Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Mite Infestation - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Mite Infestation. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine

Posted by MamaDez (FL) on 10/21/2021

Demodex mite cure:

NAC and neem oil capsules taken twice a day will cure you of this awful affliction. I have spent four long years dealing with these creatures that you cannot find any literature anywhere on medical issues sites. I saw someone post it in here, Earth Clinic, and I will forever be grateful. She did not put what brand or exact dosage so I just winged it myself and it worked. I am not sure why doctors are misinformed or not educated on these demodex because they are very much a problem.

It all started when my children came home with head lice and I over treated our hair, I think the overnight canola oil must of caused them to explode in numbers and not being educated on demodex, had no idea what I was dealing with for two years. I thought worms, flies, fungus, Bacteria nanowires, morgellons, you name it I treated myself for it. I am a OCD crazy clean freak. Like I clean my entire vacuum cleaner out after I vacuum my floors, I am very clean and this disease made me, my home, and family look and feel dirty all the time. Lint was everywhere and almost like a slimy wax build up would like come out of my mouth and pores and leave a trail behind, I was cleaning everyday and never felt or looked clean.

I know if you are dealing with this you understand, so I want to return the favor and hopefully help someone else.

NEEM OIL CAPSULES AND NAC ( N-Acetyl L-Cysteine). I promise you won't be disappointed.


Posted by Jesse (Dowling, Mi) on 04/03/2017

After years of suffering from bird mites and major secondary skin infections to the point of abscesses that had to be opened surgically, I have found that zinc tablets 100mg in the morning and 50mg at night has cleared my skin completely in a matter of 2 weeks. Finally free.
