Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Natural Remedies

Top Remedies for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kim (Ohio) on 05/28/2020

My son was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) last year, he's 15.

After 3 different kinds of antibiotics, it kept coming back. It started at both his underarms and then his private area. I've been reading up on this and trying to find some relief for him. I bought turmeric pills, the high strength with at least 95% curcumin, he's taking zinc, vitamin D3 and flax seed oil. His boils drain often after a flare up. It's been a couple months taking turmeric, the boils are still there. I read up on nightshades food and took him off a certain food.

What we discovered is he can't have pizza sauce, any sauce with tomatoes in it. Then we discovered he can't have potatoes, just sweet potatoes which he doesn't like. Sugar, like in soda is another item he must avoid. I hate to see him suffer daily and having to do so much maintenance for his boils. I bought the 15 umf manuka honey to apply to the boils. It helps but it didn't totally go away. I spent $65 on a 8oz bottle of the 20 umf manuka honey and the boils are still there. When the boil drained, there is a piece of tissue hanging, gross, I know but the manuka honey helps it shrink back and close the opening, it took about a week.

I am running out of resources, I wish he could have 1 of the successful story I read from people here. We've been battling this for a year with no relief. Does anyone have something else I can try?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 05/29/2020

This might give you some insights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkM6uPVY0P and this is very informative about how antibiotics make things worse http://www.health-science-spirit.com/cold.htm

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 05/29/2020

that first link is not opening...this is what I tried to post there: https://youtu.be/DkM6uPVY0PI

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 05/29/2020

This is from old version with Ted on your topic https://ted.earthclinic.com/cures/hidradenitis_suppurativa.html

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 05/29/2020

Dear Kim,

Wow, you are doing lots of great things for your son and learning more and more as you go on. Its hard to see our kids suffer! A couple of things that come to mind... Is he getting enough sleep? Most teenage boys need more sleep than they get. My daughter's fiancé gets mouth sores when he doesn't sleep enough. (And he does shift work, so that happens a lot.) We did get him some multivitamins (NOW Adam multivitamins) and that also seems to help. It isn't the same issue as your son, but I think low immune function and lack of sleep are easily overlooked sources of reoccurring health difficulties. I agree that colloidal silver may be helpful. We use a colloidal silver gel made by Nature's Sunshine that works for many things! (We get it from Amazon.) Finally, nettle isn't specifically recommended for infections, but I find it to be helpful for chronic heath problems in my family, especially my children. I give a couple of the capsules a day. I hope you find something to solve this for him once and for all!

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alan (Mexico) on 05/29/2020

Coffee enemas help release toxins from the liver ... Plus two limes or three with a BIG glass of water and apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp every day before breakfast. And before the coffee enema (that should be done before breakfast first thing in the morning..), no junk food and mostly raw food during the day...because of the high enzimatic properties ...lots of water.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janet (Indiana) on 05/29/2020

You can also put epsom salt in a bowl of warm to hot water, then take a washcloth, wet in the bowl and keep pitting on the boil. It will shrink it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marcella Jennings (EC's Facebook) on 05/29/2020

Paste of manuka honey and powdered turmeric applied as poultice twice daily and all night plus colloidal silver nasal spray cleared my friend in days. I believe it's like MRSA and colonizes in the nose.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Melanie M. (EC's Facebook) on 05/29/2020

Hoping you have already eliminated wheat. I had terrible boils in my scalp that stopped when I quit eating wheat.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen Martinez (EC's Facebook) on 05/29/2020

I remember reading somewhere about people who got those pinned it to eating ice cream. Google MRSA caused by ice cream.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amber (Hudson valley, NY) on 04/15/2023

I just read here Borax for HS. My husband has it, and I'll be trying Borax.

Posted by Josh (South Bend, IN) on 11/07/2022

Hi Elaine. I found this post because I had a hunch that DMSO combined with something (like Aloe or Tea Tree Oil) would help get rid of HS. My daughter has been struggling with a few sores for a while now and I'm just now finding out about it and want to give her something that will help get rid of it. How is the DMSO/Aloe working for you? Are you still have sores appear? Does this combo still get rid of them? Would love an update if you get the time. Thank you so much!

Posted by victoria (montreal) on 11/19/2022

I use less dmso because my skin is sensitive, I mix half the dose of dmso you use and I see a difference. I will continue for 3 months and update.

Adrenal Gland Flush
Posted by Christa (Texas) on 05/01/2018

I've had a love long struggle with HS, and all good stuff here, to help remedy this painful incurable ailment.

I'd like to add, the ladies at my local health food store recommended an adrenaline gland flush, I used a capsule form, every two weeks. It was amazing. Since HS only happens in the skin near these glands, there is some kind between the two.

All natural, no bad side effects, except for... Ladies, um, overproduction of vaginal moisture which, let's be honest, isn't the worst thing in the world.

I'm on a mission to find a cure, but in the meantime... Let's stick together and help each other suffer less.

There is so little research on this, and many dermatologists are stumped, because it does not behave like a skin condition. This is why I strongly feel that the skin is just a symptom, and rather HS is actually a SYSTEMIC condition.

With that, I just want to add that though it may seem like pressure would be relieved if you try to manually open the bump or boil... this does not help, it actually makes it worse, by allowing foreign bacteria into the sight, causing for a prolonged infection.

Good luck everyone!

Neem Leaf Oil
Posted by Jane (Linn Missouri) on 05/02/2024

Is this an oil you put on your skin or a pill form?

Neem Leaf Oil
Posted by Jane (Linn Missouri ) on 05/04/2024

Is this in pill form or topical oil form? How is neem oil used?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jess, 19. (Sydney, Australia) on 04/24/2017

Since I was about 13 I started badly suffering from Hidradenitis. I get it in my groin, only in 2 spots however. After extreme pain every day and attempting what I thought was every natural remedy and antibiotic, I realised that my flare ups were merely due to stress and hormones. At age 17 I got surgery to remove the 2 bad cysts. STAPH was found in the wounds and months later, the condition was back and worse. Things I began to realise were that when I was on my period, it got a whole lot worse.

When I am stressed, the pain often rises to a 9-10/10 every moment of the day.
However, I have started to take a few herbs and change a few things up.
- Ginseng ( Relives stress)
- Turmeric capsules (Anti-inflammatory)
- Baking soda and tea tree oil baths 1-2 times a day.
- Anti-bacterial soap.

I also often use Bactroban (prescription) directly to the wound, however I have not found this to help any more than tea-tree oil.

I used to be so self conscious of my body and what people would think of the cysts if they were to see them, now, more than anything I just want the pain to go. If you receive nerve pain (I do all down my legs) this is very normal. Epsom salt baths do help a little bit.

Something I found was that trying to squeeze the cysts or pop them myself was a bad idea, though, sometimes when the pressure is soo terrible, it will be a way to relieve pain. You MUST ensure that the needle or pin you use is one-use only and completely sterile, though, if you have a nurse or doctor who can assist you I would ask for help as you do not want to increase scaring by hitting the wrong area.

As of last week I began to cut out Added sugars, grains, gluten, red peppers, red meat and dairy which seemly does help after about a week. Though you really do need to stick to this. At this point I have been to around 15 doctors and specialists for the issue, no one with a cure of course. But all I can really say here is if you have any way to reduce stress and maintain a happy wellbeing, do try. Meditation works for some, more sleep, exercise (Often hard when you are in pain) and eating well all contribute directly.

However, I realised that since I went overseas and became sexually in-active it worsened. I have a boyfriend back home and it has been around 4 months, for me, the hormones released during sex with a close partner was my best cure so far. Although it can sometimes be painful, the hormones kick in relatively quick and really do help. Though, 'Helping myself out' does not actually do anything for me in terms of pain relief or release of such hormones. For me, when progesterone and oestrogen levels are slightly higher (When ovulating) I am at my best. Taking a contraceptive pill did help but, only when you are on the active pills.

Good luck, please do let me know if you have any natural cures or thoughts towards this. Also, if you know any good herbs for hormone regulation I would love to hear!

Best of wishes,

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Christina (Raleigh, Nc) on 06/21/2017

Do you just apply the tea tree oil directly to the boil?

Avocado Bark Tea
Posted by Amanda (Texas) on 08/24/2017


Since you started doing the avocado bark, have you had any breakouts?

Ginger or Aloe Poultice
Posted by Mai (Phoenix) on 08/14/2016

I have had HS for about 12 years now. I have had over 20 surgeries. Doctors have cut the areas open and let them heal by themselves, took out my sweat glands under both armpits and even did skin graphs on areas they could do(In these areas I no longer have problems, bad scars yes, but I'll take it) .

Well, I cannot go in every time it pops up and I am in pain, so what I do is juice ginger and put it on the area with some gauze or sometimes I put aloe, I like to switch them off. Both of those help to pull out the disease and open by itself. This really helps a lot!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Rene (Nc) on 04/11/2016

WOW! This site is nothing short of amazing. Every post I come across is very helpful for I too suffer from HS. I actually just found out the correct name. I've had these ''boils'' since I was a freshman in high school which started as one within my inner thigh. My DR said it was due to wearing ''tight jeans'' and then diagnosed it as MRSA since I was hospitalized a lot as a kid for asthma. As I got older, it spread to in between my breast, under my arms and ALL on my bikini area and inner thighs. I went to every DR I could but still no regime that worked. I now take nothing but an occasional pain pill. I use antibacterial soap and no perfumes. I'm depressed because I'm in pain 90% of the day. Certain pain pills and antibiotics aren't strong enough and it makes me very self conscience to even have a love life. I have tried everything under the sun but JUST came across Turmeric and tea tree oil. I bought it this weekend and will be trying today. Thank you guys so much!

Posted by Kim (Ma) on 03/07/2016

I was recently diagnosed, after 10 years, with HS and was somewhat relieved that their was a name for what I've been dealing with. I have been on & off cephalaxen (keflex) for about 10 years. Had several expressed and have been hospitalized twice. The keflex was the only antibiotic that seemed to work. After being on it consistently for 2+ years I was concerned about what that was doing to my body on a daily basis. Now I tend to go on it as needed. Ironically I just had the worst issue in my left armpit last Monday & needed Iv antibiotics for the past several days. Today I graduated to keflex 4x/ day for 7 days. Easier to manage as a wife and working mom. Two months ago I started with accutane for cystic acne along my jawline. While the drug came with many concerns and hoops to jump through my skin has never looked better! Then, this lump appeared last week & was so painful!! I've been online searching for ANY info that can help me not be in this situation again! I hope this helps you and others & keflex is helpful for you as well!

Burdock Root
Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 04/03/2022

I have HS and I also have low iron. hmmm..Thank you!!

Ocean Water
Posted by Ali (Qatar) on 07/13/2015


My daughter is 23 years old, she complains of HS for 5 years, its painful physically and emotionally, she tried all type of medicine and surgical but no benefit. until she removed all spices of her diet and start swimming in sea, within a month she recovered. but after recovery she went back to take spice in her food and stop going to sea, again started to suffer. I'm not sure what is affect of spice and swimming in sea, but you can try, they make good change.

Posted by Natsuko (Seattle, Washington) on 02/24/2015

I'm wondering if there's something that will lighten up Hidradenitis Suppurativa scars? I take 3 turmeric pills a day and so far, they work great! I don't have huge breakouts anymore, but I have really dark ugly scars. I'm 17 and I'm worried that the scars will affect my future relationships. I have HS around my groin area and behind. Someone please help :(

Posted by Colleen ( Florida) on 05/02/2015

I had pretty bad scars they were purple, blue, black and green. They were there for years, I read somewhere about taking a supplement of flax/fish/borage seed oil daily would help. I figured it couldn't hurt. One day about 4-6 months later I passed by the mirror and relized they were gone. I hope it works for you. Also avoid sugar and processed foods.

Top Remedies Summary
Posted by Sarah (California, US) on 12/15/2014

Hello Everyone! I am 25 years old and my first flare up of Hidradenitis Suppurativa happened when I was 10 years old. Doctors were surprised it happened even before puberty. There is a number of family members with the same condition; however, every single one of them dealt with it privately and didn't offer help. Didn't help that we are all very distant from one another. This site has provided so much advice and natural remedies that I had not thought of. I wish I had some tricks up my sleeve as far as treatment but I do not.

The only thing I can share that helped me through high school was exercise; I had only one flare up from the age of 14 to 18 and I believe that's because I was crazy active in high school. That and my doctor recommended to not wear underwear at night- no bra and no panties, and that proved very helpful. Once I went to college and my activity level dropped, however, by sophomore year I had HS in my underarms. I am at a point where I have to change my lifestyle; I have graduated college and starting a great career. I have found a wonderful partner who knows about HS and is very supportive.

I have flare ups at least once a month, I have scars and I can not wear tank tops anymore- or short shorts for that matter. I have been to the emergency room with a bump as big as a golf ball; I have tried medication that never helped; I have had surgery on the groin area at the age of 14. I sometimes do get bumps on my buttocks- that is a new development. I did experience loneliness and isolation to some degree. But I am so very happy to have found this community, to see how big this disease is and to know that I am not alone. I will be definitely trying the Turmeric pills and tea as well as a Paleo diet for starters and go from there. I just wanted to share my experiences in hopes that someone can relate and see that, well, there's nowhere else to go but forward.

Warm hugs to everyone reading.

Eating Dinner Earlier
Posted by Ash (Charlotte, Nc) on 06/08/2018

I have very bad flare ups. I'm am going to try this and see if it works for me!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kelly (Albany, NY) on 09/17/2014

Hi - I have had Hidradentis Suppurativa for years but recently (in the last year) under my breasts. Can you tell me what cream your doctor diagnosed? I feel like my other areas are well managed but not this!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chante (Jersey City, NJ) on 10/02/2014

Can you please send me info on the doctor

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jennifer (Pembroke Pines, Fl) on 12/29/2014

What were the names of the meds prescribed that cured you?

Colloidal Silver, Zinc, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denise (Tucson, Arizona) on 06/05/2015

Thank you for sharing your experiences with this chronic condition. My husband had it and neatly list his life to it. One outbreak landed him in an ICU for six months. All three of my children inherited it and living in a sweltering desert, someone is always infected at any given time. Outside of surgery with steroids and antibiotics, we have never found any advice on how we can control and or prevent outbreaks. Thank you. God bless and heal you.

Colloidal Silver, Zinc, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Erica (Oh) on 01/04/2017

I was reading your comment about HS. What is a sulfur cream?

Colloidal Silver, Zinc, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chiquitta (Oh) on 03/27/2018

So you sit in the bleach water?

Yara's HS Treatment Plan
Posted by Mt (Ottawa, Ontario) on 03/23/2014

Look for GAPS diet on you tube (Natasha Campbell). Your friend needs to improve his immune system. He needs a liver detox -look into Dandelion root tea. Apply either smashed garlic, Manuka honey, charcoal or Propolis on the boils.

Yara's HS Treatment Plan
Posted by Mom24 (Kansas) on 07/21/2015

Garlic powder (on peanut toast), antibiotic cream in nose 3x day for at least 7 days, don't share un bleached tub and towels. Grape seed extract diluted and sprayed on boils heals quickest, also good for drying of skin before using suntan lotion or being in humid weather, lose clothes for a couple days after, no synthetics if hot. Hibiscus soap/ tea tree drops in dial soap to clean. Avoid aluminum in lotions and deodorants which keeps moisture trapped. 1 tsp Tumeric in half cup warm milk, mustard let dry on boils or spray w diluted GSE so it doesn't over dry cause skin lightning, which if you need to lighten skin works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eliza (Atlanta,ga) on 11/04/2013

Hello there...

I had a recent outbreak in my genital area (bikini line) from my HS. I was successful in bringing the boil to a head by covering it with a cloth soaked in ACV and it broke the skin on its own (I did not punture or squeeze out the infection/pus). However, after the skin broke and it appeared to have healed over, the boil returned. Again I did the ACV-soaked cloth and it erupted. But this time it left an open sore or "hole" where it initially broke the skin. Now there is a stinging feeling and it seeps a little with yellow pus and slight blood. I am concerned the hole will not heal or close and that it is still leaking slightly and the pain/stingin is off and on. Please help!! The only thing that seems to put my mind at ease is cleaning the area with hydrogen peroxide and covering the area with sterile gauze. What else should I be doing???

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/05/2013

Dear Eliza,

I would try a charcoal poultice over the area. It should help with the pain and also draw out any lingering infection, as well as helping the skin to heal. You will find, "How to Make a Charcoal Poultice" in the index of the Activated Charcoal page her at Earth Clinic. You can use one poultice for overnight and change it a few times during the day.

You can also take turmeric internally. 1 teaspoon twice a day. You can mix it into milk (dairy, almond, rice etc.) or take 4 capsules.

I hope you find relief soon. Please keep us posted on your progress!

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/05/2013

Eliza, read up on turmeric for boils.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gavin (Northland, New Zealand) on 11/07/2013

The extra vigin coconut oil, has been a great stopper for boils.The one that had started to develop just turned into a zit after about five days of application.The stuff just slowly goes into the whole area and kills the bug...well worth a try! .I use it to stop jock rash by applying it once every other day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Arlene ( Bahrain) on 05/12/2015

Put manuka honey UMF 20+ and cover it with an aloe vera antiseptic band aid..

Don't Pop the Cysts
Posted by Claudia (St. Louis, Missouri, Usa) on 05/19/2013


I am trying the Turmeric for the first time and will try to post my results. I have had HS for about 10 years. For those who try to pop the cysts.... Don't. It will make it worse and spread. You can have your doctor lance it and pack it which will be temporary. One thing that gave me temporary relief is a combination of Doxycylcline, Rifampin and Clydamycin lotion. Of course these are not natural, but it will give you relief for long periods of time, while you try the homeopathic remedies. See a good dermatologist to get them. The clyndamycin lotion applied at least twice a day will relieve that infernal itch. You can use it whenever you need to though. Advil at night help me to get the swelling down. I am praying that the turmeric will help me to eliminate the medications. Thanks for all the great postings here!

Omega 3 Oils
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales ) on 04/15/2013

I have excema and Dermatitis From a Cayenne Pepper Cream from my Dr. It had an ALCOHOL BASE in it???? I soaked in an Epsom Salt Bath 1 cup as hot as I could stand, in a bath tub and in 2 days it cleared!!! I submerged my head and body for 20 mins. It also cleared up a problem I had with the skin between my Anus, and Vagina splitting as well. I also used Suedocreamon the split skin. It works every time. If you start to feel tired, or your limbs feel heavy, GET OUT THE BATH!!! Or use half a cup of Epsom Salts.

Omega 3 Oils
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 04/17/2013

You can get a lancer with most diabetes glucose meters. I have a glucose meter - am not diabetic - and mine came with a lancer and 10 (disposable) sterile lancets. Lancet refills are available at most drugstores/pharmacies and can be used in numerous homeo-pathic ways. In my view, this is one of the few useful things they have left at the drugstore/chemist :-)

Omega 3 Oils
Posted by Carol (Illinois) on 03/22/2022

Donna, how much flax oil did you take and how long to notice a difference? What brand?

Omega 3 Oils
Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 08/13/2023

Thank you for sharing!!! I have had HS for over 30 years. I have tried everything under the sun. Im gonna try this. I ordered flaxseed oil gel capsules today!! Wish me luck!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tim (Magnolia Springs, Al) on 04/02/2013

My husband had boils come up everywhere. It happen often. Especially the underarms, face and legs. I started reading about it, and discovered that deodorants cause them, especially around the lymp node area. I switched him to a CRYSTAL DEODORANT STONE. He had one more, and it's been 6 years since he has had one. It worked for him.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 04/02/2013

I've got one one my back in the only place I can't reach it, its been coming and going since last september, so ive been putting a dressing of Extra Virgin Coconut oil on it for the last few days and it really seems to be going off the boil... Forgive the pun. I had one in the crotch I was expecting that to flare up again but since using the EVCO for sweat rash in the area I was pleasantly surprised that it didnt go anywhere. Hence dressing the one on my back... Today I thought I'd try a mixture of a third ACV and coconut oil to my delight the ACV after some mixing disolved into the EVC oil. It didn't sting when it was applied either. I'm changing the dressing every 24 hours (or rather the wife is). Any pus in it seems to have dissapeared so I'll keep the forum posted.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Shannon (Pennsylvania ) on 04/20/2017

Thank Alicia, I never used rubbing alcohol on them before but am trying it now! Seems to have lessen the pain for me and kinda made them smaller. I had thought that maybe the birth control made them worse too so I stopped taking it and I've gotten a lot of them, but at same time when I was on birth control I'd have periods where I'd get a lot of boils or extremely bad ones. So I'm not sure what to believe any more. It took me almost ten years to find out a name to what I had and then when I did found there was no cure! And drs and dermatologist just want to give antibiotics! It sucks and some days it's hard! I haven't found anything to add to maybe making things better for someone out there with it! Just wanted to say thanks for the alcohol idea.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Puja Jain (Hyderabad, India) on 08/21/2017

Hi Alicia,

Since 4 years I have been suffering from HS, it has affected my both the underarms.It is worst in my left hand under arms.I have consulted many doctors regarding this but nobody has given me solution for it.I have taken 4 to 6 steroids injections and still taking antibiotic. Tomorrow I will go through ultrasound of my armpits based on that doctors will decide whether I should go for surgery or not.

Could you please help me out of this situation and can provide me some suggestions?Please advice me on the following questions:

1)should I go for surgery?

2)Do you know any home remedy?IF yes then please share

3) As the wound has opened in my right arms can I use alcohol there..or I can used it once it get closed...and which alcohol did you used(Vodka, Scotch etc)?

This is really urgent please reply as soon as possi

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chiquita Banana (Pacific Nw) on 03/02/2013

Wow - I'm so sorry that you've been through so much with HS. I came down with it in my groin area about 8 years ago after I had invitro fertilization treatments in an attempt to get pregnant. It was only stage 1 then and went away without draining because I took turmeric. Then this past year it came back - just out of the blue - and progressed to stage 2. I took the turmeric again but it didn't seem to be helping quickly enough so after doing lots of research online, I went paleo. And that cleared it up. I was still having a sore on my bottom that kept flaring and then shrinking so I added the turmeric back in and that along with the diet have cleared it all the way up. At least for now. I do think that it's an autoimmune disease. I do not smoke and am not overweight but I do have endometriosis and cystic ovaries, keloid scarring and arthofibrosis of the knee... and I think all are somehow related to the HS and autoimmune in nature. But it's still a mystery to me!! Anyhow, diet helped me tremendously and the turmeric just took it one step further. Good luck to you.

Posted by Claudi0 (Spring Hill, Florida) on 02/19/2013

After reading many of your remedies for underarm boils, I purchased a drawing salve and used it night and day for 4 days. It did not help at all. Next, decided to try colorless iodine. Sat the bottle in the bathroom next to the mirror and every time I went into the bathroom I applied more iodine. Within 24 hours the boil opened and started to drain and finally I was getting the relief I hoped for the pain. I continued using the iodine for the next day as a precaution and I'm happy to report it is totally gone. I've only had one other boil in my lifetime (I'm 66 years old) and that was in the genital area. I wish I had known about the iodine during that episode years ago.

General Feedback
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 01/25/2013

Hi, glad you found us. I have had HS for over 30 years, but it has been under control for the last five because of this site. I take turmeric every day with warm almond milk and a little honey. And if I do something stupid like eat a lot of chocolate and one pops up I also take a neem capsule everyday for a couple of weeks. Neem keeps infection away, and what pops up goes away quickly without becoming a angry boil. Best wishes for your recovery. Sara

Posted by Cynfree2010 (Richmond, Texas) on 12/05/2012


Hi everyone. I am responding to questions about surgery as a treatment for HS. I am 64 years old and first started having outbreaks at age 33 with birth of my son. I went to dermatologists who would prescribe antibiotics and would lance the more serious boils as needed. As time went on the outbreaks became more severe and started to destroy the tissue under my arms leaving gaping holes that never closed up.

In 2001 I went to the dermatology dept at the va hospital in Houston and was told that I needed to see a general surgeon and was referred to that dept at the va. The Houston VA is a teaching hospital so doctors are trained there and only have short periods of residency before they move on to their final destinations in their practices. I was very lucky and had a very skilled surgeon who removed the sweat glands from under both my arms and improved the looks and health of the tissue under both my arms. The scarring from the surgery was minimal but it did take a couple of months to heal completely. The surgery was a complete success and I have not had any outbreaks since in that area.

Unfortunately, the outbreaks then started in groin and buttocks within about 4 years and I am now having the same problem in those areas as I did with my armpits. I tried to seek out another surgeon since the one who did my surgery under my arms in now in another part of the country. I have been told that they no longer use the surgery as a treatment and that I needed to take 2-3 baths daily with epsom salts and that this is the only approved treatment now and that I just needed to learn to live with it. They went on to say that surgery in the groin area an buttocks would be impossible as there are too many sweat glands and that they couldn't successfully get to them all. I feel like most of the "surgeons" I spoke to just didn't want to deal with the disease and were disgusted by it and believed that my cleanliness was the reason I had such a problem.

I had pretty much given up all hope when this week I decided to see if anything new had been discovered as a treatment for HS when I found your website. I am compiling a list of everything I have found here and intend to try everything until I get some relief. Any improvement would be appreciated whether I find a cure or not. The one thing I know is that Epsom salts does not work even if you spend the day in the bathtub. I thank God that I have found this website and pray to God that I find even a little relief. Thank you for being here. Cynthia in Richmond Tx.

Posted by Candy (Fort Madison, Ia) on 12/05/2012

suggest you look into living clay. hope this helps.

Posted by Ginger (Calif) on 11/30/2016

My mother had HS as a young woman. Back then they actually removed her glands. This was a permanent solution. Now I have HS and they don't remove the glands, which I believe is "the cure".

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Danni (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 03/29/2013

Giving Tea Tree Oil a chance...

Dealing with what I think appears to be HS?

Background...Its my first Outbreak and it began 1 week ago. I have 4 sores that look like described text book symptoms of HS under my breast. So painful. Began very suddenly. I am being treated by my GP for what he calls a bacterial infection from a yeast infection. Makes no sense to me? I have a a compromised immune system from drugs (Remicade) for Anklousing Spondilitis (a "Spondyloarthropathy Autoimmune disorder - under the same diseases as Crohns, psoriasis and reactive arthritis). I am a 50 yr old female. I have had AS since I was 13 yrs old.

For the past 5 days I have been using topical anti-fungal creams, hydrocortisone perscription creams (Lamasil) as well as a oral antibiotic - I always seem to be on antibiiotics....

TONIGHT...I was scared because I notice the first sore that appeared is now draining pus in a weird fashion -like its coming out a tube or a vein???? So began my internet quest.... here I am.....

NOW....I have been to this site before, CURED my sons bad acne (took him off the dreaded Acutane) with ACV!!! Thx! ..... So now going to try Tea Tree Oil and Tumeric? I have faith.... I will let you know the results in the morning. ( I havent slept in 5 nights from the burning pain.... even called in sick 3 days! )


Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 04/01/2013

It sounds like HS. If when they clear up they are a little mauve in colour and still very sensitive if you press on them, then seem to flare up after a few weeks and eject some pus and then go through the same cycle again. Then when pressing on then it feels like theirs a little tunnel. It seems that unless you press all the goo out when they are supporating they wont clear up totally. If you get some electrical tape, and make a patch of clean tissue, put a blob of EVC. On the patch and tape it up over the sore. After about an hour you will become aware of the sore, this is when the ECV. Is penetrating. Keep this up for about a week and then anytime it seems to start to get over sensitive. The ECV. is a gentle anti bacterial anti fungal and anti viral but the main thing about it is that it penetrates even when there is no break on the skin surface, and slowly disposes of the infection.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 04/01/2013

Sorry EVC = Extra virgin coconut oil.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Velvet74 (Nyc) on 08/04/2015

Food absolutely can cause flare ups. For me it is gluten. Within 12 hours I will have new cysts and the number and severity are directly proportional to how much gluten I had. I had more improvement from cutting out gluten than the antibiotics so my doctor took me off them.

Zinc, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Vanita (Columbus, Georgia) on 10/28/2012

I have found that for HS tea tree oil helps alot and taking extra zinc supplements!

Laser Therapy
Posted by Matt (Nurnberg, Germany) on 10/07/2012

Your ailment can now be treated and removed through a minimal invasive method, involving the use of laser technology. Unlike conventional treatments, this method allows for complete healing of all fistulas and dermoids, without the excision of the inflammatory tissue. There is no longer a need for massive tissue removal - which means no large wounds or fissures are created.

After an ultrasound examination of the tissue, the infected area is sealed off and confined using a surgical laser; the abscess is opened through two tiny laser incisions and removed. After removal, the laser beam is focused on the closed cavity. In this way the previously infected and inflamed area is disinfected and sterilized. In turn the laser beam causes the cavity to contract, reducing the vacant area significantly. A minor, post-surgical treatment of the external tissue is performed.

This minimal invasive procedure allows complete recover within 2-3 weeks.

Laser Therapy
Posted by Dahlia (Cairo, Egypt) on 10/10/2012

Hi Matt, Thank you for your post, are you sure this procedure really cures? Has this procedure actually been tried out and was it a success? does it last? how much does it cost in USD, can you give me the name of the hospital that performes this surgery please? I am sorry for all the questions but I am more than desperate. Please reply to my mail - dahlia. Flower(at)gmail.com - thank you in advance. Dahlia

Acne Soap
Posted by Jude (Manila, Philippines) on 08/28/2012

I'm not medically diagnosed with HS but I think I have it from research on the net. I'm only in my first year of frequent flareups that drove me to research a little about it and luckily (I just realized this after learning that others have suffered from this much, much longer than I have) I discovered accidentally what you may call a "deterrent" in Acne soap. I only discovered this because I've been using this soap for my face for years and one time, when I had an inflamed lump, I just accidentally picked up the Acne soap from the soap dish and used it to clean the lump. I noticed within hours the inflammation lessened. With more frequency of use the next few days, it settled down and expressed a little bit of pus on its own but without pain and only left me with a bit of hyperpigmentation but no scar. Since then, I've been using the soap to my inner thigh and armpit areas (where I get them frequently) every time I take a bath and extra more when I feel a swelling starting up. Sometimes it does not even express pus out and just resolve entirely without hyperpigmentation or scarring. I hope this helps.

Acne Soap
Posted by Amy (Ca) on 02/13/2021

What type of acne soap? There are many different ones. One with salicylic acid or benzoyl perioxide or tea tree oil or something else?

Posted by Gettingbetter (Richmond, Va) on 08/17/2012

Hello Earth Clinic! I'm a white female, 23. I've been suffering with hidradenitis suppurativa for 3 or 4 years. I've been to the doctors, and have been tested for everything under the sun, and it just isn't an std. It also just isn't cured with anti-biotics. Upon looking at earth clinic, I have applied:

  • -turmeric
  • -bathed with borax
  • -tea tree oil
  • -coconut oil
  • -neem oil
  • -zinc supplements
  • -salt water
  • -garlic
  • -honey
  • -iodine

All of these remedies helped a little, and at least educated me on the ways of living a natural life, but did not wipe this condition out. I was desperate, and I had heard of urine therapy curing MRSA for a family member. I have been using urine therapy for probably 2 to 3 weeks. Basically- every time I go pee, especially in the morning, I drink it, and rub some on the sores.

In the very beginning, I had one, but kind of 3 sores stuck together, that were sore, inflammed, red, raised up, and they are kind of like a pus filled tunnel under the skin. I started drinking the urine, immediately I felt better inside my body. I'm the definition of tired all the time, with a screwed up sleep schedule, and I actually started waking up in the morning. It seemed like the sores became worse, after a week or so. Because they were worse, I applied urine compress on them while I slept. Always in the morning, there would be massive improvement as far as inflammation. The sores were still there, but flatter, less red.

At this point I have had 3 weeks with no new boils, and these ones are on their way out. They are not full of puss any more, they're pain free at this point, all though there is pretty bad scarring. I feel lucky to have to deal with the scars- the scars mean their healing! Finally!

So my point is, I think the urine therapy is working. Now, most people think it's gross, but we're earth clinic people- people who are willing to put our egos aside and just do something, anything to be healthy! Good luck to all the other sufferers out there!

PS, has anyone fully healed up from this yet? I'm interested in the phases of healing of the scars... Thanks :)
