Keratosis Pilaris Remedies

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Juan (Anon, Usa) on 12/27/2010

Hello Ted,

I have had Keratosis Pilaris on my arms for the longest time and I've tried everything everyone recommends but none of it works (ACV, VCO). Do you have any ideas on what can possibly help to remove the bumps all over my arms?

Thanks and Happy Holidays,


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/29/2010 391 posts


If I had a difficult to solve skin problems I always used a 50% DMSO with tannic acid. If a 50% dmso is prepared in a 100 cc then I would add 1/4 teaspoon of tannic acid, then apply on the skin between 5 to 10 times a day, unrinsed. It tends to deactivate a lot of proteins that caused the problem by denaturing them.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Margaret (Toronto, Canada) on 12/29/2010

Hi Juan,
I've heard people say that when they clean up their diets, Keratosis Pilaris disappears. What do I mean by cleaning up your diet? Eating zero processed foods. No sodas. No fast food. No margarine/ corn oil/soybean oil. No pop-into-the-microwave meals. Make everything from scratch using the healthiest ingredients you can afford - organic fruit and vegetables, grass-fed meat, eggs from truly free range chickens, olive oil, good quality butter etc. These are dietary changes that are good for everyone, not some fad diet, so you really can't lose. If it doesn't fix your Keratosis Pilaris, it'll probably benefit in you in other ways. You can't lose. Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Meagan (Marshall, Tx) on 02/11/2011

Ironically, I found the BEST remedy for this. UV light. I used to lifeguard in college, and my KP was never a problem, as long as I was sunning every day. That was about 10 years ago and I have not lifeguarded or really been in the sun much-even recreationally. I recently began going to the tanning bed (5-7 min. At a time, 3 times a week). Not to fix my KP, but to get a tan... and my KP has almost completely cleared up! It was markedly better after 2 weeks of UV exposure.

I haven't been able to shave my legs for over a year b/c the KP is so bad on my legs... Needless to say-hubby wants me to keep up the tanning sessions-if only to keep the bumps away!

This is not a treatment I have read about or anything-just something I've discovered after living a life with KP... Sun exposure or tanning bed exposure works wonders!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Erin (Nashville, Tn) on 06/13/2011

One of the biggest culprits in keratosis pilaris is actually retinol (vit. A) deficiency. Many people have defective bata carotene conversion (this is genetic) and don't convert beta carotene to retinol as a result.
Good food sources are egg yolks and liver or you can take cod liver oil or a natural vit. A supplement. Topical creams containing retinol or vitamin A are also effective.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pauline (Cheshire, Uk) on 07/13/2010


We used sea buckthorn for a family member whose Keratosis Pilaris (KP) had spread over the entire back and upper arms. Within two weeks of applying seabuckthorn wash and cream, it flared up dramatically, covering front, shoulders and thighs. This is the third week and it's now clearing up. I recently realised through reading Earth clinic that I may have both rosacea and KP which worsen during stress. I'm using sea buckthorn and the orange/lemon recipe (Kathy of Dubois) as Ted recommended orange peel oil for rosacea. Also taking l-lysine 500mg and vit C 2500mg with 1/8th tsp of bicarbonate of soda twice a day though I'm not sure if this is enough. It's a work in progress. I still have signs of rosacea (visible veins, redness, large pores, blotches) but overall, the skin now has a 'purity' or dewiness to it. My husband keeps asking what I've done to my skin as I look younger.

For the KP on legs, I also use one drop of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in a squidge of aloe vera. Although the KP was still visible, the skin instantly felt smoother on the very first application. For the last week, I've been on the sea salt cleanse and this has really helped improve the texture of the skin and the red veins in my eyes. Think the mites have set up home there! Exercise definitely helps. I've had to stop jogging for a while but it did clear the skin. We eat about 60% raw, aiming for 75%. It's taken a lifetime to become ill so I suppose it will take a while to gain optimum health.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jean (Cerritos, Ca) on 07/13/2010

Pauline, could you please tell me what the orange/lemon mixture was that you mentioned and the amounts of each. Thank you, Jean

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pauline (Cheshire, Uk) on 07/14/2010

Hi Jean

The recipe is from Kathy's post on Curing Broken Capillaries (thanks, Kathy of Dubois! ) She gives a detailed description on how to make it so you might want to read her post. It's an acquired taste but it helps if you think of the good it's doing! I had to chop the peel into tiny pieces up with kitchen scissors just before eating and mixing into my breakfast fruit and yoghurt. I started off just eating a tsp but now I'm eating a heaped tbsp.

The recipe is:
3-4 organic oranges or a mix of oranges and lemons (this includes the peel too)
1 tablespoon of sea salt or pink salt
1/4 cup whey (from organic yoghurt with active cultures)
1/2 cup of filtered water (I used Evian)
1/4 cup organic honey

I put the sliced fruit into a clear jar (the type used for home-made jam, poured the liquids over and let it ferment for 3 days before transferring to the fridge. The first lot was okay but the second grew some mould on the peel that was above the liquid. It was very hot at that time so 2 days would have been better.

Castile or Goat Milk Soap
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 07/29/2012


I just bought some goats milk soap and my bumps are back!!!

Fish Oil Supplements
Posted by Priscilla (Mexico, Mo) on 04/18/2013

I'm pretty sure KP is hereditary. My mom has it I do and my sister does as well.

Fish Oil Supplements
Posted by Nicole (Melbourne, AU) on 09/04/2014

Hi there, I am currently taking cod liver oil which I heard can help with Keratosis Pilaris but I haven't yet seen any difference. Should I try fish oil instead? I really want something to work.

Fish Oil Supplements
Posted by Nicole (Melbourne, AU) on 04/20/2015

So I have tried fish oil and cod liver oil (not fermented because I couldn't find any) and omega 3,1552 mg, I tried each kind for 3 weeks and saw no change, I even took 3 capsules a day of the omega 3 for 1 month and saw no difference and then cut back to 1 capsule a day.

For those who saw results, did you have kp on other areas of your body like your legs? I ask because I hear just having bumps on your arms can be an omega 3 deficiency, it might not necessarily be a skin disorder kp, I could be wrong. I'm going to the pharmacy and I will ask for the strongest omega 3 they have and I will try to take that for longer than 3 weeks and I'll let you know how I go, I have kp on my arms and legs.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Loubuggly (Zanesville, Ohio) on 05/17/2012

I have been told by my derm that I have severe KP on my face, neck, legs and stomach. Even water irritates it if the water isn't dried fast. I find that vinegar helps a little, but irritates my KP. If your skin isn't extremely sensitive, I would suggest trying this remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mommy Of E (Three Rivers, Mi) on 08/16/2012

My daughter is 14 months old and started developing these bumps that her pediatrician diagnosed as Keratosis Pilaris when she was around 7.5 months old. Now it covers her legs, is on her arms, and lightly on her cheeks. I switched her to a paraben free bath soap and at first I was trying an ezcema lotion, which had some success in keeping it at bay. Then my sister read that it was possibly an omega 3 deficiency so I stopped the ezcema lotion and we tried an omega 3 infant vitamin. No success there. It actually just continued to get worse. We then tried a calamine cortizone cream because my sister said it helped her skin. Still no luck, but that one was just a test, as I didn't figure it would help since it dries the skin instead of moisturizing.

We are now on day 5 of coconut oil. I wasn't sure about application, and I don't give her daily baths, so I either apply it when she gets out of the bath or before bed. So far it doesn't seem to be working, but I'll keep at it for a few weeks to see. If it doesn't help then I was going to try the AV. My only concern is how to apply that to her when she is in the bath. Should I put it on and rinse her off right before she is about to get out? Then put the coconut oil on? And does this have to be done daily? Because daily baths are honestly a pain and I figured they'd just dry her skin more. But if I have to start giving her daily baths to rid her of this then I will.

I also just wanted to say that, for her at least, there's not a possibility that she has this due to anxiety or stress as she is just a baby, nor is it caused by laundry detergant. No, we haven't switched detergants, but all summer long she has been in a onsie or sundress, shorts and T shirt, and her trunk does not have KP at all. It is her arms and legs and cheeks, which are not subject to clothing with detergant chemicals on it that have KP. And it has just continued to get worse over the summer, even though some say it goes away/gets better in the summer.

I hope you all find what works best and that I can figure out what works for my little girl!

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Stacy (Oklahoma City, OK, USA) on 11/19/2008

Keratosis Pilaris, acne, rosacea, etc

I used to have many health ailments, many of which I have read about here. The only thing that works to cure them and keep them away is a raw diet. When eating a raw diet, you avoid most of the foods that cause the problems in the first place. Consuming too much cooked proteins, especially wheat and dairy, causes disease. Cooking the proteins makes them difficult for the body to break down the protein. The excess proteins clog up the lymph and other organs of elimination causing an over growth of bacteria (colds, cysts, etc.)which in turn causes disease. The disease usually shows up in the weakest organs that have usually been abused the most from a wrong diet. There is a wealth of info at and barefoots forum at Herbs are a great way to aid in healing. When you just start cleansing and eating a raw diet, they can help you heal faster. Just wanted to mention this. Thanks and have a great day!

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Jay (Toronto, Canada) on 11/01/2011


I noticed that my kp went away totally when I was raw! Unfortunately, raw did not agree with me and left me with a slew of other health issues. But 2 great benefits I had were my kp totally disappearing for the first time in my life and my eyesight getting better - my eyeglasses prescription improved!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kay (Toronto, Canada) on 11/30/2007


Hi everyone. I've been ingesting and using 100% pure organic coconut oil since October 2007. I have excema and keratosis pilaris. I've found that my keratosis has gotten better, practicaly non existent, but my excema has worsened. I find that it is drying on my skin and I would need to keep moisturizing constantly throughout the day which is no good. Not sure if that is just because of the cleansing properties of the coconut oil and the toxins are just making their way out of my system or not .. but my excema has definitely not improved. in fact, i've developed a whole new kind of rash. kind of a blistery raised looking rash. I had to switch back to using Aveeno on my skin and just ingesting the coconut oil. Has this happened to anyone else?? Should I be drinking more water? I only take a teaspoon of the oil a day and drink aloe vera juice as well, twice a day. should I just continue to' take the oil and put it on my skin?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Sacramento, CA, USA) on 04/19/2007

I have had keratosis pilaris for many years. I tried apple cider vinegar as suggested and I am amazed at the results. Its only been 4 days and the Keratosis is 80% gone. I also noticed that Im not having spastic colon episodes and for the first time in years I am not needed a sleeping pill to get to sleep. I do have a question if you can kindly answer..Is putting vinegar on food (i.e. popcorn) as helpful as drinking it??

Oil Pulling
Posted by Catalina (Mexico) on 12/17/2006

Oil pulling cured keratosis pilaris, coated tongue, ear wax greatly diminished, softer skin, sounder sleep, white teeth, pinker gums and tongue, reduced menopause symptoms. I have been oil pulling for 4 1/2 months. I pull for 20 minutes with organic coconut oil. Keratosis Pilaris has no known medical cure. I will oil pull for the rest of my life.

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