Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Eczema Treatments for Soothing Relief

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki) on 07/27/2022

Sunlight (or UVA and UVB lamps) for Eczema

I've tried many things for my eczema on my lower calves. Nothing worked like sunning. In the summer due to the high temperature and sweating it becomes inflamed. I've learned that there are UVB therapy lamps for eczema. Ultraviolet light can remove white blood cells that provoke an allergic reaction and are under the epidermis. UVA radiation has less energy but goes deeper into the skin. So why don't try UVA plus UVB therapy for free with sunning. Just 5 minute every other day had total elimination of my eczema and very red and itcy spots. While sunning one must gradually increment in order not to get a sunburn.

If one doesn't have a lot of sun here are the UVB ot UVA devices. Doctors say UVB monochromatic 311nm therapy is safer for skin cancer.

In the image I added below, shows that my skin is somehow red in the area with red itchy dots like mosquito bites.

Avoid Gluten
Posted by GC (Georgia) on 06/27/2021

I was diagnosed with Eczema in 2010.

After suffering for a length of time, I realized that I could easily control it by diet choice.

Since Eczema is an auto immune issue, I realized I was triggering the reaction.

So I eliminated gluten only and it went away within a week.

To test this theory further, I reintroduced gluten and within 12 hours. the flare ups started. Then eliminated the gluten and gone.

Lifetime adjustment in diet is my only route.

Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
Posted by ThankfullyItsNotWorse (NJ) on 11/15/2020

Take 2…

After having a pretty bad bout of poison ivy on my arms, I was prescribed a steroid cream. Shortly after that my hands started breaking out with what I thought was still poison ivy that was still on my boots or other items I may have touched after. Eventually I got to the point where I wasn't sure if it was in fact still poison ivy on my hands. Long story short, I went to two different dermatologists. One said it was probably Granuloma Annulare while the other said it was probably Eczema. Both agreed, however, that it wasn't poison ivy and that it was probably caused from my skin being compromised (i.e. good bacteria) on my hands.

I used to use a lot of hand sanitizer and wash my hands a lot because of the type of job I have. Anyway, after using their creams that they prescribed, getting good results at first and then my condition getting worse (mind you, one dermatologist actually prescribe a cream that had alcohol in it- go figure right), I decided to go natural and with the mind state that I had to rebuild my skin on my hands.

Initially I was using a mixture of oils that had both restorative and anti-fungal/bacterial properties as well as a new method for my hand washing. This worked for a while, but then I was having issues again.

So what I have done and this has been the best results hands down is soak my hands in Old Fashioned Rolled Oats (organic). That is, 1 to 2 cups of Old Fashioned Rolled Oats blended/food processed down to powder with warm to hot water in a bowl where my hands are fully submerged. I use a Bullet mixer. (By the way, hot water, as hot as I can stand, relieves the itch for some hours! )

Make sure it's mixed pretty well. I soak my hands for 15 to 20 minutes. After I pat dry and I use Aveeno Eczema Lotion. At first, I soaked twice a day until I got results then once a day and then once a week or so for maintenance. I also use the Aveeno Lotion at least twice a day, more during winter or if hands are dry. I also use the Aveeno sensitive body wash soap as soap for my hands. I found not letting my hands become dry helps a lot and keeping hand friction to minimum, especially the areas that get affected (i.e. the tops of my hands). I also minimize the amount of gluten I eat, especially bread, and eat as healthy as possible with minimum sweets, while still enjoying life! :)

Oh yeah, and I stay away from hand sanitizer too as much as possible and don't overdue washing my hands. If I must, again, I focus on the parts of my hands that actually touch (i.e. the underside of my fingers).

Arrowroot, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Dawn (Hartford Wi) on 08/26/2020

Try arrowroot powder, tea tree oil, and coconut oil...this is a recipe for homemade deodorant I found online, but found it to be beneficial for my husband's eczema.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janet (In) on 09/05/2018


If you have done all the things, to no avail, the next step past the borax h2o2 remedy. Which is Ted's EDTA remedy. Adding EDTA to the mite spray.

Tetrasodium EDTA, 30% in 70% water. Let dissolve. I usually add 1% to my spray. You can increase it, but test on your skin, EDTA is powerful and stings.

Vitamin D in coconut oil is a possible topical too. To get those nutrients into the feet. Not one I have tried.

If Epsom, Borax do not work. The next logical steps would be humic acid and EDTA. Humic, can be made, 6% in water at least same amount of salt. I added to my humic a tbsp or 2 of ACV. I was rereading Ted's remarks and thought it was a doable option.

I take a tbsp, 2 or 3x a day, for my glyphosate exposure. Topically on a soppy paper towel. Applied to the area could be done.

I also buy Black Diamond Humic, 1 qt. It is pre-mixed and effective straight humic. Smoother than you can do at home.

MSM powder. 1/4 cup. Run it in the blender to make it more fine. Add 1/4 cup water, 1 smidge of alcohol, blend. This is a great base for adding to remedies, making any topical. MSM is not a cooperative substance. You can replace the water with a lotion or an oil. Castor oil maybe.

Because you have addressed the major causes of rashes, I would suspect this is a nano invasion or morgellons. Parasitic or micro invasion. If you picked it up from shoes or anything that is whitened. Titanium dioxide, becoming more prevalent everyday can mess with the healthiest to the MCS group like me. This monster just drives deeper. Too small to be stopped by our bodies natural defenses. If there is a morgellons component then you have to stop its progress and deliberately remove it. Hence the humic and EDTA.

Some other options, PEMF, Ted's light therapy, both would be good additions to your efforts. I suspect this is beyond a 3 day remedy. Longer more diligent attention.

Treat all your footwear and slippers. Spray your sheets before bed and after you get up. Using the mite spray with EDTA spray.

May I mention again, Dr Lonsdale's thiamine. This opened a healing and absorption door unlike any other for us. My 2 inch neck unknown thing. At the juncture of jaw to neck 2 inches of mystery. Never got hurt there. No reason for it. It just was there. Irritated. Sometimes it peeled or broke open. 5 years of some cycle I could never pin down.

This finally disappeared on its own. Only after I followed Dr Lonsdale's advice. It was not my reason for starting but it was one of the many great results I had from this 1 change to my supplementation.

Now that I have the book he and Chandler Marrs wrote. I refer to it constantly. The change in my supplementation absorption has been nothing short of a miracle.

When our daughter's surgery to insert a pin in her foot then remove it, we used DMSO to carry the remedies into that deep infection. I did not use it directly to the site, but the surrounding area. Giving penetration. I think I always incorporate castor oil with DMSO. They are great companions.

Whenever anyone around here gets hurt below or at the pelvic line, every few days. Progesterone cream, a smidge, and iodine gets applied to the skin nearby. It seems to wake up tissues to the healing you're providing it.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/06/2018 233 posts

Hi Deirdre, I too believe you may be fighting a nano bug, not eczema. My reason is where you mentioned coconut oil made the condition worse, I recalled from one of Ted's very thorough posts where he said when fighting certain types of nanoinsects, do not use coconut oil topically as it is a lipid (fat) and these things feed on lipids. You have received great suggestions, the only thing I will add is the very basics for the immune system, magnesium, vitamin c, D3, iodine and salts. And probiotics, the most diverse you can get from different sources, kefir, kombucha, miso paste, etc. Sodium thiosulfate topically could help, Google "detox with sodium thiosulfate" and see a familiar face on YouTube video. Otherwise topically I'd try magnesium oil with Oregano or Rosemary oil added, and whole body soak in healing mineral baths, borax, sea salts, clay etc. Best to you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Art (California ) on 09/11/2018 2165 posts

Hi Deirdre,

I am so happy that the PBE/EGCG is working for you! I think you will find that the eczema can comeback fairly easily for awhile until all of the circulating memory cells are reduced significantly, but on a positive note, I think you will find that the blue lotion will now have more effect in helping the PBE to clear any future outbreaks. If need be, you can also adjust your PBE dose upward for a bit to get faster control and then reduce a bit once you feel like you have good control! I have gone as high as 9 caps a day for myself, but I can not recommend that dose to anyone because it comes with risks mainly because of the EGCG. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janet (In) on 10/27/2018

Dear Deirdre,

Just some thoughts re your eczema.

When you said gummi bears, all my alarm bells went off. Not just the sugar either, glyphosates.

So reviewing what you have said. Using a candida diet, turpentine, various remedies, some things that fight all efforts to overcome always devolve back to fungus, candida.

I think the newest challenge this year and last is the increased amount of glyphosates used in food. The dessicating of farm fields with glyphosates seems to be be increasing greatly and quickly.

Gummis have food dyes in them. Often a trigger for stubborn existing conditions.

Myself, when exposed to mold, maybe some sugar in there, I get skin eruptions. The kitchen sink, ugh. This crazy stuff. Standing at the sink.

We have removed, replaced, rebuilt so much around this area. One small uncaulked spot. Boom. Eruptions. Along with other symptoms. Several different miniscule drips.

If you were my daughter, I would go back to the start. Probably at the very least a hair mineral analysis. Ted uses both chromium, vanadium. Not just chromium to normalize sugar.

Vitamin B1 thiamine, that disrupted absorbency pathway. In Ted's work it is feet and hands. Circulation. Extremities.

In Dr Lonsdale's work it is the inability to heal, recover. High calorie malnutrition. In his and Dr Marrs book. It is the beginning of the solve of more things than I can list. The solves encompassed within his long career are so vast. It has certainly been a recovery tool for us. It couldn't hurt and it may help.


Iodine, Fermented Drinks
Posted by John (Dallas, Tx) on 02/04/2018

In addition to Iodine supplementation, (Lugol's solution: internally and externally) I have found that drinking homemade kefir and kombucha also helps win the battle for eczema. The good bacteria and fungi will ultimately win the battle if you keep taking these in your diet.

Posted by Bob (Cleveland, Oh) on 03/25/2017

Hello everyone, I have had success in curing my eczema using Silymarin, an extract of Milk Thistle. I was diagnosed with eczema on my left hip. For years, it would come and go and it looked a lot like ringworm. Finally, my dermatologist took a biopsy and determined it was eczema. I used apple cider vinegar topically on the rash a couple of times a day and that seemed to help a lot. Then I started taking Silymarin 150mg with Turmeric and it cleared completely. I have been clear for a couple of months now. I take 2 capsules twice a day with food. Silymarin is said to repair liver issues which I may have or had seeing that I am a regular wine drinker. Hope this helps. Bob

Posted by Cat00 (Canada) on 02/05/2017

I got eczema two weeks ago on my hands and arms. Never had I had this before. I was so panicked because they where oozing, swollen and itchy and I could not do my work, cook, clean for my family. Thanks to earth clinic I got the itchiness under control with apples, acv, Quercetin supplements, and homemade moisturizers. But that did not get rid of eczema, just the itchiness. I read Lou Lou from Adelaide's post (2012) and immediately and knew that this was my problem.

3 days after eating more zinc rich foods, ie. Liver, beef, pumpkin seeds and just eating more foods. I had been trying to do more anti inflamitory diet of green smoothies and more colourful produce. I didn't expect to get healed eating meats!!! I am looking into supplementing iwth zinc although there are a variety of different forms so I have to research which one is the most absorbable. I am 80% better and no longer have to wear gloves to work. Still have dry skin with a touch of redness, but am so relieved to know what caused this. Thank you so much for your comment as this was what steered me in the healing direction.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ji (Ontario, Canada) on 12/28/2016

Hi Rachael,

It looks like you are partly there in your treatment of your eczema. I have had various forms of eczema on and off SINCE I WAS 4 MONTHS OLD and have tried many things over the years to treat it (medically as a child and holistically as an adult). I agree that the hot water and the coconut oil treatments are great and have been using them for quite some time as required. I see you have also identified the current irritants and some of the nutrients to supplement your diet.

My greatest improvements came when I acknowledged the fact that the skin is part of the body's detoxification and elimination system along with the kidneys and liver. The skin is not the only thing reacting to surface toxins. The skin absorbs everything it touches and the blood quickly routs toxic material to the liver for treatment and/or elimination. Any skin issues are a reflection of the toxic build-up in the body which the liver is struggling to cope with. My first main skin improvement condition came when I realized that my food intake mix promoted an acid condition in my body and I changed my food intake mix to produce a more alkaline balance. This allowed the liver and kidneys to do their jobs more effectively. Also the severity of the itchiness ‘attacks' went down considerably.

Secondly, doing liver cleanses helped with the liver overload and reduced the frequency and severity of the eczema. I still have a way to go but hopefully you can find something useful in my story.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Stephanie (Washington) on 12/27/2016

My heart goes out to everyone and their stories, thank you for sharing. This is my story:

My eczema started at age 18, inside elbows and knees. Doctors and their steroids? Not a realistic long term solution.

Every case and effective treatment is as different as those who suffer from it.

At age 28, I decided to address my inner demons, addressing what I thought was emotionally upsetting, long story.... insecurities related to our culture and sexuality, self worth, seeking validation from others, too much to list, but alas, my skin started getting better.

Also, I also tried eliminating gluten from diet???I lost some weight, but nothing noticeable after 6 weeks, as far as eczema.

This was all while living in western WA.(Was born and raised in southern CA until I moved to Seattle at age 15 in 1984) One doctor early on (1995), suggested the humidity in this area was largely to blame. I moved to Chico CA for 3 years. 2000 to 2003, it got better. In fact, I moved back to Seattle in 2003 and don't recall it acting up again for a few years, even in the Seattle winters. Winters in AZ? (2013 and 2014) awesome. Back to WA and in one years it came back. With a vengence this winter.

Obviously food is a factor in all health, I haven't had the patience to overhaul my diet, but I am getting better at staying very far away form fast food and over processed food. In the mean time...... what has helped with this last bout?

Learning to not focus on how bad it is and be more proactive. treating the symptoms? I read for years about oatmeal baths, but also, making a paste of fine ground oatmeal (colloidial). I was at my wits end and while getting a bath ready, I made a paste with colloidial oatmeal and water, smeared it on my arms and legs, sat for 20 minutes listening to Abraham Hicks (youtube it) about skin disorders. then I soaked in the oatmeal bath. the next day, skin started to exfoliate a lot more.

DRY BRUSHING!!!! A stiff natural bristle brush. I thought it would tear up my skin but first I started with a softer brush to get used to it. Plus, it is a nice way to relieve itch without breaking skin. A few days later, I used a brush with stiffer bristles. WOW! Some suggest to brush from feet to heart area, then hands to heart area. Supposed to stimulate lymph system. help with circulation. Visible results....mass exfoliation! The amount of dead skin I swept off the bathroom floor was astonishing. makes perfect sense, moisturizing dead skin cells is not that effective.

So, the first week, I dry brushed morning and evening. Now once a day. MOISTURIZING? Many people say coconut oil helps. Not me. Just kept my skin itchy. Shea Butter? YES!

First I bought Shea butter with frankincense and myrrh. It seemed to actually help. I gave up on drugstore lotions like Euerin, and CeraVe. I then used plain shea butter, not so effective.... I read more about frankincense and myrrh. The first essential oil helps sooth the itch, the latter is said to help heal skin faster. It is the first moisturizer that has made a difference.

I ordered raw pure organic unrefined shea butter and mixed frankincense and myrrh essential oils with it, about 20 drops of each to a pound of shea butter. seems to be helping. After the first week of dry brushing 2x a day, the pile of dead skin cells on the bathroom floor reduced drastically.

The eczema on my wrists was the worst so I have been applying triamcimilone to help, and it does, several times a day. and my face was getting bad too. There is a steroid, desonide? Sort of worked for me on my face. Remembering a doc who gave me Elocon (brand name, generic is good, not recalling name now) Worked even better than desonide for my face. and cheaper!

Eczema is torture, and add the depression that comes with it, extra torture when one is too depressed to even make an effort. Again, everyone is different and what worked for one person didn't work for me (i.e. apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, drug store lotion.) Yes, the shea butter is a little "greasy", but, take the time to let it soak in before getting dressed. and wear cotton!

A big help is a psychological approach.... remember that you are worth taking care of!!!! I was too depressed to do this. But instead of getting frustrated by the time it takes to rub dabs of steroid on all the little lesions, and then to warm the shea butter in hands so it can spread, on every square inch of my skin.....I tell myself that I am worth taking care of myself and taking the time to do it. Its not a chore or a burden, but a treat I am worthy of. I believe much of eczema is physiological, but the rest is emotional.

I hope this helps someone!

Exfoliate with dry brushing and oatmeal paste. (Store bought colloidal oatmeal can get spendy. I put about a cup of oatmeal in blender for a few minutes, easing the upper outsides down with a fork, but dont put fork in too deep or it hits the blades....get it as fine as you can. I then put it all in a double layer cheese cloth, tie up end with a rubber band. Put it in bath water, squeeze the dissolved oatmeal from cheescloth repeatedly into bath water as it runs. Open cheesecloth in a mixing bowl with a little water to make a paste that is stiff enough to stick to skin, not too watery. the first time I got it just right. The second time I did not grind the oats fine enough. You cant get it too fine. It will take about 5 minutes with a blender.

Moisturize with shea butter infused with frankincense and myrrh ( I blend it all with a hand mixer in a bowl, then scoop it into glass mason jars. )

and most importantly.....


Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Chris (Dighton, Ma) on 03/05/2016

Brewers yeast flakes and a table spoon of safflower oil. ingested 2x a day. After 3 days the oozing eczema went away. It was like a miracle. The eczema was real bad. I Was under a lot of stress also. The stress continued but the eczema did not.

I bought the brewer's yeast flakes at a health food store and I sprinkled them on the food I ate at meals. Sorry I can't say how much flakes were used at each meal, they covered the food. Oh, I also took a very good multi vitamin mineral cap with each meal. ( 50 milligram strength of each vitamin except folic acid). The vitamins had a calming effect on me.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Epsom Salt Baths
Posted by Sonia (Birmingham) on 06/28/2016

Try using rahssoul clay to wash your skin with instead of soap, use aloe vera gel to apply on your skin which you can mix with a little olive oil. Soaking in bicarb is good but not too often and I don't think it should be taken orally. I found taking charcoal capsules every day for a couple weeks every so often helped to clear up my skin. If you do choose to try charcoal be sure to drink plenty of water as that makes it more effective. But in order to clear up your skin you need to start on the inside. Take milk thistle which helps to clean the liver. Eliminate any white foods, dairy products and sugar from your diet as well as minimising your intake of process foods. Juice vegetables such as kale, celery, cucumber or carrots and beetroot which was one of my favourites ensure the carrots and celery you juice are organic. Eat plenty of vegetables especially the green leafy ones, don't boil them lightly steam. Basically you need to change your diet and the way you eat. Your skin condition on the outside is just a reflection of whats going on on the inside. These are just some of the things that helped me clear my skin, hope you find helpful. Always try things on a small area of your skin for a little while before using all over to avoid bad reactions as what works for one person may not work for another. But healing really does begin with your diet.

Teas you can drink some even boost your immune system, turmeric, moringa red clover or nettle tea.

Posted by Mary (Boston, MA) on 01/06/2014

Dear HM, thank you for sharing this remedy. I started it this afternoon as soon as I read your post! I have tried many home remedies for my dermatitis over the years and nothing has helped. The first application of lugol's definitely burned as you said it would, but not as much as some of the other remedies I tried. I would like to also mention that people should not go out in public just after applying iodine to fair skin on the face. LOL. It does stain for a few hours!

Posted by Mhikl (Calgary, Ca) on 07/14/2015

HM, check out Tony Pantalleresco's instructions on YouTube for making your own Lugol's Iodine, nix any rubbing alcohol. It only stings a little on open wounds compared to the drug store variety, and it is stronger. When you re-apply, if you haven't scratched or waited too long or bathed it off, it doesn't sting.

The test to know when your body is full of good iodine is when a swath of iodine, make it big and dark, on an arm, leg, tummy (any hidden area) is still slightly visible 12 or more hours later. After that, a small swath at day keeps it intact.

I have kept old iodine bottles for application. A drug store should have, possibly for free, an orange container for the iodine. I usually make about 90ml at a time. I got my two mixers from a drug store (I2-dark crystals) and a chap who supplies chemicals to science teachers (KI-white powder). You can also get them on line.

Check out Walter Last's article "The Borax Conspiracy"?nothing on eczema but a worthy study.

Walter suggests the following for eczema & skin ulcers: vitamin C, B2, B6, zinc, magnesium, EFA, allergy test, internal cleanse

I had not taken my supplements for about three+ months (lazy) and my eczema came back in a flurry.

Namaste and care, Mhikl

Apple Cider Vinegar, Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Gracie (London, Uk) on 12/04/2012

I recently sent in a post on how apple cider vinegar really helped clear up my eczema but I have to say that adding diatamceous earth into the routine has been the one additional thing that made a masssive difference in drying up this huge patch of eczema. It really has speeded up the drying out time. My theory is not to moisturize, I know this helps some people beat their eczema but for me I need to dry out my eczema patch and then it just peels off leaving fresh good skin underneath.

I have been using 1/3 Apple Cider Vinegar and 2/3 water 2-3 times daily soaking the eczema area in this with a cotton swab. It has been slowly drying up and since my skin is getting used to the ACV I increased the concentration each subsequent day starting from 1/3 Apple Cider Vinegar and 2/3 water then 1/2 Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/2 water and then today 2/3 Apple Cider Vinegar 1/3 water however as I said the eczema has been slow to dry up.

The day before yesterday, in the evening I saw on this website diamatameceous earth listed as a cure and since I had some lying round I just put some of the powder on my eczema and it really dried it up so much and the redness really diminshed after one application for two hours.

I find getting water on my face is a big no-no when I have eczema especially not on the eczema patch, it makes it worse!!

So I have learnt to not get my face wet at all in the shower (where the eczema is), what I do is not use soap and water like I normally do, instead I clean the normal skin with lotion (cream-based) and toner (rosewater, Apple Cider Vinegar with water or other) and then just cleaned the eczema skin with the 2/3 Apple Cider Vinegar to 1/3 water solution.

Yesterday in the morning I waited for that to dry off then dusted more diatamaceous earth on the eczema sores.

I repeated the same no water washing and acv/water topical treatment again in the evening before I went to bed and then put diatamaceous earth on the sores and this morning I am really surprised by the improvement. Diatamaceous earth added to the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment really speeds up the recovery time impressively! Could some eczema be parasitic or other tiny creatures, I wonder? Since I know diatamaceous earth is used to kill insects in the garden and parasites in the tummy, who knows? Or is the drying effect plus the wealth of minerals the property of this earth, the thing that helps the skin? Whatever the case it really really works so well for eczema I am so relieved to see this huge patch of eczema diminsh and dry up so rapidly!

Cortisone cream is rubbish compared to this ACV diatamaceous earth treatment!

I hope this helps lots of people suffering from this horrible condition and thanks again to earth clinic for allowing us to all help each other!! Best site ever for health ailments!

Another thing I'd like to add which for me are things that help with eczema:

eat a really clean, pure diet, all organic if you can afford it. Eliminate dairy (except occasional goat products), no eggs, no red meat, no gluten and no sugars.

Supplement with vitamin D (4000iu at least), the best source is pure sunshine, I never have eczema in the summer! During the winter try to find a UVB safe tanning bed if you get eczema, it will also dry it out. Lots of people say tanning is bad and maybe it does dry out the skin but I would rather run the risk of having one more wrinkle than having a huge patch of eczema permanently across my face!

It really really helps my eczema no end and I think vit D deficiency is to blame for many ailments. The sun has been scapegoated for so many things but if you do scientific research, so much depression, MS, skin ailments are actually caused by a lack of vitamin D and although you can take tablets, the bodies' best way of absorbing it is through external exposure.
As long as you are sensible with it and only take what you need medicinally and when you need it, you can safely absorb vitamin D. Interesting when you consider the fact that people living in the North of Europe have much more MS than those in the south due to lack of sunlight.

I always feel better and look better during the summer when I get my fix of sunshine.

Do not use water or soap to wash the eczema infested area. Do not get it wet. Only clean it with Apple Cider Vinegar and water. If you can try to not wet the whole part of the body where the eczema is occurring, clean with lotion and toner or some organic wipes.

Be well!

Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, USA) on 06/10/2012

Eczema - oh, the agony! I've suffered with this condition almost all of my life. I discovered the wisdom of Ayurveda many years ago and it has helped me tremendously with my eczema. Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that has been around for anywhere from 6,000 to 42,000 years. To many people, Ayurveda sounds strange and hippie-ish, but the advice is rather timeless and practical. In fact, the majority of the people who have posted on the eczema board have been using Ayurvedic remedies to clear their eczema, without even realizing it.

In ayurveda, the root of eczema is believed to be in the colon. I'm sure that most of you who are reading this are not surprised by this, because like me, you probably also have a known digestive disorder, weight problems, or slow/sluggish/incomplete digestion. It's not a surprise to me, reading through the posts on this site, that a lot of peoples' eczema responds positively to "cleansing" fasts. It is believed that when the body cannot handle digestion, toxins get released into the bloodstream, and these toxins are then eliminated through the skin, causing a variety of skin problems such as acne or eczema.

However, I see that some of the trouble that people are having is that they are not always using the correct remedies for their eczema "type". For example, one woman's son who has a kind of "vata" eczema (dry, scratchy, aggravated by cold and wind) was applying coconut oil (a cooling oil used to treat "pitta"/hot eczema) to it and not surprisingly, his condition was aggravated. But those who seem to suffer from "pitta"/hot eczema seem to have much success with coconut oil. I compiled this information for you in hopes that you will be able to correctly diagnose your eczema and use the correct Ayurvedic method for your eczema "type".

I have "pitta"/hot type eczema and can only give advice from my personal experience for people who suffer from that kind of eczema.

Ayurvedic approach to healing and treating eczema -

  • Snehana (Oiliation) - apply correct oil/medicated oil preparation on your skin for your eczema type.
  • Panchkarma (Detoxification) - using the correct herbs for your dosha (Ayurvedic "type") to cleanse and detoxify the blood.
  • Elimination - correcting any problems with digestion and elimination, to prevent toxins from entering your blood. One of the important ways to prevent a flare-up is to make sure that colon remains clean.
  • Remove allergens from environment and diet - this can be food/diet related, cosmetic related, or allergen-related (ex. Dust, mold).

    What is my Ayurvedic "type" of eczema? (Vicharchika)
    Vata (cold, dry) type: The skin tends to be rough, dry, hard, itchy and scaly. There may be associated constipation, wind and distension, anxiety and insomnia. The skin is aggravated by cold, wind, dryness and stress and relieved by the application of oils, especially sesame.

    Pitta (hot, burning) type: The skin is hot and inflamed; it is aggravated by heat and heating foods, exposure to the sun (heat rash) and application of most oils, reflecting a state of heat and toxicity in the body. There tends to be burning, redness, oozing, swelling and infection which can be associated with fever, irritability and feeling of heat. Pitta type eczema responds well to cooling oils, such as coconut oil.

    Kapha (cold, moist) type: Kapha skin problems are often accompanied by mucous congestion, lethargy and sluggish metabolism. The skin tends to be cold, clammy, sticky, oozing, swollen and itchy, with a pale complexion. It is aggravated by cold, damp, application of oils and eating dairy products and sugar.

    Eczema is more common with a Pitta imbalance as Pitta can overheat the blood (Rakta dhatu) and predispose to toxic conditions which are expressed through the skin. Factors causing such skin problems include poor digestion (low agni), toxins in the bowel (ama), incorrect diet, over use of sour, salty, or pungent tastes, heavy, sweet or oily foods, as well as over-use of cosmetics, perfumes, synthetic creams, etc.


    OK, now I know my Ayurvedic eczema type. How do I treat it?

    Vata type eczema: Follow a Vata reducing diet and lifestyle with sesame oil massage and castor oil laxative or enemas. Pungent, bitter and astringent tasting foods should be reduced, while sweet, sour and salty tastes are recommended. Nourishing and cleansing herbs for internal use include Triphala, Guggul, Shatavari, Bala, and Cardamom. Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Cardamom and Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). Triphala powder mixed in warm water, or Triphala guggul capsules, can be given before bed.

    Medicated ghee (Indian clarified butter, can be found in ethnic food stores) can be used internally and externally. Useful herbs for medicating the ghee include Triphala, Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Manjishta, Gokshura, Chitrak, Neem, Guduchi, Cardamom, Punarnava, and Vacha (Acorus calamus) root.

    Pitta type eczema: Follow an anti-Pitta diet, avoiding possible allergens such as dairy produce, vegetables from the nightshade family, as well as oranges, peaches and strawberries. Sour, salty and hot spicy foods are best avoided, while sweet, bitter and astringent foods are recommended. Drinking coconut juice/water (or taking up to 1 tbsp coconut oil internally per day) is helpful, along with coriander leaf juice. Exposure to sun and heat is best avoided.

    Recommended herbs for internal use include bitter cleansing herbs such as burdock root (Arcium lappa), Neem, Guduchi, Manjishta, and laxative herbs such as Dandelion root (Taraxacum off. ) and Triphala can be helpful. Also recommended are Gotu kola, Sandalwood, Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Musta, Chirata (Swertia chiretta), Aloe Vera juice, and Amalaki.

    Helpful therapies for external application include cooling and soothing rose water, coconut oil, Aloe Vera gel, coriander leaf juice, Gotu kola oil, and Bringaraj oil. Sandalwood in oils, creams, or the powder made into a paste, has a cooling anti-inflammatory effect. I use a cream that contains Sandalwood, Neem and Turmeric which is effective. Baths with herbs of Musta, Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia) and Triphala can be useful.

    **My regimen for Pitta-type eczema**: If you have pitta-type (hot) eczema, the goal here is to cool down your body, improve your digestion and remove toxins from your blood. I recommend (and use) the pitta-reducing Blood Cleanse by Banyan Botanicals, which has manjista, neem, turmeric, guduchi, and burdock. I use in conjunction with Ayurcetics Triphala, 1 tablet right before bed helps elimination and cools and purifies the blood. When I have an eczema flareup, I apply Nutiva Coconut Oil (my favorite coconut oil on the market) to the inflamed areas, and I usually see a clearing up of my eczema within 30 minutes of application. I take 1 tbsp of coconut oil internally everyday, which helps prevent my eczema from recurring. I try to sleep in a cool room, and sometimes I will leave my hair wet, apply coconut oil or brahmi/amla oil to my hair and scalp (I use either the Nutiva oil or the Brami/Amla oil by Vadik herbs), wrap it in a towel, and sleep like that with my hair cold and damp. It keeps my head and body cool all through the night (no heat = no eczema flare up! ). I try to keep as little covers on me as possible as not to get overheated. I also drink aloe vera juice and coconut water, you can find both in Whole Foods or in Asian grocery stores. I prefer the sweetened kind of aloe vera juice (the big green bottles with chunks of aloe vera floating in it), because the non-sweetened kind tastes pretty nasty!! I also try to engage in cooling/calming activities such as yoga and meditation, and try to avoid aggravating "hot" emotions such as anger, resentment, or stress.

    Kapha type eczema: A Kapha reducing diet and lifestyle is recommended by avoiding all heavy, greasy and oily food, particularly cheese and yogurt. Sweet, sour and salty tasting foods should be reduced, while pungent, bitter and astringent foods are recommended.

  • L-Carnitine, Flax and Borage
    Posted by Diane (Ottumwa, Ia) on 01/10/2012

    Skin Update. Fatty Acid Metabolism Disorder.

    Supplement with Borage, or Evening Promrose and Flax Seed Oil and Carnitine.

    Totally Cured.

    Eczema and dermatitis can be confused and be misdiagnosed, so forgive me for posting this here. This may help someone.

    Symptoms: red, flaky skin, lifting off in very large flakes with white pustules like small cysts, forming rapidly under the skin. I did not have just the redness and broken veins that some people have.

    It was diagnosed by my Dr. As "perioral dermatitis". It was a mess, and I had it for approximately 8-9 months before I figured out what it was.

    This is for people who have tried everything. Believe me. I tried everything listed on this website and more.

    I treated it as: a pathogen (like a bacteria like strep or staph), a fungus, mites, (yes, I drank the damn borax), scabies, leishmania, malessezzia, (seborrhea), acne, I tried three different antibiotic gels from the Dr, (metrogel, ciclopirox, clindamycin). I would get excited, because some things seemed to work for a few days, or a week but the condition always returned and got progressively worse. A fatty acid metabolism disorder will mimc the symptoms of Dermatitis with few other noticeable symptoms. My only clue came after I took a big dosage of Cod Liver Oil and I saw what looked like chicken skin under my eyes the next day. I knew something was really wrong. Started Flax, and Borage Oil capsules the next day. Took L-Carnitine on an empty stomach, (just happened to have it, and knew it was good for fatty acid metabolism disorder from a study I saw on the web regarding Acidura and Carnitine). The Acidura, (a condition of acidity in the body) interferes with fatty acid metabolism processes in the body. This, combined with a genetic predisposion called kryptopyluria and six cups of coffee a day meant I was not able to process fish oil of any type. This also explains why some of the other remedies like vinegar and baking soda, alkalinizing the body, liver cleanses, and the digestive enzymes seem to work for some people also. You will know within three days if this will work for you.

    I saw healing within one day, the flakes stopped in three days and the redness went away in a week. My skin is perfectly clear and has been for two months. I still continue with the Carnitine, Flax and Borage only because I'm afraid to stop. Please note: I did topical applications of Sulfur, (sublimed pwder mixed into mayonese as a carrier) and bought MMS, (chlorine dioxide) previous to trying the Flax, Carnitine and Borage. The sulfur may have lessened the white pustules, but I still had the red, flaky skin. If the pustules don't go away, you made want to try the sulfur or the MMS.

    Best Wishes.

    Ocean Water
    Posted by Dana (Orlando, Fl) on 08/04/2011

    I have been suffering with eczema for 9 months on my hands. It's very painful and embarrassing. This past weekend, I went away to the beach and realized after the third day my hands were healing. I also stopped drinking tap water and started drinking bottled or kangen water. After I arrived home from beach, my hands flared up again after one day so I decided to drive back over to beach and get a gallon of the ocean water and rub on my hands before I go to bed. I have put ocean water on my hand for 5 days now and there are no open cracks or pain in my hands, especially the itching. I wanted to share my story because I am hoping this will help others.

    Apples, ACV, Dietary Changes
    Posted by Samuel (Redmond, Wa, Usa) on 05/04/2011

    Before you begin the All Aspect Attack regimen, you must understand that keeping down eczema flare-ups is A HUGE DIET CHANGE. You MUST be willing to eat ONLY ORGANIC AND NON-PROCESSED FOODS!

    After about a year of researching and executing cures that did not work for me, I have found that it is not just one action one must take to get rid of flare ups.

    I say get rid of flare ups because it is impossible to get rid of eczema, however it is possible to remain flare-up free, and physically seem like one is rid of eczema, and remain flare up free for as long as one desires.


    All aspects must be attacked when it comes to Eczema. There are four aspects in the order that they should be attacked:

    1.) Detox reset

    2.) Raw Organic Apple cider vinegar

    3.) Skin reset

    4.) Diet

    If one successfully tackles all four aspects of this war against Eczema, one can eliminate flare ups from their system quickly and keep flare ups from returning. Within about 1 and a half weeks, my skin returned to normal and has stayed healthy.


    I will list exactly what I did:

    First off let me mention that if you are serious about getting rid of eczema, all food you consume from here on out absoutely must be as organic and unprocessed as possible. If you follow this regimen but you continue to eat foods with artificial garbage in them then you're just asking for flare-ups. The biggest factor of this regimen is EATING AS HEALTHY AS POSSIBLE! Do not be ignorant- check ingredient labeling!

    Also, constantly moisturize using anything of your choice. Do not wait for your skin to dry to moisturize. Over moisturize rather than under moisturize. Moisturize until your skin is uncomfortably greasy even. I used 100% cocoa butter I bought in a brick like form, where I had to melt in the microwave.

    In addition, constantly drink water. Similar to moisturizing, do not wait until you are thirsty. A good way to figure out how much you should drink is by using body weight, where you drink 1/2 oz of water per pound you weigh. So divide your body weight in half, and then divide it again by how many hours you are awake, to figure out how much water you should drink every hour.

    Staying hydrated is incredibly important. I drank about 8 oz of water every waking hour this entire regimen, and even to the present of today.

    1.) I detoxed using the three day apple diet I found on this website, however I only did it for two days, as on the third day I was very hungry. I bought and ate only organic apples. This is vital since before I was still eating not necessarily junk food, but regular food that had artificial ingredients in it here and there. I also drank 2 table spoons of raw organic apple cider vinegar diluted in 8 oz of water every morning and night, to this day. I do it every day, and throughout this regimen.

    2.) On those same days I ate only apples, I purchased raw organic apple cider vinegar with mother in it. Using a mixture of 1/3 apple cider vinegar, and 2/3 water in an 8 oz cup, I rubbed the solution onto my patches of eczema. My eczema was very severe, so the burning was intense and painful, but the itch was obliterated afterwards. The pain was well worth it the itch relief provided. When you wash your eczema patches with ACV, do not panic if you see seemingly white bubbles form on the patches. Its normal. After rubbing the solution onto my patches, I waited until they dried.

    I did this 1/3 ACV (remember it must be the organic raw kind with mother in it) 2/3 water wash once every day. It basically disinfected my open wounds in my eczema patches.

    If for some reason you still itch, although it is not a home remedy, it is a useful back-up measure, get a product with menthol in it like a cough or vapor rub of some sort and apply it to wherever is itching. It has an incredible cooling effect and will generally instantly kill itch, in case the ACV did not earlier.

    3.) After doing the eczema patch wash using the 1/3 Apple Cider Vinegar 2/3 water solution, I also took a bath for at least an hour with two cups of the apple cider vinegar. After the bath I immediately moisturized myself thoroughly. I would generally do the eczema patch washing in the beginning of the bath, in the bath.

    4.) Once finished with the apple diet, I changed to eating only organic lettuce and organic chicken, since I know those foods in the past were neutral to me and were not flare-up inducing. This may not be the same for you, so make sure you only eat a small amount of food ranges you KNOW do not give you flare ups. Do not eat anything even mildly processed like organic cereal. Stick with raw veggies and meats you know are safe, and organic. From my experience in relation to me, eczema is 99. 9% diet related.

    5.) I continued to take baths with two cups of ACV, and still washed my patches with 1/3 Apple Cider Vinegar and 2/3 water every day. On this day, AFTER washing my eczema patches and taking my bath, I reset my skin using steroid cream. This is the day after I finished the apple diet. So it is the third day.

    I understand that this is a home remedy website but I see steroid cream as a strong skin resetting tool. I do not see it as a cure, not even close. However, for fastest results, it is the best thing to use in order to reset the skin back to normal. It is a resetting tool, that should NEVER be depended upon. I was lucky since I tried to avoid steroid cream usage as much as possible, so I was still able to use it as a potent skin resetting tool.

    I only applied the steroid cream once, that was all I needed.

    6.) As I continued to eat only organic chicken and organic lettuce, I also continued to bathe every day with the 2 cups of acv, and still washed my eczema patches with the 1/3 2/3 solution. I also still was drinking 2 table spoons of ACV diluted in a cup of water morning and night. I did it every day religiously, and still do.

    7.) Around this point it was day four, and my phases of incredibly itchy patches of eczema were gone. My eczema patches were no longer risen or flared up, and it had no blisters. It was simply red, but it was flat. It was the same height level as my normal skin. It was healing. I easily rubbed off a lot of dead skin from my eczema patches in the bath. Do not forcefully rub off skin. At this point, dead skin should just easily come off after soaking in the bath for 30 minutes.

    8.) Every three days I introduced a new vegetable to my diet, organic of course. I read that food can take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours to completely be digested and removed from your body, so I set three days as a good food testing time. After I was done with the vegetables, I then added fish, turkey, and other types of meat, all organic, and all once every three days. Since my diet was so bare it was incredibly easy to figure out EXACTLY what gave me flare ups and what did not. What made this food detecting process even easier to follow in the beginning was the apple detox since it let me fully know that my starting neutral foods lettuce and chicken were not giving me eczema problems.

    9.) After 7 days had gone by using this regimen, my eczema patches had completely healed other than a few scars left from the deep scratching. Now you must understand, if you choose not to reset your skin using steroid cream, it may take longer to reach normal skin appearance, however since from my experience diet is what really contributes to eczema, chances are you will definitely achieve normal skin soon enough.


    IT has now been a month since I did the regimen and I have no longer gotten any sessions of intense cravings to itch, nor have I gotten any flare ups. I no longer have to bathe in Apple cider vinegar because I have no eczema patches, however I still eat a very healthy, organic food diet, and I still drink 2 table spoons of ACV diluted in a cup of water in the morning and at night. As a side note, my acne has almost completely disappeared as well, which makes sense.

    I have been suffering from eczema my entire life, which means about 18 years. The main solution to eczema flare ups being healthy organic food only, and avoiding all artificial ingredients and processed foods was mind boggling, miraculous, and frustrating all at once. I'm incredibly happy; happier than I've ever been before, now that I no longer have to battle with eczema flare-ups. However I'm frustrated that I never realized how vital it is to avoid regular food since it will always have artificial ingredients, even if it seems like it does not.

    It frustrates and fills me with rage, how almost all products with a nutrition label and ingredient list will almost ALWAYS have some artificial garbage that you don't even understand on it, unless it is organic. Something as harmless as white tortillas could have some crap in it. Even some organic foods however, may have artificial junk in them, as foods can wield the USDA organic label but only be 95% organic, which is why checking the ingredients list is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT.

    The bottom line is that anything that is not organic or has artificial ingredients is poison. Citric acid is It is the reason you have eczema/acne. Even regular fruits and vegetables and meats, if not organic, are full of pesticides and other junk that can do nothing but harm you.

    Just to let some of you know the real face of artificial ingredients, I finally researched what citric acid is. Unless the citric acid is coming from citrus fruit, artificial citric acid is derived from MOLD. You are eating or drinking a product that comes from MOLD. This alone should let people realize that artificial ingredients are poison.

    Everybody is capable of ridding themselves of the symptoms of Eczema. Eczema will return if people cut corners and eat junk, however if people remain strong, and only eat organic food and avoid artificial ingredients like the poison they are, flare-ups can be a thing of the past.

    Homemade Cream
    Posted by Helen (Vancouver, B.c., Canada) on 05/01/2011

    My husband used to have dry skin issues during winter months while we lived in the middle east, although it was visible as very small patches on his elbow and ankle that could be easily treated using QV cream mostly and corticosteroid rarely. Dermatologists diagnosed it to be psoriasis. After we moved in to Canada a year ago, he developed extreme dry skin 2 months ago which covered his arms, legs (from the knee down), trunk (both front and back). The GP diagnosed it to be psoriasis whereas the Dermatologist said it was eczema. Both of them prescribed corticosteroids.

    As we knew of the side effects of using these creams over large areas of the body, we refrained from using them completely although the situation was very bad. I developed a cream using natural ingredients that was so effective, it has brought about a major turn around and now, am so glad to say, his skin has recovered completely and is back to being normal in every sense of the word. I would like to share this recipe along with the protocol he followed with all other sufferers of this condition with a sincere wish that it will be just as effective for you and help you lead a normal life as I can totally empathise with this, having seen my husband go through all the pain and agony of having eczema.

    - one 450g tub Wellskin Glaxal Base moisturizing cream (for sensitive skin)

    [I used this cream as the base for preparing the cream]

    - 100% Aloe Vera gel (edible variety)
    - Extra virgin olive oil
    - vegetable glycerine (100% pure)
    - Neem oil
    - Calendula oil
    - Tea tree oil
    - Vitamin E oil (40, 000 I. U. )
    - Evening primrose oil softgels - 500 mg (GLA 50mg)

    Except for the cream base, I got all the other ingredients from wholefoods market.

    To half the cream base, I added about 1/4th cup aloe vera gel, 1/4 to 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, 1/4 to 1/2 cup glycerine, about 2 tblsp vitamin E oil, around 20-30 drops each of neem oil, calendula oil and tea tree oil and squeezed in about 10 evening primrose softgel cap contents. Mix thorougly and store in a clean jar in a cool, dry place.

    To use, apply generous amount of this cream to the affected areas of skin like a face mask and leave on for 1 to 3 hours, if u can. By this time, most of the cream would have been absorbed. Either dab off the excess or leave on over night. Please do not cover with plastic wraps as it can result in further inflammations. Apply morning after shower like regular moisturizer and more intensively in the evening ( as mentioned above) an hour to three hours before going to bed. The key here is to let the cream sit for 2-3 hrs in the evening and atleast 1/2 to 1 hour in the morning. Within 2-3 days , we noticed a dramatic change in the skin condition and on the fourth day, his skin had completly recovered!!

    At the same time, my husband stopped using soaps of any kind and used only cetaphil. As for diet, we decided to have only fish, vegetables ( no tomatoes, potatoes), wholegrain brown rice and a berry smoothie using organic unsweetened coconut milk for breakfast (no eggs). Avoid sugar and all simple carbs atleast for the duration of this treatment. And drink loads of water too.

    Wishing all of you a speedy recovery, one that's free of medications and all its unwanted side effects.
