Itchy Skin Cures

Posted by Esprit64 (Somewhere Maine, Usa) on 04/13/2013

If you have Candida overgrowth, you're familiar with the burning itchy skin that routinely flares especially in hot/humid weather. The skin parts most affected are your underarms, genital and butt areas, but, Candida will also present as red/raw spotted areas anywhere that your skin folds (i.e., under breasts, bellies, etc.).

The only thing that I've found that calms the symptoms immediately and eventually, within 1-2 days of treatment, solves the problem--is Iodine. This is not a cure--just a temporary, but, welcome improvement. Skin problems will return until you rid yourself of the Candida overgrowth.

Buy the cheap, over-the-counter Iodine that sells for $2 for a small bottle. Also buy a box of baby-type-wipes (tissues or cotton balls will not hold up to the rubbing of the Iodine on the skin).

As you know, Iodine stains the skin. You may wish to test how badly it stains your skin as each person has a different chemistry in their body. For me, my fingers stain, but, after one hand washing, there's minimal stain, and, when I wash again a few minutes later, the stain is gone. You may react differently, so check. Consider doing this treatment at night before bed--after a few hours, Iodine is eventually absorbed through the skin.

Until you are comfortable with how accurately you apply the Iodine, you may also wish to remove any rugs or good towels from the area making sure anything else around doesn't stain if drops fall.

Take a baby wipe, fold it in half twice to create a small pad. Pour Iodine onto the pad and simply rub the Iodine directly on any skin part except the genital/butt area.

For the genital/butt area, buy a small pail or tray big enough for you to easily sit-in. Using the bathtub for this treatment won't work--too much water, too little Iodine to be effective. Remember, once you sit, water will disperse, so the sides of the pail/tray should be 3" high or more, but, not too high, otherwise it won't be comfortable to sit in. Fill the pail/tray with warm water, then pour 2 tsp of Iodine into the water, stir. Sit in the Iodine water for 20 minutes.

After treatment, your skin will calm, and, you'll feel human again.

General Feedback
Posted by Deborah (Newark, New Jersey Usa) on 03/13/2013

I wanted to comment on intense itching all over. If you are experiensing this, please check what kinds of medications and over-the-counter medicines you are putting into your body. I went through a period of about 2 years (maybe more) of CRAZY itching all over my body without being able to get a doctor to tell me what was wrong with me (the diagnosis was eczema, which just means your skin itches--duh). I developed a secondary staph infection on my shins and nipples. After arguing with doctors about the cause of this mystery eczema I finally decided to insist that they take me off a bunch of oral meds I had been prescribed for blood pressure and an assortment of issues associated with kidney disease. I was taking TEKTURNA, AZOR, AND SENSIPAR. I, I, I finally determined that I was ALLERGIC to all this crap I was being made to take. None of my doctors would say that I was allegic. I have to be the one to tell them that I am allergic, being evidenced that I get the hives. If I don't remind them that I am allergic to these medications, they would precribe them to me all over again. The biggest point I am trying to make is that you must be an advocate for your own health. Not saying that doctors don't care, but they have so many things on their minds; you're not their only patient. Please inform yourself as best as you can so that YOU are the one telling your doctors what you are going to allow them to do to you.

Krill Oil
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 03/02/2013

Dr. Mercola at tells what kind of Krill oil is the best to buy. He also does videos on Youtube.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 03/02/2013

I used about a cup of each (borax and h202). Seabucktorn oil is good for the scalp (although, I don't have scabies, something similar). Pycnogenol cream on the face works great. Rinse scalp with ACV diluted 1 part ACV to 4 parts water.

Grandmother Guffy Remedy
Posted by Teriinttown (Tacoma, Washington) on 02/03/2013

This is incredible and it worked to stop my itchy skin and cured my chronic dry skin. I am grateful to no longer shower in tap water as well. Thanks for sharing. Have you got some Grandma Guffy advice for shampooing the hair?

Dietary Changes
Posted by John (Dallas, Tx) on 01/10/2013

Hi itching is not fun but I experience it when I grow up. I realise our diet, water n our enviroment cause itching. I have itching on my feet n hand for more than 10 yrs. Actually I don't like vegitable I eat alot of meat. I start eat fruits n vegitables n drinks alot of water will clear up my system good. My itching gone for good n clear up my skin. I did a little research about health n ACV is good for detox your body(add two teasp of ACV with 8 oz of filter water drink it 2 or 3 time a day. Morning , mid morning n afternoon). Have oatmeal n orange juice for breakfast. Prayer n fasting for 3 days work! Never give up get more information n learn about health. Be bless!

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Watcher (Digby, Nova Scotia) on 09/25/2012 10 posts

How much borax to how much H2O2 ?

Krill Oil
Posted by Tom (Rocker, Montana) on 08/06/2012

In June I suffered a bad scrape on a leg and during the curing process the leg itched big time and 3 months later it still is itching, vinegar helps relieve the condition but be sitting down when you apply it to the skin as it will burn where you have scratched.

Krill Oil
Posted by Priya (Beaverton, Or) on 06/21/2012

My one and a half year old baby has the same problem, itchy skin. Even myself and my husband has this itchy skin which started around 2 or 3 months back. The only thing that works for us is homeopathic calendula lotion. It does wonders for us. We bought it at new seasons store and it is made by a homeopathic company called Boiron. My childs itching seems to have reduced a lot. I did a bit of research on calendula and it seems like it is the best soothing stuff ever, good for every thing, last day I accidently got a cut on my finger, applied calendula and it healed so quickly. now I use it for any cuts wounds and burns and find it so soothing, cant do without it honestly.

Grandmother Guffy Remedy
Posted by Cat (Austin, Tx) on 04/12/2012

I only saw my Grandmother, who lived with us when I was a young girl, use pure, cold water on her face every morning. Though she KEPT a bottle of witch hazel on the shelf by the sink, I never saw her use it on her face, just plain water.

But here's my mother's grandmother/ witch hazel story: When my mother birthed a huge 3rd child, she was so badly ripped up that she could not move for the terrible pain. My grandmother, who had been travelling, visited her at the hospital the afternoon of the morning birth and assessed the situation. She then went to a pharmacy and purchased a giant cotton pad and witch hazel. She soaked the cotton pad and placed it between my mother's legs. My mother said, within minutes, she could actually feel the drawing of the pain by the witch hazel and within two hours, she was walking around, pain free. I did mention once before that my grandmother was a healer/mid-wife from a rural community of the early 1900's. She was known far and wide, especially to the "train jumpers" that she fed from a huge black kettle in her back yard, near the rail-road tracks, during the great depression. She was a woman who saw people in need and dived in -- AND, it didn't matter to her what color, religion, philosophy, or background came off those trains. People were hurt and starving, so.....

peace out, CAT

General Feedback
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 03/31/2012

Add a couple of scoops of Virgin Coconut Oil to your bath water. It works great! Don't run the water very hot. Don't drink coffee or caffeinated sodas. Avoid perfume and makeup for a while. Don't use fabric softener sheets--use the perfume free dye free liquid kind. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 02/26/2012

I was allergic to Omeprazole too. I believe it was red dye in the medication (a known carcinogen).

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Luvjoypc (Beaverton, Oregon) on 02/05/2012

Borax, Hydrogen peroxide!

Whew. What a relief! I have been perplexed as to me and my children's ailment for over a month now. Started with intense itching after getting into bed one night. Then my children started exhibiting signs. Took them to dr first, as my dermatologist was booked until Feb 7. Their doctor said "folliculitis" and then took daughter again for a cough, doctor said "impetigo. " Then when I showed her my hand, she said "could it be fleas or scabies?" I freaked out! I really hoped it wasn't. To make a long story short, checked house and cleaned for fleas. No response with a home remedy check for fleas. Tonight while researching, found this info. Kids are asleep, but I mixed borax with hy. Peroxide. Mixed in a bowl and poured over body. Total relief. I have also been using tea tree oil mixed with coconut oil for a few weeks now, so I think that's why it wasn't getting worse, but wasn't getting better either! Tomorrow, my kids get the bath and we will continue to do mounds of laundry! Can't wait for this to be over!!!! There is relief in site for those of you looking. All the best!

Krill Oil
Posted by Helen (Merimbula, Nsw) on 11/17/2011

I have suffered with extremely itchy skin for probably the last twenty five to thirty years and it is worst in hot humid weather or sometimes in cooler weather if I have too many clothes on. It starts around my elbows and then spreads to the rest of my arms sometimes my back , neck and hands. I have seen many doctors and tried many different creams, soaps, tablets etc. Then around a month ago I started taking Krill Oil for my arthritis and miraculously my itch has gone.

Grandmother Guffy Remedy
Posted by Terezia (Dallas, Tx) on 09/30/2011

.... Wow, this is the routine I myself worked out many years ago, after noticing that a dab of coconut oil put in the bath water doesn't just condition the skin, but cleanses better than soap.... so I just omitted the bath part and kept the coconut oil-dry towel regime.

I do take fast showers with home made soaps, but that's secondary to the coconut oil cleansing.

Definitely stops itching, and improves skin texture.

(fluoride in water is also known for rapidly aging the skin, aluminum in commercial soaps drys skin out... What else is in tap water... We have no idea)

I'd also recommend dry brushing (see bamboo drybrushes at Amazon) with essential oils (lavender, geranium, petitgrain, orange, anis, chamomile... I like lavender anise) against itching. Dry brush instead of morning shower or after you are dry (and already itching :)

General Feedback
Posted by Scratchitch (Houston, Tx) on 09/18/2011

I'm not sure if I finally have this under control but I'm hoping with all my might that it's finally going away.

Back in May I visited a friend and we went to her lake house. When I came back home I started getting these "bites" on my torso. At first I thought they were chiggers as we were out in a woody area but as time went on these little bites started moving around my torso. It wasn't very itchy but I was worried about bugs so I went to my dermatologist's PA who didn't think it was chiggers but gave me Peremthrin just in case. I applied one application and didn't think much about it. Slowly the itchiness increased and spread from my torso to my arms. And I didn't think much about it until one morning I started feeling itchy on the skin around my pubic bone. The next day my vagina was swollen and was incredibly itchy along with my anus. I had a few yeast infections before and recognize the feeling and knew this could not be a yeast infection.

I saw my gynecologist who also didn't think it was a yeast infection but took a culture just in case. That came back negative. The husband and I started researching what it could be and feared scabies pinworms given that the itch was worse at night. My GP prescribed Abendazole for the pinworms (at my request) and Prednisone to help alleviate the itching. Prednisone temporarily relieved the itching but I started taking more than one tablet a day (as prescribed) because the itching began to return faster.

I saw another dermatologist who determined it was scabies and gave me more Permethrin. My husband and I both applied it that night. For one evening I didn't itch and assumed it was scabies (gross). The next day the itch came back with a vengeance. At this point, I'm losing sleep and my mind trying to fight the intense urge to itch.

I found this site: and began reading about how others have the same symptoms and their holistic remedies. I started to bathe in Borax, hydrogen peroxide, clove oil, orange oil and eucalyptus oil. After getting out I would mix clove oil with a carrier oil and apply it to my skin. It burned in areas where I scratched my skin raw but the burn was a nice departure from the urge to itch. Anytime the intense urge came back I would apply more clove oil mixture as a preventative to scratch. I began to cone myself like a dog by wrapping plastic food wrap around my arms and torso so I couldn't unconsciously scratch my skin at night. At this time I thought I was treating scabies and every night it was a fight to not tear my skin off.

I'm a home maker (thank goodness because I don't think I could go to work with this sort of miserable itching) and spent all day cleaning my house and washing sheets in fear that I might have an infestation of mites. One night it was so bad I scheduled a internal medicine doctor, 3rd dermatologist and return GP appointment the next day. I was prescribed Atarax by my GP, more Atarax and Prednisone by my Internal Medicine doctor and Hydroxyzine and Allegra by my 3rd Dermatologist. Both my Internal Medicine and dermatologist ordered a battery of lab work. All came back normal. So frustrated at this point. But my 3rd dermatologist, a former army doctor, said that he saw scabies all the time in the army and what I had was not scabies. He gave me the Allegra and Hydroxyzine to treat the symptoms of itching and asked me to come back in three weeks. I only took the medicine that he prescribed however the relief was so temporary I scheduled an appointment with an allergist - determined to find out a cause or a solution to this problem. The allergist was thorough in asking about the timeline, doctors I saw, symptoms I felt and a wide arrange of questions to really understand my problem. He said he would have ordered the same lab work as what my dermatologist and internal medicine doctor ordered. He prescribed Zyrtec to take in the morning and a double dose of Hydroxyzine at night. I asked him what could cause this and he suspects it might be the "scratch-itch cycle" (my GP also thought it might be this at the time of my second visit). I hoped the drugs would be enough but I still felt strong urges to itch and was still miserable. I hoped that given enough days maybe this would finally work but when every minute feels like days it doesn't take long for you to get really frustrated with waiting.

I started looking back at my planner and seeing what was going on around the time this started. Last November I had jaw surgery and had my mouth wired shut for six weeks. At that time I could not take Levoxyl and afterward forgot to resume to take it. So this April I returned to my Endocrinologist because I was feeling horrible again and she tested my blood and confirmed my thyroid was working overtime. I went back on Levoxyl 50 mcg and started feeling so much better. But then a month later the "bites" started. I then Googled "Levoxyl" and "itching" and found if you take more than you should people started feeling bad symptoms including itching around their labia. I know I shouldn't go off medication without consulting my doctor but I had to test the theory if Levoxyl was causing this - so I stopped taking it five days ago. I'm not 100% back to normal but the intense urge to itch ha been reduced to a mild nuisance of tingling. I prefer this over the former. Today I'm feeling so much better but I'm not entire sure as to what it can be attributed to. Either it's (1) I'm off Levoxyl (2) I'm taking Prednisone now (3) it's finally rained after months of drought in Houston and maybe it was something in the dry air that was agitating my skin or (4) the high dose of Turmeric I took - a natural anti-inflammatory. I just want this done and over with. If it is scratch-itch cycle I hope to break it soon because this itch is debilitating. Good luck everyone else and I hope you find the relief/solution to your discomfort.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Springfield, Mo) on 07/05/2011

I've had good luck with it clearing up itchy skin issues. I dilute Apple Cider Vinegar with water 50/50 and dab it on several times a day, even when it is not itching. Using it consistently is the trick, it takes awhile for it to heal. vinegar will help some with itching but it will help more with healing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Megan (Glastonbury, Ct, Usa) on 07/01/2011

It is important to note that constant symptoms of itching (especially if it is worse at night or in your hands and feet) could be a signal of increased bile levels in the liver. This symptom can emerge during pregnancy as a fetus can put strain on your liver, and can remain after pregnancy if not treated. It can also happen without pregnancy. Ask your doctor to check your bile levels.

Posted by Lola (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/26/2011

I use pure cornstarch daily to help with my skin itch. The cornstarch has also helped to heal my rashes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathyw (Encino, Ca) on 06/25/2011

Hi Linda, I have the same problem for the last 2 months and immediatly took one of my mothers probiotics. I also saw a message that mentioned apple cider vinegar, honey in water. Figured I have nothing to lose and drank that as well. If this works I will be forever grateful to the two of you. Thanks Cathy W

Baking Soda
Posted by Jeff (Mckinney, Texas) on 06/21/2011

I had some itchy spots and I mixed some Baking Soda with water and wiped it on the spots. It soothed the spots for me. I also tried Milk Of Magnesia on the spots and it seemed to do the same thing. I hope this helps.

Posted by Linda (York County, Maine) on 06/20/2011

The back of my scalp itched for almost three years; I've been taking probiotics and can honestly say that the itch stopped soon after beginning..... Might be worth a try!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sharon (Nickerson, Ks) on 06/19/2011

I have a question... I have had a place on the back of my right arm and around my neck that have itched for quite awhile... At least 2 yrs or better. Sometimes it worse than other times. I have tried meds from several different drs. With nothing really helping. Lately it's been really bad all day & nite. Will wake me up at nite itching. I scratch until I have little welts or pimple like things. I have tried taking Organic apple cider vinegar internally at least 3x's a day in RO water as well as splashing it on the area, which burns quite a bit. I am looking for some type of home remedy that actually works. I really can't see that the vinegar has helped any. I also use a lotion that a dermatologist perscribed that can be bought over the counter. Any suggestions would be most welcome. Desperate for some relief. Been taking the vinegar for atleast 3 wks. Thanks

Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 05/12/2011

What I'm experiencing right now could be contact dermatitis, a reaction to ACV or iodine/dide, detoxing results, or a diamine oxidase deficiency/food allergy/histamine intolerance. A ER doctor Dx'ed my skin condition as being contact dermatitis of unknown origin or cause, so I listed the other possibilities of my dry, itchy skin. I'm currently on the tail-end of my symptoms. I'm also trying to stick to natural remedies, staying off any Rx.

What has worked so far for itchiness is eating an apple. I've done this thrice now and each time has eased my itching so that I don't have the urge to scratch for several hours. The organic, red delicious apple has definitely helped the skin on my eyelids and my neck and chest. I only buy organic produce due to pesticides -- I definitely have reactions to pesticide-treated fruits. (for the diamine oixidase/histamine intolerance, I've started a eating journal and eating low histamine foods)

Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile Lotion
Posted by Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 04/11/2011

I sometimes get really itchy to the point I have trouble sleeping at night. Dr's gave me a prescription that makes me sleepy so I can't take during the day.

I found a tea tree oil & chamomile itch relief lotion from iherb that works great. This is the only lotion that has ever worked. Sometimes I have to put on twice a day and the other downside is that is very strong smelling. But who cares when you're itching so bad.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Esprit64 (North Yarmouth, Maine) on 03/23/2011

If your skin is breaking out in red, itchy rashes (particularly underarms, folds of skin, etc. ), bumps and welts, the likely sources are Candida overgrowth and/or allergies. I cannot recommend coconut oil highly enough, both for ingestion and for topical use for both conditions. Recommendations for coconut oil intake vary, I've seen 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp/3x daily. Not only will you cure or greatly relieve your current skin problems, but if you use coconut oil on your face and other skin areas, too, your youth and skin's vitality will be restored.

Soft Brush
Posted by Esprit64 (North Yarmouth, Maine) on 03/23/2011

For temporary relief of itching, scratching with your own fingernails doesn't seem to help. I don't know why this works, but scratching with a hair brush having sufficient "bite" seems to calm the itching. How do you choose the right brush? The brush needs to feel harder rather than softer on your skin, but, always comfortable. I found one horse brush that was just stiff enough to do the trick. If you choose a brush too soft, it'll have no effect. Too hard, and you'll wince each time you use it. If you choose the right brush, it will "feel just right."

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Portland, Or, Usa) on 03/12/2011

Hi Karin, the Dutch name for baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is Natriumbicarbonaat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karin (Leeuwarden, The Netherlands) on 03/11/2011

Hi, Ive had exzema for years and use cortisol lots.. Im a Lab technician. Cortisol works for a bit but it always comes back. I was feeling really tired my neck muscles where stiff, exzema vlammed up and even a bit down. I typed in exzema cure on u tube there was this boy talking about EC. I went there and start reading. He sounded so serious and honest. After reading all the notes, ive buyed a bottle organic ACV and jar of coconut oil. Started drinking according to the receipt 2 spoons on a glass of water with a bit of honey. I feel like I just took a redbull..! My face is glowy and my neck stiffness seems almost gone! My head feels clear and my mind too! I will continue to drink and see how I feel and if my skin get better. whith these 2 ''new'' old remedies.

I already used tea tree 100% from chi to keep the bacteria/yeast/fungus away from my itchy red patches in my elbows. Its cooling, kills bacteria and anti iching. Will try ACV too (diluted)

I am dutch can anyone tell me where to get baking soda in our stores? Or what the product name is in the netherlands?

TYVM EC for providing this info!!

Detoxing the Liver, Selenium
Posted by Jb (Byron Bay, Australia) on 10/23/2010

I once suffered from night time itching which had a huge impact on my life as I was unable to sleep or function properly during the day. The itching occurred mostly on my back and was severe. I tried many different lotions and remedies, with only mild relief. I saw a chinese doctor who instantly told me there was an issue with my liver causing the itching. I have since found out that this is a condition that also affects some pregnant women (I was not pregnant). I traced my issue back to the overuse of painkillers for back problems. The doctor told me I must stop taking the painkillers. He put me onto a diet that included a lot of selenium such as brazil nuts and sweet potato. I also had to reduce sugar intake and avoid refined flour products. He prescribed some chinese medicines but I was unable to take them as they made me feel sick. Regardless, my problem was eliminated and I am forever grateful for his diagnosis. I can take painkillers without issues but I only take them rarely now. I was fortunate to find a good chiropractor so I don't need them as much. I wanted to share this with Earth Clinic as this website is a godsend.

Shower Filter
Posted by Candy (Ofallon, Mo) on 09/18/2010

I found if I use a shower filter that filters our water it stops my skin and scalp from itching like crazy. If you think about it, look at the shower doors and how they build up all the gunk from the water, so does our skin. Perhaps you should have this listed as a remedy. It really makes a difference.

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