Correct a Hormonal Imbalance Naturally!

Saliva Testing
Posted by Needasolution Now (Uae) on 06/07/2013

Dear Folks, I got this results from saliva test. All indicators are very low. What can I do?

Cortisol AM 14.8 [3.7-9.5]
Cortisol Noon 1.6 [1.2-3]
Cortisol evening 1.2 [0.6-1.9]
Cortisol night 0.3 [0.4-1]

Estradiol 1.3 [1.3-3.3]
Progesterone 42 [75-270]
pg/e2 32 [100-500]
tetosterone 46 [16-55]
DHEAS 4.1 [2-23]

Seems everything is really low. Cortisol in the mornings drops badly at the noon time.

I'm having TSH almost zero ft3 ft4 in the normal range but to the lowest end.

Please help

Saliva Testing
Posted by Needssolutionnow (UAE) on 06/08/2013

anyone could help?

I am not sure what to take to balance all these hormones.

Chinese Herbs
Posted by Barbara (Port Harcourt, Rivers Stata, Nigeria) on 05/20/2013

How can I get chinese herbs to treate unbalanced hormone, blocked fallopia tube and fibroid?

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Happy Horse Hunter (Nyc, Ny) on 02/07/2013

Hi guys, anyone out there know anything about high prolactin or hyperprolactinemia and controlling it naturally? Thanks in advance for your time!

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 02/08/2013

Hello, I have successfully resolved high prolactin levels and a pituitary tumor using Standard Process Pituitrophin PMG, a natural food based product. Also if you google endoflex, it is exceptional at maintaining a balance in your entire endocrine system. Since pituitary is the master gland, an unbalanced pituitary means the other glands are unbalanced too.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

Good luck, T.

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Eduardo (Miami, Florida, Usa) on 05/28/2013

Hi Tina, Would love to know more about your experience with PMG. My wife has a pituitary tumor and her prolactin levels are high. She's been on homeopathic therapy (and supplements) for more than a year, but we have not seen much improvement. She can't loose the weight (or looses some and gains back more) and has lots of emotional highs and lows due to the hormonal imbalances. I really don't want her to start on any prescription drugs, so I'm doing research to see what other alternatives she has.


Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Ra (Delhi, India) on 06/12/2013

I have high prolactin and pituitary adernoma. I'm taking cabergoline and homeopathy medicines and still my menses are not regular and my prolactin levels are still high. Please please help.

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 06/12/2013

Taking Standard Process PITUITROPHIN PMG 3 tablets per day brought my prolactin levels down (they were in their 80s) and resolved my menstrual cycle problem. It is available on Amazon. com and is completely natural product. Hope this helps.

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Jessica (TN) on 05/09/2022

Hi Tina, Happy to hear of your success. have you managed to keep your prolactin at normal levels? Anything else that you tried besides the Standard Process Pituitropin? Diet changes, exercises, etc? Thanks in advance!

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Ra (Delhi, India) on 06/13/2013

Thanks a ton for your help. Are these tablets safe or recommended by doctors?

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Tina (Houston, USA) on 06/13/2013

Yes, these were recommended by my doctor since the cabergoline was not working on resolving bringing back my menses into a regular cycle. And this worked! Good luck!

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Ra (Delhi, India) on 06/15/2013

Thanks a lot dear. For how long did you had them and did you ate cabergoline along with it? Any other alternative remedy for pituitary adenoma

Remedies for High Prolactin
Posted by Gala (Usa) on 07/10/2017

Hello! I have a question for you. What happened to your tumor? Did it shrink? Did you take some other supplements for this problem besides pituitrophin? My mom has acromegaly, so I am trying to help her but I am very care full about it. I would appreciate your answer!

Sage Oil
Posted by She (Richmond, Virginia, United States) on 10/28/2012

I just took myself off hormone patch and progesterone by applying Clary Sage Oil.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 07/16/2012

Includes vitamin D, pectin, coconut oil...Read more:

Posted by Angela (Bloomfield, Nj) on 06/29/2012

Thanks from Kentucky. My doctor and I have not yet discussed treatment options. I am doing a sugar tolerance test on Monday and take it from there. I have always thought I was hypoglycemic and have been plagued with yeast overgrowth--don't know if they are connected. I recently started taking GABA because it helps me to sleep. Incidentally, my son suffers from severe anxiety and takes GABA which helps tremendously. That's how I got introduced to it. I now wonder if his illness is as a result of mine. Let me know your thought. Angela

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Jax, Fl, Us) on 02/10/2012

I just received a letter that the FDA has determined the effects of estriol to be unknown, so my insurance, of course, will no longer cover my bio-denticals. Is this one more push for the use of Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT) as opposed to something natural? Bio-denticals have been fabulous for me. Any other info out there on this? Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/11/2012 2063 posts

Lisa try a Naturalpathic Doctor ND for HRT using Progesterone or Pregnenolone as either of these are safe (recognized as natural by human body) hormones that will convert into proper hormone metabolites respective of individuality. A correct dosage will need be found and maintained.

General Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 02/11/2012

Hi Lisa, I am 54, stopped a year ago with the anticonception pill and am now suffering a bit with menopausal symptoms like very dry skin. I have just been to a natural doctor and she wants to discuss bio-identical hormones next time. I wanted to read about it but unfortunately I haven't gone down to it so right now I know nothing at all about what is good and what isn't. I told her that I don't want HRT, so she knows that. I have an appointment next week.....

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Jacksonville, Florida) on 02/16/2012

Thanks Tihm! I will check that out. And, Francisca, definitely do the bio-denticals. I had great success and relief from pretty severe symptoms!

General Feedback
Posted by Jillery (North America) on 01/08/2014 88 posts

I tried bio-identicals for about a year. I used a patch, progesterone pill and testosterone cream. I ended up getting vaginal yeast infections-- one after another-- also had BV a number of times (like 6). I just didnt do well with them at all. I also continued to have hot flashes despite my levels being adjusted. I now just take Apple Cider Vinegar (2t in water) right before bed for the hot flashes.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 01/20/2012

Garlic and raw food diets are supposed to balance hormones.

General Feedback
Posted by Ani (Toronto, Ontario) on 01/05/2012

My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and I received a bottle of Vitex from a friend who has already had a baby; she said it helped her conceive. I have done a BIT of online research and it seems to be very helpful to balance out the hormones, assist with PMS symptoms and increase fertility. I would love to get some feed back and more info about this herbal extract from anyone who has tried it or knows more about it. Recommended dosage is ambiguous; it doesn't say anything on the bottle and online info seems to vary. I was hoping EarthClinic (my "go-to" website) would have more info on it.

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Stephanie (Boston, Us) on 12/08/2011

I have been suffering from very heavy menstrual periods that last 15 days each month and after having all kinds of blood work, it has been concluded that I have very high prolactin blood levels.

The range for menstruating women is 2-27, and mine is showing at 28.

Any natural remedies for bringing the prolactin levels down? I do not want to go for traditional meds which are very harsh to the liver.

Please, any help will be greatly appreciated.



High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 12/09/2011

Hi Stephanie, High prolactin levels are caused by stogen dominance. Remedy:- DIM & calcium-D-gluconate but if you go to Dr William Wongs website you will get valuable info there plus remedies that will work. Good luck.

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Darlene (Kewaskum, Wi/usa) on 12/10/2011

Years ago I had heavy painful bleeding. Midwife determined it was an ovarian cyst. Suggested using a tea of Squawvine (aka Partridge Berry; Mitchella repens) daily. One month later no problems. Never cropped up again. May work for you as well.

Note: Steep 30 minutes after adding to boiling water. I used a generous tablespoonfull per quart I think.

Vaginal Dryness
Posted by Pahlee (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 11/13/2011

I have been suffering from from vaginal dryness, is there a good remedy for this cure?

Vaginal Dryness
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/14/2011

Pahlee: coconut oil.

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Ti (Houston, Usa) on 07/24/2011

My prolactin blood levels are higher than normal. In menstruating women they should be between 8-22, and mine is close to 40. Any help/suggestions is greatly appreciated. I do not want to take regular Big Pharma meds for this. Want to go the natural route.

Gratitude, T

Mirena IUD
Posted by Sarah (Montrose, Pennsylvania) on 05/28/2011

Has anyone had any experience with having the Mirena IUD removed and any herbal/natural supplements to help detoxify and bring hormones back to balance? I have had some awful side effects (including weight gain despite eating healthy and working out, joint pain, breast soreness for months, and cysts coming and going, facial hair growth, and constant bloating/constipation/digestive issues) and just now connected the dots to the source of the problem being the synthetic hormone in Mirena. I can't wait to get rid of this and try to get back to my old self! ANY help appreciated! Esp. Those with personal experience! Thank you!

Mirena IUD
Posted by Robert (Dillsboro, Nc) on 05/07/2012

My wife age 40 has had mirena in for 5 months now and it's been very, very difficult.... She has started to take the nattokinase 100mg.... We will see what happens.

Mirena IUD
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, USA) on 09/21/2012

I am looking to see if anyone had any improvements after having a Mirena taken out. I have the spiky chin and lip hair, steady weight gain, etc, for the last 30 years (no matter if I was on b/c or not, and no matter which b/c) and am really looking for hope. I've been able to lose zero weight since having this in, and despite major dietary improvements my weight is up 40 lbs from when I had it inserted. (up 55 in total, but I am down 15 for this year, but it has taken extreme hunger, and weeks with occasions of several weeks without a budge). I am having it out next week as it expires Oct 1.

Posted by Michelle (Cambridge, Cambs / Uk) on 05/19/2011

Dear Bill, thank you for all your helpful and interesting posts. I would like to ask you about other reasons for osteoporosis, and possible treatments. If the bone damage occurred from a virus/bacteria such as KLEBSIELLA, as it does commonly in horses, so probably more common in humans than doctors will admit, what would be the protocol killing the organism responsible, and repairing the bone again.

Also would it be the same treatment if it was a fungus causing the bone damage ? Lastly, I have just been diagnosed with sacroiliitis, and hip deterioration and unbelievably painful arthritis in my left heel, accompanied by left ankle foot oedema and awful petechiae and discolouration. This is very new, no one in my family has it. I am wondering if it is to do with my pituitary tumour, or possibly picked up something whilst in hospital having my hypophosectomy.

What tests could I ask my doctor to run for me to find out what is going on. I thought once I started growth hormone trearment, that I would feel better! I actually feel as bad as before due to all the arthritis pain. I was fit most of my life until this pituitary tumour kicked in, and I would be grateful for some relief from this back and heel pain. Looking forward to hearing from you. Michelle

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/20/2011

Hi Michelle... Just an update on my last. There is indeed a form of synthetic Calcitonin which is already being used in the medical industry for hypercalciumia problems. Check these links here:

My guess is that the pills that were given to you to provide correct thyroid activity are not in balance. To confirm the excess calcium in your blood I would therefore suggest that you get a blood test that directly tests calcium blood levels. Thus armed with proof, you should then request calcitonin supplementation from your doctor or specialist as the cure. This could solve many of your calcium-related and bone loss problems for sure.

Posted by Michelle (Cambridge, Cambs / Uk) on 05/20/2011

Dear Bill, many thanks for your prompt and very helpful reply. I can implement straight away some of your advice, but I am also a long term vegetarian, ( no meat, fish or eggs. ) and have to find substitutes for some things, ie dessicated liver, which I take fulvic/humic acid, BSM, and hope it is ok instead.

I still have some pituitary gland left, with some tumour left with it, so although I have blood tests nd MRI scans at the Endo clinic regularly, they haven't given me any pills, just growth hormone replacement. I inject 0. 2 daily. I do feel much better mentally with this, my muscles have sort of reappeared a bit after 5 months! , and I can stand up straight again, But no weight loss, and much pain. I hope your sis-in-law is doing well, and I'm sure with someone like you on hand, her particular journey is much alleviated.

Ted posted that growth hormone destroys the liver. I would like to know how this happens, and if there is anything I can do do to prevent or slow it down.

I'm taking milk thistle, and will get some chanca piedra, manganese and Nattokinase immediately too. Just out of interest Bill, do the petechiae ever go ? I've read here on this site, that some people have them still after 1 year.

Thanks for the advice on the calcitonin, I will be asking my doctor for the relevant tests next week, and will post my results, in case it helps anyone else with this many faceted dis-ease called arthritis!

Fingers crossed, and bless you all for creating and running this site. Amazing!

Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/20/2011

For some reason I thought edta also put ca from tissues/arteries etc back into the bones like K2 does. But is it that it just gets rid of it from the body - I gather its through the kidneys? thank you for all your help. Im still confused about using mg if Im showing mg toxicity in my tissues.

Posted by Kmack (New England) on 03/29/2016

I can't believe that you just said all of that - holy moly! Candida and thick blood - I have super thick blood - and never had anyone relate all of that - thx. Would it have anything to do with sugar addiction?

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/21/2011

Hi Robyn... Disodium EDTA(not Calcium EDTA) should really be used when your glands are all working properly and where your blood calcium excess has occurred through excessive ingestion of calcium foods such as dairy or too much food that has been over-fortified with calcium -- a problem that seems to exist in all modern western diet these days.

These calcium problems then become further compounded by lack of magnesium, iodine, vitamin C etc in the diet and this leads to an eventual weakening of the immune system. And that leaves the backdoor open for not just one but many diseases to take hold in the body. Furthermore, the medical research profession has never and will never conceed that a poor nutritional diet, which includes heavily chemically processed food which contains toxins and, equally, a lack of nutrients, has anything to do with any medical illness. Their business model simply won't allow it I guess. Far better to get patients hooked on their drugs for life, rather than to cure them outright in a couple of months. This simply pays better because the Pharma Drugs Industry have alot of voracious shareholder mouths to feed and satisfy...

Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/29/2011

Dear Bill, "So the real culprit here is trusting yourself to cheap, toxic, chemical processed food, drink and drugs". Here here. If only I'd known at the time. I think I did a lot of damage - severe fms pain and with no diagnosis or treatment plan drank red wine to try to numb it. 2 decades of that might be the reason I have no ca in my bones but its blocking my arteries and lying around in my tissues causing more severe pain. I have done everything suggested here borax, hyd peroxide, mg citrate, msm, dmso, K2, edta. But not the fulvic acid, difficult to find - is it OK to ask where you get yours? Or are we barking up the wrong tree? Could there be something else going on? Am I just not cleaning out my system because of my liver although the tests say its no good I dont look jaundiced. The only indication of a troubled liver is my white coated tounge. AND SEVERE ALLERGIES.

General Feedback
Posted by Kay (Jacksonville, Fl/usa) on 02/10/2011

I had a hysterectomy at the age of 41 so I was thrown into HRT at an early age. I was on estrogen pills, patches, shots, etc until I was 60 yrs old when one family doc told me I should take HRT anymore and that I will probably eventually wean off of the hot flashes, etc. Didn't happen!

Here 5 yrs later, I have mood swings, hot flashes and my hormone blood test are showing low vitamin D and I am miserable! I went to an MD who also specializes in Holistic med. He has perscribed which I haven't filled the perscription yet, Estradiol, Progesterine and Testosterine(forgive the spelling) all in a combined cream to apply to my skin at 1/2 ml per day. There are so many pros and cons to taking HRT and since I don't have a family or personal history of cancer, has anyone else been through this? Are there safe alternatives out there or should I just go for it? Thanks for your input.

Cushing's Syndrome
Posted by Traveler (San Antonio, Tx) on 11/10/2010

I need something to try for Cushing's. My friend has the moonface, the weight gain, the purple scarring, and the long stretch marks, and maybe a few other symptoms of Cushing's. What can we try? Or where can we look for answers?

Cushing's Syndrome
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 02/11/2013

I think I found this recipe on E.C. This may be a good way to get in the BSM and EVCO. I did it today. Milk Thistle supplementation is good if it has artichokes in it. Artichokes scrub the liver. B vitamins are good too, I hear as well as C. Olive leaf extract capsules are good too. Check out the dog websites - they give good hints. Super digestive enzymes. I would rotate the supplements and not take them all at once.

ONE TBSP EVCO [Extra Virgin Coconut Oil]


Helpful Articles
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 07/02/2009

Great article on week-by-week hormonal fluctuations in Marie Claire magazine (May, 2009) entitled "Your Life in Hormones - What the hell is going on with your hormones--and how can you harness them for happiness, health, fertility, brainpower, and energy?" by Gabrielle Lichterman.

Dried Apricots With Honey
Posted by Faithinhealing (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 12/07/2010

Say no to fertility treatments because as you can see that is causing the unending bleeding! The fertility treatments are hormones that are making your body more out of balance. The infertility issues stem from too much environmental estrogens from food and toxic chemicals we put on our bodies and use at home. Learn about them and go organic and use unsulphured blackstrap molasses and kelp and unrefined coconut oil to add progesterone to your body to balance all the extra estrogen.

Also go organic too get rid of the environmental estrogens in the food you eat and ALKALIZE YOUR BODY! Your body cannot get pregnant and we cannot sustain a pregnancy without progesterone... Google estrogenic substances/compounds and switch to NATURAL products with ONE INGREDIENT and no chemicals and detoxify your liver to better handle them with milk thistle!

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