Pancreatitis Remedies

General Feedback
Posted by Will_ashbless (West Chester, Pa, Usa) on 12/18/2012

Hi all. I've read all of the remedies suggested here and will gratefully try to implement them. My question is whether or not it would be safe (and still potent) to mix them into one drink 3 times daily. Here is what I'm planning on drinking in one glass:

1 tsp ACV
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/3 cup papaya juice
1/3 cup aloe vera juice

I will top off the glass with high PH water to reach the 8 oz mark.

Thanks for your time in advance.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Rebeccah (New York, New York, Usa) on 10/24/2012

Lisa thank you for your post about Aloe vera and papaya juice and helping so many people in pain. I had an Ercp which triggered a severe pancretitis (3monts in hospital) and since then I have pain everytime I eat and actually the pain lingers all day and night.

I am anxious to start the papaya but I can see several options are offered and not the exact one. It is difficult to find organic papaya 100% juice, for ex. Lakewood has it mix with apple.

Did you juice it yourself ? Can you use the powder and make the juice ? Where did you get the Aloe Vera , the only one I found was with sugar at Wholefood.

Thank you so much for caring about helping others. We who are in pain really appreciate it. RebeccaH

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Lisa (Marsha, Tx) on 10/01/2012

Elaine.... My sister has only had to drink the papaya and also juice as needed for pain and treatment periodically.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/27/2012

Pancreatitis was mentioned in the research I recently read on Lypospheric Vit-C. One source I have heard of is a product by a Dr. Levy. Try googling both. Apparently quite effective, because pancreatiti has a possible source as a virus as well as bacterium, and this form of C can work on both, tests say.

Try it and see! Best wishes to health! --T.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Rajasri (Hyderabad, Andhrapradesh) on 09/25/2012

Hi!! We are from Andhra pradesh ( Hyderabad).

My husband is 27 years, since 17 years he is suffering with PANCREATITIS, After doing all the test . Dr told that the size of the pancreas are increasing.. Please help me with the remedy. Even Dr. have inserted the needle to the back pain vien where it stops the pain to come.

He is using Ultracet Tablet daily as Dr suggested but still no issue. But still he is facing the same problem. As Dr suggested he stopped drinking but he smokes daily he takes 8 cigars.

Please advise me in curing my husband health. Request you all to help me..

Thank you, Rajasri

Malic Acid, Homeopathy
Posted by Angela Taylor (Baltimore, Md, Us) on 06/24/2012

I suspect I induced an attack of pancreatitis from the new calcium supplements I recently started taking. I think the excess calcium led to a blockage; either a gallstone or a stone in my pancreatic duct. I got the idea to ingest Malic Acid powder (dissolved in water) from Andreas Moritz's books. His liver/gallbladder cleanse instructions say to drink Malic Acid to soften the stones. So, I dissolved 1/4 teaspoon Malic Acid powder in a small glass of water, and drank this a couple times. I then followed the Malic Acid with homeopathy: Belladonna 30C followed by Mercurius 30C. All better now - took less than a day to get relief!

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Kpoole40 (Atlanta, Georgia) on 05/07/2012

I started Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices last week and had been having problems for almost a year now. This is the first thing that has worked. Thank you all for the post! Please note that you should get "inner filet" aloe vera. I did the aloe vera juice last week, but am using the gel this week. The gel seems to be working better, but that's perhaps because I'm already a week into the regime. Although the gel makes the papaya juice thick and is a little unappealing. I just shoot it very quickly about 1/3-1/2 cup each, twice a day. The lady at the market where I get the Aloe Vera explained that the other (not "INNER FILET") makes your stomach cramp. Good luck to all. This has saved me!!!

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Elaine (Halifax, Ns.canada) on 04/11/2012

I was wondering how long do you take the aloe Vera juice and Papaya... Do you have to take it for the rest of your life?

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Lisa (Marshall, Texas) on 03/16/2012 6 posts

omgosh!!!! I had forgot this posting and I am amazed and blessed by hearing this has helped others.. It changed my sister's life.. She has never had acute pancreatitis again. We also had an older family member cured as well. My mom mixed them together because aloe juice is not so fantastic (taste wise) by itself and she used organic papaya juice pure... I'm sure any color will be fine... She used 1/3 cup each 3 times a day.. You may have play around with it to see what works for you.... For our family it is a God given cure.. God bless.. I will check back more frequently to make sure I can reply for help.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Adam (South Lake Tahoe, Ca) on 02/10/2012

Thank you so much for posting this I've been having pancreatitis attacks in the last years and since ive found out I've quit drinking alcohol and it's still is happening. I've gone to the doctor and they want to send me to a G.I specialist at UC Davis. I've been to the hospital 3 times in the past 5 months and I've changed my diet no fatty foods minimum meats, no red meats..... I'm trying the aloe vera juice, papaya juice, I'm praying that this works. Thank you so much you've made my day!

Increasing Oxygen and Cellular Nutrition
Posted by Pam (Kansas City, Mo) on 11/19/2011

Dear Duane, I am so happy to hear of your father's success and it has also given me hope. My husband has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer also. He is living in another city at this time but will be home the weekend after Thanksgiving. He developed jaundice and a horrible rash which led to the diagnois. He has a tumor in his liver and has a stint inserted to drain the poison from his body. He has improved a bit from this procedure. I am steadily looking for alternatives for him once he arrives. If you would take the time to respond in more detail about your Dad's treatment I would be so grateful. You may email me at pantwine(at) I agree with your assessment of what it takes to fight, but I need direction of what to do. Thank you!

Increasing Oxygen and Cellular Nutrition
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 10/21/2011

Duane, that is great news.. Thank you for sharing. I am curious to know more in detail of your father's protocol. Considering his age and prognosis this is truly beating the norm... for pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult from the perspective of mainstream medical procedures.

Increasing Oxygen and Cellular Nutrition
Posted by Duane (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 10/20/2011

My 79 year old father was diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 pancreatic cancer 10 months ago. They did a stomach bypass so that food could pass the large tumour and allow him to eat, and removed his gall bladder as it was visibly affected as well. They did not touch the pancreas as it was too involved at that point. He has not undergone any chemo or radiation.

He could not eat solid food for over 6 weeks and subsequently lost weight rapidly early on. He was one of the lucky ones that makes it home after the surgery and over a month without eating surviving off of IV. I had spent 2 months from diagnosis until post surgery release researching what to do. The standard medical process said they had nothing to offer him and basically sent him home to die, so we had no other options anyways.

I believe with all my body that at the root of all cancer, cancer cures and modern diseases are four main things: quantity of cellular oxygen, quality of cellular nutrition, type and amount of toxicity and level of acidity.

These things can be easily tackled in multiple ways. His entire protocol is centred around extreme increases in oxygen and nutrition and extreme decreases in toxins and acidity.

The Cancer Centres and doctors have all said "He should have been dead months ago and does not even appear on their results grid" His weight and energy is stable, he is getting stronger, eating normally, pain free, exercises and walks daily, sleeps well, has great color and is living an entirely normal life. He is entirely symptom free now.

I believe we owe his outcome thus far to his extremely positive attitude, prayers and an extensive natural protocol to address the four areas above.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Mltyner (Jacksonville, Fl Duval) on 09/25/2011

After an ERCP to remove a gallstone in the common bile duct, I was one of those cases that got pancreatitis on Feb. 17th. I have lost 29 pounds and having pain after eating every meal. I have had every test imagineable and gone to Mayo Clinic as well. All that was found was a cyst in my pancreas that was 2mm. But even though the testing all testing came back normal I still had pain after every meal. I have been praying for God to help me, to heal me. I was drawn to one of the articles on this site about drinking Aloe Juice and Papaya Juice. I started yesterday and within a few hours I could tell the difference in my pain. This morning I got up and had no pain. I believe this is my answer. Thank you for your post and Thank God for finding this.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sabina (Chicago, Il) on 08/02/2011

I have son with pancreatitis. Can you tell me how you overcome this. Please I need help since you said no more trouble with pancreas.


Dietary Changes
Posted by Linda (Alpharetta, Ga) on 06/19/2011

I was very sick with pancreatitis from 1989-1992. I got sick with pancreatitis because I lived vegetarian and I ate too much fruit. Most fruit have a lot of sugar and now I limit it to usually 1 to a max of 2 cups per day. I have to be extremely careful with black berries and sweet fruits like oranges, peaches etc. And also with bread. I used to love French baguette or soft Pretzels.

I stay away from sugar, bread and everything that contains starches as well as alcohol and deserts, cakes etc.

Once a day I have a smoothie with a few strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, goat milk and stevia to satisfy my "sweet tooth". Otherwise I eat a lot of salads with lettuce and I add cabbage /bell peppers/carrots/tomatoes etc whatever is in my yard / fridge. My energy and concentration is best with a mixed salad and meat, like some chicken or fish, beef or lamb. In the winter time I cook often vegetable soups or miso soup to stay warm and I steam a lot of veggies. I eat goat or sheep cheese as desert to keep me longer satisfied. I drink lots of water and unsweet ice tea or hot tea. Once in a while I have a glass of dry wine. Unsweet black or green tea and lettuce is very good for the pancreas because of its "bitter" taste.

I also take every day twice baking soda mixed in water, which prevents beforehand any trouble with the pancreas. My salad dressing consists of organic apple cider vinegar, Herba mare (= salt herbmix available at health food stores or online) and flax seed oil (refrigerated).

Since I am on this "diet", I never had any trouble with the pancreas again, and my "genetically extremely high cholesterol level" has been normal ever since. This diet freed me also from weight problems and cravings.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Shawn (Youngstown, Ohio) on 06/09/2011

around 85% of acute pancreatitis cases are caused by alcohol... Whether long term abuse or a night of binge drinking. smoking can also aggrivate the pancreas.

i have had chronic pancreatitis since 2005. I have also been hospitalized around 40 times for acute pancreatitis. I did not drink but did smoke. it took six years of testing and hospitalizations before doctors in pittsburgh at UPMC determined what the root cause of my attacks were. I have pancreas divism. basically, the duct that pancreatic enzymes flow through to reach the duodenum does not work. my enzymes flow through an auxillary duct which is very narrow compared to the main duct. this duct becomes blocked and the enzymes flow back into the pancreas and actually start digesting the pancreas. pancreas divism is not all that uncommon and usually won't cause acute pancreatitis by itself. pittsburgh did dna gene testing and determined that I have a mutated spink1 gene. this gene along with the divism keeps causing me to have acute pancreatitis over and over. there is no cure but I periodically have stents placed into my pancreatic duct to ensure enzyme flow.

pancreatitis has become more common over the past 15-20 years, especially in men. for people who don't drink alcohol, diet is probably the main cause. a low fat diet helps to keep the pancreas from working too hard. also, foods that are more difficult to digest like red meats should be minimized. there's no need to go full on vegetarian or vegan, but just limiting the amount of all meats in one's diet will be beneficial.

also, there are supplements with pancreatic enzymes that are helpful. anything with amylase, lipase, and protease can be taken to help digest food and keep the pancreas from having to work too much.

diet and supplements are good starts and can really help minimize pancreatic episodes. however, pancreatitis is very serious and there is no substitute for medical care by a specialist... And not a GI doctor, a pancreas specialist. I actually know more about acute and chronic pancreatitis than my family doctor.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Clarence (Mumbai, India) on 10/25/2010

I was suffering from pancreatitis and was getting constant pain in the upper abdomen. The first thing was that I adopted a total vegetarian dies eating leafy vegetables, I lost a lot of weight suddenly over a span of six months. I then read of Aloe vera & papaya juice. I started taking 15ml each by mixing both the juices, twice a day for two weeks. My appetite & digestion has improved improved and I am on the road to recovery. It is a miracle potent.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/20/2010

Should the bicarbonate be diluted in water?

EC: Yes, always! We'll insert that into Ted's post.. thanks for catching the omission.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Janet (Poynette, Wisconsin, Usa) on 06/20/2010

Thank you, Ted, for your comments on acid forming foods. I suffered several attacks of acute pancreatitis over a period of about 6 months before I discovered what was causing it. I would get symptoms soon after eating 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed (which I ground myself). My daughter used the same product with no problems so I don't think it was contaminated. I have read that raw seeds and grains (that have not been cooked or sprouted) contain a growth inhibitor that require pancreatic enzymes to break down and digest so I came to the conclusion that I may be depleted of some of these enzymes. I am 61 years old this happened about 5 years ago, I have never had these symptoms before or since (I now avoid raw flaxseed meal) and I have never had a problem with indigestion (always considered myself to have a 'cast iron stomach'). I have eaten other raw nuts and seeds and have had no reaction. What do you think?

Thank you,

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/19/2010 391 posts

Atkins diet is based on acid forming foods and the pancreas is a large reservoir of alkaline substance. The pancreas needs alkaline substances to protect itself and thus the Atkins diet is likely to be one of the causes of acute pancreatitis. The remedy, I believe, is to rebuild the lost bicarbonates by taking baking soda, at 1/2 teaspoon two or three times a day [Ed note: mixed with 8 oz of water] after meals about 30 minutes. It takes about two weeks to notice improvement as the body tries to get the bicarbonate to its normal level. It should be noted that weight loss is due more to dietary intake of proteins rather then Atkin's diet per se. However proteins breakdown into amino acids, and the meat products are high in phosphate and they are cancer causing. If the body has insufficient ability to neutralize the acid causing meats, the pancreas get damage. This brings to possible autoimmunity disorder, where one methods I used to reduce them is taking some borax (boron) supplementation, such as 1/4 teaspoon in a liter of drinking water for one week. A daily dose of 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt in a cup of water will help increase the salinity as a way of raising the body's immune system. Thereafter, once two weeks has passed, the baking soda should still be continued, to at least 2 times a day to keep the pancreas fully bathed.

If weight loss is desired, there is a much simpler protocol, just avoid the sugars, fats and carbohydrates. When Dr. Atkins died, he did have a high cholesterol level. So obviously fatty liver can be from high fat meats, and fatty liver can occur. Hence granulated lecithin 1 teaspoon twice a day is taken also to restore liver to it's normal state, by removing the fats using a fat emulsifiying lecithin. In any case if you want to market any latest weight loss fad, it has to be complicated enough that people will buy book, too simple is simply unmarketable. Weight gain is generally seen as too much sugar in the system is converted to glycogen and fats, and fats are simply that, the body has great difficulty converting fats to energy, while proteins has little or no energy content and hence doesn't make you fat in general. However, as in all sugar, carbohydrate and protein they make your body acid, and the first organ to go is the pancreas since that's the major organ that has the most bicarbonates and hence are sensitive to acid forming food.

In addition, there are key amino acid more directly lated to weight loss, these include, l carnitine and often taken together with alpha lipoic acid, but also glutamine and glycine, and now and then arginine and lysine. These are the common supplements I used for weight loss. Certain amino acid are inhibitory and act as appetite suppressant such as taurine and glycine. Some minerals are appetite suppressants such as boron that I see most often. I don't generally use excitotoxins such as phenylalanine as it tends to damage the nervous system and weight back come back with a vengence. That's cause these excitotoxins damages the nervous system by overexciting them. The same can be said for monosodium glutamate, in low amounts they increase appetite in high amounts they have opposite effect, but that damages the hypothalamus and causes lifelong obesity. This is why scientist inject MSG into weanling rats so they can become obese. The same effect is also true whenever vaccinations are given to babies and they sometimes do add monosodium glutamate into these vaccinations.

One particular mineral besides boron that acts as mineral appetite suppressant is the zinc. Preferably I used zinc acetate, other forms such as zinc sulfate tend to induce vomiting. I believe it's the sulfate, and can be found also in epsom salt such as magnesium sulfate. Some may not be effected, but quite many Thais here seems to initiate vomiting after taking them in two or three hours will initiate vomiting. Generally zinc acetate is taken for only 50 mg per day for only one week, then I just stop them so that there's no exccessive zinc buildup and may take it again whenever the need arise a month or two.

EC: Incidentally, Ted (aka Parhatsathid Napatalung) was just quoted in Dr. Sircus' newsletter yesterday on this very subject! Here's the link to the article entitled, "The Pancreas, Bicarbonate and Diabetes" Ted is quoted in the 2nd paragraph.

Acute Pancreatitis Triggers
Posted by Patricia (Marietta, Georgia Usa) on 06/19/2010

My son, age 31 has had acute pancreatitis attacks for the last 2.5 years. Has had to go to the hospital numerous times. Doctors don't know what causes it...any suggestions. Prior to this time he has always been very healthy. He went on the Atkins Diet about 7 years ago..could this be a root cause. He has had tests and they can't diagnose any causes.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Purelife (Columbia, Sc) on 06/10/2010

To Lisa Smith from Marshall, TX. Can you tell if this was green papaya juice, or the ripe (yellow) papaya juice that was used? Did you juice them together?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Logan (Fort Lauderdale, Fl) on 05/17/2010

I too have an ongoing Pancreas condition, I am a 44 year old male and I started incorporating ACV into my Diet a week ago. plain old ACV and balsamic vinegar in dressing and such. after years of suffering I am feeling much better over all. Normally I am always starving especially after eating healthier foods and veggies. now I feel much more satisfied and my digestion has improved. I believe ACV can benefit most people on "Proton pump inhibitors" and the like. The Doctors have been trying to get me to take them for years. never seemed like a good Idea to disable part of my digestion process. I always disliked sour and vinegary things, turns out it's what the doctor should have "Ordered" long ago..

Fresh Beet and Apple Juice
Posted by Max (Crowley, Texas) on 12/17/2009


juice 1/2 medium size beet (raw) 3 to 4 apples (raw), serve over crushed ice . My daughter liked to have died with e-coli 0157. When she was pulling out of the illness her body was so contaminated that she had severe pancreatitis. This simple drink cured her pancreatitis within 2 days.The crushed ice is optional.

Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Nik (Mumbai, India) on 06/25/2009

Hello Lisa,

Im from Mumbai, India. I am having symptoms of pancreatitis...The gnawing pain radiating through the back..loss of apettite, indigestion etc. Trust me, the pain's horrible!. have had it for several days now. It has upset my entire schedule. Affect my work terribly.I'm doing Indian herbs ( Ayurved ) for a while now. Still there's little relief ( Ayurvedic takes time as it cures from the root ). After having read your story, I must say its a real miracle. And God almighty bless your sister. I have tried aloe vera juice a few days back. But i wasn't aware that even papaya juice helps. Can you suggest the dosage / quantity? Do i need to mix both together or consume them seperate?
Please suggest.


Aloe Vera and Papaya Juices
Posted by Lisa Smith (Marshall, TX) on 02/16/2009 6 posts

21 year old sister. diagnosed with and treated in Hospital and home health care, use of PICC line [Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter] nutritionally for acute to severe Pancreatitis.... When conventional meds did not work and placed on a 500gm no fat diet and basically left for death....I prayed for a miracle ....the response was aloe vera juice and papaya real juice....

She was still in the hospital when my mom purchased both and began give her 1/3 cup of each 3 times daily ...she has 1/3 of her pancreas left....Immediately the first day in doctor came in the room and reported her amylase levels and all test levels were normal...He has since begain addding this to his patient regime for pancreatitis grandmother's uncle age 70+ also used this treatment in the hospital following an acute pancreatitis attack.. he recovered within hours....

Give it a try...My sister was dying...Years of substance abuse and fatty diet was killing her pancreas...she is alive and well at 30..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amy (Sachse, TX) on 07/26/2008

I'm not sure about cellulite, but I'm sure if anything would work ACV would. I had horrible acne and started applying it straight topically and taking two table spoons internally daily. Also started applying it to my arm pits nightly. I had a horrible problem with deodorant not working after my first pancreatic attack. I now only have to apply deodorant once in the morning. No reapplying 3 or 4 times during the day. I noticed after about a week that I was using the restroom more regularly. Because I have Pancreatitis, sometimes my food does not digest properly. The ACV has also helped with this. I have never believed in anything the way I believe in Apple Cider Vinegar. It is inexpensive and good for you. So even if it doesn't work for Cellulite it will make you feel better over all. I have heard of people using ACV as a fat flush to lose weight. Maybe that is why it has helped with some peoples cellulite. Good Luck!!!

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