Effective Natural Headache Remedies: Holistic Relief

Gas Leak Cause
Posted by Maria (Phoenix, Az) on 03/24/2011

Leaking gas in a home is a common cause of headaches, though it's not well known. Hulda Clark talks about it in her book: Cure for all Diseases. I was very sick for years, with Chronic Fatigue and constant headaches. Finally I bought myself a gas detector ($150 on Amazon), and discovered that the water heater was leaking propane, and had been for a long time. When the water heater was replaced, my headaches disappeared within days, and my energy increased dramatically! Propane and Natural Gas can make you very sick, but the big gas companies don't want you to know about it! Check out gasleak.org for another story about a family who were very ill because of leaking gas.

Then I moved, and began to have headaches again. My gas leak detector quickly identified the gas kitchen range as the source of a leak. Again, after turning off the gas to the stove, my headaches quickly went away. Chemical sensitivities also cause headaches, for example: strong smelling cleaners, air freshners, and insect sprays. By the way, 100% of my friends and family's houses that I checked with the detector also had gas leaks somewhere in the home!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Catscradle123 (Shanghai, China) on 10/11/2012

Had a massive migraine/ headache all day yesterday. I drank 8 oz with 2 tbsp of ACV and it didnt help. I thought I was dehydrated so I drank a ton of water and coconut water too. Nothing worked! I decided to massage the oil of oregano onto my temples and placed a drop of it under my tongue. It was like magic!! Gone in a few minutes!! Thank you so much for your recommendation!!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Kathlee (Vancouver, Canada) on 10/23/2011

My gosh! That's the best laugh I've had in a long time! (I'm sorry to laugh at your calamity but you did put a smile on my face. Thank you! Hugs

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jparadiseoneluv (Decatur, Ga, United States) on 09/27/2012

LMAO!!!! Classic! It works for me. I swear by the stuff. I drink it in water 3 times a day. For a headache I mix one half teaspoon neem powder, one teaspoon moringa powder and a quarter teaspoon organic cayenne in about three ounces of water. Drink staright down then sip water afterwards to dilute in your belly. The neem brings down your blood sugar and blood pressure as the moringa and cayenne also do. I love it!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Organicfarmer (West Virginia) on 05/25/2016

Laughter is the best medicine. The first time I tried cayenne I was pretty shocked with the firey punch, and I only put a 1/4 teaspoon in 8oz water and applied with a qtip. I could feel the pain of your directly applied mega dose! I am trying ACV right this minute on a bad one and I can say that ACV mixed with belly laughter (and earlier homeopathic nux v) seems to be easing the pain behind my right eye radiating from my right shoulder.

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Ohfaithful (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 10/13/2009


I often use earthclinic to cure common family ills. Tonight my dd and I had headaches so I logged on because I forgot what we used the last time, which was ACV and that worked! However, she did not want the ACV so I found a post where they used coconut oil because the brain is made of fat!

Instead, I used Cod Liver Oil, 1 tsp., and she drank OJ with hers. Both of our headaches went away and we both had them prior for hours!

Thanks again!

Feet in Hot Water
Posted by Kathy (Sherman, Texas) on 06/04/2009


Feet in Hot Water
Posted by Kelsie (Pickering, On, Canada) on 05/09/2012

Hello, Woke up with a terrible headache this morning. Checked the EC site for some ideas and came across the 'Feet in hot water' post. Took my normal dose of ACV (1-2 tsp in Apple Juice), and then ran the bath and soaked my feet for about 5 minutes. My headache is not completely gone, but its much, much better and is still continuing to go away!

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Amber (Portland, Oregon) on 03/27/2009

I've been using Hyland's homeopathic Headache remedy for the past year, and it's worked wonders on almost every headache I've had in that time. I will be pursuing even more simplistic remedies for headaches as well as prevention that I see listed on this site, but I believe that Homeopathics are natural and 'folk' remedies for the most part. They are a useful compliment to herbs, vitamins, and other natural healing methods. And they are also very convenient to take in a purse or when traveling.

Posted by Carmel (London, England) on 10/02/2012

Maybe the reason the apple helped is because it is one of the main carriers of quercetin, which helps to stop inflammation and inflammation is often the cause of headaches. Other foods which help a lot with inflammation are onions - red are best - blackberries - brocolli, cranberry juice, spinach, cherry tomatoes (they are better because it is ther skins that help) lettuce. Red vein leaves, sweet potato, citrus fruits, grapes (black are best), oats, whole grains and seeds. Headaches can be caused by inflammation and it can be temporal arteritis adn many people mistake it for sinusitis. I kept taking steroids and anti biotics for headaches which I was told and assumed were caused by sinusitis yet whenever I stopped taking the steroids it was just as bad as before. I now have changed my diet and I also take herbs etc to help with the inflammation. Apart from the headaches it can cause confusion, bad memory (after all it is about blood flow around the brain) and if it gets really bad and is not treated it can cause a stroke.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jack (Toledo, ohio, USA) on 04/01/2007

I've read over the different headache remedies and especially the one from Stascee from Rexburg Id. Hers is "VERY TYPICAL" of the many many people who I gave the Canynne Pepper to and told them how to to it, Just a week or so ago I told the cashier at my my bank how to do it and later she told me, "My husband thought I was nuts" but in 5 minutes my pain was gone "So how cares what he thinks"!...God Bless all.....

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Stacee (Rexburg, ID) on 01/17/2007

Wow! This works so well! I have spent the last 4 days in be with strep that even antibiotics hadn't seemed to help. I was taking everything I could think of to make it go away. My throat remained swollen and painful. After not being able to crawl out of bed for 4 days I drug myself to the computer and found this site. I tried your cayenne pepper remedy and it was instant relief! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I can actually swallow now with out feeling like my head will explode. After not getting any sleep because of the pain I am looking forward to getting a full night of sleep. Thanks again for the great cure! PS the cayenne also worked on the migraine that I have had along with the strep, so I had 2 cures for the price of one!

Lemons or Limes With Salt and Pepper
Posted by Anj (London, UK) on 09/21/2006

Cut a lemon or /lime into halves or slices, sprinkle about 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of salt and same amount of black pepper. roast/ oven bake/direct on gas fire/ barbecue/ cover it and microwave for 40 seconds, salt and pepper side on top till bubbly juice comes out. Let it cool down but don't let it go completely cold, it should be hot. Suck with the pulp direct from the lemon slices/halves as the peel has secreted some juices that you need. Same method can be used with sour oranges or tangerines.

This recipe came from my mum who used it on all her kids as natural alternative which would not give any side effect, to cure headaches, migraines, cough and colds, flu, as well as when someone feels sick as if they want to vomit. This is a ideal alternative medicine for diabetics and ideal for everyone as you don't have to go shopping, everything you'll have in your home when you have any of these problems. All of us brothers and sisters have been using this all these years, may be it might help someone who wants to try natural alternatives which would not give them any side effects especially if they are diabetics.

Cold Showers
Posted by SP (NYC) on 09/11/2006

Cold water shower is simply amazing. I tried it today after reading the comments here. First few minutes I was shivering to death. I actually thought of turning the hot water. But I then after few minutes my body temperature got well adjusted to the cold water. It felt so good. I went in with a headache and came out so fresh and renewed. Thanks!

Raw Potatoes
Posted by Katie (Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio)

Cut a potato into 4 pieces, place 2 in the center of your forehead and two at your temple (Hold the ones at your temples in place). Lay down in a dark room and close your eyes. It takes a while to work but it takes away the throbbing. Something in the potato has a pain reducer. It sounds crazy (I thought my mom was a loony) but it works when you try it.

Raw Potatoes
Posted by Nare (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/05/2012

This is SO funny because my mom told me this same remedy and I thought "momma you crazy! " but it works :D

Raw Potatoes
Posted by Yadi (Nj) on 06/22/2015

It actually works. My mom used to do it all the time for me when I suffered from severe migraines.

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 07/04/2019

Menthol for Occipital Headaches

I have had trouble with headaches for a long time. I realized a few months ago that they are likely occipital headaches. They begin at the base of my neck and radiate through my head to the back of my eyes. I even had an electric shock pain in my neck one day that helped me hone in on the connection to my occipital nerve. My chiropractor uses menthol on my neck and back when she works on me. I decided to try that at home.

Stopain, which I can get in the pain section at Stuffmart, has 8% menthol. I get it in a roll on bottle. I keep one in my purse and one at home. I apply it to the base of my skull and along my spine at the first inkling of pain and repeat every few hours. This has worked better than anything I have ever tried.

I am seeing an orthogonal chiropractor next week for the first time, hoping to get to the root of the issue. Meanwhile, this menthol roll on is awesome. It is also soothing for my foot/ankle when it flares up with pain from a break/sprain over the winter.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Tina (Princeton, New Jersey) on 12/10/2015

Dear Mama to Many,

Over the years I have grown to recognize the first symptom of a sinus build up: a tooth on either side of my jaw, usually the molar, becomes achy. If I attend to it promptly by making up a pan of spicy tomato broth and sipping it at intervals, it helps the sinus drain within an hour. I am so glad you are feeling better.

Posted by Courtney (Texas) on 09/22/2015

I was having these dull headaches for months and pain relievers did not work well. Day after day I'd have a slight headache. I read about sungazing by accident and decided to try it. The first time I tried it I kept my eyes closed in the early morning. Almost immediately I felt this warmth enter my eyes and wash over my brain relieving the headache.

The ecstasy of having a slight headache disappear after months was wonderful. My mood improved and my energy increased as well as my physical strength. Thankfully I've never had glasses but both my parents did at my age and I have slightly better than 20/20 vision. I gaze for about 2 minutes with my eyes open now, but I do skip days if I'm busy. I think everyone should do research into this and consider trying it safely.

Ice Packs
Posted by Anonymous (Ohio) on 09/07/2015

For headaches:

Pure and simple use a ice pack or get a freezer bag and fill is with ice apply to temple or where the headache is head will feel like its freezing remove a few min. and the put back on for half to whole hour.

Drink a little warm green tea in conjunction with this. Hope it helps.

Avoid Gluten
Posted by Jon (Australia) on 03/03/2015

Getting rid of Gluten from our diet stopped the recurring headaches. If some gluten is ingested the headache comes back. Try it for youself by going gluten-free for 2 weeks.

Posted by Mindy (Temple, Pennsylvania, United States) on 02/07/2013

Often if I have a headache, I'll pour a generous amount of lemon juice on a paper towel and dab it or lay it on my forehead. I don't know why, but this usually helps lessen the headache or make it go away completely!

Eliminate Msg
Posted by Mary (St. Petersburg, Florida, USA) on 02/23/2012

Hi Everyone, Last week I wrote in complaining of throbbing headaches and received very helpful responses. The first thing I did was remove MSG from my diet and the headaches ceased literally overnight. I am here to report that I am still HEADACHE FREE.

I went through my kitchen and cleaned out the canned/processed/added-chemical food items. I started shopping at stores where they maintain a meat department that offers fresh items, especially chicken. Frozen chicken has "broth" added. I found that there are very few canned items that are acceptable and without added chemical components. There is even added stuff in the simplest items like cream for the coffee. Why does simple cream need anything added? Did you know that it is illegal to sell "raw" milk or cream here in Florida? So unless you own a cow or goat you have to take what they sell in the stores.

One responder suggested considering an alkaline diet. I find that eliminating processed food items and switching to fresh makes great strides toward alkaline without really trying very hard. I still need to get some pH test strips and see how I am doing.

A big plus for alkalizing and eliminating MSG is that I eat less. I know the MSG makes you crave a particular food and we know MSG is in almost everything. That makes you crave almost everything. I have often wondered why, as a grown adult person, I could not control my food cravings. I thought something was wrong with me. I'm sure others have felt this way too. These last few days of being chemical free have been a real eye opener for me. Grown adult people are well able to control their food habits when they are not being influenced by brain-chemistry altering substances.

OK, and now the bonus points. I am sleeping better. I have been able to go to sleep at night and stay in the bed. That is not my usual. In the past I would always toss and turn, get up and down. Prowl around the house because I couldn't sleep, etc. Etc.. On and on. It is wonderful to be able to lay down and sleep peacefully.

Thanks again to all who responded to my questions.


Breathing Technique
Posted by Mark (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/21/2011

Sometimes solutions can be so simple. All you may need to do to relieve this may be to cup your hand gently over your nose and mouth and breathe gentle slow breaths for a few minutes... If this works you are habitually but mildly hyperventilating. Other times it could be a matter of drinking more water.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Monica (Twinlake, Mi) on 11/14/2011

I'm just reading along... Then bam... That post was hilarious!! ... I must say... But sorry that happened- lol.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by James As Cmmonly Called ;-) (Rugby, Warks) on 11/18/2012

Honestly, Bonnie with the pepper up the nose and cupboard ACTUALLY had me crying with laughter :-D

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jolly (A2 Michigan) on 11/15/2015

Yes Thank you EC and Thank you Bonnie for the laugh - your humor echoing through the years - now 2015! I've been with this head ache for two days and looking for a remedy here on EC. Laughing with your post has helped relieve a big piece of the tension! As others have shared - yes, sorry for your experience, but thank you so much for sharing it in such a humorous and healing way!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Valerie (New York) on 07/18/2018 2 posts

I've never heard anyone suggest SNORTING cayenne pepper for a headache or to clear sinuses, but adding some to any kind of smoothie, juice or tea is a better way to take an ample amount without it burning or creating a queezy feeling in your tummy. Many people get results with cayenne hot sauce or powdered cayenne, but clear liquid cayenne tincture is nicer to add to something you're going to drink, then shake or stir well. Start with the smallest recommendation, diluted in order not to burn, then gradually increase if necessary, to test efficacy for headaches or sinus conditions.

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