Hangover Cure Drink | Hangover Remedies

Posted by Nog (Australia) on 12/15/2013

Never posted here before but took 6 grams before drinking and again before bed, had a 15 hour drinking session, 6 hours sleep then went for a run and got back on it again. A Night out usually wrecks the next few days for me but not anymore this stuff is gold

Posted by Shannon (Ottawa, On) on 05/12/2012

Chlorella works wonders for hangovers. What I do is take 3 grams (1 tsp powdered chlorella, can be found at any natural food store) in a smoothie before a night out drinking, then 3 grams before bed. Make sure to get "broken cell wall" chlorella. This ensures easier digestability and absorbtion. If you forget to take it the night before, you can also try 3-6 grams the next morning. It won't work as well but will definitely improve your hangover. I get the WORST hangovers ever, and this is the ONLY remedy that has ever worked for me!
