Midge (Greensburg, PA ) on 12/12/2008

My mom told me to take Hydranga ..I got it in a pill form at a nearby health food store...I took it for a couple months and no more gall stones..I can eat alot of things that I never could before.

Yi Dan
Posted by Blessed (Atlanta, GA) on 09/29/2008

i have been diagnosed with gallstones this past may of '07. i couldnt believe this is what was causing my nasuea and pain. i landed on this site looking for a remedy for another health issue i was having and decided to share my gallstone cure with everyone. i started off trying to obtain gallcleanse which i heard was the miracle drug out there. all natural, safe, doctor approved (can find it online but sold out every where) but my order has been on back order so long i tried Yi Dan instead (also found online). its 3 tablets 2x a day so i take them in the am and pm when i wake and sleep. no more pain. im going back for an ultrasound but i can almost guarantee there will NOT be any stones in my gallbladder! i can just feel it!!! Gallcleanse or Yi Dan are your best bet!!! good luck!

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
Posted by Elisha (Manila, Philippines) on 06/27/2008

I was diagnosed with "Focal Caliectasia" in my right kidney via ultra sound 4 years ago. Per doctor's recommendation, I need to undergo further IV xray which I did not follow because of fear. I just leave it as is.

After reading EarthClinic several times, I decided to take 2oz of olive oil and 2oz of lemon juice and followed by 500 ml of water for the kidney cleanse regimen two weeks ago. I'm not aware if anything came out when I urinate but one thing for sure when I have my bowel movement I saw something floated. I took the same regimen last night and again something floated. This time, I used chopstick to pick them one by one and I was surprised to see green gallstones.

I did not take any apple juice nor epson salt. I took my normal breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Breakfast - Old Fashion Oats with walnuts and almonds, Soy Coffee and Strawberry Jam Sandwich
Lunch - 1/4 Roast Chicken (Remove the skin) with one cup of White Rice and kelp with tofu soup
Snacks - Cinnamon Sweet Potato Crisps and Tien Chi Flower Tea
Dinner - Steamed sliced Lapu-lapu (grouper fish in the Philippines) with 1/2 cup Brown Rice and stir fry mustard with ground ginger & few drops of sesame oil.

I guess it all depends on the condition of your body that's why these gallstone came out with 2oz of olive oil and 2oz of freshly squeeze lemon juice.

EC: Read all about the olive oil and lemon juice remedy here.

Lemon, Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Cathy (Mason, WV) on 05/17/2008

Gallstone Issues: You can try the juice of 1 lemon in an 8oz.glass of water on an empty stomach. Do not eat or drink anything for 30 or so minutes and let this sit in your gallbladder. This will help dissolve stones. Do this for a year. Also take about 4 digestive enzymes with each meal. Eat pinnapple with meals or papaya which also have digestive enzymes in them and stay away from fat, sugar, and fried foods. It is hard to change your diet, but it will help tremendously. Eat bananas, and long cooking oatmeal. This helps. Some can't eat the oatmeal. Whatever works for you. Eat more vegatables, baked potatoes, greenbeans, tomatos, carrots,cucumbers, salad, fiber filled fruit, chicken and fish (nothing fried), but especially beets. Ginger is good for digestion. Avacados, coconut, garlic, grapes, plenty of water is good also. No beans, eggs, milk, pork, grapefruit or oranges, icecream, choclate, alcohol, cofffee.If you eat something and your stomach starts bubbling, you know that is something you can't eat.

Drink the lemon water religously and you will get relief. Keep drinking it for a year. There are meds doctors can give to dissolve stones, they don't tell you that. The lemon water will do it.

Try this: take a small rock the size of a quarter, and as thick as you finger and place it in a small glass in the kitchen window and cover it with lemon juice or concentrate you can get in the plastic lemons in the veggie section of the grocer. Cover the rock every day for about 3 months and you will dissolve that rock....Drink lemon water on an empty stomach upon waking and eat or drink nothing for about 30 min. Do this for a year. Drink the same just before going to bed the first week to two weeks of your attack. You will find that a gallbladder attach lasts about 3 to 5 days, but the lemon juice will start to dissolve the stones and the sludge. Take red yeast rice to get your cholesterol down which is the culprit here. Lemon water, red yeast rice and a change in your diet ot remove fat and you will see impovement in the next 3 weeks or so. Include exercise by even just walking, to lower your bad cholesterol also. You can live to eat or eat to live. Your choice. Hope this helps someone.

Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Apple Juice
Posted by Can (Edirne) on 02/06/2006

Mix cinnamon-cloves-ginger and apple juice in a glass and drink it. This will help gallstones remove from the gallbladder.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Baltimore, MD) on 06/22/2006


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Grace (Cairns, Australia) on 01/22/2006

Yes I was suffering awful stabbing pains in the right side of my upper abdomen, I think it might have been a gallstone. However, after taking only one tablespoon of apple cider vineger in some warm water the pain has now gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jody (Westlake, Ohio) on 03/24/2008

I have been having attacks for a little over a year thinking that I had aniety problems. In the last week, I discovered that I have Gall stones and I have had an attack everyday for the last seven days. I tried taking a very hot shower and then a cold shower to shock my system, while the pain subsided nothing seemed to work. I found this site and I happened to have Apple Cider Vinegar handy along with Apple Juice. After I found this site and read the comments others posted, I tried the vinegar with Apple Juice. It has been twenty minutes and the pain is diminishing. I am very happy to land on a temporary relief for the pain. Thank you!

Posted by Ahmed (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) on 10/01/2006

Dry Figs cures Gall Stone and Prostate. If consumed 50 Gms daily, will ease passing urine in 3 days. (It's my personal observation) To clear gall stone, do this 2 months contineously. (I read this in a book and my sister got cured by this as confirmed by before/after ultrsounds) Thanks.

Laser Surgery
Posted by Amela (Southport, USA) on 03/06/2007

After reading a lot of articles about dealing with gallstones in the USA, I found out that a little is mentioned, or not at all, about laser surgery that has been for long time in practice in european countries for removing gallstones. Ask your doctor about it... Also, a very good remedy for lowering or getting rid of a bad cholesterol is a homemade apple vinegar. It tastes like an apple cider, just it's very sour. If you have a chance to come across a book of bosnian homemade remedies, get it! Also, dates are very good fruit for the women who cannot get pregnant.

Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Magnesium
Posted by Mike (Baltimore, Maryland) on 02/04/2008

Ted has a lot of good insights and makes for a very interesting read, but he forgot one important thing regarding Lecithin.

Dandelion root contains more Lecithin than even soy products and also acts as a mild diuretic, but unlike other diuretics, it does not deplete the body of potassium due to the high amount of it found in the plant. Dandelion also contains loads of trace elements and should go a long way in dissolving gallstones as well as improving and increasing bile flow through the gallbladder.

Milk Thistle is also very good for this although to my knowledge, does not contain Lecithin. It reduces cholesterol in bile as well as other beneficial effects on liver/gallbladder health though.

About all this "flush" business that is so obviously fake that it bears mentioning. To say that there are over 2000 stones in your liver and gallbladder is ridiculous considering the size of these organs and appears even more ridiculous when people say this continues to happen over years of doing these flushes. What people should be doing is changing their diets and taking supplements to deal with these things. It's amazing to me that everyone that does this flush seems to report hundreds and thousands of "stones" even though an ultrasound may only show one or two small ones. Whether these flushes actually work or not is debateable since people seem to want to exaggerate the effectiveness. If they worked, there would be nothing to exaggerate and if they really do work, it's a tragedy that those pushing it on other people have to make things up to make it look better than it is when there is no need. It can't possibly be good for someone long term to continue to do this to their bodies.

To anyone wanting to dissolve and/or prevent gallstones, cut back a little on the fatty stuff you eat and do some research on supplements. Dandelion Root, Magnesium, Milk Thistle and even a daily multivitamin is a good place to start. Make a habit of having a glass or two of apple juice a day as the Pectin in apples and apple juice will soften the stones, exercise a little and watch what you eat to a point. If you really want to change, you can do it. If you're looking for an easy way out where you can have your cake and eat it too, you'll fail everytime. Supplements alone won't fix this problem and neither will 100 flushes. You have to make lifestyle changes as well and you have to stick with them.

However, things like constantly checking your pH and constantly monitoring pH of water you drink and all this stuff seems to be a pretty paranoid and stressful kind of life, constantly worrying and all. I don't think I'd ever go that far and eating enough fruits and vegetables should keep you balanced just fine.

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