Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Earache Remedies for Pain Relief

Posted by Melissa (Machesney Park, IL) on 12/05/2006

I used fresh garlic dropped in ear as another person had said that she did for her son. to get rid of the pain. I tried this on my boyfriend to try and get rid of his earache and infection. It immediately made his ear burn like it was on fire. Why, I am not sure. All I know is it caused him more pain then before. I DO NOT recommend this to anyone!!!!!! I felt so bad for him.

Olive Oil, Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Oil
Posted by Jessica (Oklahoma, US) on 12/04/2014

I have been having ear pain for a few days, and the doctor said it was allergies/sinus. In the meantime, I looked online and found a remedy that really works for me, but the pain does come back after a while, so I just reapply the ointment. 1/4 c. olive oil, 10 drops each of tree tea oil and lavender oil. Rub around ear, NOT inside. So I mixed all these ingredients into a jar and just keep using it. In the meantime I will look here to see how to get rid of these seasonal allergies.

Cigarette Smoke
Posted by Marsh57 (Co) on 06/09/2020

It's the same theory as candle waxing. These days a 1/2 cigarette is probably much cheaper!

Neti Pot With Sea Salt, Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda
Posted by Andrey (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 03/28/2013

Hello, I have been getting ear aches/infections when the weather jumps up and down for as long as I can remember. The hydrogen peroxide method has always helped me, however what I was surprised to see is that no one mentioned using a Neti pot as well. Ears, throat and nose are all connected as most of you probably know. A neti pot filled with slightly warm purified water, 1/3rd teaspoon of sea salt, 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda, and about 5-10 drops of hydrogen peroxide is a great way to alleviate the pain and pressure in your ears! It usually clears them out right away. Please try this remedy out and tell me what you think! Andrey.

Steaming Washcloth in Mug
Posted by Tilly (Lancaster, Lancashire, England) on 09/14/2012

Tried the mug thing, but instead of a hot wash cloth just put half a mug of boiling water, the steam from it is a miricle worker! The pain stopped instantly then just rested my head on a hot water bottle for awhile and my ear crackled for about ten mins but it 100% fine now!

Posted by Thismodificationworkedforme (Trenton, Nj) on 12/05/2011

For ear aches, skip the alcohol part. Just use 50% white vinegar and 50% warm water. The alcohol is too damaging to the skin, especially in a child's ear canal and is unnecessary. The vinegar creates an environment that is too acidic for fungus to grow in any event. That's why it works so well in dog's ears for cleaning. I used this 50 vinegar 50 water solution on my kids this summer and it worked like MAGIC. GONE in 10 minutes. I'm not sure of the actual mechanism or process but it works.

Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar
Posted by Tee (North Carolina) on 05/30/2017

Try a lower content of isopropyl alcohol like 70% or try to increase the amount of vinegar. The 95% alcohol is typically something we cannot get easily in the USA and that may a bit too strong for your ears.

Steaming Washcloth in Mug
Posted by Kirsty (Preston, Uk) on 10/08/2011

thank u so much! Just woke up with excrutiating earache and came online looking for something to help, did not fancy sticking ciggies or garlic in my ear an your suggestion seemed most sensible as when I was little and had earache my mum would always do me a hot water bottle to alleviate the pain. Within seconds of putting my ear over the mug I felt bubbles coming out of my ear and the pain subside. I am now happily going back to bed to finish my nights sleep before my 3 young children wake me up, I just wanted to say a huge thank you! And thank god for the internet! Lol.

Steaming Washcloth in Mug
Posted by Krissy06 (Detroit, Canada) on 11/03/2011

The mug thing did work with me as well :) thanks!

Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar
Posted by Di (Bartlesville, Oklahoma) on 08/03/2009

I was plagued for several years with itchy and very clogged ears. The $100.00 bottle of medicine from the doctor only worked temporarily, then itchy, clogged ears would be back. I tried a home remedy I found on the internet and BRAVO, clean ears now going on 4 years. In a small bottle with a tip on it, mix 1 part 91% alcohol and 1 part vinegar. Apple cider or white will work. Several times a day drop a few drops into each ear. I also put some on a Q-tip and wipe the inside of my ear, just don't push Q-tip into ear. Everytime your ear gets wet especially after bath or shower or swimming do this. The 91% alcohol dries moisture, and the vinegar keeps bacteria from growing. Don't use 70% alcohol, it has too much water in it. If ears are really slushy, clean them a few times with peroxide before using the alcohol/vinegar. Peroxide will put water into the ear so don't use it too often. Once your ears have been slush/itch free continue to use the alcohol/vinegar at least once a day.

EC: 91% alcohol is isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Thenomad (Usa) on 01/21/2016

He mentions his ear drum was ruptured, I think the obvious conclusion is that he ruptured it with the q-tip and then the sudden pain from the hydrogen peroxide hitting his ruptured ear caused the problem. You must be sure it's not ruptured before you put anything in your ear (alcohol, peroxide, ois)

Posted by Jeremiah (San Diego, California) on 07/01/2009

Eb22, there are likely several reasons that this happened to you. If you are allergic to allicin or any of the other properties unique to garlic, that would explain the reaction, which I remember reading somewhere (I'm sorry that I can't remember where). Allicin is a very potent chemical, which is why it can irritate the stomach and/or the digestive tract.

If you are not allergic to any of the compounds, the length of time that you had the ear infection (5 weeks is quite a bit of time) might have something to do with it. The potency of the garlic/allicin, added to the fact that your immune system is working hard against the infection anyways, may cause for a little bit of overcompensation in regards to fighting the infection.

A third possibility is the first two possibilities combined. Both an allergy to the unique compounds in garlic combined with the duration of the infection as well as the fact that your immune system is hard at work already, could very well cause a little bit of overcompensation in regards to fighting the infection.

I don't know whether you are allergic to garlic, but something about it caused an abnormal reaction to what has otherwise been proven an effective method of treating an ear infection if used properly. I would advise that you look further into this, as this could be an underlying symptom of something else.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kathy (Houston, TX) on 10/17/2008


Warning: peroxide for ear pain

For some people this may work, but for me Never again. My fiance kept telling me just pour the peroxide in your ear it will feel better. The pain was very bad and I have had this ear rupture before on my from the pressure well I said fine. So i poured just a little in my ear and with in 10 minutes it ruptured and it drained puss and blood out of it. Very gross and expensive. All ways check with your doctor mine told me never to use it again on my ears.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Glass (Brooklyn, NY ) on 02/06/2009



i have a history of ear problems throughout childhood. i havent had any infections or pain in about 15 years, since i was 12-- until now. last week i developed a cold, everyone in my house is sick and coughing, phlegm, congestion, some with fever, you know the deal. winter in new york. i read about hydrogen peroxide in the ear and tried it, it barely even went down, that's how clogged my ears must have been. but i had zero ear pain at all, i have had many sinus infections/ flu / colds over the years, all cured naturally with no spread to ear. 2 nights ago i had a severe earache, for 6 hours i was literally wailing in excruciatng pain. i put in a cap of peroxide 2 or 3 times, it started to feel better when it first when in and as soon as it got deeper the pain was just as bad. i think it's a bad idea to put anything in your ears, especially anything liquid, if you have a history of problems draining fluid or tubes put in as a kid, because that drainage problem can come right back as it did for me. the liquid got trapped in there the other day when i first did it (in attempt to cure the cold) and whatever clogging was there just left the little peroxide with nowhere to drain, and it caused an infection.

yesterday felt a little better when i woke up, but muffled hearing. woke up today with blood and white fluid (some pus?) coming out of ear. i got scared and went to a doctor. i'm pregnant and refuse antibiotics, she said since the pus isn't green, i can try to cure infection myself but still recommended penicillin. i will continue to inhale steam, eat lots of raw ginger and garlic and massage all around the ear (around the outside of ear, all those pressure points especially behind earlobe and a little down the neck) and that could cure the infection. do both ears to prevent spread of infection to other ear. also massage pressure points around nostrils. ACV is great too!!! i swig a few teaspoons mixed with water and cayenne, like 5 times a day when im sick. it's a great sinus reliever and breaks up congestion. turmeric is great too, it's a potent anti-inflammatory. hope this helps.

Posted by M (San Diego, Ca) on 11/19/2008

Dear Ouchy Mcnumbface, hahahaha thanks for the story and advice! I will definitely not try the garlic clove remedy but oh my gosh I laughed so hard at your story tears are flowing. I'm sorry you were in pain but you really know how to make a person laugh. Thanks I needed that! I hope your ear got better.

Posted by Toya (Ny, Ny) on 08/21/2009

OhMY GOODNESS< McNumbface@

I TRIED not to laugh, but once you called the syringe a detonator, I couldn't contain myself any longer. You definitely convinced me to never put garlic juice in the ear. Oh my how funny. I'm sorry for your pain and I hope you are better now.

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 08/25/2009

thanks Ouchy for the warning! sorry to have a good laugh at your expense...sort of like laughing at a funeral. I hope that all is healed.

Posted by Leah (Friendswood, Tx) on 08/31/2009

ROFL! Laughing as I'm typing, I can only imagine, I have also had instances like you where you just dont know what to do and do whatever to make it right again. Yeah, raw garlic is some strong stuff, never use just the raw juice, if you do, put some warmed coconut oil in it, like a drop, 2 at the most, Im still splitting my side, thanks for the laugh, sorry it had to be at your expense, I can honestly say, I know how you feel.

Posted by Tracy (Arlington, Texas, Usa) on 09/16/2009

OMGOSH!!! Ouchy McNumbface! I hope your ear is better. I'm sitting here desperate to find some relief for my chronic ear ache till I can make it to the doctor appointment in the morning. I was almost in tears as I searched for some profound new way to ease the pain, and now I am laughing so hard, I think my ear may hurt worse once I stop, but that was hilarious! Have you considered stand up comedy? If you can articulate yourself on stage as well as you can write, I will be looking for you in the movies!!! Thanks for the crazy visuals! And again, hope you are feeling better!

EC: One of our favorite posts on the site!

Posted by Jc (Fullerton, Ca) on 06/01/2011

Ouchy McNumbface; sorry for your experience with garlic juice. But totally agree this was hilarious and should consider stand up comedy! You've made my day... now I have to explain to my co-workers why I was laughing so hard ;D I hope you are better.

Posted by Kristen (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 01/23/2012

Ouchy mcnumb face thank you for such an hysterical account of your ear pain! Just reading your entry made my husband and I laugh so hard that I think his ear is already feeling better. You should definitely consider creating a blog as you are a great writer! Here's to no more garlic encounters in your future! Thanks again;)

Posted by Savannah (Florida, US) on 11/04/2014

Wish I was there... very descriptive though...but 7cloves...you're asking for trouble... I bet you have more respect for garlic now... I had a fit of giggles...made my day.. btw... sorry you had to go through that.. but thanks for posting.. cheers..

Warmed Salt
Posted by Amanda (Burlington, CO) on 03/07/2008

My son had an ear ache last night. somtimes ear drops can be painfull. Now he was already on medication for a cold( first dose given today). I gave him a pain reliever, but knew that would take time. So, I contacted my local hospital. The nurse on call suggested I place salt ( any amount) in a sock and heat it in the microwave. once making sure it wasn't too hot. I then put the sock under my sons ear while he was lying down. I placed about half a cup for one minute on high. There is no exact amount that would be right. enough to cover the ear while lying down. also a thicker sock is better than a thin one. Place an elastic band at the end or tie. Some will leak out, but totally worth it. After that my son only woke once more. I know the pain reliever helped. But the warm salt really helped sooth him.

Sinus Wash
Posted by Paul (Bloomington, In) on 02/21/2010


I'm all for Neti pots for sinus irrigation however be very careful not to blow too hard as this is what caused my latest earache. In fact always keep this in mind when having any sinus congestion. The pressure of holding your nose and blowing pushes up the mucus into the ear canal. Remember blow gently, don't honk your brains out.

Posted by Jinc's (Greenville, SC) on 04/01/2007

Thank you Melissa from Machesney Park, IL . . . I tried the garlic cure after getting an ear infection. I was glad to have read your warning about your boyfriend's ear burning badly. Your description of "like fire," was accurate. I did a little research and below is what Wikipedia had to say about allicin . . .

"Allicin is a powerful antibiotic and anti-fungal compound obtained from garlic.

Allicin is not present in garlic in its natural state. When garlic is chopped or otherwise damaged, [squeezed] the enzyme alliinase acts on the chemical alliin converting it into allicin. Alliin is an amino acid that does not build proteins.

Allicin is not a very stable compound. It degrades slowly upon standing and is rapidly destroyed by cooking. Allicin can be used for some medicinal purposes - it helps fighting arteriosclerosis, it has the ability to dissolve fats and it can also be used as an antioxidant to some extent.

Allicin is also the chemical constituent primarily responsible for the hot, burning flavor of fresh garlic."

Please note that alicin is described as the agent that causes the hot burning sensation when you eat raw garlic. Probably does the same thing when you put raw fresh garlic in your ear.

I put raw garlic in a thin meshed gauze and after squeezing the juice into my ear. I then pushed the gauze (with garlic still in it) into my ear. I let it stay until I couldn't take the burning anymore.

Although the burning is great, I will try to endure to see if my ear gets better now that I have some idea of why it happens. I only tried it today (1 April 07). Will let everyone know the outcome in about a week. Wanted to let you know about the burning now!

Note: Wikipedia is an open source, free, web encyclopedia. I happen to trust it greatly, although some suspect it because ANYONE can add a definition.

Posted by Barbara (Dunwoody, GA) on 03/30/2006

I use fresh garlic as an antibiotic for earache and sinus infection. The antibiotic properties of garlic are a direct result of the allicin produced from raw, crushed garlic. This is destroyed by age and cooking - cooked garlic has virtually no antibiotic value. I crushed a fresh garlic clove, placed it in a handkerchief and squeezed a couple of drops in my son's ear, he was asleep in minutes with no pain in the morning. I've also sauteed noodles in olive oil & sprinkled fresh crushed garlic on it to address sinus problems.

Salt Solution or Warm Water
Posted by Milroc (Ny) on 10/23/2017

I mean, you can add some salt to kill germs, so either warm salt water or warm water too. Same results. You can use the warm water directly from faucet.

Garlic Oil Recipe
Posted by Tim (Alabama, US) on 03/20/2015

Thank you for sharing this oil recipe. It was a life saver over this past winter. I have started another batch to keep over the summer for that one in a million just in case moment. Managed to be bed ridden for almost a month. Between this and Apple Cider Vinegar add to Black Tea over Ice, I am ninety five percent better. Love this Earth Clinic and all that share. Thanks again Mama to Many.

Garlic Oil Recipe
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/20/2015

Dear Tim,

Thanks for sharing your success story! I am so glad you are feeling better!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Hippocrates (Odin, Missouri, USA) on 04/29/2012 9 posts

Hello all, I have suffered from sinus problem my whole life. This often leads to ear infections (several times a year, certain times almost constantly). This causes some discomfort and dizziness, which can lead to falls and makes it difficult to drive sometimes.

Well, my child recently had an ear infection, then a high fever, which lead to Roseola and Hand/Foot/Mouth disease. Needless to say, I am a bit overly cautious in protecting myself from communicable diseases. During this time I had been suffering from an ear infection as well, which at this point I have kind of learned to live with, since doctor antibiotics have not worked (makes worse usually), and most natural treatments have gave minimal results at best. My ears have been popping, discomfort, dizzy, and if you wiggle your scalp using your facial muscles, you head a clicking in your ears.

So, to help protect myself from the baby, I started taking "something-C" (available in most pharmacies, can't say the exact brand name). It is basically 1000 mg of Calcium Ascorbate. I have been taking two a day, one every 12 hours.

Also, I've been taking a Zinc/Copper/Iodine gel cap (zinc and copper are as "amino acid chelates", and iodine "as kelp"). Zinc content is 50 mg, Copper is 2 mg, and Iodine is 53 mcg. I have been taking two a day, one every 12 hours.

I am on no other drugs prescription or otherwise, and not taking any other vitamins or supplements at this time.

Like I said, I was taking these to up my immune system from "Typhoid Mary". But 24 hours in, I started noticing that my ears were not popping, dizziness and discomfort was minimal. Day 2 it was even better. Day 3 I forgot to take, feeling better, and by day 4 symptoms were back to a great degree. I started taking again day 5 and by day 6 they were back subsided. Day 7 and 8 have been like normal.

I believe, like anti-biotics, that this should be taken for a period of time to totally clear up, and that my lapse in memory on the one day caused my flair-up. I am thinking of continuing for a month, just to make sure.

I am unsure of this form of vitamin-c's role in the equation, since I have taken it and regular C before and did not notice an improvement. I postulate that it is either the Zinc or Copper, as both are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. Copper metal destroys these on contact by a currently unknown mechanism. The F. D. A. even approved its use in hospitals for these reasons.

If you have an allergy to Zinc or Copper, or disease where you can not take them, I am unaware if this would be safe for you in your particular circumstance.

But if you suffer from ear infections, I wanted to tell you what seems to be working for me that I have accidentally stumbled upon.

P.S. I have not been doing this currently, due to my experimentation, but usually, to help clean out my sinuses, I use a Neti pot, use the standard salt/baking soda solution, but I add less than 1 teaspoon of Xylitol and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to it, sometimes a few drops of 500 ppm Colloidial Silver to it, when I have it on hand.

But, the trick I do is, using your jaw muscles, make your ears pop repeatedly as you are pouring the solution in each side. You will feel a cool sensation in each ear, this is the solution going in each Eustachian tube. This will help clean them out and coat them with the solution which helps kill off the bad things hiding in there. Just a trick I have learned I thought I would share.

Posted by Erin (Los Angeles, Ca) on 07/21/2012

Unfortuntely you can't get to the Eustachian tube through your ear. There is an eardrum blocking it. Only way is through your throat.

Posted by Mike (Oxfordshire, Uk) on 06/27/2015

I think what he meant was that the liquid from the neti pot, on its travel from one nostril to the other, would (or could, depending on how it's done) pass by the entrance to the Eustachian tube, and some would go down that way. It would feel as though it's "in the ear", but it's in the middle ear. It then passes back out via the Eustachian tube into the throat. That's my approximate understanding of what's going on here.

I don't think it's all that easy to get fluid into the Eustachian tube using this method, but I believe it's possible.

Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Australia) on 01/14/2017

Each time I have used the 50% alcohol 50% vinegar my ears have hurt for days afterwards like a burning feeling. I am using 95% alcohol from chemist and white vinegar. Why is this happening?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lisa (Stamford, Ct) on 01/23/2011

What did you end up doing to relieve your symptoms? By accident I took full strength 29% H202 in my ear and now it is a little achey. Hope you're feeling better!

Jean's Tomato Tea
Posted by Pb (Cape Breton, Ns) on 07/28/2010

I had tried Jean's tomato tea from earthclinic for a sinus cold and it worked amazingly well. However after a few days I developed an ear ache. I took another cup of the tea and within a few hours my ear cleared. My guess is the ear ache was somehow sinus-related?? A good reminder to keep taking the tea for a few days even after you're feeling better. Anyway just thought I'd pass this on. (I've also been thinking that Jean's tomato tea would be a good daily supplement, as when I took 2 cups for my sinus cold, within a few hours I had a phenomenal amount of energy!!)

EC: For those who haven't seen it, instructions and feedback for Jean's Tomato Tea is here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/tomato_tea.html

Rubbing Alcohol and White Vinegar
Posted by Toni (Manila) on 04/26/2022

I have 95% ethyl alcohol and 99% isopropyl alcohol AR. Which one should I use?

Hydrogen Peroxide and Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terri (North Little Rock, Arkansas) on 03/06/2009

I have been trying one of the remedies that was seen here from a friend of ours and it is not working. I have had only one ear bothering me then the other one started so he went and looked up some home remedies for us because we can not afford to send me to the doctor. But it looks like that I am gonna have to go because I have not been able to get a solid night sleep. I finally do get to get some rest and it is only for about 3 hours at a time. The pain is so unbearable that I have literally bawled my eyes out and I am a 44 year old woman. The remedy that was given to me was the one that calls for 3% hydrperoxide 3 drops in each ear and then dry each one completely then take 2 drops of apple cider vinegar in each ear and leave in there for five minutes repeat this whole remedy 3 times a day. I know that there are some who do not get relief by using these remedies and others do, but I am at my wits end. I can not afford to go to the doctor. I am currently unployed but I am out there pounding the streets to find work and I have been very depressed lately. Work was the only thing keeping me going. My ears are hurting so bad right now I just want the pain to stop because it is so terrible that I have thought about other ways to end this pain and I am being very serious about this. Can you please help me find something that will work.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ruth (Fairmont, Wv) on 05/10/2012

My advice would be that if the peroxide and ACV are irritating your ears, that is an indication you should STOP using them--at least for now. I frequently have that problem too. I haven´t used ACV in my ears before, but I use peroxide often if my ears are stopped up or irritated. It almost always helps, but sometimes makes my ears really irritated. So I usually apply coconut oil or olive oil. It works best at night when you can leave it in for a long time, but you can use it during the day too. You might want to put some tissue in the outside of your ear for a while to keep the oil from running out and getting all over you.

Sea Salt Solution
Posted by Tristan (Palm Coast, Florida) on 02/21/2009

I've had a recurring ear infection (it's left a constant ringing sound), and have tried a number of oils, garlic, clove etc, and nothing has worked. This afternoon I put in some drops of sea salt solution - the right ear was fine, but after rinsing the left one, I couldn't walk straight. I was all off balance like I'd been drinking, and I felt quite nauseous. I'm worried now. Can anyone explain what may have happened? Thanks.

Posted by Sarah (Youngstown, OH) on 09/11/2008

Fresh Garlic cure for Ear Infection: I put a few drops of fresh garlic juice in my infected ear, hoping the burning would stop the itching. I felt nothing and it did nothing. Disappointed.

Rubbing Alchol and Peroxide
Posted by Chanda (Fayetteville, AR) on 05/01/2008


I have been suffering from a chronic earache for two weeks now, and nothing is working!! The ATB did not help. My doctor did recommend a mixture of alcohol, peroxide and regular tap water and it did alleviate the pain for a day. Mix equal parts(a capfull of each) place in ear for 5 mins and then shower to irrigate. I dont reccomend the ear pick, my doc did this last year and I ended up with a horrible infection due to the injury from it!! I'm now hoping the old faithfull sweet oil works!!!

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