Natural Remedies for Gas: Effective Solutions for Relief

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 11/20/2007

The best remedy I have found for indigestion, acid regurge, GERD, flatulence is elimination of all bleached flour products in the foods you eat - I find I can eat l00% whole grain bread without problems (usually cures most people's constipation problems also). I don't know what chemicals? are used in the bleaching process, but apparently that is where the problem comes from. However, you must really work at getting bleached flour out of your diet, as many pastas are made with bleached flour, many breads say whole wheat but read the ingredients and you'll find that most start off with bleached flour unless the label reads l00% whole grain. Most gravies, dips, sauces, etc. use the cheapest source of thickening agent - bleached flour. So try it and see if it works for you. It's nice having a "cast iron stomach" which has no problems with cayenne pepper, jalapeno peppers, and all that spicy stuff I used to blame my stomach problems on before I lucked up and stumbled upon the real cause of them.

Posted by T.S.Rajah (Wimledon, UK) on 12/07/2007

Fenugreek's leafy form belongs to the spinach family. However, its seeds are useful when cooking to combat the flatulence caused by certain foods, such as lentils and cauliflower. Its anti-viral properties mean it also helps against sore throat and mouth ulcers. Historically, fenugreek has been used to treat diabetes and is now thought to reduce blood pressure.

Ground Ginger
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn.) on 12/11/2007

To people who are troubled with flatulence (gas) you may find ginger easier to find than fenugreek seeds -just add 1/4 tsp. of ground ginger to your pot of beans, cabbage,etc. -changes taste little or none.

Psyllium or Flax Seed
Posted by Jake (Chicago, Il) on 01/08/2008

Psyllium or Flax Seed for Gas

whipple operation for duodenal cancer, psyllium, and flax seed meal. After my cancer operation in 1991 I suffered terrible flatulence - gas in both directions. It was a difficult time for several years - my doctors prescribed pancreatic enzymes that were useless.

Eventually I realized because of the removal of my duodenum, digestion of oils and fats especially was impeded. I was better avoiding all oils and fats, but that was not a long term solution. My triglycerides were elevated and I was slowly depleting my essential oils and drying out based on my skin condition. Adding back essential oils (flax mixture) brought my tryglicerides back to normal in the first week but my original gaseous problems were still there.

Eventually, after 10 years or so, I discovered psyllium seed that cured the condition entirely when I added it mixed in water before major meals - or before oily or in some cases even when I indulged in pig-out foods. My movements still were not perfect and recently, only the last 5 months or so I discovered flax seed meal or powder is even better - not quite as course in elimination and adding substantially more vitamins and nutrients as I understand it.

Either of course would be a life saver for anyone else out there who's an outcast because of runaway flatulence.

Fennel Seeds
Posted by Cendra (Flint, USA) on 01/11/2008

I use Fennel Seed for gas. I'm lactose intolerant so after eating ice cream or the likes I pop a fennel seed capsule & it stops the gas. You can also purchase the seeds instead of the capsules. They taste like black licorice which isn't my favorite so I bought the capsules. Fennel seeds are commonly used in India to freshen breath & aid in digestion.

Coca Cola
Posted by John (Solon, Ohio) on 02/10/2008

I had major gas in my stomach for days and I couldn't get it out. I remember seeing the movie Doc Hollywood with Michael J Fox and they cured a little boy with a bottle of Coca Cola. So I tried it and it worked. If you ever have gas building up your stomach drink a coke.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Sharon (Santa Fe, NM) on 03/04/2008

After menopause, I seemed to be bloated in my midsection most of the time. My lower stomach was puffy most of the time. I'm a thin person, and thought this was weight gain due to menopause & quitting smoking. One day I took 2 activated charcoal capsules for gas, and I ended up spending a lot of time in the bathroom that day. By that evening, I realized that my stomach was flat again! I figured that the charcoal had detoxified my system!! I will continue to take the charcoal once or twice weekly now. I am extremely happy with the results!!

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