Hot Flashes
Natural Remedies

Top 5 Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Dietary Changes, Cool Showers, Acupuncture
Posted by Jackie (Atlanta, GA) on 02/13/2012

Hot flashes are THE WORST! I just got through several months of absolute hell! I got some great herbs from a chinese medicine woman in Atlanta and took them for 4 days- and the flashes were gone!

Mine were as severe as can be- she also gave me the food guidelines- and even after they left- I kept up with all of the above to keep them away.

What worked for me is below:

1) Go gluten free- NO WHEAT. There are alot of great gluten free products on the market including pasta, crackers and bread that make this do-able.

2) Avoid SUGAR- nothing with cane sugar - try to go easy on fruit also because it is very high in sugar

3) NO ALCOHOL at all until you get the hof flashes in order (this is the worst because I LOOVVVEEEE wine! ) - this is probably the worst culprit and made a huge difference.

Once you get the flashes in order- if you need a glass- just 1/2 glass occasionally.

4) According to Chinese Medicine- the kidneys need to be strengthened- that is the reason for the urinary urgency. I think to get the urinary urgency part in check- you need chinese herbs.

5) Really pay attention to your food - you would be surprised how much of a difference this makes- EAT COOLING FOODS:

Meats- Fish and Pork are cooling- Beef, Shellfish and Chicken are heaty and will make you hotter than you already are.

Vegetables- no potatoes, carrots, these are heaty foods- go for green veggies and squash which are cooling. I got amazing relief from eating Green Cabbage.

Rice- Brown Rice, not white

Fruits- go easy- if you need fruits- blackberries are good- just things lower in sugar

Juice- No Orange or citrus juice- if you must have some juice- drink apple. Watering down is good too.

NO SPICY FOODS at all. No cinnamon, nutmeg- both are warming.


6) Take cool showers- I do a warm shower then end with making it as cold as I can stand it.

7) Acupuncture helps also- I do this weekly to balance hormones

8) For me- the fatigue was because I was napping through the flashes at night and not getting enough sleep. It is important to try to get some sleep- try to read at night instead of watching TV or being on the computer- that riles you up more.

9) The sadness of the life shift passed once I stopped sweating to death, and once my body got back in balance. It feels like you are dying- but it is really that your body is trying hard to balance itself and needs assistance. It will get better.
