Interstitial Cystitis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Interstitial Cystitis Relief

Dietary Changes
Posted by Allyson (Colorado) on 08/25/2015

Pain Erasers for IC:

I have had interstitial cystitis for 35 years, what a blessing....not! I read an article that they think it is caused when you have sex cause you are not born with it so it is a bug. They said there are 3 medicines that help it, not cure it but calm it down is doxycycline 100 mg 2 tablets a day, one in am, one in pm (which is the best of the 3, the other two are augmentin, ) so I use it and it will make you feel so good at first then it levels out and at least gets rid of the pelvic pain.

I found that yeast cream the cheapy stuff works when I have a flare/infection on top of an infection. I have tried the apple cider deal and I thought I was going to die with pain.

Everyone is right, quit the sugar (do honey if you must), no flour of any kind, no sodas of any kind, no preservatives, and the acidic fruit. I also read it gets WORSE as you age and I can attest to that! Watch what kind of soap you use as well. It is a prison sentence but some things definitely help. I am trying the cabbage and colloidal silver next!

Good luck to all of you, if men got it in greater numbers, there would be a cure by now!! It's like ulcers were years ago, they blamed it on stress and it took them 50 years to figure out it was a bug! Sure hope we do not have to suffer another 50 years!

Posted by Jenn K (United States) on 11/11/2017

Same. I've been suffering from this horrible condition since 2012. Occasionally my urine culture comes back positive, but not always. One time I was prescribed Macrobid/Nitrofurantoin for a mild UTI and it made my IC symptoms disappear for a couple of months. It was amazing! A few months later my symptoms came back, but I tested negative for a UTI and a bunch of other stuff. At some point I got so sick of my IC symptoms and asked to try this antibiotic again even though I tested negative for UTI. Within a few days my symptoms were gone! So yeah, this medication definitely works but then the symptoms always seem to come back within 2-6 months, so it doesn't seem to be a long term solution.

Does anyone know why this medication works for IC? Most of the doctors I've seen can't explain it. Some of them were actually pretty surprised when I told them it makes my symptoms go away.

D-Mannose, Dietary Changes
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/11/2014

Hello Ally,

Go to Number 4 in your symptoms: Feels like you have an infection or words to that effect. I'm always suspecting viral issues as causation. You suspect it yourself.

If me, I'd at least try Colloidal Silver for a few weeks. Two tablespoons twice a day for two weeks.

Posted by Christine (Vista, Ca) on 01/22/2014

After suffering with urinary pain, I sought out the usual cures. The pain was alleviated by drinking 100% cranberry juice (not ones with sugar added), and eating watermelon and celery. I finally went to my gynecologist to find out if I had a urinary tract infection. She was on maternity leave, so a nurse practitioner saw me. She gave me the usual UTI prescription, but told me to start taking it BEFORE the tests results came back. I wasn't happy about this so I waited a while. Eventually, I took one dose of the prescription, when I got the call that my UTI test came back NEGATIVE for a UTI infection. I immediately stopped taking the anti-biotic.

I ran across a website that explained what I had was IC. A friend recommended D-Mannose, which is a supplement that comes in powder and capsule form. The recommended dosage is 1 level teaspoon 1 to 2 times daily. Add to a glass of water or unsweetened cranberry juice. (I only add it to water). This supplement has been a tremendous help in fighting the symptoms of IC. It is expensive, but worth it!

I carry the capsule form when traveling and when I know I will be unable to mix the powder with water. Sometimes, I take both in the same day - powder in water in a.m., then two capsules in p.m.

Posted by Indigohydrangea (Philadelphia, Pa) on 11/20/2013

I had interstitial cystitis for 3-4 years and vulvodynia for about 1.5 years. Coconut oil really helped get me started on getting well, but I was only 85% there and still having little set backs every now and then. I started taking Buluoke (an enzyme that breaks down fibrin in your blood and also biofilm) and Wobenzym (enzymes that helps with inflammation) and it has gotten me much further along. At first, my frequency increased (likely to the breakdown in the biofilm and the release of bugs in my bladder) - though not unbearably as I was having normal intervals at that point, but after a month or so, I noticed a lot of improvement. virtually no setbacks. I totally changed my diet not long after I got sick and I have tried every type of alternative treatment out there. I take apple cider vinegar every day (which helps with yeast) and coconut oil as well. It was the addition of the Buluoke and Wobenzym that got me that last mile. Good luck!

Black Cohosh
Posted by L (Fl) on 11/24/2013

Another update...I have also begun taking something for the acid in my stomach (pantoprozole) and have been fine ever since. I believe the original problem causing ICC begins in the stomach/digestion. I am now starting to eat the foods that I had stopped eating when I was told that I had ICC. So far so good.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Hannah (Paris, France) on 12/14/2012

Hello all, I have what seems to be IC, and have had vaginal burning/itching/discomfort, pretty much everywhere and in every situation for the past two or three years.

I just recently eliminated acidic foods from my diet, since I'm trying to treat the IC, and I noticed the vaginal itching and burning has been gone completely since.

When I first started having vaginal pain, I did notice that certain foods, like chocolate would trigger almost immediate burning. This was before I developed IC symptoms.

Now, I notice the only time I've had burning or itching has been during or right before and/or after my period. I started taking coconut oil regularly (1 tsp in the morning and 1 at night) and I haven't had any burning or discomfort this cycle expect for the one day that I didn't take the coconut oil!

Everyone's body is different, and perhaps this isn't a solution for everyone... but for those of us that have really sensitive bodies (prone to IBS/vulvodynia etc) like me, I have a feeling that diet plays a really important role.

I wonder if trying to eliminate acidic foods for a while would help relieve the symptoms for other vulvodynia sufferers? I would recommend starting with the IC diet and then adding in foods little by little to find the real culprits... I was surprised when I realized I could eat dairy, which I thought was a big no no, but not oranges!

I guess what I realized was that food was playing a huge role in my suffering, maybe for some it has nothing to do with acid at all, but the burning is a symptom of another food sensitivity that could easily be eliminated.

I hope this is helpful to someone!

Lyme Disease Caused IC
Posted by Janine (Walworth, Ny) on 10/23/2012

Evelyn, My daughter is 19 years old and has had IC for about 2 years now. As you know she has been having an extreamly difficult time. I would love to get in contact with that nurse in Washington DC, could you give me her name and an email or number where I can get a hold of her. Thanks, Janine

Lyme Disease Caused IC
Posted by Ann (Georgia) on 10/24/2015

Her name is Ruth Kriz, and she is the nurse practitioner in Virginia that treats IC patients and is curing them. Here is her website. She treats patients from all over the world vie skype of telephone if you're not local.

Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/29/2012

I also want to add that, diseases are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, including Gonorrhea, and tuberculosis. The guy I was sleeping with who I think gave me all these problems, was very primiscous himself, its not fair to say I was the one, when in actuality I know people personally that are far more "active" and with multipal people than I was, but then Im also seeing more and more people less willing to commit, and taking a very, and increasingly casual attitude towards sex but GOD KNOWs, I wouldnt want a drug resistant form of the clap, would you??!!

Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/31/2012

Hey, just an update about whats up with me lately. I cured my IC with 3 rounds of the antibiotic Bactrim, finally, however, Im sensitive to all acidic foods now, and as long as I avoid them, Im back to normal again.

However, its nerve wracking trying to prevent another UTI, as nothing, not even probiotics seem to work for me anymore.

Ive come to the conclusion I had some kind of fluke staph, or MRSA infection that was antibiotic resistant. The doctor and I discussed the further concerning problem of antibiotic resistance. , it seems antibiotics hardly work for anything really serious anymore.

Posted by Gwyn (Denham Springs, La) on 05/07/2012

Dear Friends Who Suffer from IC- What a disease this is, with lots of pain, urgency and most of all not knowing what to do; that can make you think you are crazy!

I have had IC since I was a child but never knew, until my daughter was diagnosed with it at the age of 12 years. I had to live through her pain and anguish for years, and I'm not only living through her pain now; but mine too.

I have tried herbal remedies, and diet and I find one herbal remedy that will help calm that pain down within seconds, and that is Goldenseal! Try it!

I was told by a massage therapist I visited to try Cayenne peppers for ulcers; and I was desperate to try anything to calm this pain down... and do you know that within a few days, I feel great! It has not only helped my pain, but it has also given me energy and helped the muscles and lower back pain I have with IC.

I have also tried over the counter vaginal cream and that helps the burning you get with IC; it does the trick. I have never used medicines doctors have prescribed because of side effects, so I try the natural way always and lots of prayer!

There is another herbal product that will help with the goldenseal already in it and that is Kidney/Bladder by Natures Way, this product really helps and just follow the instructions on how much to take and carry it in your purse with you; and take it with each meal.

A candida diet helps too and stay away fron sodas, it will do you in!

I do hope some of this helps you, because it has helped me and I help my daughter with herbs!

May God Bless you all! Gwyn

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisadeb (Edina, Mn) on 02/05/2012

Update: Feb 5th: HGH: Bacterial Vaginitus is gone. This was a problem for the last 2 yrs. Daily hair falling out is less on my hairbrush. Skin looks better. Pores are getting smaller. When tried Gotu Kola and Querciten products they still cause too much insomnia due to Gotu-stomach ache and Querciten-Hot at night, so I am off them again. Must wait until I get stronger. I can eat garlic and onion now w/out bad breath. Normally spouse says it's a 24 hr problem. Now it's not even a 2 hr problem. Teeth don't feel dirty at 6PM. Less need to brush them during the day. Feel hopeful and can smile and joke again. I saw on internet that 55% of people saw renewed healing of old injuries" in people who used HGH for 15 days to 2 yrs. I need to heal adrenals and bladder. Bladder bad since 2005. Will text again if more changes.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisadeb (Edina, Mn) on 07/01/2012

Update: 4 weeks ago I upped the vaginal estriol to 2mg per ml of cream. Still taking Bi-Est drops (4 drops 2x/day since Jan) Urethra is working again!! Very little "straining or sitting and waiting to go". This was an EXTREME problem. Sometimes it took 2 hrs to go!! The pain was still the same at night, but way less during the day (from a level 10 to a level 3 during the day).

I was frustrated wanting faster healing, so I stopped the Bio-identical progesterone as they were making me extremely hot at night, creating horrible insomnia. I had been struggling to take progesterone pills since January (rarely taking them), but my Dr kept saying I needed to take them or I would not be allowed to take the estrogen, by her. I looked up progesterone allergy on google and saw: and called Dr. Roby who said I was allergic to progesterone as I had assumed. (I remembered that I started a progesterone cream when all this IC started years ago!!! Could there be a connection??) He said to stop the progesterone, as I am obviously allergic to it and ordered the progesterone allergy drops.

On day 2 of the drops I woke up w/NO pain (2 days before my period!! ). Same w/day 3 (1 day before my period!!! ). Then I got my period (Ouch each night (up 6-8x to pee w/pain) and then 3 days later, restarted vaginal estriol, (I continued the Tri-est drops, and Dr. Roby's progesterone allergy drops through my period). Now NO pain during the day if diet is good) and pain at 1 at night if perfect diet during the day. (actually 5 total days of 0 "awaking in the AM pain). I am at 2 weeks on the progesterone allergy drops. I am at 6 months of the Bi-est and estriol vaginal cream. I recently asked my bio-identical Dr for body cream instead of Bi-est drops as I read it's better for you. And Dr. Roby's progesterone allergy drops cost me 57 bucks for 3 month's worth of drops, and a book on how they work. He called me 5 times to see how I was doing. Such a caring man!!!

Will update again soon.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisadeb (Edina, Mn) on 09/24/2012

9/23/12 Update: Still on HGH and estrogens. Stopped the progesterone drops as they seemed to not work after a few weeks... I read that estroil and the estrogens take 1 yr to get 1/2 way back to healthy in the bladder. I stopped all gluten since Jan and think that greatly damages the bladder/GI system.

Estrogens: Love, Love, Love no more hot flashes, no bacterial vaginitis, and urethra is working!! Read in "Stay Young and Sexy that UTIs go down 1000% (yes! 1000 percent!!! ) w/vaginal estroil. I have had approx 5 of those, but none since starting the vaginal estroil. I will be on bioidentical hormones until I die.

HGH: I can fall asleep each night after I pee. This is the BEST thing that HGH does for me. Since I have a history of Fibro and IBS, I just want to say the HGH totally took away the fibro after 9 months!!! Just slowely went away!! (see studys on the internet on that) Also HGH homeopathic removed some under the eye wrinkles!! Energy is better too. I will be on HGH until the day I die! Love the stuff!!! But it hasn't fixed my IC. It does heal wounds though and I definatly have a wound there, so I will keep taking it in hopes that it will still work in my bladder eventually (maybe Fibro had to heal first?)

IBS is less due to no Gluten.

Am still in pain at night (and pee 6-10x per night) so got on instillations of heprin/ladocane and saline to heal faster one month ago. (Dr says it takes 6-9 months to START to notice a difference, but can be a permanent cure, for 80% of people (after 2 yrs) so what the heck, I've tried EVERYTHING else at this website). I will update again later.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisadeb (Edina, Mn) on 11/25/2012

On HGH for 10.5 mo. I feel fabulous! Still on instillations and they worked in ONLY 3 months to the point of no pain! Still mostly on the diet, but with no pain. Drink white wine (alot of it), salty, sugary foods. Working out each day with vigor. Still up 3x night to pee, but no addn'l pain b4 my period (I have always had more insomnia b4 my period and that's the same). Sleep 8 hrs/night. Have not taken Fem-Dophilis in months, nor Claritin. Have reduced many other suppliments (too expensive). I take HGH homeopathic, instillations and estrogen(s). (I still take Vit D, E, A, acidophilis, fish oil and a few others) I will be able to start to wean off instillations soon, but I will take my time. Happy.

Posted by Chevygirl (Tuakau, Franklin, New Zealand, New Zealand) on 01/21/2012

Hi Chrissie, I was told to take acidophilus tablets for IC pain and I must admit, I was pretty skeptical about them working, but I can tell you, they worked within an hour!! I was blown away!

The weird thing was however, I bought them from right where you are at a drug store in Anaheim. The bottle is labeled 'Henry's', freeze dried acidophilus. When they had run out I bought more from our local health shop (in New Zealand) and to my disdain, they didn't work!

I have no explanation for this, so I will have to get my brother, who lives in Anaheim, to send me some more, as those ones definitely did without fail!!

Good luck with this, keep us posted!

Chevygirl, NZ

Baking Soda
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 11/04/2013

Yes this helps!! I take in on empty stomach in morning. Still concerned about it being sodium?? Still safe than taking most presciption meds!


Posted by Shirley (Il) on 08/18/2013

I'm new here. I went through a series of dmso, treatments, last fall. The dmso is put into the bladder through a catheter. It can be uncomfortable, for me they added lidocaine first. It helps a little. You then have to hold it in there for 10 to 20 minutes, I don't remember exactly. Pelvic floor dysfunction, and vulvodynia, usually go along along with the interstitial cystitis. Following the IC diet helps. I also try and stay away from gluten, and food colorings. I have found they irritate it. From where I was 2 years ago, I'm much better,
I taked pre relief if I'm going to eat something that could be irritating. I still get flare ups. Some people can eat things, that others can't.

The dmso is put into the bladder via catheter.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Ducklucky (Monroe, Maine, Usa) on 07/24/2012

Diet is essential. My hub has severe IC with hunners ulcers and the whole shmear. Over the past 3 years we have tried EVERYTHING and finally gave in to pain meds, which he hates. Last month he became so frustrated we had to do something drastic. Even tho we followed the IC diet, we went to an elimination diet, basically starting from scratch like you would a baby. There is much info on the web. We are following the strictest. Voila!!! Pain has decreased from 8-10 to 1-3. It has been a journey. Found he had a definite sensitivity to bananas of all things! Just starting to add one thing at a time, our garden is filling with green beans, so we will give that a try next. This diet has worked for him, and he has lost 15 pounds in a month, which he desperately needed to do. Just puttin' this out there, it is pretty healthy. And as for the no dairy aspect, he was drinking a gallon of low fat milk a day, boocoo calories! And the diet is no dairy, so we switched to unsweetened almond milk. There is so little ICers can drink and he is always thirsty. Also marshmallow root tea brewed w/wo a cinnamon stick and honey sweetened, hot or iced works well. Pure seltzer with some allowable juices and a little honey scratches the soda itch. It is time consuming and involves some research, but anyone can do this. He can have brown rice, so found web recipes for brown rice flour breads, muffins and pancakes with no yeast (diet is NO gluten). Have seen a lot of ICers are gluten intolerant, so that is worth a try for anyone. It's real basic, no wheat, gluten, dairy, red meat other than lamb, turkey, fish/shellfish, nothing "white"... We hope this continues to work, even if it doesn't "cure" him, to keep his pain level way down and keep that bladder happy. Good luck everyone!

Posted by Zsaqwe (Brownsville, Texas) on 09/21/2010

I think DMSO is for interstitial cystitis. CVS pharmacy might have it for that condition. I got it from the web. DMSO, although it is not approved by the FDA for anything except an obscure bladder condition (interstitial cystitis), is widely used in sports medicine. Professional sports in particular are obligated to use DMSO to get their athletes recovered from injury and back on the playing field. Each team knows the competition will use it, and this would mean a tremendous advantage for the other team, if it were to be ignored. Combine that with the fact that DMSO is as safe as it is effective (unlike large-dose steroid injections, which were once commonly used in professional sports) and its use becomes mandatory in professional sports medicine. When you consider the fact that DMSO is not a new and patentable drug, is cheap, safe and effective, and knowing what you should know about the medical establishment in the U. S. , you could predict with your eyes closed that there is a propaganda campaign against DMSO. The FDA has done nothing except drag its feet in DMSO research since October 25, 1963 when the first research application to study DMSO was filed with that agency. I got the information from: The Doctors' Medical Library by Ron Kennedy, M. D. , Santa Rosa, CA

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Rs (San Francisco, Ca) on 06/30/2010

I have been battling interstitial cystitis since February 2010 and have been on several rounds of Levaquin thinking it was a UTI. After reading this site I know its cystitis. I went to Whole Foods yesterday and bought ultra colloidal silver and took 2 tsp. yesterday right when I got home and 2 tsp. this morning on an empty stomach, as directed. As of this moment I have no urinary pain at all and no urgency to pee. This is a miracle. It worked fast and it took all the symptoms away in about 24 hours or less. I took my first dose yesterday at about 3:0pm and my second dose this morning before work at about 4:40am. Im pain free and peeing like a normal human being. I did get up last night about 3 times to pee but I expect tonight to be very different. I can feel a difference already. I will give another update in a week. Good luck ladies!! Give this a try if you are at your wits end like I was.

Posted by Renae (Mpls, Mn) on 10/16/2010

Chamomile Tea: A lifesaver!!! I drink 4 teabags at a time in a large mug. 3 mugs per day. I keep extra tea bags in the car for emergencies. Chamomile also helps w/Irritable Bowel, and it contains Quercetin. Too much Quercetin is pro-oxidant even though it's an anti-oxidant. I can only take 1/day (Quercetin capsule also has Bromalin) I also recently added some couchgrass, Marshmallow, cayenne (Note: for us older gals: (I am age 47) 1xday on 1st 1/2 of menstrual cycle... Too many hot flashes on 2nd half.. It's estrogenic and so is quercitin, which I still take all month). Always remember that flairs can come back so do maintenance forever.

Couch Grass
Posted by Lisa (Coral Springs, Fl) on 03/14/2010

Couch grass works wonders for IC. Take it in pill form or in a tea and after about 30 days you will never knew you had it.

EC: More info about Couch Grass, aka Elytrigia repens here:

Couch Grass
Posted by Natalie (Pittsburg, Ks) on 01/31/2012

I have a question about the couch grass, did you still have to adjust your diet?


Marshmallow Root
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 01/15/2010

The aloe works wonders for the bladder pain. I've read it actually works to repair the lining of the bladder. Slippery Elm is supposed to do that too. I use the distilled kind of aloe juice that "tastes like spring water". Can't mention the product name. I had IC pain that got so bad last summer I thought about taking pain pills. I didn't want to do that so I went the natural remedy way. After alot of trial and error this is what works best for me:

1) I drink lots of water to keep the urine as non acidic as possible. I also take Prelief when I eat or drink anything acidic.

2) I use marshmallow root liquid- non alcohol (1 dropper full), aloe vera juice (3 oz) , MSM (4000 mg), and tumeric (1000 mg) as a daily regimen. I have some break-through pain sometimes but I keep it under control most of the time. It tends to flare up more when I get close to my cycle. I've noticed that this regimen also helps quite a bit with my IBS and asmtha too.

I've done alot of reading on IC causes and I think mine started because of systemic candida and having an acidic ph. Candida can affect all of your organ systems, which it has mine. I take coconut oil (2 tbspn), oregano oil, and ingest H202 to fight the candida (I'm seriously considering doing the H202 intravenously). I'm going to add fresh garlic to the mix. I also take 50 billion probiotics daily. My health is still not at 100% but I have come a loooong way in a year.

Good luck and God Bless!

Posted by Steph (Lake Erie, Pa ) on 01/28/2014


According to healthyICrecipes, the problem with Cinnamon (most likely including capsules) in the US, is that it isn't "real" Cinn.! We use a cheaper alternative, called "Cassia", while "real" Cinn is "Ceylon". The cheap stuff contains a toxic compound called "coumarin", which is known to cause liver and kidney damage in high concentrations (I think I read something about it being poisonous to dogs once.). This is why IC patients have trouble with it.

For me, Cinnamon is wonderful to my stomach, and not so to my IC. I found the waaay expensive Ceylon at my Whole Foods Store and am doing an experiment. I am also anxious to try, despite the price ($27.99/lb. this part of US! ), b/c of the grain-free, low sugar diet I am also trying. It is in very many recipes. Also, Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar by "tricking the taste buds that sugar is present", so one can use less! Yea!

I haven't read yet on Cardamon, the only other spice I feel is a similar taste & therefore substitution. Does anyone else know if Cardamon has the same "Coumarin"?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Donna (Royal Oak, Mi) on 01/08/2010

The same thing happened to me - test after test came up negative for any bacteria. Finally one doctor, out of desperation because I kept insisting there was an issue, decided to use a scope and look. Turns out I had a massive infection. Surprised him but not me. It wasn't showing up in the urine tests because it wasn't coming out in the urine - the bacteria was actually imbedded in the lining!

Glad to hear about all these other things you have been trying. I'll put them on my list too. thanks!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dana (Allentown, Nj) on 09/27/2016

Donna, if the bacteria was found embedded in lining, what did dr do to treat it?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Connie (AZ) on 09/18/2021

Hi that product that you can buy over the counter to take before eating problem acidic foods, is called, pre-life. Good luck to you dear as I have suffered with icy for most of my life and just in the last year I've had a terrible flare at 67 years old. But I'm trying many of the natural products and when I am being good I have less pain. I'm definitely going to try the Oxytrol patch. Take care

Turmeric and Lemon Juice
Posted by Annee (Niagara Falls, Canada) on 08/26/2008

Hi to everyone who suffers from chronic disease.. I suffer from a lot of pain, from interstitial cystitis to a severe degenerating disk of my spine. I am only 48. I have severe arthritis as well. i have been taking baking soda twice a day but found out that this cheap remedy is very good and will reduce the acid by far..and is good for a lot of ailments:

I take 1/4tsp of turmeric spice from the grocery store..and a squeezed lemon juice with hot water, about one cup... before breakfast and dinner.. read about information on the web, its amazing.. a specialist who I saw at the spinal decompression clinic told me that.. my faith is in that DR... take care..

Alkaline pH
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, TN) on 05/03/2009

This is for Angie from Goodlettsville, TN that suffers from IC...if you had pus in your urine than it sounds like an infection to me. My urologist said that the does not rely on the urinalysis done in the office because they can be unreliable. He always sends them out to be cultured. I would definitely get a second opinion if I were you. I would much rather have UTI's which can be cleared up rather than IC which is a chronic condition. Best of luck to you.

Alkaline pH
Posted by Susan (Grand Rapids, MI) on 07/26/2009

I have had IC for 19 years so I have a lot of experience dealing with it. When I first came down with it I also noticed that antibiotics relieved my symptoms, so I kept going to the doctor and begging for antibiotics. Whatever causes it is some kind of virulent fungus. What has worked best for me is ___ ____ [anti-candida supplement] and colloidal silver.

Alkaline pH
Posted by Diane (Ottumwa, Iowa, Usa) on 01/14/2011

For I. C. , look at a particular form of calcium called Calcium Glycerophosphate, (brand is P______.) good luck everyone.

Alkaline pH
Posted by Vicki (Atlanta) on 07/07/2018

That's what the Interstitial Cystitis help site says. “Take Calcium Glycerophosphate daily to reduce unintended acids in your diet and decrease IC symptoms which result from ingesting bladder irritants.”

They recommend L-arginine, Chondroitin Sulfate, and Probiotics from studies indicating that they help relieve IC symptoms. I've upped my dose of L-arginine and ordered Chondroitin Sulfate. You probably know of Glucosamine & Chondroitin a popular supplement.

Alkaline pH
Posted by Renae (Mpls, Mn) on 06/05/2011

Calcium Citrate alkolizes urine while giving you calcium you need anyway. Search on Google " "Calcium citrate" "urine PH" " Plus you can put them in your purse. I use 4/day (The recomended dose), one per meal and 1 w/small snack b4 bed. (Purchase w/Magnesium in the pill also, or you can get constipated. ) Test w/ph paper if you like. Works like a charm, while providing what we need anyway-strong bones. I hear to always take calcium w/food for best absorption. 1st time I took them, I tested PH and wow very alkaline. Pain went way down. After taking for 3 weeks, I was pain free, but still on the IC diet, but starting to cheat a little with good results. (salty foods good now, I couldn't eat blueberries b4, can drink white wine now) Sleeping well (up 2x- was up to 10x), and able to wait to go for over 1.5 hrs now.

Alkaline pH
Posted by Janet (In) on 04/27/2017

Treasa using Apple Cider Vinegar as a wipe would be beneficial. Maybe 50 50 spring water and Apple Cider Vinegar on t.p. a time or two. Keep a small bottle of the mix in bathroom for ease of use.

The debris at the opening will breakup and give you relief.

Using baking soda in your Apple Cider Vinegar drink would encourage the breaking of and effortless cleansing of the bladder and kidney.

2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz add 1/2 glass of water and drink 2x a day 1/2 hour after meals. 5 days out of 7.


Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Rose (Brighton, uk) on 07/26/2023

for Cystitis

2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar with bicarbonate of soda add water

Quarter flat of teaspoon cinnamon powder mixed to a paste warm milk added

hot water bottle between thighs is comforting

do not drink cranberry juice only drink lots of water

keep feet and kidney area warm

Baking Soda for Bladder Pain
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 03/30/2021

Thanks, Tom!

It's always good to have another remedy at the ready in my arsenal!

~Mama to Many~

Antidepressants Caused IC
Posted by Anne (USA) on 02/26/2019

It took about five days after stopping SSRI antidepressant Sertraline for my IC symptoms to clear up.

Researching this issue, I found plenty of medical evidence that SSRI medications along with other common medications are notorious for causing IC and bladder contractions and symptoms of IC. Please check your medications and see if bladder or urinary symptoms is listed as a side effect.

I have suffered chronic pain and infections for over nine months and it all cleared up in five days after stopping Zoloft/Sertraline.

Colloidal Silver, Garlic
Posted by Anne (USA) on 02/16/2019

Colloidal Silver

After 9 months of antibiotics and Doctors visits for interstitial cystitis and biofilms, I drank one quart of colloidal silver 10-15 ppm and ate 9-12 cloves of garlic which I chopped and swallowed each day. I spaced the silver and garlic out for three or four doses a day not exceeding a quart of colloidal silver a day. I was advised to use this protocol for three months. After one month, I am symptom free unless I start missing doses. I will complete the 3 months.

Online I found a video on how to make a colloidal silver generator cheaply using three 9 volt batteries, two .9999 silver wires, distilled water and two dual ended alligator clips. It costs me about .37 cents a guart to make a quart in 45 minutes using two 10 gage silver wires. I started out slow and increased my dose of garlic and silver until I was at the full dose.

DNA Testing
Posted by MariCarol (USA) on 02/20/2019

My regular lab will do susceptibility testing with a urine culture if it is ordered by a physician. Way cheaper than Microgen, and gives the same information.

Dietary Change, Probiotics
Posted by Lily%u2019s mom (OHIO) on 09/27/2021

Thank you for sharing this! I suffer the same way. I take probiotics every day, but will add another one🤗

Boric Acid Suppositories
Posted by Kaylap (Abbotsford, Bc) on 02/03/2018 5 posts

Yes, I agree on the boric acid. I found that recurrent yeast infections were exacerbating the inflammation in the pelvic region and thus causing IC flare ups. I experienced lots of relief from IC once I started taking probiotics as well as another herbal supplement (forget the name) to heal my gut, and boric acid to fight yeast.

Dietary Changes, Supplements
Posted by Whisperingsage (Ca) on 08/30/2017 45 posts

Raw dairy from grass fed animals can be healing, Weston Price did a worldwide study in the 1930's to discover the causes of modern degenerative diseases- Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, and he found that the refined foods were the culprit, granted that was before refined grain oils, and GMO's and all the additives after the 30's. But he found proper raw milk and cheese from mineral dense pasture was the ticket. I am trying to replicate that on my small farm. I have goats and milking sheep. There is definitely a difference- my goat milk when the girls are on raw greens is yellow, and so is milk from our Jersey we used to have, who ate foxtails, bless her heart, but green foxtails, and yellow, yellow, yellow milk. There is truly a different chemistry going on there. I am also trying to do greenhouses in winter for chicken and rabbit greens and they get yellow fat too from the greens. sometimes striking yellow. My husband thought something was wrong. But that's beta carotene as well as vitamin K2. We try to supplement with 60 minerals, and put limestone and dolomite on the garden and weeds.

Look up Weston Price's book free PDF here; and listen to Dr Joel Wallach who is an amazing Doc Dead Doctors Don't Lie;

Ozone Installations
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/02/2017

ANNE,,,,,,,,, since I's SJS, I failed to read your last sentence that this procedure can be expensive. No way JOSE, this procedure costs pennies and can be done at home. The problem is the protocol, and I can tell you that is not a deal because it can be done by trial and error. You just error to the safe side.

You have done all a service by telling us about this procedure, but it is not rocket science stuff. The medical folks just want to keep the details a secret so they can milk the patients for all they can. Business as usual. Not fussing at you.


Diet, Turmeric, Exercise
Posted by Julie (Pa) on 07/23/2015

I am so glad someone mentioned stress as a huge underlying reason for IC. I have been dealing with IC for about 2 years. Oddly enough it began with a horrible episode of kidney stones and 1 Lithotripsy treatment. (not sure if that started my IC??) However, my flare ups definitely come when I am super stressed. Usually work related. I have read all of the websites I could about treatments for IC....but I don't believe one remedy will work for all....because IC can be caused by a variety of things. Including infections, stress, high acidity. The problem is finding the right fix can take lots of money and bathroom visits. Also, I also noticed that drinking water (tap from a well) can be very high in stay with the better brands of bottled water. I believe managing my stress a bit better and watching what I eat and drink; although may not be a cure...but will definitely help in dealing with flare ups.

Posted by Nic (Boston) on 10/08/2015

You need to do a broth culture, but not any. The one that "brews" for 10 days. There are only a couple of labs in the country that do that. I always used United Medical Laboratories in West Virginia (I believe). Be careful with Macrobid. You likely have one of the bigger guns infections (enterecoccus), and macrobid only makes them stronger.

Look up Dr Paul Fugazzoto, but with interstitial cystitis in the search or you will get some dentist. He died a few years ago, but before that had a chance to help many-many women figure out they had a bacterial infection that simply didn't show up on a regular urine test. He passed on the culture method he used to the lab, but I believe it was actually used at the very beginning of urinanalysis, and then we switched to the simple test that showed no bacteria in your urine.

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