Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Zapper, MMS, Baking Soda
Posted by Notthatparaonoid (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 07/21/2012

Hi there, I love your site, I have been visiting it for a while now and with your help I was able to help get myself better from this horrible affliction known as Morgellons. I think I really dealt with this longer than I had it because I have always had a strange hair that grew out of the middle of my forehead, and it was grey. I would pull it and it would come back really fast, I even joked saying I wished the rest of my hair would follow suit.

Anyway, that was about 7 years ago. But over the past two years my symptoms became more apparent, I. E. Feeling more and more tired, wanting to be alone alot, and being very depressed. I had a few breakouts of funky fluid filled pods come out of me leaving behind a wound that won't heal. I haven't told anyone cause they would think I was crazy, and I am in a way, but crazy, not stupid.

This is what I have done to help allieviate the problem. First I did what someone had posted in a message board saying that they bathe with Arm&Hamer baking soda, that in itself sounded crazy, till I tried it and it helped to flush and dry-out these little critters. It did work, along with MMS and drinking baking soda, which my friends think I am nuts for doing so. I drink it throughout the day, so I can't really hide it.

But here is the thing, I was still kind of tired and worn out even with those protocols I was using. I felt an improvement with them, but my brain fog was still there and I think I was sleeping 14 hours or more a day. I needed to find another modality.

Enter a zapper, which I won't name names, but I tried it, and I have to say, my energy levels have improved so much in the past few days that I feel "youthful and focused" during the past 3 days. I am continuing this for awhile, but I no longer am tired and spent when I wake up an need to sleep 2 hours later. Now I get up ready for the world in the morning.. I am so excited about the zapping idea that I wanted to write this post.

According to my research on Hulda Clark, she expalins that by zapping your blood with the zapper, you wipe out all the viruses and bacteria in your body, which helps to explain my sudden rush of energy. It raises your bloods PH levels too. Even my lesions are clearing up, almost as if they are drying out. I am going to leave the zapper on 24/7 for the next three months because according to a video saw, someone used a zapper for 3 months straight and his morgellons is completely gone.

Here is the video on youtube

One last thing, using the MMS, I seem to have cleared up other conditions, like my herpes, which hasn't shown its ugly head in this first year I started using MMS. I really do believe that mixing all these things together is really working. Persistance is most likely the key. Anyway, good luck to you all who are dealing with Morgellons. Don't trust anyone with a white lab coat or a certificate from a pharmaceutical conglomerate. I have learned more from here and the internet than most doctors will ever know. Empower yourself!

Articles of Interest
Posted by Jane Doe (Palo Alto, California, Usa) on 02/14/2011

Hi. I live in California, and began noticing being bitten on my legs. It was like little pinches. I also got really itchy rashes. I noticed my clothes had little white "dots" that oddly seemed to be in the same spot where I would get "pinched".. I could see a small bite, with a tiny bit of blod where I'd felt it. I tried all sorts of detergents, salt, borax, soaking, boiling, etc. I put some dark blue sweat pants in a clear plastic bag and days later there would be more white dots. I used to try using a fabric shaver to get them off. Finally I looked up "cotton mite" on the net and decided they were bugs coming in from other countries in our textiles... We no longer bleach cotton... so the bugs can survis I guess??? Anyway, I now wear rayon and other synthetic pants.... I had to search high and low for synthetic clothing.. I mean not even the pockets or lining of the waistband.

I also had to start using a really expensive detergent made by Q based solutions, but it does work. I don't know how long I can afford to use their soap. Its so so expensive... for a short while, I wore a fashionable plastic raincoat that looked like a dress, along with some cool shiney rainboots.

I now have lots of synthetic white t shirts I wear underneath things, most of my cotton clothing is gone... can't trust it.

Also, I never ever ever use the dryer anymore. It just seemed to be worse after drying. I got a great drying rack, and its helped a lot, too.

Something is terribly wrong, and we must not be intimidated by people who can't believe it... this is always the pattern for new diseases... HIV folks were initially told they were crazy. It takes a lot of people complaining about the same thing before it taken seriously... Its up to us. What diseases have they cured??? Malaria? nope. Asthma? Nope. Erectile Dysfunction? Yup. Baldness? Yup. Hello????

Nutrition is our friend. So is basic hygene and common sense. I used a colon cleanse that was diatomacious earth, bentonite clay, psyllium, etc. It took some time but it paid off in spades. Each time I would pass something strange in my stool I would get more energy. But I now have a lot of food allergies. I was never allergic to ANYTHING before.....

Here's the scarey part. I was at Trader Joe's grocery a couple days ago buying lavender plants... I read that lavender and rosemary help deter insects... The checkout clerk started telling me how the school sent his kids home because they were itching all over and they think its coming from their new couch. The kids were kept out of school for a week, they got rid of the couch, but the kids still itch all over and have red bites. These people have no money to deal with this problem... No health insurance. How many people have this that are in that situation?

Garlic, Grape Seed Oil
Posted by Paul (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/07/2009

first of all thank you to this site. As a sufferer of Morgellons for 20 plus years I am truly greatful to the internet for all the knowledge we inflicted people are going through who have this disease and the hope we are now being given by all of us taking one step at a time in trial and error usage of anything and everything on this planet that may be able to cure us one day, which is more that I can say for the medical community making us feel like idiots because of their headstrong view points. I often wonder how these morans got their diplomas, perhaps in a raffle.

The dermotologist and Parasitologist community are the worst for being of any helpto a plight they cannot see clearly or understand. To them if it does not exist in their medical books then you are crazy, all I can say is they sais the same about AIDS and I have seen many of these people in 20 years and only 1 tropical medicine doctor cared enough to make the effort to try and help even thought she did not understand this either. Thanks to youtube and wedsites like this we are begining to be believed and make a difference. Anyway enough of all my hurt and pain now comes the good stuff.

In my fight to rid myself of the entity I have nearly killed myself by taking animal medications and knocking my poor skin to shreads by taking harsh treatments which may work temporarily but of course these things come right on back in the next hatching period. I believe the cure is far more simple that this and its staring us in the face and is not meant to hurt us in the process.

This is what is helping me greatly. A combination of two treatments. 1/ Garlic not just to be eaten and 2/ Pure Grape seed oil. Method: buy 5 or 6 cloves of garlic about a $1.00, then hopefully you have a juicer because you are going to juice the garlic not eat the garlic. You will get a little juice from each whole clove but not much. Juice all cloves and you will have a small bottle full. Buy a small 2oz bottle that has a dropper in it. The Morgellons entity seems to be active most at night or stirred up by heat. My main problem area is with my scalp and facial areas, so I run hot water on my scalp at night to disturb the worms and bring them to the surface and in an hour or two I am crawling all over my scalp and face with the movement sensation and on scraping the skin with an instument, under ths skin scrapings are the worm string hair like objects and black oval shaped objects. Ok, apply the garlic liquid via the dropper all over the skin on the scalp and face. It will burn like hell for a bit but remember what you are burning so its ok, nothing can withstand the fire of sulfur. The liquid is very potent when juiced. (DO NOT DRINK THE LIQUID) because it will kill you or make you very sorry you did, be carefull also not to get it in your eyes. Ok, after about 30 minutes or so this amazing miracle of nature will change its consistancy and dry as hard as a rock making you hair rock hard, nothing on the surface can move, (just like Morgellons sticks to your skin by producing a substance that protects itself and at the same time sealing itself through the substance to your skin so the worm can start burying into the skin and reach the hair folicle which I believe is where it lays its eggs thus you skin protects the Morgellons from whatever you are using and the hatching cycle will start all over again. Its a very clever little worm getting your own body to protect its babies along with its own defensive substance) leave the garlic liquid on the skin and hair about 3 hours then rince off with warm water and the miracle consistacy will change back from rock hard to liquid again and easily leave you skin and hair intact. You will have just killed everything that was on your scalp and surface of the skin for that night and the next couple of days. To repair the damage from drying out the skin the next evening you will now pour the Grape Seed oil on the same area scalp and hair and face, or any part of the body that is infected this does several things. 1/ Softens the skin up from the dryness of the garlic liquid and 2/ the worms don't do well in oil especially Grape Seed oil which is also a strong bacteria fighter. The weight of an oil stops them instanly from moving and I believe also kills them from the content of grape seed. Within the next few days you will have more worms coming through the skin from the hatching egg cycle from the hair folicles and the only way to break this cycle is from stopping them from entering your skin to produce babies. So repeat this procedure garlic Liquid one day Grape Seed Oil the next 2 nights tehn go back to the garlic liquid. It will really help the cause but as yet not a 100% cure.

I believe I contracted Morgellons from lying down in my back yard on the grass and that this is a plant based organism or as some believe and man made organism either way its out there and is no figment of anybody's imagination.

I also have tried the skin penetrator solvent DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide by mixing a few drops into the garlic and to try and take the garlic through the skin and penetrate the hair folicle where the eggs are or penetrate the skin of the worm also. I had a few side effects from the DMSO, nothing bad but I stopped using the solvent for the moment.

Thats what I am using after 20 years of trial and error and life ruining hell and I am managing to survive and improve. Until there is a cure you have to manage the problem. the higher the percentage of management the better you will do. We will win the war even if we loose a few battle on tghe way. No doubt about that. Godbless and I hope this can help someone.

thank you Earth Clinic for the opportunity to post this.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Laura (Portland, Or) on 07/04/2015

After suffering Morgellons for years, I went to a naturopath who is now treating me for latent chronic Lyme disease. I came to realize that my Morgellons was probably systemic.

It's been about three weeks. I'm seeing some definite improvement. The coating of Morgellons on my skin is becoming much easier to exfoliate off of my skin. Both the naturopath and I agree that Lyme and Morgellons cross paths. I'll try to update if I find this path has cured me totally. So far, so good. I have to say, it was the first time I felt I was being helped instead of ridiculed by the medical community.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elaine (Spencer, Indiana, USA) on 02/06/2009

Morgellons help: I moved from indianapolis to spencer indiana 3 years ago. We never had problems like Morgellons until we moved. I think some how this Morgellons is related to Lyme. Indiana is the capitol of the limestone industry. There are a few limestone Quarys in our area. The fuzz balls and fibers we see in our home and on us resemble those fibers found on lymebusters under jeuvenile Nematomorphus. We use a lot of garlic and vinegar. Before going to bed at night I find great relief after bathing I rub regular cider vinegar directly on by body all over. I have a dollar store spray bottle filled with vinegar and I spray it all around my room and on my bed. I get relief. Vinegar I found out has 93vitamins and minnerals in it. Try to eat garlic as well. I hope they find out what this is soon. I am tired of No Answers. This vinegar spraying works for me. It is not a cure, but I can get a LOT OF RELIEF>

Lyderm Cream
Posted by Leah (Philadelphia, Pa) on 04/22/2013

Hello, I'm not a sufferer but I have been interested in immunological illnesses and researching their treatment with immuno supportive foods, herbs and supplements. Many on here have made the connection between Lyme and Morgellins. It is verly likely you have that type of morgellins and should look at the natural protocols for Lyme on this website.

I'm not a Dr, but know that steroids such as the cream you have and prednisone others are taking can mask symptoms. The reason this is a problem is that it will turn off your immune system and suppress your adrenals. Since Lyme and other forms of Morgellins (all illnesses really) require a functional immune system to beat, you should avoid steroids and start an intensive immuno supportive regime. I have a strong feeling that heavy metal toxicity is involved. You may want to look up some liver detox protocols to start. I personally cycle through taking lugols iodine, apple cider vinegar, diatomaceous earth, b complex, vit a, c, d, magnesium, zinc, omega 3 oil, coconut oil, creatine, melatonin, chlorella, spirulina, chlorophyll, food grade H2O2, and try to eat a very organic, low carb, alkaline diet based on Weston Price principles.

The low body temperature people report for this illness indicates to me a suppressed thyroid. Iodine is the element you need to support thyroid. You can take it as a tincture from lugols or from seaweed such as kelp or from the Peruvian herb called Maca root. As some others have mentioned, inducing a fever is important for fighting invaders. It works for cancer and other hidden viruses so should work for Mogellins too.

Iodine and apple cider vinegar are an old folk remedy to deworm livestock. Diatomaceous earth is an other safe mineral supplement much like betonite clay that due to its silica content kills parasites and other bugs in your guts when you drink a spoonful a day in water.

Vitamin C is crucial for immunity from anything. It is one of the central antioxidants that keeps your detoxification system cycling. The B vitamins especially B12 are also key antioxidants that you need to keep down free radicals. Dr Sarah Myhill in Wales specializes in detoxification to treat chronic fatigue. Her website is great. Very informative and helpful. The reason I mention it is because there is a link between chronic yeast, fungal, bacterial, parasite invasion and a break down in your detoxification system. You need to turn your detox pathways back on. She highly recommends glutathione and other activated vitamins/minerals.

Wishing you all well!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Erin (OKC, OK) on 04/08/2009

EJ I share a very similar story. My battle began 3 years ago. I had the itching, skin crawling and bumps. When my daughter began to have the same symptoms I took her to the doctor. First visit he said it was just a rash. On the second visit 2 days later he said he may be scabies and gave me a prescrption for our entire house, including my one year old. It went away for a week or so then came back even stronger. We had our house sprayed for every kind of insect. I made 2 ER trips with the same "your crazy" response. I felt like I was going insane! My one year old began having symptoms so I took her to the doctor. He also said I was crazy. In my long search for a "cure" I have lost custody of my oldest daughter (no one knew what morgellons was at the time) and had major problems in my marriage.(because he didn't have the problem) I am happy to report that hydrogen peroxide (food grade) seems to be making a difference. I have just followed the directions for how much to take. I also do detox baths every day with baking soda, sea salt, and sometimes borax. Iodine seems to help dry them out. I wanted to cry when I read the stories that are posted. Its nice to know I'm not crazy. Thank you all so much!

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 05/02/2012

OMG.... For years I have had these THICK BLACK ROOTLESS "hairs" coming out of my face. Sometimes in specks. It got worse, 3 weeks ago.... 2 weeks ago, I looked up "fibers coming out of face" and for the first time heard of Morgellons. I never really paid attention to it, but have ALL the symptoms listed online.... And started watching as green and red, blue and purple fibers came out. I put olive oil on my face and it really started sending them out, with lesions that will not heal until all the crap works its way out. I thought I had big spider veins on my face that I have had lazered in the past. Now I have 3" black fibers that are twisted up with what looks like a mosquito or some kind of bug, in the middle of them, working their way out. Not spider veins at all! I have many other things that look like weird little alien bugs coming out... In various colors. Did you ever go to sleep.... And wake up and think you are in the twilight zone? And hope to wake up.... But every day is worse.... Like if the twilight zone and groundhog day were mashed together into a 3 week movie? I actually laughed when I stumbled on Morgellons disease..... But it is very real. Everyone out of the very few people I have told about it, said go to the Dr. NO WAY! I see how people have been treated! I have quite a weird collection of things that I've gotten out of my skin..... My husband thought I was nutz until he pulled a few "doubled green hairs" out of my skin! He has seen enough and knows what I am dealing with. WHAT DO I DO???

I am so new to this.... And am really scared. I have weird dots on my eyes.... For a while now. 2 nights ago it felt like something crawling into my eye..... I looked between my lashes and found this weird red aiein looking spider thing still moving. I have felt like something is in my eyes for a long time, but we can never find anything. This crap is freaking me out! HELP!!! I am a very logical and bright person... And am not in any way crazy.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Pdiddy (Alexandria, VA) on 09/05/2008

I am surprised at the lack of information and general implied skepticism when describing Morgellons. Perhaps you were meaning to sound unbiased but I as well as others believe it to sound quite the unbelievable condition that people conjured up and are diagnosing themselves via the internet...not so, my friend and I hope that you never experience such a horrifying disease.

The fact of the matter is that when a person becomes infected, while one might try their hardest to reject these bizarre progressive symptoms, there is no denying that something is very, very wrong...and then the strange and disturbing journey unfolds right before your eyes that are oddly very similar in nature and description, to what other people are going through - even right down to how many doctors they have been to that are just as baffled by what they are hearing and seeing from their patients. It is very easy to "self-diagnose", once you have these distinct patterns of infection that your body is struggling to battle. For example, not any other illnesses that are in the medical books today, would describe an itchy, crawling sensation, only for you to continually find unwanted and strange 'artifacts' that you had never seen before coming out of the pours of your skin. The samples taken of this infection could not be produced from a person who has Delusional Parasitosis- if there really is such a disease-- especially when they are collectively the same in nature. And this is just one of the symptoms of this very complicated infection.

Furthermore, how and why are all conditions given a name? Names are given to categorize a set of symptoms. From past history, we have all seen how long it takes for the medical establishment to acknowledge a new and rare disease. While many people were suffering a long time with this illness and trying to seek help from medical professionals, no one was really listening. So, from a will to survive and out of frustration and desperation, a collective and intelligent group of sufferers took it upon themselves to compile the similar symptoms of a disease that was of unknown etiology. They became pro-active in hopes of not only finding a cure, but to prevent this from spreading to other unsuspecting people - such as the person who wrote this description of Morgellons. Now, thanks to these people who were "self-diagnosing", we have the CDC studying this, an independent lab researching, as well as a upcoming medical program that will be addressing this pandemic on national television.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 03/07/2022

I know copper helps and maybe borax. I hope you recover quickly; I know it's an intense battle. I met someone I prayed for that had it and when I went home, I saw it in the air around me. It's not hard to catch. Another lady said it is in wood and concrete foundations and I just pray whoever set it into action that it all gets collected and deposited on them so they can get the full effect of what they sowed, like covid. I Pray that for chemtrails too. RETURN TO SENDER.

Morgellons Epidemiology of filamentous Biofilm Bacteria (

Wriggling Fibers
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 09/20/2021 440 posts

An understanding of faith and sowing and reaping has never been as important as it is today - right now. We live in an electromagnetic universe. A field of fields where similar fields gather and feed off one another and dissimilar fields drive one another off.

Sowing concern can only reap one thing and that's things to be concerned about. Sowing victimization - same thing.

Modern man is very nearly wholly sociopolitical which is just another word for believing one is dependent upon and scrambling to find some way to control other minds. Minds harvesting other minds. Exactly like zombies.

Everyone has the exact same freedom to participate or not. As they choose, based on their beliefs, and NO one has the freedom to choose for anyone else. Not their politicians, not their neighbors - not even their own children. You simply don't get to do that. Others are their own fields - their own freedom. Period.

It's scary to think that no one can interfere with what others choose to do and try to do but just as you can't control them, nor can they control you. Every harm delivered can only ever hit a willing receptacle.

If you can't believe in or garner any faith in God, use the laws of physics. Not the laws of physics man manufactures and uses to rationalize the "anomalies" created when his sowing and reaping crashes into his beliefs and wishes and mess up his efforts to control reality but, rather, the laws of physics that have been taking care of business - and life - since the beginning.

Healing isn't just about medicine. When you make peace with reality and are awed by and explore its magnificence, your field extends as far as you can see. Everything you see is a reaping of your own sowing. Like a shield around you and those to whom you are similar enough and who are similar enough to you to maintain and cultivate a close proximity. Yes, some are driven off but it's not in any way forced or "aggravated". It's just a natural flow of similar fields flowing toward you and dissimilar fields flowing away from you. Perfectly natural. You don't even have to think about it. All you have to do is consciously recognize and deliberately turn away from your own state of concern. It's the natural way of life and it doesn't take long to fall into step with it. Naturally. That's all it is. Sowing and reaping.

People think emotion is primitive, childish or "unevolved", and I would agree with that, except I don't think it's "less" or that its absence or overwhelmingly harsh nature is in any way "superior". I think it's critical. Yes, it's primitive, childish and "unevolved" but in the same way breathing is "unevolved". It has a purpose. And its purpose is to inform you of the direction in which you're moving so you can change course. Just like birds and bees and sharks and bears. Like all forms of life.

The art of sowing and reaping. Medicine for the whole being. Better than wealth, better than youth, better than physical beauty. Better, even, than sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. No worries - just the daily reaping of awe-inspiring treasures and wonders within your very own world. A world that extends as far as your eyes can see.

Make peace with reality. Make peace with all of everyone's freedom to choose for themselves what they sow - because the freedom of others to sow and reap monsters is the exact same freedom you have, to not.

I've gone as far as I care to go in my exploration of natural medicine so, I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone well, according to their own freedom, their own choices and in their own being.

Posted by Deborah (MI) on 07/08/2021

Boron 6-9 mg daily for Morgellons.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Terri (California) on 09/07/2021


Morgellons -- This is TERRI and I posted in May. I over-dosed on Ivermectin and ended up with a raging liver...very dangerous. Please remove it from my original post because if you do not have a doctor that understands how much you can take, you can end up with liver damage. You can remove the portion regarding Ivermectin or add this. I think it would be best to remove but you would know best. Thank you!

There is a new Morgellons site and the owner had it for several years and is free of it. - Diane is wonderful and she can help you! Genes all natural products

There is also Quantum Healing Club. Dr. Sam has Morgellons and she has a radio show. I am now listening to Morgellons frequency on her site and can also be found on youtube. She has wonderful ideas under "resources." I have ordered the Serendipity Cream, CBD cream, and Zeolite. I was fortunate enough to talk to her, but please know her site - read it! - before you ask her a question. I was talking to Tommy and she jumped on the phone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Postalcanary (Seattle ) on 09/10/2021

Funny, you didn't mention the ivermectin FIRST. yes, those other things help SOME PEOPLE MANAGE morgellons. But most can't afford to buy all that stuff. The kleen green is expensive. Back to the ivermectin. THATS what's helping u get well bIVERNECTIN AMD FENBENDAZOLE R USED QUITE SUCCESFULLY to treat morgellons. But no matter which u use and whether u work with a doctor or not, it's a long treatment. They r also the best treatments. When I've been dealing with this for long enough, you really won't care if it's natural or not. You just want it to GO THE FK AWAY! Morgellons is related to Lyme. It's a combo of parasites AND a fungal infection. The fungus is ATHELIA ROLFSI. THATS why IVERMECTIN IS HELPING YOU GET BETTER! BUT! Be carful. Ivermectin is good medicine. But it can harm the liver. It's best to be monitored while using it long term. Get your liver enzymes checked monthly or every couple of months. Iver is being used for covid too. Per usual, people use more than they should and get sick and OD. Now because of THOSE IDIOTS it's harder to get it anymore without a prescription. Way to go! Also treatment for parasites can cause HERXING. GOOGLE IT. ☺️ But people and hospitals also often misdiagnosed the herx. Herxing is the die off of parasites. You need to makes sure your pooping daily too. When these parasites die, they release toxins that make u sick. You don't want to reabaorb those. You need to get that out of your body. U can get morgellons a variety of wayS.. Your pets is very common and A moldy house tooo. Bug bites. Gardening. Also if your a gardner get tested for SPOROTHRIX It's soil borne. It's VERY COMMON FOUND WORLD WIDE. Don't believe that it's only in tropical places. Much of the info is out dated. U can get it from cats too. It looks just like morgellons. Weird, there is a test for sporothrix, a fungus. Yet morgellons which looks exactly like it, people r called crazy. There is just WAYYYYYY TO MUCH TO TYPE AND TELL.

Gallium Nitrate
Posted by Agatha Rose (Albuquerque Nm ) on 01/30/2016

Morgellons/Mites: Gallium nitrate works well. Gallium chelates aluminum from the body. You MUST follow the directions and dilute properly before you drink it. Drink lots of water too after taking. Remember that even diluted if you put it topically on hair it will turn orange-red. (You can be in style these days 😊) DILUTED form : go by body weight, then week on, week off sort of schedule..with lots of water drinking. Take zinc supplement as Gallium can reduce zinc. There is a Gallium creme called Gallixa.. great product.

EC: Here's an interesting article on George Eby's site we just found while researching Gallium Nitrate in case anyone is interested.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Viverre (California) on 02/05/2016

I wrote the post above. Ive stopped using the lemon mixture because of the smell. Im now spraying my house and car with Miracle II clear Neutralizer mixed with water. I add just a couple drops of orsnge oil to a large spray bottle and spray everything that can get wet. Make sure you super dry things like couch cushions with your hair dryer. Im also cleaning with disinfectant wipes...the kind that pop up. Im using them even on my floor. You have to clean everything...empty drawers, cupboards, etc and clean, spray, clean more. You can spray your skin with the Miracle Ii clear and a tiny bit of orange oil after a shower. My car is doing great but my house has a way to go. You will love how fresh this smells. I have been adding a few drops of orange oil to hair conditioner and leaving it in for awhile. Test small area oil is strong. If yoir skin can handle a little orange oil, I highly recommend trying this mixture... Miracle II Neutralizer gel mixed with a few drops of orange oil and then massaged into skin and scalp. You will love how this stuff feels. I use small round containers with lids from the travel section of walmart to keep it in and use it often while watching tv. Slowly cover your whole scalp and body., massaging it in.....especially your feet and ankles. Again, use it in small area first to make sure it isnt to strong. Wait for results...nothing works in minutes. Give it a few days. Im still taking the Benadryl at night, the milder Zantac during the day.10 mg of Melatonin at night. My biggest success has been swimming in the ocean. The salt water really clears stuff out. Im just amazed at how much stuff was layered onto my scalp now that its peeling off. Im doing soooo much better. But remember, nothing will work until your environment improves. Clean, clean and more clean.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Deb (Kansas) on 01/12/2016

I went to sleep 10.31.15 and woke up next morning w/rash all over my head face neck and chest. I was out of town at funeral so went to walkin. There I was given shot of steroid, script for more steroids an antibiotic. I came home thinking I was getting better, but on 11.20.15 went back to PCP. She said scabies. Grossly misdiagnosed. She said make sure you get it down there good. I said it's not "down there" and what about my head because she was only prescribing one tube of the permethrin cream. I knew that wasn't enough because my hair was long. PCP stated I am giving you shampoo for your hair. When I left that office I thought I was getting scabies ridding shampoo for my hair, but no it was steroid shampoo. PCP gave me SEVEN refills. Now you would think she thought whatever I had was bad cause who prescribes seven refills?? Well, three days later I was calling back for more cream and had to BEG for it. I was then referred to first dermatologist. That was a complete waste of time. She said you don't have scabies and didn't offer any other treatment plan or proposal of any kind. I have started going to gym everyday to alternate between hot tub, sauna and steam room. All of these are helping a lot and I am disturbing these mites for sure. Today, I took my waterpik put it on the slowest spray and fill container w/very warm water and peroxide(quit a bit)and sprayed it in my ears. I have asked three different doctors to clean out my clogged ears and they refer me to Walmart for ear cleaning kit. None worked. The spray felt good and it knocked out the white things in my ears. I have started an assault on my body w/water and heat. It is helping a lot especially the sauna because it's 170 degrees in there. I am done w/borax bathes and permethrin creams. I purchased one month gym membership and if it works plan on continuing w/membership. The isolation is almost unbearable. I put makeup on the spots on face and joined bowling team last night. Has anybody thought about suing their doctor for not receiving proper medical help and making you feel like you were crazy?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sammie (Las Vegas, NV) on 02/22/2015

I have lots to say about nests, but would like to add: One of the big barriers to patients and drs understanding this is there is no point of reference. The bugs, dont look like bugs, act like them etc. If you google for a picture of the inside of a rubber ball, this is what I think you are describing with the "fibers" etc. This is what the nest looks like inside. All mushed and wound together, the nest (for me) has 2 methods of movement that are painful and obviously felt.

One is that the entire nest will flinch, draw together when threatened. This is much more noticable in old nests, where, the fibers are what I call Piano Wires or Guitar Strings. This adds pain, and makes it really hard to break up the nest, my successes have come through stubborn perseverance, and plenty of pain sorry to say. So hang in there, get as far as you can, and start again later. Keeping the nests moist really really helps.

Some web/fibers/hair are tough to break too, I have had to actually cut a few that would not break! Very carefully, drawing it up with a needle, and using a razor blade to cut only the "wire" on the needle.

The other movement is where they break from the nest to flick on to something else. I have had areas where the crap is trapped, yet continues to try to escape... and it sort of feels like a pulse or repeated tugging in the wound/nest. I have had a coin sized piece held in tweezers and had it flick... God Bless Us!

I have other nest experiences but maybe this helps?

Garlic, MSM
Posted by Dana (Oakland, Ca) on 10/09/2014

My condition has improved in five days by taking 3000 mg of garlic in pill form three times daily. I've also been taking 2000 mg of msm three times daily. Drinking lots of water, attempting the alkaline diet have helped as well. I'm quite surprised at this progress and wanted to share the information. Five days ago I was suicidal. strange artifacts were falling out of my face and easily rubbed out of my skin with oil after showering. I was terrified to bathe. I didn't want to see all the stuff that would have come out. I was itching like crazy from head to toe. Stuff was coming out of my hair, my nose, my eyes, my butt... It was really freaking me out. I feel like tomorrow I will be brave enough to actually take a bath instead of just showering. So, chins up everyone! Let's hang in there. There is hope :) yay.

Posted by Redcairo (Ozarks, Usa) on 11/30/2013

I was looking for what is in star anise, as I bought powdered of it a long time ago as backup in case of a bad flu. I saw it had something called Anethole. When I searched on this I saw this title:

Anethole, a synergist of polygodial against filamentous microorganisms

wait, what is that? doesn't that sound like -- yes! It is. "filamentous microorganisms" = morgellon's!!

OK so what has anethole?

basil oil
Oil of bitter fennel contains more than 60% anethole
Sweet fennel usually contains more anethole than bitter fennel oil.
Star Anise contains trans-anethole (note: 1 version of a plant called this is edible another is toxic)
Anise (Pimpinella anisum) (not the same thing or even related to star anise) contains anethole
Anethole extracted from basil is available for sale online, used in daily food flavors
Anethole occurs naturally in chickpea seed. Garbanzo beans are also known as chickpeas. commonly sprouted.

Brief ref that got my attention as I was talking about carrageenan and (totally separately) fluid retentention recently (it is in many cream cheese, half&half and creams where I shop):"Anethole inhibited carrageenan-induced edema at doses of 3, 10 and 30 mg/kg from 60 to 240 min after induction."

Anethole seems to be like other plant substances that will kill-bad-things-in-you: super powerful, last resort when immunity can't do it, but able to be overdosed on for sure

It sounds to me like this substance may be a potential for treating morgellon's. I had never heard this before, so I wanted to share it on EarthClinic in case people with that issue search there, just for ref.

Dietary Changes, Baking Soda
Posted by Lana (Lake Jackson, Tx) on 02/18/2016

Everything u said is probably true but I have seen and watched this organism and try to completely cure it. If u don't get sun rays or tanning bed rays extensively you will not know if it's gone. I have battled this weird crap for 40 years. I have studied it in all forms and researched it until I give up until I break out again. The energy the organism has is searching for moisture and a budding effect in production. For survival it will host on plants or animals. First I believed it was half plant, half animal. Mites, also but I do think in some way it has something to do with flies? Or flies like to eat it? I really want to know before I die because the disease is baffling and has caused me torment through the years. And I can't even guess at the money value!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jennifer (USA) on 05/22/2013 5 posts

Morgellons Remedies: I use a variety of things to keep it in check. Benadryl is awesome for the itching. I go to the local dollar store for the Sun detergent, baby shampoo, lemon juice concentrate, and dandruff shampoo. I mix the lemon juice with the baby shampoo. Not sure if it's better than using the suave shampoo but it helps. I also noticed that if I mix the lemon juice with my body wash, 50/50, It's orange peel with honeysuckle it does a great job. On alternate days I use dandruff shampoo all over my body and leave it on 5-7 minutes, usually until it gets in my eyes. Then rinse it does pretty well. Other things that help are pine tar soap, neem soap, and dawn dish soap. Thieves oil and tea tree oil work well. I make my own thieves oil since it is so expensive. If you don't want to do that there are people who sell their own version on eBay. That is also where I order my oil of oregano, super strength. I know black walnut hull works well too, just don't take any vinegar for at least 5 hours before or after. I did that and began experiencing pain near my pulmonary arteries. I began taking 2000 mg of vitamin c every 4 hours for the next 24 hours to quell the symptoms. Podophyllum peltatum 30C every 8 hours, seemed to cure me for a while. I usually take ashwagandha, triphala, and neem. That and regular baths seem to keep me rash free.

Unfortunately, I still feel them in my skin. I try to take baths or showers regularly. In my baths I alternate using 25 alfalfa tablet, half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, some essential oils, 2 cups of Epsom salt, and 2 cups of sun detergent. On alternate baths I use about 24-32 oz of regular apple cider vinegar, 2 cups of borax, 2 cups of epsom salt, and different essential oils. I save the organic apple cider vinegar to take. I noticed that diatomaceous earth seems to kill them inside you and keep them from moving. I try to take 3 rounded tsp 9a day. I noticed this works better than 2x's a day. When I first started taking it I had to take it 4x's a day. Lately I have noticed I am just worn down by the disease and the routine. However, whenever I keep at it I usually feel better physically. Sometimes I use the baking soda/ maple syrup binded routine. Take about 1 Hersheys kiss sized dose 2-3x's a day. Either four hours before/ after I take grapefruit seed extract for my vitamin c since baking soda zaps it from your body. I take this 2-3x's a day. I don't do this all the time but its supposed to be one of the cures. They also don't like mentholated alcohol, cocoa butter, and Shea butter. I hope this helps, happy morg killing. JW

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Chaney (Erie, Kansas) on 08/26/2012

This has been so amazing. I believe this person is right. After about a day of uncomfortableness ( take an asprin as they said on the first day) from this remedy I started to feel a lot better I started to notice dry and dark patches on my skin The fevering in my skin is gone also. As a week went by I used it every night before I went to bed My skin does not crawl at all any more and I did experiance some slight stinging sinsations throught out the following week but it is week two now and every day is getting better. I still need to use the yukka and deoderant every night but every day I am noticing less sores and no new ones coming up. This is amazing Your going to thank this person. I have finally gotten a good nights rest without waking up itching They really figured it out.

General Feedback
Posted by Buggedout (Fallbrook, Ca) on 05/04/2013

Emu Lady from McClure... would have been nice to hear what is in your skin cream that you used to heal the scars and wounds.

I have used Panalog which is a vet medicine and was blown away by the parasites and fiber balls it brought out of my skin. This stuff is available for dogs and cats but not humans. Go figure. It is antifungal antiparasitic and reduces inflammation.

Our cotton products can carry this morgellons worm and also grabs onto the parasites from other things.

The parasites can transfer in the laundry. Do not believe that they can be killed in drenching clothing for 2 hours in ammonia, it doesn't work.

I have the morgellons phorid flies all over my home now, purely disgusting. One got cooked in the microwave with food and flew out of there in perfect condition.

I recommend everyone watch Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory movie on Plum Island (Netflix) and also research the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which wants depopulation and supposedly plans to vaccinate the population via mosquitos. I believe "vaccinate" must be a code word for "kill".

Research Dr. Carley who lost her medical license speaking out against vaccinations. Her friend, a veternarian, lost his license by speaking out against vaccinations. My dog developed seizures after vaccines I did not authorize, my brother's dog died the day after vaccination during a seizure, my cat almost died after vaccination and was on IV's for a week.

I also think morgellons worms are in chemtrails and in our water.

Fungus and parasites are the basis for all disease.

Check out Dr. Simoncini on you tube, he blows the lid off the fact that cancer is a fungus. If you have morgellons you have systemic fungus.

God Bless you all.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Sammie (Las Vegas, Nevada, Usa) on 01/02/2012

Hi, sorry I took so long to get back to you. There has been so many changes in the findings about Morgellons, that seems like just as I was going to post something, I made changes.

Finally got a chance to sit down and put some things together. I started a shower protocol, which really was helpful in absence of all else at the time, and I still follow it to some degree, because it really helped.

OK I have never really typed or written this out, but have thought a lot about doing so, be patient. I had BAD BAD brain problems about 2 or 3 years ago, but have somewhat recovered, I do my best.

Sams Shower protocol:

The main idea/concept is to get as much of the outgrowth off each time you Shower. You should shower at LEAST every other day. Everyday would be ideal, however, I Know how tired one can get and understand it is hard. If I had known what was going on back in 1999 when I got this, I Probably could have stopped it eventually with this shower protocol. Keep in mind that different parts of the county have different "versions" of this MANGE. So what is working for me here in the desert of Las Vegas, may not exactly work for you, but with a few adjustments for your area, based on your Symptoms, this should help you out a lot. I started this at about 10-12 years into being infested, and it made quite a bit of difference.

A couple of suggestions before I write down this protocol: Get your diet as alkaline as possible. Learn about Acidic foods and Alkaline Foods. Remember that this stuff easily becomes resistant to anything it regularly has contact with. SWITCH THINGS UP, do not use the same thing over and over. I have several items in the shower, and I did not get them all in one day. This stuff came over time, and trial and error. It is still subject to change, and you should keep your defense tactics "open to Update:". All of the items I list here are used exclusively EXTERNALLY.

Items I use are:

Coal Tar Soap
Sulfa shampoo / sulfa ointment / sufla soap
Pumace soap
Different pumace stones:
Natural, synthetic, sharp, not sharp, etc
2 really good brushes with long handles, mine are plastic about 2. 5 feet long
And long bristled, hard
I keep a gallon bottle with white vinegar and one with apple cider vinegar, lids
On, in the shower for rinsing
I keep squirt bottles of:
1. Clorox & water (1/3 clorox and distilled water)
2. Borax and hydrogen peroxide (about 1/4 cup of borax and regular drugstore
Hydrogen peroxide)
3. Willard water & distilled water (the recommended drinking formula, 2 oz per
4. MMS ( go to Jim's MMS web site)
5. Any kind of shaving cream/gel
6. Body scrubbing cloth that can be washed after use ( best to have a few around
7 white towels only, use only once before washing (note: all laundry, material cleaning, must be soaked in borax (put borax , use directions on the box, in the
Washing machine, fill with water, let it agitate, then add clothes, let soak for 30 mins or longer then wash as usual, AND MMS, per website instructions. MMS is very good at KILLING MORGELLONS ON CONTACT, borax is good at killing other parasites. This minimizes any living crap survival. Keep in mind this is a MANGE, meaning a combination of "living things" that survive well together. Gotta concentrate on killing more than just the mysterious morgellons. I keep my head shaved, as I have no intention of providing more places for these suckers to live in/on me.

Use a NEW RAZOR each shower. Dollar store razors are fine. Sometimes I get the 3 blade kind, otherwise the twin blade works fine. Er by scrubbing down and rinsing with soap, or the dandrfuff shampoo or combination of them, then I shave again with a new razor every time, rinse then I target each area with willard spray or hydrogen peroxide/borax mix or bleach diluted, then I use a bar soap and scrub the back side, and thighs, I then take the other brush (each brush is used exclusively for that particular area) for the calfs ankles and feet. I then rinse and get the pummace stone and work as needed from head to toe.

All items I use are bleached after use and before use by spraying or soaking depending on how much they are used. Make sure and throughly scrub cuticles of feet and hands and the black string/ribbon things tend to collect in the dead skin there, I even pumace my fingernails as the crap is in them too. Then I rinse with the shower head , and then fill up a gallon jug of water, luke warm, plus vinegar, switching between white and vinegar depending on the day. I use about 1/4 cup of vinegar per gallon, this is a lot and a few tablespoons will do, be ready for the STING! But it does not last long. I sometimes add in the willard, and the borax hydrogen peroxide and bleach, and vary the combination each time. I air dry, and then use only coconut oil to moisturize the entire body, also using the mms which is very important to use topically as well as internally.

This whole ordeal was and still works for me but I have now added topical tetracycline and diatemeceous earth, food grade, externally only. There is a rather new study showing the similarities between Morgellons and Bovine digital dermatitis, it is very interesting, and points out that ANIMALS got treatment quicker and faster and more effective than humans with the same probelm all because of the lack of support from dermatology. NO ON SHOULD HAVE EVER given dermatologist any power or any diagnostic criteria for ANY MENTAL issue, they are NOT TRAINED for it, and it has actually killed people that have died from real bad problems because no one would believe them. That's my learned opinion and I am sticking to it!!!!

Here is the link for the study, I found this UK Morgellons site a million times better than the USA or any other site, the links are EXCELLENT and very helpful. The spots on me that have been horrrible for many many years, are now clearing up!!! The topical tetracycline plus the mms is really doing the trick, and topical is also the important thing to remember. I have been mixing the tetracycline in thick lotion or shea butter and lathering it on all over. I also tried vasaline, but it does not mix up well. I also add the diatmaceous earth (sorry for my spelling), which is a. Very cheap, and b. Really effective. I have been putting a couple of tablespoons in juice or anything every day and I feel better every day. My body is really kicking out the morgellons, streaks and wild things are being emitted from my body, and places are clearing up. I hope that I do not reach a plateau, but am ready for any eventuality, since I have been through hell and back, I am prepared for what ever comes my way.

I encourage all Morgellons folks to HANG IN THERE. I have had it over 12 years, and got so brain fogged I could not finish a sentence, but out of desperation used beach on my skin a few times daily and the cloud began to clear within months. Make sure what is going on with your thyroid as this shit is a thyroid killer! Try to keep up with your teeth, because this stuff has componenets that eat away dentin in the teeth, causing them to break off, decay etc. I am going to have to have all of my teeth upper and lower behind the eye teeth eigher removed and replaced, or crowned, or root cananled... Expensive.

I don't have a dr right now that help me, and when I have a dr rather a fmp, she would not help, she did not believe me and manipulated and lied to me at every turn. So I went to the fish store and got the fish grade tetracycline, I was in granulated form. I take one packet and dissolve it in a small amount of willard water, the add it to what ever will stick on my boty. ON the bad parts that have been active for years, I spread on the shea butter with tetracycline thick, put a layer of plactic bag over it and wear it all night long. I am curious about your borox baths! How are you gettting your head and face covered? It seems you would need to make sure you get your head soaked too... As this stuff seems to really love hair and hair focilicles.

Well, I am now looking forward to a full recovery some day, things are going better than they have, ever, since this shit started. I still have energy probelms, like NONE, but I also have no thyroid working so that probably does not help matters. I am getting a zapper, monster zapper and will be using it too. I am also hoping that once I get this crap outta my thyroid, I might find some way to jump start it again. ANYTHING my friend ANYTHING is possible with the right attitude, and outlook added to dogged determination. So hang in there, DO NOT EVER GIVE UP. Rest when you need it, get SUNSHINE!! It is the same as buying far infared technology, or do both!!! Check out the article I sent you and let me know what you think about the web site if you have not seen it before! click on the Middelveen MJ & Stricker RB (2011) Filament formation associated with spirochetal infection: a comparative approach to Morgellons disease, Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, Volume 2011:4 16177 article to get the latest.

Turn, you may have an experience like this Ms. Denise who makes decisions for others based on her whim instead of empirical data or evidence or study. Don't waste time with them, keep looking for someone who is sympathetic to your problems.. So I went to the fish store and got the fish grade tetracycline, I was in Granulated form. The poorly trained and overly opinionated and criminally insane providers like Ms Denise, will have to atone some day for their lack of ability, insight and hypocratic oath.. I take one packet and dissolve it in a small amount of Willard water, the add it to what ever will stick on my boty. For the mean time, I just keep working on myself to get myself better. ON the bad parts that have been active for years, I spread on the shea butter with tetracycline thick, put a layer of plactic bag over it and wear it all night long. Well, I am now looking forward to a full recovery some day, the stuff I am now doing is going so much better but better than they before, ever, since this shit started. I still have no energy, like NONE, but I also have no thyroid working so that probably does not help matters. I am getting a zapper, monster zapper and will be using it too. I am also
Hoping that once I get this crap outta my thyroid, I might find some way to jump
Start it again. ANYTHING my friend ANYTHING is possible with the right
Attitude, and outlook added to dogged determination. So hang in there, DO NOT EVER GIVE UP> rest when you need it, get SUNSHINE!! It is the same as buying Farinfared technology, or do both!!! Let me know what you think about the website if you have not seen it before! Check out the article I sent you and this is the web site I mentioned: href="" target=_blank>

Click on the
Middelveen MJ & Stricker RB (2011) Filament formation associated with
Spirochetal infection: a comparative approach to Morgellons disease, Clinical,
Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, Volume 2011:4 167-177

Article to get the latest. I am looking forward to finding others and their successes as we finally get some answers over the next few years.
from a person who has suffered from this for over 12 years, DO NOT EVER GIVE UP!!!
I know it is really hard, and you get really tired and sad from lack of resources and help, but the stuff that works is very very cheap and more effective than anything I have seen.

TRY THE MMS, do it carefully and by the book, and do it topically, orally, internally, enma, and if you think you are able through your sinus. Just read the directions carefully

search the sites I have given you they are the morgellons UK is FILLED with great resources for about every body part and the MMS is extremely effective but you must use it topically at least, and do not over do it.

In addition an emphasis on keeping your diet ALKALINE (there is excellent resources and decription s about this in the Morgellons UK links)
I got really severe about this for a few days and killed off a bunch of stuff.

I have spent the last 5 or 6 years using my poor little self as a guiena pig, and would like for this information to help others from feeling like they have to do the same.
If you think you have Morgellons, and all this stuff seems like too much, which in one dose it is, try stating just one thing at a time, giving yourself ample time to understand what you are doing. You may have brain fog and that really slows everything down, but you can make it go away!
Just keep up trying, keep checking the web sites for new research and developments. Keep believing in yourself. The biggest thing I found out about myself is that I WANT TO LIVE, and I LOVE LIFE. I am not on antidepressnats. So this may tell you that somehting or the combination of the above has helped. I drink Willard Water daily and I swear by it too. Finally, spirituality prayer and study in this area will be of great comfort to you, in your journey. I am particularly fond of Sylvia Browne and find her writings completey in line with my innate beliefs, but I am sure that your particular religion will be just the ticket for you.

I will check back in if I hear of any late breaking changes that I add that works. Don't be your own lab rat, I have done this for you!!!! I did some dumb stuff and can only hope that no permanent damage was done. Everything here works to some degree and is not likely to harm you if you follow the directions. It is up to you.

In the mean time, for me, it will be more topical tetracycline *(from the pet store until I can get another Dr lined up), MMS, Willard Water, Hydrogen peroxide/borax, diluted bleach, and an alkaline diet as much as possible.

I look forward to reading about other peoples discoveries and successes.


Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Sammie (Las Vegas. Nevada) on 01/20/2016

Hi. Following up on the Morgellons battle. I continue to get better, improvements coming a little quicker. I have more energy and stamina.

By the time I fully realized the situation, my apartment was completely infested. I was stuck due to financial problems, and tried about everything to get "rid " of it. My poor kitties and I passing the nasty critters back and forth. I finally had to send them back home (heaven), where they are safe from this scourge!

Finally I was able to move and managed to purchase an RV, never lived in, so I could start over in PREVENTING the nests from forming, and PREVENTING the crap that comes off me from rejoining. I thought about leaving the apartment with nothing but my drivers license, which, actually in hind sight, would have been best. But I kept some things, nothing made of material, or with the type of density that can be infested.

I have a no tolerance rule now, (easy to say, difficult to follow as I am a pack rat), but ANYTHING that tingles in my hand, or has the little lints, curly or straight hits the trash. Everything I took was cleaned with MMS or Hydrogen peroxide or the extra/amonium chloride solution, or combination, or in succession, including whatever container I (if any), then bagged sealed the put in a new tub. When bringing in the new tubs I put plastic on the floor and kept them separate and only in the apartment long enough to load.

I continue to wear socks only once (discount stores sell loose socks for as low as 10 cents a pair). I spray pants, especially crotch and waist area after each wear, before washing and after washing. I even put the vaseline stuff on the pants before wearing (like on jeans and thick clothes). Wash sheets every 2 or 3 nights. I readily toss ANYTHING that is suspect. It's easy to see the evidence before or after washing, you will see little lints that are usually really well stuck to the fabric by the hair like part. At that point, the item is a reinfestation hazard and I throw it away.

Things that I cannot wash I put in a large garbage bag, then put a dish with a 20 or 40 drop dose of MMS (KEEP COVERED INTIL SAFETLY INSIDE BAG). Place the glass or ceramic dish where it won't spill and tie up or seal the bag. I get clear garbage bags, this way I can remember what is in there and can see when the MMS is no longer active (it goes from amber to clear). MMS is strong stuff, and I now mainly use it topically, and in the environment. I think that low dose would be OK for Morgellons sufferers, but since this is such a difficult to see and slow to kill problem, the titration drop schedules are not quite as effective and I think I know why.

I have had a tremendous amount of this stuff come off me, and it has taken years of consistent, persistent, dogged determination, and I have learned quite a bit about what it does. I don't know WHAT it is, or HOW it does it, or WHERE it came from, but I do know SOME of the WHAT it does. It acts basically like a ground cover plant. It has a electromagnetic attraction to it's host. It creates a biofilm in which it lives, is protected and can procreate or replicate. It does not live well in the outside world, but in a somewhat protected environment, like a home, a bathroom, a bus, with a host or hosts, it can really thrive. It is extremely tiny, and can live on any suitable host for a long long time before symptoms are felt. The biofilm it produces shields it, hides it, and becomes a breeding ground. The biofilm also attracts other insects to come and lay eggs. The secretion of the biofilm also can act as a way to soften up the surrounding area in order for it to escape.

I think that normal exposure to it, by people with good working immune systems, go unnoticed and are not problematic. However, anyone (animal or person) exposed to heavy infestation will experience some problems. If the immune system is functioning well at the time, there is probably no long term infestation. If the immune system is compromised, especially if the person or animal has metal toxicities, an infestation has a chance to get started. If a person has even slight symptoms of itchy spots, stinging etc and no clear reason they should probably get out the hydrogen peroxide per Teds formula and treat themselves, unfortunately, the medical community and everyone else (almost) , probably will not recognize this problem for quite some time. Anyway once the infestation begins it repeats itself over and over, on top of itself and spreads out, particularly liking moist dark areas, where they can biofilm themselves into little crevices, and get attached. No body part is immune, they get under the fingernails, in hair roots, in hair, in mouth, nose, eyes. Depending on where you live, other microbes/parasites join this destructive community, and add to the toxic infestation. They are so small they travel on any movement of air, when not attached, and can be eaten, breathed, etc. The nests build up in areas where there is a dip or lower part of skin or body, until it builds up enough to "spill over" and the "ground cover" type infestation works to completely engulf the host. This happens faster or slower depending on how much and how old of a nest you were exposed to, any treatments you may be using to slow it down, and the status of your immune system.

The continous biofilm production can weaken the skin underneath so much that it gets inside the body. These nests build 360 degrees, in other words the oldest part is usually in the very middle with more and more generations extending outwards. It usually "grows" in the direction of least resistance. You need too be attacking it topically on your skin, topically in your body, and at the same time the immune system must be detoxed continuously, and helped to get moving and improved. This is a continual process because it is so difficult to kill what you cannot see, and often times cannot feel. It is continual because by the time you feel it, and have symptoms of tiredness you are quite infested. Your immune system was impaired to begin with, but now, will be continually challenged as long as this nasty thing is living on you. The biofilm it creates is toxic, very toxic and acidic, and once the nests get large, you will see actual drops of clear liquid coming from the wounds, that sting on open wounds, in eyes etc. The established nests are continously surviving, growing in number, and working to engulf the host. I believe that when you can see the drops of biofilm, you are looking at thousands if not millions of these acting in unison. The ones that come off you that are not dead, seek each other out and start new communities. When this happens, either on you or your environment, there can be quite a population explosion, considering the multiples involved. (i.e.: 1x1,2x2,3x3 the number get really big really fast).

So you must fight it continually, in the beginning you are trying to kill it all, but you must get past the reproduction rate to make any progress. The biofilm is very very effective in protecting the nests, when you use the topical treatments, you only get the top layers, which is why you must repeat the application often. Even then, all are not killed only the outer layers, which causes the inner layers to biofilm again. This is one of the reasons it is so difficult to "treat". We suffer from the delusion from the AMA etc that one pill or one doctor or one treatment will cure things, and in reality, this is not so. Most medical treatments which work quickly also damage the host and are dangerous, I am talking for any disease.

Those of you who are a few or many years into this must commit to a ongoing, long term dedication of treating your self on every level. They do seem to get resistant at times. I mix it up by stopping one of the treatments for a month or so, but continuing the others, then reintroducing the treatment again. I am talking about the hydrogen peroxide, the MMS, and ammonium chloride/edta solutions. Treatment of building your immune system with good diet, good air, sunshine without sunblock in moderation and exercise or moving your body as often as you can, is an ongoing unending process. It is incredibly difficult to stop bad habits like soda, cigs, alcohol, over the counter analgesic's, pain meds etc, but you must taper or quit these in order to allow your immune system to detox, and strengthen. I know that with this infestation one is left with little to be happy about or look forward to, and you will need to postpone a lot of short term rewards to get the long term gain.

My protocol has the same components I posted earlier, except, I am always adding to it as I learn more about health. Your diet must get to organic (mostly), fresh locally if and when possible, and you must hydrate yourself a lot.

The nests end up covering much of your skin even though you cannot see it or feel it. This prevents the skin from doing it job of detoxing, and also absorbing oxygen and vitamin D from the Sun. Also, the skin breathes, so to speak, and this becomes impaired. Your bodies ability to moderate temperature is impaired. Your vision will change with growing or shrinking infestation. I lost most sense of smell and taste, which is finally coming back slowly.

One thing that happened that really surprised me, and was noteworthy in this recovery, was that in the shower a few months ago, I noticed that my fingers and toes actually got wrinkly. With all the other horrific symptoms, I had not noticed that even while taking 2+ hour showers doing my protocol, my skin did not get wrinkly, until a few months ago. Which really helped me to see how far I have come and how much I was covered!

Another problem I encountered is that when using too much topical stuff, and getting too much of this in one place to be killed or threatened, can cause extreme pain, beyond human tolerance. I had been agressively applying the hydrogen peroxide, and got a lot on my hands, which were covered with this stuff. It all started to move, to pull together at once, this began to get painful and quickly felt as if I was undergoing bamboo torture, and finger breaking all at once. I tried cold water, but that made it worse, actually all movement made it worse. I found that stopping the treatment, stopping movement and putting my hands over my head to stop the throbbing, and room temperature, calmed things down. So getting too aggressive with it, can be quite uncomfortable, to say the least. The pain subsided in an hour or so, and from there I proceeded with caution.

I would also suggest wearing gloves (I use vynal as I am allergic to layex) when treating your body with any of the three topical treatments to keep this from happening and also to prevent repeated exposure to the hydrogen peroxide, which seems to cause some temporary skin and nerve damage.

I am able to get up daily, and even though I moved, I did not end up bedridden (when I moved into my apartment 3 years ago, it nearly killed me and I ended up in bed for several weeks, very exhausted, weak and miserable. If I over do it, I will have a rough morning, but by afternoon, and diligent overall care, I am feeling better. Within a few days I am back on track.

I actually have had times where I feel good. These are coming more often and lasting longer. My confusion is less, ability to make decisions and to figure things out is taking less effort. All of these build on each other, making the depression less severe, the attitude better, giving me some little rewards for the effort. I am not cured, however, I have more hope now than ever. I know now that my efforts are paying off, and hopefully I will recover fully someday. I know this will take some more years, but what the hell else would I be doing? As I have said before, I would rather fight to live and live waiting to die.

I have a motto I use for myself, and that is: If I can get a little better, then, I can get a little better than that. Sometimes you only perceive yourself a little better, and have no way to measure it or see it. This is when you begin to TRUST YOURSELF, trust your instincts. I meditate, I communicate with my spirit self, my guides, and myself. It gets lonely when you are infested, and fearful of infesting others, as well as consumed with this nasty stuff. it has all been necessary, and to be expected, so don't beat yourself up because no one understands or believes you. This is a dangerous infectious disease, and the medical community has to admit gross failures at numerous levels in order to recognize it. This is why it will probably end up being phased in, as opposed to flash reported, in order to be accepted and understood.

I know it is not popular but I have chosen all along to use tweezerman tweezers to debris the wounds and nests. It really hurts, but, is effective in disrupting and dismantling the nests. Remember, when using topical treatments or debriding with tweezers, the population that is still on you is biofilming even more as protection. So I debris, then apply. I shave all over this helps to cut off stuff you cannot see. I spray with hydrogen peroxide right after. This is always done IN THE SHOWER. The reason for this is that when you shave an area, it is disrupted and threatened. There are many of these in the stuff that comes off. Best to be in the shower to get these sticky things down the drain. Best to be naked too as this is a quick way to ruin any clothing (and about everything else nearby) The dollar stores sell a 6 blade razor, 2 for $1.00, which I find do an excellent job, and cheap enough to throw away after one use. Change your toothbrush often, use razors only once, keep your brushes and combs and makeup covered and sanitized/cleaned to avoid reinfestation.

I now keep everything in bags and tubs, separate. This prevents any outbreaks from getting any further than where it started, prevents these things from regrouping too. I am also using lint rollers and moisten sponges etc on ALL SURFACES I LIVE IN, I am committed to not letting ANY nests begin. I have found that these things can get a large nest going in under a month, small nests get started in under 1 day. It likes any surface it can get into the cracks. The counter tops in my apartment were very infested. This stuff got into and destroyed telephones, wired fire alarm, televisions, computers, numeous computer mice and keyboards, furniture, walls etc. When it had gotten it's worse, I could stand outside looking at my apartment and see evidence of the nests on the exterior walls and balcony. Frightening but true.

I wrote this one off the cuff, did not think too much about it before hand, so I hope it is not too vague or scattered. Please refer to my earlier posts for the total protocol using Teds recipes.

I don't like it, but I have had to accept it, and fight it with all I got. I hope that my experiences will be of inspiration or help to others.

I know that we will all be OK no matter what happens, life is a temporary theatre of sorts, you have always been, and you will always be.

Again I encourage anyone to contact me to discuss particulars etc, my e mail has changed:

I have really enjoyed communicating with those who write, and it helps to not feel so alone.

Thanks again to Earth Clinic and TED for helping me to save my life!

[email protected].

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gina (Raleigh, Nc Usa) on 01/01/2012

3 years into this and trial and error with different products has resulted in several things. Any type of fruit, pineapple, citrus, pears, can be mixed with olive oil, virgin coconut oil, grapeseed oil, ( which can be found at Kroger, Harris Teeter) as well as sea salt, garlic and parsley, cilantro can be found in the produce section in squeeze tubes, as well as cornmeal and peanut butter to make a mask to apply to lesions. Sallys beauty supply has a pineapple enzyme exfolliating cleaner as well as a dead sea mask which are excellent. Experiment! Dr. Brommers peppermint is a life saver, I put it on my bounce sheets for drying clothes. Borax, Windex is a good cleaner for counters. Diatomaceous Earth also, but its tough on vacuum cleaners. I also put Borax, Dr. Bronners, Baking soda, vinegar, salt, as well as E. Oils in bath water.

General Feedback
Posted by Patricia (Portland, Or) on 12/04/2011

I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles with Morgellons. I, too, took the ivermectin. And a million other things before I found what worked for me. I was acutely ill for about six months. What worked: hydrogen peroxide and borax solution (mix equal amount in bowl with water) rubbed over entire body several times per day. Cedarcide worked for the environment. Tri-jet fogger. Thieves oil diffused and taken internally. If you have any pets, interceptor is VERY helpful. We had to go to Puerto Rico to get it over the counter. It is by far the worst hell I could imagine. But I am now recovered. Sending you waves of wellness.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anna (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 04/18/2011


I have had this for almost 2 years now, but I have to say that since I started an alkaline diet like changing cow milk with almond milk, lowering my sugar intake and taking 2 spoons of wheat grass powder at night before going to bed, I almost forgot about the crawling stinging, and itching sensation.

I take 1 spirulina pill with a multivitamin in the morning and 1 maca pill just to start my day and feel full of energy. Maca is great against Morguellons because not only is good for the inmune system and energy also it gets rid of the pain I used to feel, the stinging sensation. I take maca 1 or twice a day. Also I lowered my sugar intake, but sometimes I get a few cookies or chocolate during the day with no effects of any kind.

I don't take colloidal silver, MSO, garlic pills, alfalfa or any other stuff I used to take before when I was desperate looking for something that could give me my normal life back. I don't see those horrible black dots or hair anymore. Sometimes I even forget that I have this disease and feel that thank God I am living a normal life now.

Garlic Paste
Posted by Once Bitten (Phoenix, Arizona) on 12/07/2012

I prayed for a long time to be healed, and was given an overwhelming feeling of peace that God was with me. I kept my faith, and about two weeks ago, I read something online like I was reading if for the first time. God bless the man who wrote a long article on Morgellons and Candida.

I never had a clue about any of this. I have taken antibiotics when I had a lot of dental work done, but didn't think I ever had a yeast infection, being good about taking my probiotics. But I was wrong. Every symptom this man listed as a symptom of Candida was what I was experiencing with Morgellons, down to the crawling, granules, and black specks. I couldn't believe it.

I continued what I was already doing, including antifungal meds, acai, garlic, aloe vera juice inside and out, and of course my acidophilus.

I went on the candida diet, which I looked at as a strict Atkins diet, and the first five days my poop was white. That was the proof I needed. I couldn't believe I had all of this awful stuff built up inside my body, no wonder I felt so bad. And keep in mind, the little bast----s feed off of this stuff! The diet starves them out, but you still need to keep up your current treatments.

I am two weeks in now, and I am feeling great. A little crawling here and there, but getting weaker and weaker, skin is looking great, I am feeling human again! I think that fairly soon, I will have seen the last of Captain Trips for good.

I don't know how I got this and I am not here to try and shoot down anyone's theories. All I know is that somehow, we all ended up with it, and this is how I'm getting rid of it. For any of you who are clinging to your theories and don't believe the answer could be so simple, please just give it a try. I am not selling anything here, like a lot of other people are. There is even a doctor in Scottsdale, Az that is removing people's hip replacements, telling them it's the metal making them sick! We are all desperate, and predators know that, which is why I am writing this. It is simple and cheap to take care of, some otc supplements and meds, along with diet. Remember our father of modern medicine said "let their food be their medicine".

I take mucinex morning and night, acai, acidophilus, and garlic during the day. After drying off form a nice hot shower, I use a spray bottle to spritz aloe vera juice all over my body (anti-fungal and antimicrobial) and I sip it mixed with water throughout the day.

I have also discovered my environment in not contaminated, all I felt was from within myself. I am finally back to leading a normal life.

I pray for all of you the results I have had. I don't know why this happened, but my trust is in God to know what is best for me, knowing that everything happens for a reason. He is in control, and that is all I need to know. While we are here together on this earth, we need to love and look out for each other, so I hope this will help you all. It was my Christmas miracle and I hope it is yours, too.

Love and God Bless.

Garlic Paste
Posted by Jackie (Sacramento) on 07/11/2016

You are so blessed to the lady who prayed about the Morgellons yet came across the Candida diet...thank you for sharing...I need to try this..I cried so hard last night and prayed anyone suffering with this horror would be given a miracle of healing bh God and that no one would ever endure this thing again...I want this monster erraticated from the earth...Jesus help us all.

Posted by Mac (Des Moines, Iowa) on 12/30/2009


Morgellons Cure

I had Morgellons for about 16 years and visited many doctors who all stated that I had Ekbom Syndrome "Delusory parasitosis, a belief that one's body is infested by invisible bugs." Funny thing is none of the doctors took the time to even look at my skin or take a biopsy. My latest Doctor gave me the same diagnosis but provided me with a prescription for Ivermectin and explained that it is what they use in Dogs for Heart Worm and for humans with River Blindness also known as Onchocerciasis. I was Morgellons free within a week of taking the medication but it did take 6 weeks or so till the areas healed where the bugs died under my skin and eventually came out as small pimples over many parts of my body. I had several people comment on how smooth my back felt during that time as my back has been rough with small bumps for many years. All was well for 6 months till my daughter moved back into my house with the family dog. It is almost as if I have caught it again from either the dog or my daughter who has a visible skin condition all over her body even worse than I had with the disease. Hard part about this is she does not believe that she has Morgellons and refuses to bring this up to a doctor. I guess if you treat one you must treat all at the same time including pets or you will catch it right back.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thoroughmom (New England) on 12/28/2020

NO NO NO NO Hydrochloric Acid!! It is dangerous and NOT naturally in the body.

" Ingesting concentrated hydrochloric acid can cause pain, difficulty swallowing, nausea, and vomiting. Ingestion of concentrated hydrochloric acid can also cause severe corrosive injury to the mouth, throat esophagus, and stomach, with bleeding, perforation, scarring, or stricture formation as potential sequelae."

HOCL - Hypochlorous Acid IS naturally occurring in the body and may well be useful in combatting MD. It is an all purpose bacteria killer, sanitizer, and is regularly used in wound care and disinfection. THIS product COULD BE safely used. In addition, it can be used in a fogger in the home, in nasal rinses, and consumed a 1/2 teaspoon or so in water at a time. It makes sense that it would help.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debra (Tulsa) on 01/03/2015

Yes the black specks and other gunk come out after bathing and applying coconut oil. I've literally had to get right back in the tub to rinse them off then pat skin dry. I always pull my hair up and when I wash it I pull it forward so it never touches my back!! I have noted after bathing a wad of hair that ends up in tub will actually be coated with a thick gelatinous substance. It looks like a worm. So be cautious with hair. I stopped using very thick moisturisers like Shea butter(pure form) because when I got dressed I itched terribly on my legs where I used it and took clothing off to find fuzz balls everywhere I itched! These stick to these products and sting you. I read a post where someone used a microscope and saw these were alive and were spinning threads from clothing worn then actually went into the skin. When I read this I recalled this started when I began using products that were very greasy on my skin. I even got one on a frown line on my forehead and that is where I had used the Shea butter. This was my experience and it could affect others as well.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Madison (Vancouver ) on 07/27/2021

It's like I'm reading my own story & trials of years of natural treatments some Hilda Clark some rife frequencies- with amazing results of actually seeing sm white like grains of salt everywhere in my house ( during ride frequencies treatments)

unfortunately, I had seen this on my cat in 2007 ( she got schizophrenic in and sadly I put her out of her misery in 2014 )

BC I was too sick to care for her and myself- I became unable to eat or drink anything & even kissing my hubby of 34 yrs w/o having anaphylactic episodes, massive skin eruption issues, Lund were shot, was on antibiotics, antidepressants, 3 inhalers ( that caused yeast everywhere including in my blood)

2014 I found a natural path Dr who led me to an acupuncture Dr who helped get me on the right track of no inhaler, replaced with glutathione spray - in 2018 lung Dr said my lungs went from scared and failure- to amazing & clear healthy

mom able to eat gluten, dairy free, organic foods

I learned I was born with an MTHFR mutation

I've had mono since age 10 & 13 & so many allergies hives illnesses along the way I'm soon to be 64 it's been a hell of a ride thus far

I've seen my grandma, mom & mom in-law younger brother suffer from the same symptoms ( all died at the hands of following their Drs prescription drugs & other treatments)

I woke up in 2014/15 was my worst years 2017. I started rife frequencies on the Morgellons those white salts came out, I knew I & my sweet kitty had this same disease & I had to set myself free from it!

unfortunately, it's not been an easy road.

I am so thankful for the support groups & it's such a sad truth that so many of us suffer with this Lyme Morgellons & all else that goes with it:(

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Nan (Minneapolis, MN) on 11/13/2008

Found Article! Have you all seen this tells of a thing called Morgellons from years ago...tells remedies they used at that time...very interesting:

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