Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Eczema Treatments for Soothing Relief

Neem Oil, Baking Soda
Posted by Cynthia (Auckland, Nz) on 12/06/2009

Recently I have had an outbreak of eczema reminiscent of childhood - hot band like rashes, worse in bed at night, sometimes weeping - pretty much everywhere -all the joint areas of body even nipples. So I have tried two new things lately = NEEM OIL - few drops in bath and spray on baking soda. The neem takes the itch away and the redness. The baking soda spray - 1 tsp in bottle of water stings like buggerey at first but I sprayed it on my foot and it was all raised up and the next day it was flat. It's not cured yet but is better. Neem takes the itch out but don't overdo it. I leave my skin to dry after - it's quite dry but I can't put creams on as they make me itch.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Teya (Winnemucca, Nv) on 12/06/2009

Hello Everyone! I have suffered from Hand Eczema for about one year and have gone though several types of lotions and dr. perscriptions, nothing worked. Then I came across this website!

So I tried some remedies, and they worked! I do this three times a day, in this order: Apply Apple Cider Vinager to hands and let it dry, then apply warm olive oil. Then at night before bedtime, I also soak my hands in chamomile tea. In addition to this I take a dietary supplement, it is a blend of Omega 3-6-9 complex. I found this blend at a grocery store.

My daughter who is 5 years old,recently broke out with eczema on her face. I'm applying the ACV and olive oil 3 times a day. I diluted the ACV, because it was too strong. In the morning before school I just apply a little lotion, so the kids do not make fun of her having oil all over her face. I'm also going to start having her eat half a apple a day. Hopefully this will work for her! And I hope this helps others.

Posted by Danijel (Minneapolis, Mn) on 10/15/2009

I had problem with my skin excema for years. I started taking vitamin B5 and superoxidants and and my skin started clearing after two weeks. Now I do not have any facial and back skin excema! It is worth a try! Good luck!

EC: B5 is also known as Pantothenic Acid.

Ocean Water
Posted by Doug (Cucamonga, Ca, Usa) on 10/08/2009

I have had a large patch of eczema on the back of my leg for about 10 years. Sometimes it doesn't itch much, other times it itches so bad that I scratch it until it's raw. I have tried a number of topical treatments, all of which helped...but none of which were able to cure it completely. So finally, after 10 years, it's gone! And what, you ask, is the reason? Ocean water. Several months ago I went to a 2 week training in San Diego and noticed that after snorkeling a handful of times in my spare time, the itch was lessened and the skin on the back of my knee felt softer. I loved snorkeling (not for eczema reduction, but simply because I enjoyed it) and I recently decided to get Scuba certified. After a dive I would notice, like with snorkeling, that the itch was lessened and the skin on the back of my knee felt softer. Well, over the past 2 months I have done about 15 dives and the eczema is gone! Ten years of various natural and unnatural salves/creams/pastes couldn't fix what the ocean could after only several "treatments".

It's worth noting that (I believe) one would have to actually go to the ocean and be in the water to get the benifits. That is, I do not believe mixing salt and water would work. Nor do I believe you could bring home some ocean water and apply it and get the same results. It is my belief that the ocean water needs to be "alive". Meaning, it needs to be full of all the bacteria/microorganisms/fresh plant particles etc. that are present in the water's natural state. I realise that not all eczema sufferers live on the coast, so for many sufferers this may not be helpful info--but for eczema sufferers living near the beach, they would be well advised to take make as many beach trips as could very well be the miracle cure they're looking for.

Also, I had the thought that maybe fresh "ocean" water from a salt-water aquarium could be effective. Since, in the aquarium, the water contains many of the same bacteria etc. that would be found in the natural ocean it seems at least possible that this water could be used to treat eczema (i.e. dipping a cloth in the tank and applying it to the affected area. In theory, at least, this seems more likely to be successful than, say, transporting ocean water from the beach since many of the living organisms in the water will be unable to survive for more than a couple of hours.


Ocean Water
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 10/09/2009

Hi Doug, good to hear you found a cure... I have a friend with severe Psoriatic Arthritis and for him the only really effective treatment is a trip to the Dead Sea. He said buying the bath salts just didn't do it. I wonder if it could be a combination of the sun and sea water and stress relief. Tout ensemble!

Ocean Water
Posted by Jim (Ipswich, Sd Usa) on 01/06/2010

Hey Doug, I suffer from eczema on my ankles, when I went in the Navy I snorkeled often. I noticed the seawater and sun would clear my eczema right away. I try using a tanning bed now and it helps, but the combination sun and seawater worked well. The ACV stops the itch for now till I can get back to the sea.

Ocean Water
Posted by Bunny (Santa Ana, Ca) on 01/13/2010

Any time you have a skin issue that improves in the sun it could indicate an inability to produce enough fumaric acid. A doctor can test for it. I'ts a genetic glitch, so you will need to supplement forever if this is the problem.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Suzanne (Kansas City, Mo, Usa) on 09/29/2009

On the subject of Eczema - I have been giving my teen Oil of Oregano in capsules (one in the morning and one at night) to help with her Eczema; this has helped trememdously with the itching and some of the redness. We have tried the cortizone cremes from the doctors and that did not help her at all. I've been reading here today on the suggstions of using Apple Cider Vinegar and plan to try that. I can remember as a small child my grandma taking vinegar to help with her ailments so maybe there is something to this.

As a side note I personally am taking the oregano capsules as well for sinus relief (have been for three years). I used to have a large problem with my sinus passages closing up when I laid down for the evening. I was taking a ton of OTC medications to just be able to go to sleep. I started taking this after reading up about the many health issues that are related to what is in our blood stream and that this herb can help with this. I do belive that this herb has helped us a lot.

Posted by Genevieve (Bronx, Ny) on 09/25/2009

I have serious eczema and i found that since i have been taking probiotics the inflammation has reduced dramatically. I know how badly eczema can make you feel. I have suffered with it for over 15 years.

Posted by John W. (Baxledy, Ga.) on 08/28/2009

My wife and little girls have eczema, We tried some much stuff and the only thing that we could find that would work was lavender. My wife mixes it with water and not for sure on the ratio, but it works and does not sting, only smells good . John W.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Suzan (Hollywood, Fl) on 08/14/2009

Hi, I am 46 year old. I have born with eczema and allergy and ashma. long story, short I have tried everything out there, only hydrocortison cream and pills do little help. It is been two weeks that I have started 2 tbspoon apple cider vinager with 1/2 tspoon baking soda. The result is very itchy, red, swollen, painful skin. I also am taking acidophilus and flax seed oil. I have allergy to every thing and asthma. Please help I am very desperate. Thank you in advance.

Sea Salt
Posted by Sally (Austin, Texas) on 07/18/2009

Sea Salt baths have almost cured my eczema in a matter of weeks. Get a good one that has minerals and put about 3/4 cup into the tub. I've also started taking iodine tablets.

Posted by Dia (IL) on 05/10/2024

Is there a specific name for the Ayurvedic Turmeric Skin Cream?

I have looked carefully at yours and at other posts but I don't see a specific name.

Thank you for your help.

Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by LB (Reigate, Surrey, UK) on 02/18/2009


I found that mixing VCO with Tea Tree Oil and applying it to the patch of excema several times daily (6 or 7) cleared my discoid eczema within 7-10 days rather that the 8-10 weeks it usually took to clear. Discoid eczema patches are usually roundish in shape. They are very itchy to begin with, and then become very sore as they form several tiny heads which weep. The patch then becomes very hard and thick and normally takes weeks to heal leaving a mark where it had once been.

I have also made a connection with eating citrus and flare ups.

Posted by Lana (Flushing, New York) on 03/04/2010

hi i have a question... what % did you use for the iodine? I have one at home thats 10%... is that too low? thanks

Posted by Lisa (Coto De Caza, Ca) on 09/19/2012

It was the 10% povidone iodine from the drug store. It worked great on my son.

Posted by Bubbly (India) on 03/14/2015

For how many minutes we should keep iodine solution and we should let it air dry or wash it with water?

Ted's Eczema Advice
Posted by Neal (Easton, Pa) on 04/07/2010

Thank for Ted, finally an intelligent response amidst the inter-nets :P The solution you suggest should come in handy while going out to sea with the U.S. navy.

As a side note for those interested:

-18 years of age
-Diet for the past 14 years composed of high amounts artificial foods, composed mainly of sugar, extremely little greens consumed. 20:1 ratio for sugar to greens servings consumed.
-Lead to minor bouts of eczema located on face, hands, forearms, legs, and wrists.
-As daily stress heightened so did the bouts.
-The bouts only added unto the stress, thus producing a never-ending cycle.
-Deep-breathing exercises for a year, used consistently throughout the day stopped all signs of eczema.

Vitamin E
Posted by Marisa (London, Canada) on 06/09/2008

I tried everything for my eczema on my hands and nothing seemed to work. I then tried applying vitamin e oil and my eczema has greatly improved. My skin is a lot softer and smother.

Vitamin E
Posted by Anngra (Glen Cove, New York) on 06/11/2008

I used to get eczema too and i believe it usually is caused by a reaction to certain detergents. try using a more natural one and you will probably see some improvement.

Fish Oil
Posted by Nick (Grayslake, IL) on 06/02/2008

Fish oil also known as cod oil makes the biggest difference in my skin condition. I take a spoon full daily and it either completely heals my skin or dramatically reduces the amount of eczema as well as the redness, bumps, itchiness, etc... As a side note, Fish oil is also good for your hair and nails as well.

Epsom Salts
Posted by WT (Spartanburg, SC) on 05/31/2008

I read somewhere that Epsom salt baths would cure eczema. My secretary has a friend who has a kid who suffers with it really bad, to the point he doesn't sleep well because of it. After I mentioned it to her, the friend tried it and she was floored with the results. It began clearing up very quickly and he has been sleeping very well lately. Another friend tried it with great results. People are simply amazed at the results.

Posted by Trey (Minot, ND) on 05/19/2008

I also notice that summer time usually stops the eczema but comes back in the winter. But chlorine has always made it worse whenever I've gone swimming. I think sunlight might help.

Coconut Oi
Posted by Michelle (Kenosha, WI ) on 05/15/2008

Response to Anna from Elk Grove. You should try coconut oil exturnally and internally for your eczema. My nine year old daughter had a very severe case, I started the EVCO to help her allergies and asthma (which it did) but it also cured her eczema which has been an non issue ever since she started taking it. The skin on her face was always dry and dull even when she wasn't having an eczema breakout but now she just glows!!!!
