Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for IBS Relief: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health

Posted by Momsmom (Dallas, Tx) on 08/20/2013

Having ibs-d can really be a battle. Blackberry liquid stops diarrhea pretty fast, like 2 days. I don't battle with ibs-d anymore as it really works. I haven't been losing weight anymore because of diarrhea, and my hubby uses it too. Who'd guess sucha simple solution...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Had (White River Jct, Vermont) on 04/12/2012

Have you cut out Wheat/Gluten from your diet? And RAW milk would really really help you, check it out on this site and raw_milk_facts.com. RAW is not anything like commercial dairy, it actually will help getting the right bacteria in your gut again so you digest food. Read up on RAW milk so you know how it will help, and on Wheat and Gluten ( I liked the factual info in Wheat Belly--so I understand that today's wheat is not real food anymore and dangerous). Take 1 step at a time in making changes you can health yourself with more success w/o modern toxic meds. Check out info on digestion, food allergies etc.. on site and there are so many helpful hints to get you going to a healthier new life, good health to you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shawn (Toronto, On) on 10/30/2012

Hi kazim I had 99% of the same symptoms u are experiencing. I have tried everything under the sun to cure this condition. To much despair lots of doctors have failed to help and then this one doctor cured my 5 yr old condition. Google "sarotena" and "franxit" and tell your physician these mild anti-depressants will cure take care of your IBS. Now that my problems are better I maintain (helps a lot) my stomach health by doing yoga and excercised (ones that make you sweat) to improve stomach health. Taking Apple Cider Vinegar one a day is also very helpul, so is a cup of probiotic yogurt. Hope my advise can solve your issues.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Trudyg (USA) on 06/19/2013

I've tried this in the past, but when I need a super-fast fix I grab the immodium. I usually don't know my belly will act up until I'm out on the road driving to work. I get up and eat breakfast 2 hours early to allow for this, but still.... Will have to give charcoal a better try. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hef (Mississauga, Ontario) on 12/11/2011

I have been using Organic Raw ACV for my IBS symptoms.... It worked really well after I added a little bit of baking soda and 1/4 tsp of Cayenne Pepper with a bit of Turmeric. Overall symptoms are significantly better now.

It keeps going and coming in cycles ... Every couple of week especially when I am not sleeping enough and work and family realted stress. I am working to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night and not to sleep late on the weekends and exercise more often at the gym.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 06/24/2011

I found this regarding IBS in a recent newsletter from Dr. Al Sears:

For irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, you can take enteric-coated capsules of peppermint oil. It's completely safe. The coating stops the oil from getting digested too early. One study gave either the capsules or a placebo to people with IBS. Of the people who took peppermint, 75% had a significant reduction of IBS symptoms.

I hope this helps the IBS sufferers. Not quite the same thing, but when I have indigestion, I either drink peppermint/spearmint tea or chew a few fresh mint leaves. It takes just a few minutes and I feel much better. Maybe that's why people have "after-dinner mints" - it's the mint that helps digestion.

Posted by Amy (Burlington, VT, USA) on 05/27/2009

Perioral Dermatitis - Acidophulis... I've sufferred from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for 25 years and perioral dermititis and roseacea for about 10-15. Probiotics have cured the IBS and greatly improved/nearly cured the dermatitis. I eat a high probiotic count yogurt everyday and take a high quality probiotic supplement every day. I use a yogurt mask every other day. I tried the ACV and couldn't stand the taste or the smell and it didn't seem to be doing anything. I do now occasionally drink kombucha tea (2-3 times a week) which seems to be very similar to ACV in terms of types of probiotics, but slightly more palatable and I occasionally use it on my face as well (not nearly as stinky as the ACV). This site was great for encouraging me to take matters into my own hands and see what would work for me. Thanks! And good luck to all.

Posted by Robert (Nashville, TN) on 11/09/2008

A natural doctor recommended the powdered supplement l-glutamine for my IBS. He said to take 5g(1 teaspoon) twice a day with juice or water but don't take it with protein at the same time because it will lesson the effect. It works! I have had far fewer attacks. It is inexpensive and easy to find because weightlifters also use it for muscle building benefits.

Posted by Naomi (Auckland, New Zealand) on 10/13/2008

Psyllium husk (remedy) Irritable Bowel Syndrome (ailment)

After years of laxative abuse associated with an eating disorder, I ended up with sever IBS and an intolerance to a wide range of foods, including many fruits. I started taking psyllium husks recently after reading about it in a health magazine, and I have been amazed by the difference. I can eat most foods without the bloating, flatulence and chronic stomach pain that I have had to live with for years!

Although, I have found that when I have not taken the psyllium for several days, the symptoms have returned again. But to be able to live without pain, a tablespoon of psyllium on my breakfast in the mornings seems a small ask!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jessica Nicholson (Toronto, Canada) on 09/02/2008

I suffered from chronic IBS along with acne mostly in my T zone and fluctuating weight gain/loss for a number of years. after much toying with medications birth control pills and numerous skin creams which all had horrible side effects like rashes, yeast infections, bladder infections Candida, massive mood swings, depression, bad breath etc... I decided to find my own cure by following my bodies urges. I did a ton of research about digestion and the causes a poor diet has on digestion and eventually the skin after all our bodies organs are all connected to one another I then kept a food journal recording how I felt before and after everything I ate I eventually discovered that wheat was the culprit I was eating the stuff daily pasta, bread, and cereal.who'da thunk it wheat supposibly the miracle food giver of life was poisoning my body. After this discovery I eliminated wheat completely from my diet went on a regime of detox and colon cleanses all with natural products such as olive oil and lemon juice mixture for getting rid of gall stones, Dr Natura for a gentle natural non intrusive colon cleanse regime. and the master cleanse along with a juice fast for 10 days. and I eventually switched over to a vegitarian diet very high in live green foods, fruit and soy. This totally cleared up my skin, cutting out the wheat cleared up my IBS almost immediately and I have been IBS free now for almost 10 years. Another neat side effect of wheat elimination was I had suffered from a series of learning disabilities while I was a child and young adult after cutting out the wheat the brain fog cleared up and I was finally able to focus for the first time in my life. The cleansing cleared up my skin and the dietary changes dropped my weight to a my optimum weight I'm 5'8" tall and weigh 140 pounds with a very athletic build and have had no fluctuation since the change.

I am now 9 months pregnant and have never been so healthy in my life.I have put on the appropriate amount of weight needed for a health pregnancy. I have experienced no discomfort and had a totally normal exceptionally healthy pregnancy on this diet.

Follow your body's intuition and you will never go wrong. health is in your hands and diet!
best of luck Jessica xo

Posted by Irene (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/03/2008

My husband and I have had wonderful success for over 6 years taking MSM orally and using MSM topically. We each take a teaspoon daily - about 4 grams. It has stopped irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis and been fantastic help in gum problems (gargle).The gel has reduced scars, insect bites, sunburn and creams are anti-ageing. We are passionate about MSM and will always take and apply it. Results have been so dramatic we started a skin care company.

Posted by gillian (DF, Mexico) on 11/27/2007

have the indian spice turmeric on hand for emergencies. Usually IBS has a lot to do with our emotional well-being and suggests something is or many things are stressing us and we need to make changes in ourselves. However becoming perfect can take more than a life time so i recomend turmeric, i swallow half a teaspoonfull when I have a bad case of IBS and in half an hour I am much better. Only thing is as with lots of cures natural and pharmaceutecal, if the IBS keeps coming back eventually the effect of the turmeric or other cure is lessened. what it gives us is a chance to feel better while we try to solve the underlying problems.

Posted by Amanda (Lynnwood, Washington) on 03/12/2007

I have had IBS for over a year now and after trying everything that the doctors and friends and family told me to try, nothing worked. Until I finally tried Lemon water. I squeeze Half of a lemon into a 8oz glass of water and drink it over an hour hour or two. If you drink it too fast you are likely to get heart burn. But after two days of drinking this once a day I was regular and no longer felt bloated or constipated all the time. Good luck and I hope it works for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dawn (Ekron, KY) on 01/20/2007

I have suffered from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for nearly 20 years. My worst symptom is chronic constipation. For a while I was unknowingly on a "natural" stimulant and didn't realize I was dependent on it to stay "regular". After two partial bowel obstructions I realized what had happened and have had trouble getting regular again without the aide of stimulants UNTIL Apple Cider Vinegar! I have been taking it three times each day since before Thanksgiving and have been regular with no other "help" aides for almost two months. To avoid the additional calories that come from taking ACV with honey or juices, I dilute mine with flavored carbonated water and it has become very easy to take.

SIBO Connection
Posted by Marnie (Nampa, ID) on 09/14/2019

Hi Cathie,

Yes, I found Dr. Axe's SBO Probiotic. It contains “soil based” organisms. If you do decide to order another brand on Amazon, make sure you're double checking who the seller is. Many sellers are peddling counterfeit products (and many are selling from overseas). However, in many cases it is Amazon itself who is the seller. It will say “sold by Amazon.com.”

I believe Garden of Life was one of the original makers of of soil based probiotic supplements. They were bought by Nestle ,unfortunately. So I don't trust their products anymore.

Posted by Laura (Yorba Linda, CA) on 02/22/2021

THAnk YOU! I used to give black cumin seed extract oil already prepared to my son regularly - just to stave off stuff... But I stopped a while back and he has now developed Ibs type issues. THANKYOU for the good reminder. I've taken it out of the cupboard and am returning to using it. We will hope and see. Thanks and my 16 year old thanks you

Dietary Changes
Posted by Elizabeth (Ny) on 04/19/2017

Art, thank you so much for replying. I will speak with my doctor about the vitamin D and the Melatonin. I used to take Melatonin just to help me sleep, but did not realize it had so many other good factors as for the IBS. I believe I will start taking these myself because I feel if I can get this under control myself then I won't have to go to the doctors. As I said, I am up during the wee hours of the morning up until about 7/8 am when things settle down and I don't have any issues for the rest of the day or evening until after I got to bed and sleep for a couple of hours then awakened to an urgent need to go to the bathroom. It is so frustrating. There are things I want to do but I have limited my time out because I am so afraid of having an "accident" or an episode. This is nothing I have experienced before with the IBS and as much as I do get some bloating, the pain is very annoying and aggravating.

I have been drinking coconut water, one bottle or so a day, using coconut/almond milk in my coffee, eating very blandly such as plain scrambled eggs, plain toast with just jam or a waffle or two with peanut butter. It seems no matter what I have done though has helped. So frustrating.

Thank you again for your response. All is taken with great hope that I can get this under control.


Dietary Changes
Posted by Mt (Bucharest) on 04/19/2017

Infusion: The Calamus root tea is only prepared as a cold-infusion. A level teaspoon of Calamus roots is soaked in 1/4 litre of cold water overnight, lightly warmed in the morning and strained. Before using, warm the tea in a waterbath.

Take 6 sips of Calamus root tea daily (one sip before a meal and one sip after it).

Eating green bananas (not ripe, hard to peel) will rebuild the intestinal lining. Carrot juice is also helping

Look also in the Pulse test book (by Arthur Coca) to learn how to determine if you have some allergies.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Eleanor (Atlanta) on 05/18/2017

Thank you, Janet. Can you please clear up the dose of lithium and pregnenolone? You have mg but I see mcg when I go to order--that would make a big difference! I already have gaba, l-tryptophan, dhea, borax, sea salt. I ordered kelp powder so I can fine tune the dose, same with b1. I already take B3 for cholesterol (1000mg 2x/d). I didn't see 12.5 dhea anywhere, so I'll just cut my tablets in half. On another note, to those who can't get the correct dose--try to dissolve the tablet/empty the capsule into a known quantity of water. Then it is easy to pour off half to get half a dose, half again for 1/4 the dose, etc. This method works for most things--1 drop in 1 glass water, pour off half and you have 1/2 a drop left.....

Dietary Changes
Posted by Gert (Va) on 12/11/2017

Janet, thank you for your response. I am already doing all the items on the first section, elimination. I will get the items needed for the rest of your post and start that when I've gotten it all. I have some lysine, but probably not enough, and the dhea but will have to get the methylene blue. I may have the l-threonine, will have to look. I have tried everything! When I try something new, I usually stick to it rigidly for at least 1 month and then reassess to see how it's affecting me. Thanks again.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Janet (In) on 12/12/2017


Methylene blue is the most confusing dilution to make. I found a simple instruction 5 years ago. I can no longer find my source. It is on E.C. somewhere.

When I receive my bottle of powder. I add water, to the rim below the cap.

Cap and shake gently. Leave that stand a bit so excess drops out of the upper area of the bottle.

Using the dropper from an empty 2 oz dropper bottle. I fill it. It only fills about 3/4 the way. I put 2 of those in my dropper bottle. Then I add water carefully to the rim below the cap. Leaving room to put dropper in.

I dose 1 dropper into the 4 dose lysine remedy. It usually dissipates its blue when it sits with the whole remedy. I have used a little too much by a drop or two. I have used a little less by a drop or two. No harm to our family.

We have had some light green blue urine. Not often. Never had it gone to eyes. You could try a half dropper if you wish. Taking extra c removes the blue according to Ted. We haven't needed to.

Here is the methylene blue page. Explaining other methods. I did try to make it by cc with a syringe. Then I found the one I use. It works. No after problems.



Dietary Changes
Posted by Gert (Va) on 12/14/2017

Thanks, Janet, I've got some mb on order and will follow your directions when it arrives. Just wanted to make sure. And to the other poster--I have gone gluten free, strictly, for over 2 months in the past and it didn't change anything. I've always wondered--I had chemo as a child (18 months, so I don't remember it & my parents wouldn't tell me what or why--said I'd never get life insurance if I mentioned it). Did that start my problem? Is there any way to fix it now? I'm 60, so I guess all I can do at this point is live as well as I can. But, wow, that ibs d really makes life hard.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Janet (In) on 12/23/2017


For the remedy it is one dose per bottle.

Some folks take more sodium ascorbate, per day as a normal thing. This is based on Ted's doses for the remedy.

In his instructions it is the first dose. All of the sodium ascorbate. I changed it because, "six people" Leaving the house with remedy in hand for work etc. It works this divided up way for us.

Ted's actual instructions call for the Threonine, methylene blue and sodium ascorbate to be dosed first in am. The lysine hourly. I got so confused as to who had what when. 2 people work third shift here. It is even more confusing as 1 third shift is Sunday that is counted as Monday. The other starts Monday but that is really Monday that is actually Tuesday. 1 works second shift. 2 work mornings with different start times. I could not keep it straight. I still cannot. Lol.

So I experimented on myself first. Thank goodness it worked.


Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Rocky (Saudi Arabia) on 12/16/2016

I'm suffering from ibs for 3 years. the test that im positive before is h. pylorie and was cured by medicine but later diagnosed of ibs. symptoms are bloating constipation diarhea acid reflux. im look soome older post in your website may be the cause of my ibs is a bad bacteria. im trying now ACV/BS and lemon for two weeks now I have some distention still and acid reflux. could it be cured? taking probiotics acidofilos and yugort hoping for your kind reply.

Magnesium Chloride
Posted by Leila (Europe) on 03/16/2015

Hello everyone,

I am writing regarding what I believe is an IBS problem that I developed around 5 years ago, when going through a stressful situation. I was severely constipated for a few months and began noticing the presence of mucus in my stools (until then I never noticed anything of this kind).

Although I have manage to improve a lot my condition, and rarely suffer from acute pain nowadays, I still tend to get constipated when there is a change in my routine or when I am feeling stressed.

What helps me best to "go" in the morning is one or two teaspoons of ascorbic acid mixed with bicarbonated sodium.

On the other hand, the only thing that has helped regarding the presence of mucus in the stool is when I take one teaspoon of magnesium chloride with water first thing in the morning, but it is not as effective as the ascorbic acid + baking soda for my constipation. When I discontinued the use of magnesium chloride and started taking the ascorbic acid again in the morning, the presence of mucus returned.

I read conflicting views regarding the use of bicarbonated sodim so I am uncertain if I should continue taking it, or if it s best to opt for the magnesium chloride. Just wondering if anyone had the same result with the magnesium chloride or has any thoughts regarding this issue.

Apart from this I am healthy, eat a balanced diet and so on.

Many thanks! Leila

Onion, Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar Enema
Posted by Diamond (Ma.) on 10/22/2014

I have had IBS for many years and it has taken me this long to find out what it was and a cure if any. I was told by my family Dr. I had a blood disease at the age of approx. 12 or so, since then I have been following these symptoms, I have been constipated since I was born it got worse as I got older, I went from one Dr. to another for way too many years with the same stories, change my diet(?) etc. I was born on a farm so we had all kinds of apple and other fruit tree's that I ate all summer as well as corn and other veggies.I finally went to a Dr. and said listen what is wrong with my bowels(?)he said he would do some tests in the hosp.where I had to drink some barium and loads of other junk along with many tests, I said impossible. Nothing was ever resolved especially with Dr's. Then I asked my aunt what their history was on a farm, she had mentioned there was twins born into the family and one died from pneumonia, because the house was never insulated or air tight. Later on as years passed and my grandparents passed away my parents took the house.My father was fixing the house but not soon enough. There were eight children with colds constantly.When I got older I kept searching, I was very tall (5'11 1/2) at the age of 16-I was 110 Lbs. for many years and could never gain any weight at all, I continued to be constipated and severe back pain. Now here is the deepest secretes kept by the Government as well as the CDC and Drs. When a human is introduced to a very damp home it's generally called mold and/or fungi.For the past twenty plus years I have been trying every thing known to science and man-kind for info.and a cure, but absolutely nothing.

For some odd reason I came across a great remedy; here is the best solution: and harmless; I use a big cup chop an onion into slices or dice them, use fresh garlic (I buy it already peeled in a container) then use ACV in the cup with all the ingredients, it's best to let this solution set in the cup for at least a day or overnight, then take an enema where it cleans all the impurities and inflammation.I was so surprised to see all the foamy white stuff coming out.

I also read where a certain amount inflammation is protection against diseases. Good Luck every one.This remedy is a God send for me. I was almost ready to have a heart attack because of this poisonous inflammation near my heart.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Trudyg (USA) on 05/17/2013

Re: Advice Sought for IBS

First, you need to watch your diet. Keep a journal and record what you eat, when, how you felt, etc. Also note if you are stressed, tired, that sort of thing. You will notice in a short time what foods bother you when eaten often/occasionally/very rarely/in great quantities. For instance, I can drink 1 c of coffee but not 2 in a day. Some foods are definite triggers--chocolate, tomatoes, high fats. We are always told to eat whole grains, but this is very hard on ibsD. Well-cooked without peel is usually safe for fruits & vegs. Then, look at fiber. There ar 2 kinds, soluble and insoluble. The soluble is goopy, as in oatmeal and lima beans. The insoluble is roughage, like celery. Avoid the insoluble and increase the soluble. If you eat things like nuts, chew very well. Make sure you stay hydrated, water is usually good. Peppermint is an antispasmodic and can help with cramping--comes in capsules, too. good Luck. I've been helped by folks on EC so much, I'm glad I can pass it on.

Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/16/2013

I totally agree, when my allergies were just starting to be relieved I started eating bran buttermilk muffins with apples, nuts, wheat grem, flax seed, sesame seeds, whole wheat mixed with 1/2 unbleached flour, the neighbor kids would visit and eat up all my muffins. Sometimes I used half oat bran with my wheat bran. I like to pour them into the muffin papers with a large ice cream scoop, less mess. Buttermilk pancakes are good too with cooked apples and cinnamon on top with a dash of powdered sugar. They also help clean the pipes while they rejuvenate the intestines.

Posted by Thea (Usa) on 01/30/2017

This fits in with the virus theories above. Lysine used to increase the lysine/arginine ratio to discourage virus replication.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Idow (Miami, Fl) on 04/29/2012

To Kazim from Peshawar, Pakistan: Some of the symptoms you describe "severe pain on middle and right side of ribs (stomach side), no appetite" point to gallbladder problems or gallstones. I had those same symptoms and had to have my gallbladder removed. The test is a simple ultrasound.

Unfortunately, I still have acid reflux and ibs, so getting your gallbladder removed doesn't fix all issues that you may be having. Try a plant based diet, with lots of natural juices (I purchased a juicer). The juices may relieve the pain in your back & right side of your stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (California) on 06/16/2013

Does this really work? How much should I take?? I've been suffering from ibs for so long and I'm miserable!! I've tried ginger tea, Rolaids, ect and nothing works for me. I'd really like to try Apple Cider Vinegar so please can someone help me out on how I should be taking it?? Thank you!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 06/18/2013

Hi Trudyg... Comfrey Tea and Slippery Elm would both be fine for the diarrhea form of IBS. Slippery Elm is actually used for both constipation and diarrhea. It is a very gently and effective stabilizing herb. Hope that helps.... ~Mama to Many~

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