Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MRSA: Effective Solutions for Infection Control

Yunnan Baiyao
Posted by Ken (Vancouver, Canada) on 02/21/2012

I cured many Staph infections large and small which are very common in the humid tropical regions of the world. The simple solution was:

Yunnan Baiyao which is a very common remedy available in any Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) shop. Cost a few $ only and is in powder or capsule form which can be appied topically and or taken orally. It heals these boils in one or two days like magic. Search Google for more info. Also good to keep skin dry and clean as possible with good nutrition to avoid recurrence.

Yunnan Baiyao
Posted by Danielle (Huntington beach, cal) on 07/07/2007

YUNNAN BAIYAO cured my Mrsa.

EC: Yunnan Baiyao also known as Yunnan Paiyao is a hemostatic powdered medicine famous for being carried by the Vietcong to stop bleeding during the Vietnam War.

Although its main ingredients are steamed and raw Sanqi (Tienchi ginseng, Notoginseng roots of Panax pseudoginseng) used to normalize blood flow, enhance poor circulation and heal internal bleeding in injuries and bleeding ulcers, and Rhizoma Dioscoreae [5], The two tienchi ginsengs are combined with astringent herbs that absorb excess bleeding, invigorate the blood and enhance healing including myrrh and "dragon's blood" another resinous herb for internal bleeding.[6]
