Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 02/17/2011

There is no more doubt that I do indeed have this morgellons dis-ease. It is so complex, with the "beast's" different manifestations, with all the different symptoms, the progression of thoughts and emotions - from disbelief, to questioning one's sanity, wondering, researching, frustration, finally to admit, in my case, that I really do have this bizarre thing. The physical and mental symptoms are bad enough, but the isolation this has caused me is perhaps the worst of all. I finally did go to see my son (he is autistic and in transitional housing right now, after a 3-month stay in a hospital specializing in autism and behavior problems) after 3-4 weeks... he was telling his caregivers how he missed me and wanted to see me. I showered, scoured, put the mixture (one of Ted's suggestions) of 30% orange essential oil and alcohol, on all obviously affected areas, after spraying my entire body with ACV... I put all freshly borax-washed clothing on, including gloves, as my lesions are currently abundant on one arm and hand. I tied my disinfected hair back and brought a hat... I was pretty much covered. I explained how I could not give him a hug, although he tried several times, breaking my heart. We danced to the radio music, sang songs, played "follow the leader", kicked back and forth a huge rubber ball... we laughed and played. It was a very good and needed visit. I did kiss him on the forhead, and verbally express my love... we had great eye contact, and he and I shared many big smiles. Today I find myself worrying if any of the "bugs" got left there... If I could possibly have infected him. It was an hour and a half visit, we were in the basement play area... I didn't touch much, and I never sat down. If I don't get myself better soon, he will end up in a group home, rather than returning to me. I will NOT risk him living with me until I and our home are CLEAN. I know I will need to move first. Does anyone know a step-by-step procedure in order to move without "them"? There are manifestations of them all over the apt. , and all over my stuff (much is actually still in boxes... Opened boxes. ) I understand about putting all clothing and other soft items in plastic bags, and I've been working on it. Does anyone know how to treat all my other stuff that can't be sealed in garbage bags... because they are on everything hard or soft. I do not have much money, so I can't just throw all my stuff away(?! ) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, so I can work toward moving, ridding myself of this, and reunite with my son. Somehow this apt. Was infested with the little buggers when I moved in - end of December. I don't believe I can ever be fully rid of them/this dis-ease until I am able to safely move out of here. Please respond if you have any answers or suggestions for me... I am kind of new to this.

I do have some observations and suggestions that I hope might help you all, as I have found some relief with these things:

Clove oil! Last night I was SO exhausted I couldn't find the energy to shower and scour myself, and my two fleece blankets that I sleep with had not been washed, nor my sheet/pillowcase. I put my finger over the top of my clove oil bottle, passing it over my sheet, blankets, etc. , allowing little drops to scatter over it all. I slept well, without them noticably bothering me at all! This morning I brought one of the blankets out and laid it over my computer chair. I examined the blanket then, and was dismayed to find several black specks (bugs! ) on it, and I picked them off to go put them in the toilet, which is my custom. They were dead! If they'd been alive, they would have tried to burrow into my fingers on the way to the bathroom, and they did not move on me or in the toilet. Yea!

Diatomaceous earth:

I put this in my ears with my pinky fingers before bed, and when I'm sitting at the computer, or when ever I feel one crawling in there... it stops 'em from crawling... It's supposed to kill them on contact, but it seems to take a minute or two. I also sprinkle this around my bed and the floor by my computer, and under my dog's blanket. I made a thin paste uning this as the base, then I added olive oil and some essential oils I had around... clove, cedar, peppermint, fennel... It's a bit difficult to get the consistency just right. The first time it came out great, but for some reason the second time it came out lumpy and too thick... I think I'll try to fix it in my small food processor. So, if you get it to come out well, like a very thin paste, cover your whole body with it after evening shower, before bed. It leaves a fine, comfortable and soft coating, and you'll be much less bothered by the bugs. The essential oils feel clean and tingly... nice. You'll have to experiment with it, because I just added a bit of this and that till it felt right. Oh, I just remembered on my first (successful) batch, I added about 10% borax powder and a little salt, mixed the powders all up, then started adding the other stuff until it "felt right".


I have no bathtub here, so I can't do the soaks that some report have the things coming out in droves, so I keep rubbing various concoctions on my skin, to see if some will come out. I pulverized a whole, peeled head of garlic in my small food processor, then added about 4 heaping tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and a splash of olive oil, and whipped it up again. I rubbed this on my right arm, where there have been a lot of lesions lately. After awhile of intermittent rubbing, some of the black specks surfaced, but they were very alive. Each time they would surface, I'd run to the bathroom and grab some off me, putting them into the toilet. I've found that if you pull one off they will start trying to burrow into your fingers, so I rub my fingers together while I'm on my way to dispose of them, which seems to somehow keep them on the surface, then quickly flick it into the toilet.


I rubbed intermittently, a lemon half over my many-legioned arm last night while at the computer, just to see if it would make any surface. It didn't seem to, but I went to the bathroom, looked into the mirror, and watched in amazement as a black speck quickly darted out of my nose... not my nostril... the side of my actual nose! I was able to quickly grab it and put it into the toilet... Flush! I wish I could have gotten that on video... THAT would surely show the disbelievers something interesting. It was like from the X-Files. The living "black specks" look flat and square to me, and they can move and burrow very quickly... they remind me of tiny square, black bits of razor blades.


I just had an idea, while writing this... I do not own a video camera, or I would try to capture some moments like the one described above. Many of us have collections of artifacts... Mine are taped to notebook paper or envelopes, showing the various manifestations of these things; and when we go to the doctor and show them this stuff, IF they even bother to look at them with a microscope, they come back and say that "there are no identifiable insect parts... They are not living things... " - well, that is what has happened to myself, and others, I've read. How about this? Anyone owning any sort of video camera, please try capturing some of this "action" on tape, so we can show it to the CDC, etc. , and all the disbelievers that might be of some help if they saw it. I've read a lot of posts telling of applying something to the skin or bathing in different mixtures, and the black specks and fibers coming out dramatically. If you people who can get them to come out like that would make videos of it... that could really help, I think.

Good luck, and God bless us all!


Garlic Paste
Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 02/15/2011

I was so upset when I wrote my earlier post today, as one can easily tell by reading it. I was having suicidal thoughts, but I won't kill myself, and I knew that. So I searched the index in the "Morgellons Cures" section, looking for ingredients I had here at "home". I saw and read the first or second post involving garlic and grape seed oil. I searched around for grape seed oil I thought I had someplace, but couldn't find it. I came up with an idea of my own, anyway:

I peeled all the cloves of a fresh bulb of garlic, then put them into my small food processor, and they ground up into very tiny bits, just about a paste. I decided to try this as I don't have a juicer, which the person writing the post did... Anyway, then I added about 4 heaping tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and a splash of olive oil, and blended it all up to a nice looking cream, although still with tiny, tiny bits of garlic. So I took some and rubbed my right arm (the one with several lesions) with it. After a few moments, rubbing more, some black specks came out and I put them in the sink and kept rubbing for awhile. Well, I've been wondering and agonizing lately as to whether or not I really had this morgellons syndrome, because, even though I had most of the symtoms for sure, and even though I had been finding ball-like bundles of soft fiber around the house, I did NOT have any coming out of my skin. Well, after the procedure above, I didn't have an especially dramatic experience with all kinds of junk and fibers coming out at once, BUT... I held my arm up to the window and saw what looked almost like hairs, but longer than my arm hair. I pulled on the first one I saw, and it kept coming out (weird feeling)... It was 2 or 3 inches long, very fine and almost transparent against the light from the window. Then I pulled one out maybe half that size, and definitely RED. I placed it on the notebook paper I use to tape weird stuff to, trying to get them identified... And it seemed to wiggle a bit, so I wasn't sure I'd be able to capture it with the tape, but I did. I am now sure I have Morgellons. I am still creeped-out, worried and afraid. Somehow though, there is a certain sence of relief, knowing. I now KNOW what I have, as horrifying as it is... But I know I am not alone. God bless this site, and all of you. Let us find peace and a cure. Atedinua winston


Articles of Interest
Posted by Jane Doe (Palo Alto, California, Usa) on 02/14/2011

Hi. I live in California, and began noticing being bitten on my legs. It was like little pinches. I also got really itchy rashes. I noticed my clothes had little white "dots" that oddly seemed to be in the same spot where I would get "pinched".. I could see a small bite, with a tiny bit of blod where I'd felt it. I tried all sorts of detergents, salt, borax, soaking, boiling, etc. I put some dark blue sweat pants in a clear plastic bag and days later there would be more white dots. I used to try using a fabric shaver to get them off. Finally I looked up "cotton mite" on the net and decided they were bugs coming in from other countries in our textiles... We no longer bleach cotton... so the bugs can survis I guess??? Anyway, I now wear rayon and other synthetic pants.... I had to search high and low for synthetic clothing.. I mean not even the pockets or lining of the waistband.

I also had to start using a really expensive detergent made by Q based solutions, but it does work. I don't know how long I can afford to use their soap. Its so so expensive... for a short while, I wore a fashionable plastic raincoat that looked like a dress, along with some cool shiney rainboots.

I now have lots of synthetic white t shirts I wear underneath things, most of my cotton clothing is gone... can't trust it.

Also, I never ever ever use the dryer anymore. It just seemed to be worse after drying. I got a great drying rack, and its helped a lot, too.

Something is terribly wrong, and we must not be intimidated by people who can't believe it... this is always the pattern for new diseases... HIV folks were initially told they were crazy. It takes a lot of people complaining about the same thing before it taken seriously... Its up to us. What diseases have they cured??? Malaria? nope. Asthma? Nope. Erectile Dysfunction? Yup. Baldness? Yup. Hello????

Nutrition is our friend. So is basic hygene and common sense. I used a colon cleanse that was diatomacious earth, bentonite clay, psyllium, etc. It took some time but it paid off in spades. Each time I would pass something strange in my stool I would get more energy. But I now have a lot of food allergies. I was never allergic to ANYTHING before.....

Here's the scarey part. I was at Trader Joe's grocery a couple days ago buying lavender plants... I read that lavender and rosemary help deter insects... The checkout clerk started telling me how the school sent his kids home because they were itching all over and they think its coming from their new couch. The kids were kept out of school for a week, they got rid of the couch, but the kids still itch all over and have red bites. These people have no money to deal with this problem... No health insurance. How many people have this that are in that situation?

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 02/12/2011

Alone, isolated, sleep-deprived, horrified, I pull myself out of my discomforting bed and stumble in the dark toward the dining room table. I'd left pieces of clear tape hung over the sides, waiting for when I need them next. I pull off one piece of the tape, and carfully, in the semi darkness, place the small contents between my left little finger and thumb, unto the sticky side, then I affix this to the blank notebook page there. I'll wait to examine it later, after trying to get a little more sleep, as it's only 5:00 am, and I'm so exhausted. I'm in desperate need of sleep, but there are others in my bed with no intention of rest, but only to continue tormenting me. As I lay there and close my eyes, I feel their presence both physically and psychologically, persisting in their apparant mission: to drive me insane or eat me alive, which ever comes first.
I got out of bed at 10:00 am, maybe with about 2 hours of constantly interrupted sleep, feeling foggy and sluggish, but decided it was time to get up for the day. There are many chores needing to be done, all in the interest of trying to better my current agonizing situation. I don't know yet what I'll really be able to accomplish though, given my depleted state. It's time now for my morning tea and trying to wake up. I thought writing about this might help somehow.
I moved into a new apartment about the last week in December, thinking I'd stay here through the winter, and maybe save a bit of money to move into a two-bedroom come Spring. My 11-year-old son, after a three-month stay at Spring Harbor Hospital, is now in transitional housing, and is scheduled to be coming back home with me around that time. My son has autism with "danger behaviors" including aggression and a compulsion to run off, usually into the street. He has miraculously defied death or serious injury many times in the past several years. He needs constant care and supervision. That caregiver is usually me, as I would like it to be. During this transitional period, it is suggested and scheduled that I go to see him at his temporary home and school, to spend needed quality time together, and to learn new techniques, schedules, behavior management tips and etc. , to prepare us both for his return. Today is Thursday, February 10th. Wednesday is our day to get together. I have not been able to see him in over three weeks... the first was because of a blizzard. The reason I had to cancel this and the previous Wednesday, is because I have developed a contageous disease; and I cannot risk passing this on to him.
I went to the E. R. On Tuesday, February 1st. I brought an envelope with many dozens of strange sesame seed-sized (but elongated in shape) "deposits" that I had picked out from bites all over my chest and abdomen area. I showed them to the doctor, and he looked at both them and me with a strange, doubting, almost humorous expression. He said: "I have never seen anything like this in all my life". He took them back and showed them to his colleagues, and they looked at them with magnifying equipment, he told me, when he returned. He said "These are not bugs". He told me they had no identifiable markings like legs, heads, and I intuited that he was questioning whether or not I was simply playing some hoax on him. He told me that "for all I know, they could be scabs from you scratching at yourself". I asked him if he really thought I'd just gauge myself up like that, just to show up at the E. R. To freak him out or something... and his facial expression showed that he really didn't believe that, but just didn't know what to think. I asked him to take a look at the newer wounds/lesions that had reciently appeared on my upper back, which he did. He did note a pattern or trail there, which he thought was consistent with scabies. So, he gave me a prescription for Permethrin cream, and some pills (Hydroxyzine) for itching. I tried the cream from head to toe, as instructed, one night after my shower. I really felt some relief, and had my first decent night of sleep in weeks. Unfortunately, it all started up again the next day... crawling sensations under my skin, being bitten, more lesions, and the next night was sleepless, again. I don't get extremely itchy like many do, for me it is more painful, with the biting, and creepy with them crawling into my eyes, nose, and ears, etc. By now, I don't think there is a speck of flesh on my body they've not visited. Although the lesions are mostly on my abdomen, back, and arms, I have been bitten on my head, face and genital area. They particularly like crawling into my ears, biting me, laying eggs, "partying" in there. I've been dusting my body, inlcuding my ears, around my eyes, and a bit into my nose with food grade diatomaceous earth. This stuff is supposed to kill them on contact, and it does help, but they still seem to have enough time to do some damage to me before they die, and I'm able to pull them out. Even though I place some diatomaceous earth into my ears each night before bed, I still feel them crawl into my ears. I quickly get a bit of the D. E. (always by my bed) and put more into my ears. Sometimes I feel a lot of crusty stuff in there; and often when I rub this, I will pull out eggs (3-4 slightly smaller than a pinhead). Lately at times, instead of eggs, I will pull out a worm or worm-like creature, about 1/2 inch long. This is really horrifying to me! I now see these worm-like things in the house, usually on clothing or something soft. There are also black specs on things, and the little things that look to me like splinters of wood, about 1/8-1/4" long, thin, and pointier on one end than the other... These were the first creatures (?) I saw in the apartment, weeks ago, and they still far out-number the other things described above. I believe these are the mites that first bite me, and then all the crazy lesions and mutations happen after that. I'm confused about this, because with all I've read about mites in general, and especially the scabies mite, they are all described as much smaller than what I'm seeing here... "barely visible to the human eye", they say. They are everywhere... hard surfaces, soft surfaces, in my teacup, everywhere. The black specks are everywhere too, just not as plentiful. I have not experienced the fibers coming out of my body - just those hard deposits, and new freckle-looking marks, which some say are connected. I have, however, just in the past couple of days, seen strange fibers (blue, black and red) on the floor/carpet, mostly. This morning I found a blue ball of fiber with what looked like a white ball inside... It reminded me of a coccoon, and I taped it unto the notebook page with the other strange stuff. The worms really scare me, and I wonder how their population will increase. I wonder how many are living INSIDE my body.
This situation has caused me to become very isolated. I need to see my counselor I usually see on Tuesdays, but for the last 2-3 weeks I've had to cancel because I will not risk infecting her/her office; and she cannot meet me somewhere else because of "billing regulations". I cannot see my son, which is causing me deep sorrow for him, for me, for us. I cannot ask for help going to the store or the laundry mat, as I feel the need to be responsible about not passing this on to anyone else. My downstairs neighbors knocked on my door yesterday afternoon asking if I'd like to go downstairs and play cards and hang out. They really seem like good people I'd love to hang with, but... I went down stairs and knocked on my neighbor's door last evening and explained why I could not sociallize with them at this time (as they had asked me if I might join them the next day (today) instead), and I'd said, "That sounds good", not knowing then what else to say. I was verging on tears, feeling the need to tell her the truth. I feel dirty, even though I am not. I feel like a leper. I am lonely and traumatized. I need help, but have no idea where to go. I need to try some products like "Kleen Green", and I'm running out of money... the child support money has not come in yet, and I've not paid my rent. I don't feel it's right to pay my rent, because I got this thing from moving here; but I am too weak to fight anyone. I don't know if I'm dying or losing my mind, or both. I feel TRAPPED and helpless.
This disease that has caused me (and countless others) so much harm is called Morgellons. It is REAL.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Jen74 (Waukesha, Wi, Usa) on 01/30/2011

Hello-My 6 yr old son & I Have this "insect"! It's going on about 10months now. It's horrible. I have tried so many things w/ some help but, still have these things in/on our bodies/house. We both are covered in bites and sore at times, crawling/biting sensation esp. in our ears and scalp. We also have little black specks all over our bodies and the house. These things go into the nose and eyes as well. I have been to several dr's. W/ NO HELP of course "IT'S ALL IN MY HEAD" OR THE BLACK SPECKS THAT BITE-THEY SAY IT'S DIRT!!! LOL I can take an hour bath w/a shower etc... Remedies (exfoliating, borax, peroxide, sea salt, etc... ) these black specks are right back as soon as the skin is dry. They come right out of the skin!!! The adult and/or bigger one's that fly do seem to be killed or? w/fleaspray... If sprayed ALOT. If you spray flea spray on hair the are killed and float up to the top of the hair... I don't know what these things are if anyone has any info. or would like to chat please feel free anytime.. my email is jenfrostman/at/gmail/dot/com

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Baylieann (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 01/27/2011

An update to my last posting. I continue with the Willard water daily, drinking, and applying to my skin. I continue to get better ever day. My energy has increased, my mind is clearer, and some large areas of morgellons crap, that have caused me trouble almost from the beginning have been dying off, flaking off, and allowing my skin to take it's pre morgellons shape! I highly recommend:

1: using a Willard as recommended on the bottle, and as recommended with the healing grapvine web site.

2:I also have added willard water (dark or clear) to grape seed oil and coconut oil (about 1 teaspoon of willard to 2 oz of grape seed oil and 1 oz of coconut oil) and apply nightly. I also put it on whenever I bathe, and when ever I think of it or skin feels dry. This seems to really help the dry skin, as well as help along the dying of the bugs.

3:I keep my head shaved, and my arms and legs, where I have had the morgellons, since they use the hair folicle as a "home" (at least) I figure I am not going to provide ANY amenities for these buggars!

4: I continue using a pumace stone (sharp one) and regular soap during each shower, after shaving. This loosens any bugs that are on their way out, it also roughs up any bugs that are attached, and it removes bug parts that stick around wounds. It cleans up infected areas so they can heal faster. I really actually look forward to this part now. Use it very gently at first, with lots of soap. You will build up to a bit more vigirous scrubbing, and it pays off. I use this from top to bottom (all over! ).

5: I continue with the dry oxygen, but much less. I found that it upsets my stomache when used daily for a long time. I use it topically on spots.

There were 3 really really bad areas on my face, my left chin, my middle and left forehead, and my right temple. These areas are ALMOST gone! They have been sluffing off stuff, leaving the tell tale 1/2 circle dead bug print, and still sluffing. The worst area, on my left chin (which actually extends to the left cheek) has really been active in flaking, scabbing, long filaments breaking and my skin moving back to normal position etc. I am finding it harder and harder to find morgellons bugs/parts etc with my microscope in areas that appear to be healed. The only areas I can find some stuff is in the healing areas on my face. The activity on my legs and arms appears to have stopped, the spots are nearly healed. I have no spots left on my head, and very very few hair foliciles appear infected. I used to have quite a bit of pain in my right wrist, where bugs were certianly nesting/eating whatever, but that has totally stopped too. I firmly believe in using an internal and external combination of treatment.

I wash my clothes after every wear, and sheets about 1 time a week. With using the Willard Water and dry oxygen, I have found that the bugs die, or are dying when they come out or off, and there does not appear to be any reinfection. The bugs look awful under the microscope, they are withering, have dying spots on them, and it appears the internal drinking of the Willard Water really has helped my body attack these bugs. I wonder if I have/had a limited amount of "types" of morgellons as I never had all of the sypmtoms many others have reported. Also I do not live in one of the hot zones, nor had I traveled there. I did have times pre Willard Water when I reinfected myself after pulling out infected hair and skin. I have not had this problem since, however, remember how important it is to get any hairs, skin, or bug parts away from you when removing them. For example, after using the pumace stone, I rinse and rinse, and sometimes use a washable scrubby or scrubby towel, to make sure all junk is off. My showers usually use ALL the hot water if you want to know how long it takes.

Again, IF you are feeling hopeless, PLEASE try the WILLARD WATER and DRY OXYGEN, or go to the Healing Grapvine Web site. There are people out there who are sincerely trying to find ways to get rid of this awful menace. I am getting better all the time, and can only hope that you find the same, however, wherever you find it. I have been reading about the homeopathic remedies, which sound quite promising, and am thinking of adding some of these to my protocol as a last punch to finally get cleansed of this nightmare.

From my readings I have gathered that it should take about a year and maybe a month or two to truly rid myself of morgellons bugs. I have suffered for about 10 years, maybe 11 in looking back at my sypmtoms. (about 1 mo for every year) I am in the 6th month of healing, and continue to progress. A year of healing is a small price to pay for the total devistation this crap has done to my life, I lost my career, relationships, family relationships, my home, my identity, my looks, my mind at times, and my sense of security in my country, world. I have a masters degree, post masters education, and it all goes now to my recovery, not the career I was in the middle of. I do, however, stand up, every day, and get through it, and feel better every day now. At one point, I could not even finish speaking a sentence! Thats when you find out who really loves you! You WILL GET BETTER, KEEP SEEKING HELP!

I now use Earth Clinic website for every ailment that comes up with my family or friends. I cured my daughters urinary tract "infection" with the sea salt and apple cider vinegar, another daughter cleared her sore throat with acv, honey and cayanne. I keep acv, cayanne, lemon and honey on had for any type emergency!

Best of wishes to all people suffering from this stuff. My prayers are with you!!

Molly's Remedies
Posted by Maggie (Shreveport, Louisiana United States) on 01/05/2011

I have been suffering with parasites as described here for over a year. I have tried nearly every "cure" or "treatment" I find on these sites. Reading all the stories and feeling the frustration of all those who suffer with this as I do, something occurred to me. All the stories I have read, like all those I could tell, are the same in the respect that we find varying levels of relief at the beginning of a new "treatment" but always end up dealing with it again. Is it possible that these parasites have the ability to create immunities against the "treatments" before the "treatment" has had time to eradicate them?

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Nan (Minneapolis, Mn) on 12/27/2010

I have received much comfort from homeopathy and herbals with this disease... I agree with you it is an ugly thing we have... But you can ease the misery with herbals like: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Garlic stops them for a time for relief.... Blk Walnut/Wormwood caps slow them down... I have no skin lesions... Saltwater baths aid this I put a whole canister of salt in bath... Heals skin...

Diet is the best weapon you have... If you don't give them foods they want to eat they will go dormant... you can actually kill this disease w/diet. Eat only meat, vegetables, oils, apple cider vinegar and I find pineapple is detrimental to them (bromelain eats them) fresh pineapple the best. I can actually hold a homeopathic and they will stop in their tracks... Try Cina & Teurcrium I believe one of these is the cure... But diet is a must... No sugar no carbs and you will be fine... It's worth it.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Nan (Madison, Wi) on 12/27/2010

Homeopathic Silica is useful to help with the clearing out of the body of dead materials... It is a cell cleanser and very useful for this.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Chel (Ofallon, Mo, Usa) on 12/25/2010

Dearest better but with side effects:
In regards to your use of hydrosol silver, bravo. Your intuition is right on when you say that the critters are dying off and giving your system too much to do in the way of detoxifying you. What you are experiencing is known as a Herxheimer reaction. One must take immediate measures to help the body rid itself of the debris of the dead and dying foreign invaders. Yes lots of clean water of course, also helpful will be some sort of fiber to absorb and eliminate toxins from the bowl. Psyllium husks, charcoal, perhaps colemeas, many items can work for many people.

Also to address the constipation accompanied by the use of silver; because of its ability to kill hundreds of different organisms it also kills the good flora of the gut, therefore one must recolonize the colon with probiotics. Please use the silver on an empty stomach in body temp water so that you will get the best absorption and efficacy in the blood stream. I will continue to pray for all of us. Thank you for being strong to talk about what is going on. All the best

Articles of Interest
Posted by Pie10 (Miami, Florida, United States) on 12/25/2010

Hi, I think I have what you described. I worked in a clothing store and I've seen the insect that you described. Do you have any more information about this? Where did you read the article?
Thank you

Reader Theories
Posted by Deb (Valdosta, Ga) on 11/29/2010

I could not believe what I have been going through the past three years. It is like living a horror movie. Thank God I have a doctor that knew something about it. Together we are try to find a cure. I did however find out that using 20mule borax in a bowl with a wash cloth with little water as a scrub to wash with in the bath. After using pure glycerine all over except the hair, for it will make your hair fall out, was clearing up the skin part. It may be uncomfortable because the glycerine is like syrup, but it does seem to heal the lesions and sores.

The only thing is the inside needs to be healed. Drink Ionized water, do not drink spring water and only fresh food, eat like they ate 100 years ago. Do not eat any processed foods, I have heard and read that it is in these items as well. I started having symptoms in 2008. Thought that it was caused by the gastrographen I drink and the MRI. It started the day after. But I was told by my physician that Florida is loaded with Morgellons and I had been to Florida often before the MRI. I do know what you are going through, one comment that my physician said is that the cure for this is probably going to be found by the patient. Everyone trying different things, bound to hit the perfect solution. Keep your faith in God and a positive outlook the best you can, I wish all of you with this awful, nightmare will be cured soon. I pray for you all.

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Tena (Champaign, Il) on 11/16/2010

You said you take alkaline substances to regulate your PH. What do you take?

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Carol (Madison, Wi) on 11/15/2010

I've recently weaned myself off the TTO on the skin... It begins to become a problem because all you are ultimately doing is driving this deeper into your skin and this is not good. I do mix homeopathic "waters".... When I take 1-2 c of water into a breakproof bottle and pound various remedies into the water (Cina 30-200) - I've read this has killed filarial (30) and heterohabdus (200) worms... Silica (6-200)Cleans things out of skin... Graphite (30-200) Sulphur, Psorinum, Arsenicum are a few I've used... Gives relief (vibrates thru the skin so has deeper reach than mere TTO)... I'm saving a ton of $$$ my TTO budget was reaching well over $100/mo and just couldn't afford anymore. But wanted to mention here too that I'm also trying magnets... They seem to weaken them... I tried these since some think there is a nano nature to this disease - thought it would disorient and disempower them perhaps and has helped... They do abandon areas you put the magnets... I want to buy magnetic wraps to cover larger areas as it is now... I find the soles for the shoes has helped the foot area where they harbored and I need wraps for the knees... They like to hide where there are hollow areas in your body. I believe it has killed some of the smaller worms but still have larger... I would hope you aren't using hydrogen peroxide as I believe they respond to it by growing faster... I've seen videos online to that show this... It was my experience that the TTO and Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide only made them procreate faster and run to the head and other areas you couldn't use it... If we all keep sharing info and experiences it should help ultimately solve this.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Eve (Augusta, Ga) on 11/13/2010

What did you use for morgellons, because I'm tried of discussion with doctor that think you are crazy.

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Baylieann (Las Vegas, Nevada, Usa) on 11/04/2010

I have suffered from morgellons from 1999 to now, and Yes, nearly insane at times.... It has disabled me for the last 5 years, the first 5 or 6 years, NOTHING was available anywhere about this bizarre problem. I have been escorted out of dermatologists offices, laughed at, scorned, etc, sent to laser treatment, cut skin off for biopsy's, all the stuff you ever heard of. I found on the healing grapevine website, a protocol that has helped me, the first and only help, and with time, hopefully eradication! Since I have had these nasty bugs so long, and figure they are in EVERY HAIR and EVERY WHERE in my body, my guess is it will take about a YEAR to get completely clear.

1.) Willard Water, make sure you get it from an official distributor or the main site. I drink as much as I can, often as I can, you cannot over do it, as your body just gets rid of what you don't need. I also use it topically, often, at the same mixture recommended on the bottle. A little goes a long way, not expensive! Excellent stuff!! Make sure you work with your doctor as your body will need less of any medications. Willard Water helps the body work better, the very first day I began drinking it, several bugs on my head were emulsified, turned into white head like bumps, easily broke open and healed!!

2.) dry Oxygen tablets. I take 3 or 4 a two times a day. I also use the dry oxygen granules mixed with Willard Water mixture topically. Again, I began using these two products about 4 months ago, and on the very first day, that evening, the bugs began to die. The recommendation is that you bathe daily in the tub with the Willard and Oxy, but I have arthritis so bad that rolling around in a bathtub is almost impossible, not to mention torture! So, I make a mixture of both products and put in a spray bottle, I spray myself down a couple of times a day.

The healing grapvine also recommends a Infrared heat unit, but I have not been able to come up with the cash yet. They also have several other products on their site, but I am not sure they are vital to getting rid of these bugs. I can honestly say that I also used, bought, prescribed, and made about every topical application known to man, which did not work, and tried all antibiotics, antifungals, all kinds of stuff A to Z, and this truly is working. If I see that sun detergent and alfafa letter again, which is bull, I might scream!! When going through a healing process, it is kind of like going backward through time... The areas that heal first are the newest and so on until I get back to the start.

Right now, a large quarter sized community of nanos are dying on my left cheek, coming to the surface. This is an area where I have had numerous problems, and I can say in earnest, good bye! In some places, I have the worm trails where the bugs escaped, as I am no longer a happy host! I have been using a hand held microscope to keep track of these bugs, and I now actually have to look for the bugs, where in the past, all I had to do was pick any area of my body, and there they were. At least now, I have hope, I have a chance to do some things I wanted to do in retirement (except I am only 51), but I plan to take advantage of my new found energy, and healing to travel and enjoy what life I have left.

I hope this helps some of you out there, anyone who has given up, or anyone who is tired of trying and failing with all kinds of kooky crap. Just to have something start working on these stubborn buggars was hope enough. DONT GIVE UP, we have some politicians, some doctors and some scientists to hold accountable for creating this disease, for hiding research, and for witholding a cure. I love this web site, and have used several of the remedies for my family members, and they work! Thanks! Baylieann

Articles of Interest
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 10/22/2010

Hi Sable,
I know a lady here in Toronto who has the same problem. She went to 5 doctors and all accused her of being hallucinated. She was afraid to go to other doctor because every time she went, she got the same answer that there is no such disease and that she has mental problem. I realized also that the doctors are well trained to cover them self when they don`t know how to diagnose a disease and turn the ball in our camps by telling us we have mental problem. I have spoken with people who have Lyme disease and they told me the same thing. The doctors were accusing them of being mental until the bacteria was found in their blood. I will give you my email if you need to contact this lady. Thank you.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Sable (Springfield, Ma) on 10/21/2010

Hi Earth Clinic family

I desperately need your help with a mystery parasite. For the past two months or more I have had symptoms of mite or parasite "invasion"... I use that word because I definitely feel invaded. Like with Morgellons the Md's dismiss the person as "delusional"; that was the word the "Skin Doctor" with all the degrees said to me. I went to my doctor and was ignored and sent to a specialist who barely looked at me and wanted to give me drugs for the symptoms and not really interested in finding the cause. I surfed the web and could find nothing until I found a blog with symptoms like mine... Here is an excerpt :

"People are contracting a tiny white insect, arthropod, or parasite from clothing of retail stores or other people. This pest is neither a mite nor a flea. It's not lice. It looks like fiber or thread. Yet it's not affiliated with Morgellons or Fibre Disease. Please pay close attention as I describe the physical attributes and symptoms of this pest. If someone has this pest, they will see 3 types of White things:

1) tiny round things about the size of a spec of salt; some are a little larger
2) tiny, oblong shaped, things that look like a piece of thread or fiber; varies in length from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch long (It grows. ) **It unfolds itself to fly. It crawls also.

3) slightly larger round white things that jump. I see #1 and #2 most often. If someone has this pest, they will have the following physical symptoms:

1) Bites that sting 2) Red skin rashes and/or small red bumps 3) Lighting sensations; Victims will feel the pest or its eggs lighting on their skin. 4) Optional: Itching

**I don't itch, but another victim has an itching problem.**

This article was from 2006 and my problem started this past summer. So I ask friends from around the world if this sounds familiar or anything similar can you post your experience. I think this is new to the US because I have not found much info. I for one have the skin crawling feeling and itchy skin. Any help is welcomed. Thanks, Bev

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Nan (Minneapolis, Usa) on 10/21/2010

I've commented on this site for a year or two now all my new findings on how to cure this beast. I think I have found the best so far... A simple homeopathic remedy called "Teucrium" - I used 200C potency... It is a worm killer, but also is killing rapidly the mites and all else. The first time I ever held a Teucrium vile I felt the worms in my feet negatively react to it (where these seem to like to hang out during the day) reacted strongly to this remedy. I bought the most powerful potency they had (at Present Moments in Minneapolis) I did the adding the tablets to water trick (1 c of water to 4 tablets of homeopathic Teucrium) Then you bang the bottle against a book or something soft but hard enough for a time (use unbreakable bottle) - this transfers the vibration of that remedy into the water so now you have a solution to put all over your body. I put it everywhere... I noticed the mites were pouring out of my face... Dead on arrival (it helps to put petroleum jelly on afterward - helps to get them to come to the surface) It definitely kills the worms to, which are the hardest part of this to kill.... They were immediately weakened.... I've been using this for a few days now and am very relieved - these things were getting quite large and strong drilling into any part of my body they wished.... I now feel their power greatly diminished and they are weak.... I haven't taken this orally yet... But plan to - there are lower potencies that might be better to start with but I wonder if the 200C from inside & outside would finally just do them in.... I did combine Cina also and that is also a profound worm killer and had very good affects... I got the strongest Cina out there 50M and definitely didn't take it orally but again applied to skin w/the water process.... I also taped the small vile to my back by the shoulder blade where they seemed to set up camp because I couldn't reach there... They seem to have abandoned that spot now.

The best thing about all this is that I was able to give up the tea tree oil/alcohol solution on my skin which I've used for 3 or more years to I could sleep and stop the crawling... I felt that was making things worse because I think they fight anything you do by reproducing more rapidly and also strengthen themselves when they fight you... I'm sure TTO oozing into my pores every night wasn't good for me and wonder what health problems I will suffer down the road for that excess... I do notice my legs swelling a little when I put some of these most potent solutions on my legs and feet... But it goes away. Taping the viles to key spots where they seem to be working (they pick areas to set up camp) has discouraged this. I also recently moved and wondered if there wasn't some energy field set up by them in my old home it always seemed to get worse at home and it's been better since I moved... I'm sticking with the homeopathics... Teucrium & Cina I believe could kill this thing, but of course diet would be important too.

Just a note... These things (at least in me) do most of their work at night when you are sleeping... When I discovered this that is when I started putting the TTO on before bed to stymie them... I don't recommend it in hindsight... It only exacerbates the problems and overburdens your body further... This is a worm and then there are mites and different materials, bugs/flying vectors... It's a pretty creepy deal... But can be beat... It would be nice if our medical industry would step up and participate here... It's pretty sickening the way they have abandoned many and many more to come due to their unprofessional response to this disease that is only spreading due to their negligence... Good luck to you all... Will report on further insights later. Good luck..

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Mary (Madison, Wi) on 10/19/2010

Been dealing with Morgellons for 4 years now... And this is what I have discovered over that time... I think it might be a mistake to drive the morgies under the skin with the application of the tea tree and other harsh elements that just chase this monster deeper into the system... If you must use these skin solutions you must first take something orally so they don't drive deeper into your body.... like garlic or black walnut/wormwwood/clove. I regretted starting the TTO/alcohol solutions which ended up being a nightly event and got nuts after awhile... I put that stuff on my skin for 2-3 yrs and I can't tell you how much $$$ I spent on TTO and the damage to my health due to such strong oils on my skin all night. Recently I decided I had to change. I switched off the nightly skin wraps and now am using homeopathic "waters" that I make by putting 1-2 cups of water in a shatterproof bottle - add 4-8 tablets of the homeo into the bottle and then pound hard 7x as many times as you like each round bumps the power of the homeo up.... Lately I tried Teucrium which is a great worm remedy.... I put the water solution on my skin and was surprised... It seemed to actually kill the worms... I have found nothing that worked this well in 4 years... Literally a white creamy substance came out of the bottom of my feet... Dead worm material I believe... In fact the first time I ever picked up a Teucrium vile I could feel the worms rearing up in my feet in resonse to that remedy...

Homeopathy is an amazing thing - the right remedy can work better than anything your doctor has... I used 200ck Teucrium... I also got Cina (considered one of best worm homeos) after I read that someone was curing filarial disease w/it - they stated that 30x Cina was better than the 200 or greater potencies... So I think a cure could be attained between these two remedies... I got the Cina in 30, 200, 1M, 10M and 50M... I think the 50M killed many but not all... I have not dared to take any of these orally yet, just testing on skin... If you ever have a reaction to homeos you can counterract them with coffee, camphor/ menthol or mint which stop their effects or look online for the antidote remedy for that particular homeopathic. But again the Teucrium responded better and quicker than anything else so far and directly killed worms on the spot that were under the skin upon contact... I do believe this remedy may be the cure... I would love to try it in 1M, 10M or larger but my local store has only the 200. If you can't find locally in your area, order online. Remember to pound the remedy probably 30 times when you first are making this remedy.

Undiluted White Vinegar
Posted by Newagewoes (Melborne, Florida) on 10/14/2010


Molly's Remedies
Posted by Arielteddy (San Antonio, Texas) on 10/11/2010

Molly, it's been 3 years since your post. How are you doing now? Are you better or in remission, I pray? Thank you for taking time to share details of your protocol. Quite helpful. Anything to add or change for us?

Posted by Itch-ebitch-e (Boone, Nc, Us) on 09/22/2010

I've had the crawling hell/nipping nightmare for about a year and a half now, and was totally taken in by that ridiculously prolific story about the woman and her cat who knocked the alfalfa tabs in the tub. Yes, at first it helped, but a few minutes after exiting the chlorox/sun deterg./alfalfa soak, I was in agony and sticky as a used lollipop, to boot. I suspect that the apparent initial efficacy is due to the high pH of all three ingredients, which definitely appears to displease the critters. However, it doesn't really "dissolve" them; rather, they appear to be more like, dazed and confused for a bit, and then really pissed off! I stupidly continued practically living in chlorine for the next few months, believing that a show of extruding material = improvement. Kind of reinforces the old adage about stuff not killing you making one stronger... Because it sure gives them a vicious will to live, and now I avoid unnatural cleansers and chemicals like the plague. I am presently experimenting with a Dr. Clark-type zapper, and have had some mixed results, depending on the frequency used. Oddly, the lower setting seems to produce more skin lesions from systemic acidosis, I believe, although they are more uniform, symetrical, and thus aesthetically pleasing as compared to the old-fashioned worm gnawing... (heavy sarcasm). Since I can't really spend any significant time in the bath without experiencing unhappy bug re-entry after a few minutes, I'm trying the zapper whilst en tub and have had some success-ish sessions. The thing is, though, I've not figured out what setting ought to be consistently used, and my natural ADD/reckless curiosity has been massively exaccerbated by the rotten creatures and I've literally turned my whole life to finding some way to make myself better, which makes patient consistency difficult. I've slathered, soaked, and stuffed myself with just about every known substance, both non-toxic and highly ruinous concoctions. I'll share more of those when I have the time later, but I have to say, (shout from the rooftops! ) that wasabi, the green Japanese horseradish, aka sushi condiment, seems to be the best thing so far, both internally and topically. It gets one truly "clean", which any Morggie victim can attest to being a fairly rare phenomenon, and also rids hard and soft surfaces of them, even where they've really dug in and nested. Oh, and also, copper in any form is a lifesaver! It is actually the MOST antimicrobial/antifungal/etc metal, which is a well documented phenomenon of considerable veracity. I've found that affixing long pipes to my closet and shower curtain bars has made a huge difference, and I have loose pipe connectors and whatnot scattered all over the house, and perch on the larger pieces when I'm having a melt-down from feeling so "pursued"... And consumed, ugh. Hope those help...

Colloidal Silver, MMS
Posted by Lsk555 (Atlantic City, Nj) on 09/12/2010

I am helping a close friend find cures for morgellons, as shes been dealing with this for months and drs have all told her shes crazy - so we are going the natural path and have found alot of interesting facts and hope for complete recovery. We are ordering MMS so that my gf can begin treatment with it, in hopes of a complete cure. Other than that, she is on a very healthy diet, which includes no meat and will build up to a completely raw diet - in order to build her immune system up and aid all of her organs in function. She has noticed a tremendous difference just since we've changed her diet. Bacteria feeds on sugars, which are in all processed foods in some form, and parasites feed on bacteria. Elminate the sugars and ure on ur way! Also, she drinks apple cider vinegar mixed w/water, cayenne, lemon juice, and grade a or b maple syrup twice a day. Nightly baths with food grade h2o2 and baking soda

And a glass of red wine at night to help her laugh, relax, and sleep. Red wine has antibodies which boost the immune system.. Plus, the most important part of healing is a good mind set. This is the first time she's laughed in months :) Use caution of course, and dont over-do it! We started with colloidal silver drops under the tongue every two hrs but are switching to the MMS as soon as we get it.

Hope this helps someone! Good luck and many blessings to u all!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Janice Barket (Mcclure, Pa, Usa) on 09/05/2010

I have been visiting your site for sometime and it is awesome! I was reading about scabies and would like to add that maybe some of the cases could be Morgellons. Morgellons it is believed is systemic and is associated by mycroplasma. There may be 200 kinds of them. Some believe that Morgellons has association to eating GMO foods. I know that when I quit eating them things got better. I suffered untold unamaginable hell gor the first year not knowing what it was. Permathrin was a waste of money and so was Rid for head lice. Doctors are not good at treating this. In fact they seem to be in denial by the most. Natrual products worked. I am close to remission and like most have spent a lot of money. Sme have spent over $40,000 just to hear a doctor tell them it is all in their head; Wrong, it is real. Feels like bugs crawling under your skin, head, soles of feet. Open lesions can appear, fibers under skin and coming out. Awful, awful experience. Few will stand up for you because I believe they know but are afraid. A friend bought three DVD's from a program on God's Learning Channel about morgellons and wanted to give them to doctors. Guess what they refused and one said, " I fear for my life. " Weaponized mycroplasma is a good thing to read about. I found an article online about how the GMO grains crossed over into the horses cells and Sulfa drugs was used. There is many good sites about GMO and the affects on us. The American Academy of Envirionmenatal Medicine , May 19, 2009 is a very good article to read. Then ask yourself what could be wrong with your skin? I finally got smart and made my own cream which does help heal sores. The Borax and Food Grade Peroxide works. I also added L Iodine and dribbled it on my head rubbing with my fingers. I of course added water to the Peroxide but also put a drop of pur on places where a pimple was starting. Awesome stuff. You know it works or FDA would not be trying to get rid of it. Morgellons is parasites which are the base of most diseases. Did you know that every 63 minutes someone dies from cancer> Did you know that more die from parasites? Yes, it is true. So go to work and start gettng rid of them. I do alot of natural parasite cleanses including yes, it is gory but worth it; enemas. Doctors do not give antibiotics long enough to help us and most of them do not work for transgenic parasites/man made diseases. The research I have done is in the natural products. Tetracyline seems to help internally. I was going to try Grae Fruit Seed extract but could not find one pure enough. Does anyone know of one? Keep up the good work Ted. We depend on you since everyone else is afraid to cross the barriers to help those suffernig and dying daily.

Posted by Robert (Martinez, Ca) on 09/02/2010

I am in contact with a biochemist who is experimenting with remedies for morgellons, the type that include sores w/fibers that are actually a type of nano polymer. Last contact info was using grated fresh horseradish root which contains an enzyme to break down the fibers. This enzyme can be searched as it has been isolated & concentrated by certain labs & it is very expensive to purchase. As this is in the experimental stage, I will update to advise progress, however, I thought that this info should be posted as in theory it appears to be beneficial. I would start with grating small amounts & to offset the burn, I would add some honey & take 2-3 times a day. I don't think that adding to foods would be a problem. Please post any results you may have & I will contact my source who is also trying this on themself. Horseradish is in a family botanical group that happens to have more of this enzyme than its other members. As always, go easy & let your body be your guide.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Carol (Raleigh, Nc) on 08/28/2010

Recently I've mainly used TTO but put peppermint essential oil and lavendar on the skin directly more every day and then top off w/the TTO.... I've also been taking Echinacea & Goldenseal tabs... Great herbal antibiotics... Lavendar and peppermint are known to kill worms... Usually internally... One can take a drop of peppermint with a little water internally too but I'm mostly putting on skin.... I've noticed great improvement with these oils... They are defininately killing off... The smaller parasites first and the larger ones are weakenening... Very happy w/results - the best I've experienced since I met these monsters 4 yrs ago... I'm hopeful this might finish them off... I also take Nat Phos (suppose to work on long worms) and Silica is also good for worms.... I've found a good homeopathic parasite killer tooo from Newton Homeopathics... I think the essential oils are doing most of the work though.... Happy hunting! Try this I think you will get great relief... Particularly if you are new to this disease. I've also cleaned off my face excellently w/ homeopathic waters of graphites and psorinum.... From 30C to 10M... And LM it can be mixed in water and pounded (look online for directions) You can get these remedies at Present Moments online... Psorinum requires homeo RX however. Best of Luck to all of you suffering from.... Do not despair... We will conquer this in spite of the medical industry!

EC: TTO= tea tree oil

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Carol (Austin, Tx) on 08/16/2010

Just a warning.... I saw a video the other day that warned against using Hydrogen Peroxide for Morgellons.... It showed that the parasite actually responded to Hyd Per by growing in size immediately... I wondered why these worms grew so fast in me... When they are confronted w/certain elements they respond to them by increasing in size... I've stopped using the peroxide and they seem to have diminished in size and they seem weaker.... I've also added essential oils to my TTO solution... peppermint/lavendar/lemon/camphor/cinnamon/clove and others - they hate it and stops their movement esp while you sleep (remember to wrap in glad wrap though so it stays on your skin throughout the night.... Just something to think about

Vitamin C, B5, and Magnets
Posted by Kim (Lubbock, Tx) on 08/03/2010

I've tried a few new things recently with good results. A combination of peppermint essential oil and lavender oil on problem areas.... Really clears skin on face of mites and all... But also works on the worms... They don't like and I think it's killing some of them. I also found something called SPK Formula (Kroeger Herbs)it is supposedly for Lymes and the lady said someone told them they had results with it they won't enjoy it so much)... Think one with a lot of allicin is the best. Also taking a homeopathic for fungal/ candida for the fungal aspect. I still believe that if someone could figure out the right homeopathic or create a homeopathic remedy from actual findings of Morgellons... We might be able to kill these things. The mites are easy to kill I find... But killing them all for good is the challenge... They are woven in your face and likely other parts of the body in layers so can't reach all of them at once... One can spend an entire day pulling them off of the face... Homeopathic Psorinum killed loads of them quickly because it vibrates thru the skin... Probably the most effective so far... Although lavender and peppermint is a close 2nd. Echinacea is said to kill insects/bugs so I think that works to kill off the flies and bugs quite well.... Super Echinacea (tincture) would work well. Olive Leaf is another good herb... Works on many things at many levels. I also found homeopathic Parasite drops "Newton Homeopathic" it has loads of different anti-parasitic homeo remedies and probably over time could kill, but not sure.

Garlic, Grape Seed Oil
Posted by Djpurity (Berkeley, Ca) on 07/23/2010

I wanted to add to my post about the grape seed oil and the garlic oil. It seemed that doing the grape seed oil first got a lot out, then the garlic oil from the garlic 500mg gelcaps opened seemed to get out even more. Eating the supplements internally helped and every lesion and affected area has gotten dramatically smaller in just a few days. The thing I wanted to add was the addition of colloidal silver 12-15 ppm spray, which is meant to take sublingually, orally under the tongue. Well, after I did the grape seed oil and the garlic and ran out of the garlic, I tried this colloidal silver spray afterwards on the few areas I thought were affected. Boy was I surprised! Those "small areas" still contain A LOT of Morgellons parasites! ! ! I noticed that there are various forms, and one form is very flat, almost transparent, and it lays in rings under the skin, so flat that one cannot tell it is even there until it dies and peels away. Sort of like a tapeworm flatness. But the silver added to the grapeseed and garlic seemed to clean up every remaining spot! Just wanted to add that!

Garlic, Grape Seed Oil
Posted by Djpurity (Berkeley, Ca) on 07/21/2010

I just tried this in a different way because I have ADHD and sometimes just don't read the entire information or instructions! I found some pure grape seed oil used for cooking and pored it on some lesions on my hands and immediately stuff began to come to the surface, mainly colored fuzzy gunk, and black specks, although sometimes they are connected. Then there is the white tunneling strange fungus like thing that goes under the skin and can wrap in spirals around something in the middle - almost like laying eggs or a larvae or who knows. Whatever it is, it is gross, this whole thing is nasty and gross. Well I enjoyed the grape seed oil and well lubricated every possible opening, lesion, sore, cut, or wound, especially on my face. I was able to kill and clear out an unbelievable amount of nasty gunk. I used gloves at first, because those little black specks are like bugs, they bite and will try to burrow back into the skin if exposed. Sometimes at first I tried sterilized tweezers to encourage the long white fungal chains or larvae bodies or worm things whatever they are I have no idea. When they were dying at first you could actually see them try to tunnel away from the grape seed oil. So it is important on the face to have the oil surrounding the hair line, chin, eyes, and mouth to protect it from escaping the face. Also using Sulfur-8 (Sulf-8) hair stuff with sulfur in it also helps protect the hair from getting too many contaminants in it. That and some other ethnic products that contain a lot of natural plant oils, essential oils, etc, which I find that Morgellons do not like oils as a whole as long as they are natural, and they really do not like essential oils (pure ones). Well after the grapeseed, and then trying to get out the dead debris, there was some blood, but a lot of stuff kept coming out. Lots of black specks, tons of them, tons of fuzzballs and then tons of long thick white "roots" that merrily traverse through the epidermis. I checked up on this again and read about the oil of garlic, or garlic specifically, and read I did this out of order; Oh well, it worked beautifully. I have been taking grape seed supplements and garlic oil supplements for about a week now since I had a relapse of symptoms after being cured for 90 days. Sad to see them come back. Well I opened a bunch of tthe garlic oil capsules and then using gloved hands again, rubbed the garlic into the lesions, wounds, afflicted areas, and sure enough even more stuff than before came out like it was a mass death. I was amazed. So much came out, I saw every phase of the life cycles. I just wasn't sure what to do with the dead Morgellons things. . . Leave them in my skin or get them out by pulling or poking or whatever, using oils, other things, a lot of paper towels. I had some charcoal soap I should have used. And dead sea salt soap. But I stuck to these two products. The grapeseed oil and the garlic oil both worked miracles and killed everything in sight. The only problem was all the junk going down the sink and then the thought of well, even if I clean it all out, I am sure I will be contaminated again by morning and infected all over again thanks to something on my clothing or bedding or a backpack or something benign. If only to make this permanent! I have long been a huge fan of using pure plant oils, essential oils, organics, and also taking garlic and grape seed supplements. Garlic just makes sense because it makes us taste funky to whatever is trying to dine on us, like mosquitoes and bugs and such, so why not these buggers?

I say this is a YES it works, but unless you leave the house naked sealed in protective clothing never to use any of your old belongings again and move into a sterile new place, you may have a constant fight ahead, otherwise I think you could very well be cured!

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Nan (Raleigh, No Car, Usa) on 06/21/2010

Have tried a million things...the latest and best so far is psorinum 200c, a homeopathic remedy that is quite powerful....when I took the 3 small tabs I literally felt these things cramp up in my feet and around my was amazing...they hated it and it was harming them. I felt only slight movement most of the day...Unfortunately w/homeos one cannot eat strong tasting foods like mint, no chocolate/coffee because it dulls the affects. and I foolishly partook of some coffee and lost a little steam... Happily I made a water solution of psorinum by putting 1-2 of the small tabs in about 3/4 c of water and you have to put in a jar and pound the jar a bit to transfer the psorinum into the water and then I put some of that water on my immediately killed oodles of the face mites. Homeopathy vibrates so it doesn't necessarily have to touch something to kill may go down into the skin further than the surface...but it worked amazingly on the mites. I also put the water all over my body and it seemed to work to calm the morgs all over....but not 100%. Definately gave more sanity though, because after the new moon they were going crazy and I was quite alarmed...seemed monthly they were worsening. There are stronger solutions of psorinum...1m & 10m and I imagine they might work quite well in water on the skin as well. You should work w/a homeopath with psorinum as it is strong...I was at first a little scared when I took the first pills and their reaction was so's nice to know you have someone you can call can be antidoted by putting something w/camphor in it on your or smell it. I think psorinum may be our answer to this monstrosity...but it's all technique...dose, frequency of use, length of use...and sticking to a good diet and not ruining the homeo w/coffee, cinnamon or mint (toothpaste) or can look for a list online of things you can't use while on homeopathics....if someone finds the right dose/freq, etc...please post...and I will let you know when I know more. Sulphur homeo is another possibility.... lycopodium or thuja for the spores/fungal

Posted by Mary (Beverly, Ma) on 05/18/2010

Has anyone considered using Hulda Clarks method of killing parasites. Afterall, Morgellons is a parasite of some sort. Hulda Clark has written several books on all Disease being caused by parasites or toxins. She has instructions on how to create a zapper in her books and on the web. She used different frequencies of electricity to jolt the body and kill parasites effectively. In turn ridding people of various diseases. I know I've seen zappers for sale on Amazon and they are not that expensive.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lisa (Spokane, Wa) on 05/16/2010

I had (have) morgellons, all the symptoms including wierd black fiber growing out of red bump.

I tried topically: H2O2, which burned it black & helped but it returned.

I tried the borax, AVC, NaCO2, with some marginal help.

What really worked was animal wormers, Ivomectin 3gms topical type, increased to 12 mg daily for a week at the full moon. (bought it in aminal health section of feed store for cattle) Some symptoms did come back much milder - (all symptoms eventually returned except the skin fibers), and required repeated treatments, also tried alternating with other animal wormers to help decrease resistance over time.

Natural cures that seem to also help keep it in check are essential oils, oregano oil, thyme oil, eucaplytus oil, in a thyme tincture, sipped 2 X a day, about a tsp at a time. also taking some borax or bksoda for acidity (parasites generate lots of acidic wastes of their own that need to be eliminated).

I also take a bit of H2O2 at least once a day in some water, and Pot. Iodine a few drops a day, but these only gave minimal relief to control.

Additionally there seems to be a chlamydal or mycoplasm component that responds to n-Acetyl Cystene 6 pills 3 times a day, and sulfur pills - MSM or other sulfur suppliment - & wormwood powder (I grow some & dry the leaves to make a powder for me) 1 TBS 3 X day. and walnut hull tincture - 1 tsp 3Xday.

but I still need to continue treatments, I will try asprin cure - as I had shingles many years ago & it still seems to pop up occasionally - hence viral component to my immune disfunction, and lysine (2000mg)& vit C (few grams) helps to send it into remission but it returns whenever it can. (20 yrs now). Also need B12 in massive amts (due to chlamydl inhibiting this) and Iron phoryphroin toxicity, so I treat those also, and noticed some help. One thing I did notice when I first took some CoQ10 - I could really notice an improvemnt which eventually wore off... also a symptom of mitrchondra depression of energy - another Ch. symptom.

I have been vaccinated up to age 35, no jabs for the last 20 years. Also very poor teeth - heaps of mercury fillings, been working to detox both these problems (cilantro, & herbs, and all the suppliments to help with this problem)

hoemopathics seem to help - Silcia most effective, I take it as a suppliment, drops or pills, horsetail tea - (internal & external as baths), 3X , then 6X, then 12X, then 30 X, then back down to 12X, then 6X, then 3X,... various patterns and occasionally stronger dosage. over time it is helping to pull out infections & toxins.

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Des (Chatsworth, Ca) on 04/27/2010

The controversy over alkaline vs acid is confusing isn't it?

Our bodies need alkaline to be healthy, but acid is needed for certain functions. This confusion increases by the little known fact that "slightly alkaline" and "slightly acid" is what bodies run best on.

It's easy to become confused over a pH reading for an internal body part, when another slice from that same internal part will show a different pH reading. Two pH readings for one functional mechanism? Why?

The whole picture of the need for one part with two different pH environments built into it, can be overlooked by well-intended researchers. Even scientist disagree with each other.

Conflicting research interpretations surrounding different pH requirements are the result of "tunnel vision", which can reinforce the position of the alleged experts on both sides of issues.

As well, this scientifically proven separation of pH measurements may be ignored when researching data by those who's loyalty to the special interest group is required for project funding.

Bottom line is, nutritional deficiencies sets us up for disease. But statistically, all disease exist in a high acidic environment. If anyone finds a disease that does not need this acidic atmosphere, let me know.

By the way, I have not suffered from a cold for over two decades because I take alkaline substances that immediately regulates my pH which corrects the imbalance. It never fails.

Ultimately, our immune system is the only thing which can heal our bodies. Both doctors and alternative supporters have the human trait of using embellishments to support their position of wanting you to believe what they believe. It's normal.

If anyone compares the often fragmented medical research with the hearsay that accompany sites with health issues, look for references. Then continue to see if that references is followed by an unreferenced personal opinion. It happens all the time.

That kind of sentence is a common lure for the reader to assume that the opinion is also from the same reference. Two reasons for this deception that I know of, are deliberate frauds or an unintentional misconceptions passed on by a personal rumor copied from another site. Both can be seen all over the web.

If you don't believe the obvious historical version that everything needed for a healthy body grows from the ground, that's your personal choice.

Here's more history: the discovery of vitamins and minerals by scientist happened when research confirmed that every disease is attached to a deficiency of one or more of these elements.

Decide for yourselves if that means anything or is it just a coincidence. If anyone responds to this, please do so with referenced facts only.

No one is a 100% correct about anything, though we all have tried at sometime to offer our opinions with out-of-context data and embellishments which support our beliefs.

Health backed by science is the only way to expose many of the misinformation sites presented by individuals who may only want to sell you their products or to discredit the opposition. Nothing wrong with marketing your passion for something, just look for those references. The honest ones always list their references. It's good for business.

Be well.

Vitamin C, B5, and Magnets
Posted by Steve (San Deigo, Ca) on 04/08/2010

Hi guys you get morgellons disease from having a weak immune system so naturally to get rid of all you have to do is boost up your immune system to cure youe self from it. Vitamin C every hour for 2-3 days also B5 4 times a day this is what cured me. I want to warn you about drinking to much water you can get water poisioning mix it up. Magnets are a life saver they pull the static electricity out of your body and the bugs stop biting you if you have enouigh magnets. I just place magnets in sweat bands on my limbs and the bugs dont move as much. You basically have to find what is causing you to have weak immune system and boost your immune system up. High levels of static electricity kills your immune system its called emf, the bugs feed off static electricity. Yea I cured myself from this disease...

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Sarah (Tyler, Texas) on 04/08/2010

Ted's Morgellons Remedies

Just wanted to give some feedback on Ted's Lemon and Baking Soda. I started the lemon baking soda 6 days ago after I viewed my mites under a microscope for the first time. They were not mites but, crystal looking things with black and red threads.

I started the 1/8 teaspoon Borax to 1 liter of water the next day (did this 2 days then raised borax to 1/4 teaspoon).

In 6 days my itching has been greatly reduced during the day time. I have lots of white specks coming out of my skin but they are not stinging me and most have no colored threads.

I have started my dogs on 1/8 teaspoon borax in their drinking water and each gets 1 teaspoon of lemon juice 2 times per day. I still have itching at night. Is there anything else that Ted recommends that I have missed?

Thanks Ted!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Haycee (Gauteng, Sa) on 03/25/2010

Here's a link to nano particles in food:
Not very appetising news!

EC: Thanks!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Izzy3 (Vero Beach, Florida) on 03/25/2010

Right on the Welcome screen this morning they are talking about how they are putting nanotech in our food supply, cosmetics, gas etc. It even shows the fibers wrapping around human hair, exactly like the fibers people are experiancing with Morgellons, see what the great scientific secture is doing to us, in order to create a name for themselves, wake up people, their doing in mankind, and the planet, we need to get back to natural ways.

EC: Can you send us a link to the article or show that you saw this morning? Thanks!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Djpurity (Oakland, Ca, Usa) on 02/27/2010


I just got this brand x of colloidal silver from store y. Anyway, it is 96% actively charged silver, and the smallest particle size ever produced, thus the most surface area despite being only 10 PPM.

This tincture, I tried when in parking lot for store y. I ride my bike because I live in Oakland and we have great public transit and bikes are popular. Anyway, by the time I get home, fibers and blood are leaking out of my face!

I take 5 droppers about 3 times a day, for the last few days. But the toxins of these things dying inside of me is killing my immune system. I have never felt this bad! My body is definitely fighting for control.... my immune system is winning! And this is only with using this product with the hydrosol silver, not hydro-colloidal kind most people think of. Which makes a difference, imho.

ANYWAY, what I do not understand is that feeling like run down, tired, feverish, swollen joints (I have reactive arthritis), but after being in bed sick for 3 days, look at my legs, the worst of the sores is almost completely healed up!

When I took a shower, it really helped. I heard they are attracted to red grapes for wine? I don't know what or why, but imagine finding a brand z of face peel mask made from merlot wine red grapes! And this mask always pulls out the skin fibers.

There are silver bandaids and silver gel out on the market, all "new" -- strange timing! Anyway, if one i truly infected with this disease, you will feel the toxicity of their death. This is no quick flush out and you're feeling fine. You will have to fight it out. It travels into your system,e esp blood, and other organs, since the lesions or fibers cause bleeding, they can enter as well.

My mom and I think the best way to heal is to hit it from all sides. She doesn't have it -- lives on the East Coast, USA, while I live in Oakland, CA, USA (the same city Keiser Permanente is headquartered and did that useless 2009 study)

She wants me to take cipro to counter infection, due to sores and lesions from where the fibers and their makers, these black specks.... weird, every fiber always had a black speck making it. This sounds like science fiction!!! Not this reality. This is current science!

Anyway I am still on day 4 of the purge using just this one product x. It expelled and killed so much of this so quickly, that now I have these toxic particles and crap in my system that my immune system is trying to flush out. I am dying of thirst non-stop, and drink and sweat nonstop. My body is trying to flush this out. Natural but I didn't expect it.

This is why I am sort of suspicious of any of these cures that are posted here that do not mention the after effects of the immune system having to clean up all that dead waste now that it's been stopped, killed, whtever.

I say yes to hydrosol silver.. which is very slightly ever so different than colloidal silver, hrmmm. But this is just me. I am trying my best to get up and shower and use charcoal soap. These are new on the market too it seems. I found these at the same store y that I got brand x of the silver. The charcoal sucks things up from the skin, debris, etc, AND it seems to work well with the silver colloidal soap I also have. Charcoal first, silver next. Bring it to the surface, kill it.

But to be honest, until I put this silver into my bloodstream, it was just moving the fibers around my body to use silver gel or silver bandages... they were shooting off branches under the skin of fiber, to a new location, away from the bandage. So I had to get it in my blood to kill it.

But there are many parts to this disease. I am dying of thirst as I type this. I think my body wants to flush it out and it keeps sweating and I just feel horrible but I know my body is healing, and my immune system is telling me rest while it cleans up. i tried to move around too much today and ended up back to bed. Can't wait until all these things are flushed out via sweat, etc.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janet (Dallas, Nc) on 02/05/2010

In response to your article on hydrochloric acid; what is it and what are the benefits?

Posted by Angela (Smalltown, Bc) on 02/04/2010

I read somewhere else on this site that you can cover your dog in mayonnaise to kill mange mites, (for as long as possible) then rinse with vinegar water. I had mites and tried it on myself. It helped. Not sure if it would help with Morgellon's, but hey, if eggs help, it might be worth a try. (Pure mayo is just eggs, oil, and vinegar, you can make it at home or just use any brand) Just a thought anyways. At least it won't hurt you.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Izzy3 (Vero Beach, Fl.) on 01/03/2010

Am a long time sufferer of Morgellons, if they are in your ears try a dab of Peppermint oil on the outer ear, never put down in the ear and keep off your fingers, should you rub your eye it can sting badly, use Qtip or cotton ball, I also buy the Peppermint extract in the baking section and use a capful in my wash with the borax. Be very careful using Pantothenic Acid ( B 5 ) I may have done permenant damage to myself overdosing on it, research it first online and you will see that the body needs very little, and they sell it in high doses, high mg. It can cause wheezing and shortness of breath, which if your lucky goes away, but you are left with tingling in the feet etc.Cats Claw needs to be researched well also, we all want to get well , but self medicating can be lethal be careful and if possible talk to a doctor about doses of anything your not sure of. Mentholated body powders are a great help on the sheets in order to sleep, they do not like it ! God Bless and remember to share safe remedies.

Posted by Mac (Des Moines, Iowa) on 12/30/2009


Morgellons Cure

I had Morgellons for about 16 years and visited many doctors who all stated that I had Ekbom Syndrome "Delusory parasitosis, a belief that one's body is infested by invisible bugs." Funny thing is none of the doctors took the time to even look at my skin or take a biopsy. My latest Doctor gave me the same diagnosis but provided me with a prescription for Ivermectin and explained that it is what they use in Dogs for Heart Worm and for humans with River Blindness also known as Onchocerciasis. I was Morgellons free within a week of taking the medication but it did take 6 weeks or so till the areas healed where the bugs died under my skin and eventually came out as small pimples over many parts of my body. I had several people comment on how smooth my back felt during that time as my back has been rough with small bumps for many years. All was well for 6 months till my daughter moved back into my house with the family dog. It is almost as if I have caught it again from either the dog or my daughter who has a visible skin condition all over her body even worse than I had with the disease. Hard part about this is she does not believe that she has Morgellons and refuses to bring this up to a doctor. I guess if you treat one you must treat all at the same time including pets or you will catch it right back.
