Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Castor Oil
Posted by Paloma (Ithaca, Ny) on 12/14/2010

I've had a small case of psoriasis for over fourteen years on one of my elbows. I tried various topical applications recommended by doctors, like OTC cortisone cream and another cream called Elocon which you can get only by prescription. Cortisone cream did nothing for me whatsoever; Elocon cleared up the legion temporarily but it would come right back when I stopped putting it on. I stopped using both creams because I did not like the chemical ingredients in them.

This winter I decided to change my face-washing method from regular facial cleanser to natural Oil Cleaning method using the mixture of castor oil and olive oil. The oil cleaning worked very nicely... But it turned out that there was an unexpected bonus effect on my psoriasis! Without giving much thought, I rubbed the oil mixture (with greater concentration of castor oil) on my elbow. The next day, when I looked at the elbow -- I was surprised to see the thing actually clearing up just as good as Elocon! Since then, I've only tried this for about a week and I haven't been very persistent in my application, just randomly putting things on whenever I remembered.. But I'm guessing if I continue this everyday perhaps it will really be gone completely. I read that castor oil is naturally antibacterial so I wonder if it played some role to clear up my small psoriasis. If anybody else share the same experience I'd like to know. I am posting this because I noticed there was no section for castor oil under the category of psoriasis.

Borax and White Vinegar
Posted by Brendan (Adelaide, South Australia) on 12/03/2010

By Washing Soda, do you mean BiCarb soda. Im from Australia so I dont know what you guys call it.

Borax and White Vinegar
Posted by Shaun (York, Olde England) on 11/24/2010


Easy cure. Apple cider vinegar is great but it is just not strong enough to kill various yeasts (Malazessia spp. [check it out on Google. What you need to do is dissolve 3 teaspoons of borax in half a cup of white vinegar. Pour this over your head (the yeasts begin their life-cycle here), and down onto your face and shoulders (and possibly your chest), and then leave it on for about 20/30 Min's whilst having a bath. Do this for about 3 days running (... If you can), and about once a week for a month. After the vinegar treatment, rinse your head/hair with half a cup of washing soda in a mug of warm water. At the slightest sign of any trouble repeat the treatment. Don't go anywhere near Doctors. Most are just crap at what they do.

Posted by Ben (Tampa, Fl) on 11/23/2010


Go swim everyday in the ocean stay in it for at least a halve hour you will be fixed in a month.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brendan (Adelaide, South Australia) on 11/23/2010

I have had a similar experience. My face psoriasis or sebhoraic dermatitis, whatever it is, started to get better when I first started applying Apple Cider Vinegar and I got all excited but then I started to notice that it was spreading to other areas on my face. After a bit over a week I stopped using it as I thought I would be covered in it if I didn't. Now that I've stopped it's even worse than before. Im near breaking point, I don't know what to try, it seems ive tried everything. My dermatologist is trying to shove me on elidel but I dont believe that will help long term as everything else he's given me made my psoriasis worse. Also ive heard bad things about elidel. If someone has any ideas, please help me. I would give anything to have my life back.

Bee Propolis
Posted by Fleabag (Liverpool, Uk) on 10/23/2010

I have had psoriasis on my feet for years, and at times of stress a patch appears on my right shin which remains for as long as the stress does, plus I get occasional small patches elsewhere that tend to clear up on their own. I also get it on my scalp. I first had the patch on my shin when I started university. It got larger over the 3 years and it remained for the duration of my course, clearing up after I left. I didn't have it again until I started my current management job, and I've now had it for nearly 3 years. I picked up a pot of Propolis a few weeks ago, and have been testing it on the shin. Though I've only been applying it occasionally, there is a marked improvement and it's starting to clear. This is the only product I'm using on it, after years of trying various pharmacutical and natural products with no success.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mary (San Diego, Ca) on 09/10/2010

Coconut oil, is wonderful, it took care of a white cyst on the corner of my eye after having it 6 mos, in 3 days! SESAME SEED OIL, is also wonderful listen to this: I used it on my dog who had a growing skin sore on her forehead, ( looked awful and scary, and the dog was very itchy) for over 6 mos, nothing worked, I started putting sesame seed oil and in 5 days it totally healed and the hair grew back in. Years later I developed psoriasis on my leg it was about 3"x 3" bright pink and scaly, and extremely itchy, I tried petroleum gels and it turned purplish and scaly, it looked awful and scary. I remembered the sesame seed and how it healed my chiuaua, so I purchased a bottle of SESAME SEED ORGANIC OIL and put it on, it started working almost instantly within an hour the bright pink was light pink, the itching stopped. I kept putting more on throughout the day, by the next morning the psoriasis flareup I have been dealing with for several weeks, is almost gone!!! It also worked on my very dry cracked palms, (I do massage so my palms crack and burn allot) All I can say is WOW! SESAME, SEED OIL is the BOMB!!!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Lynn (Sharbot Lake, On Canada) on 09/09/2010

I've been slathering on fresh aloe vera goo (I'm on my second plant) and haven't flaked at all for this month-long flare-up. I'm also bathing the areas in cool or lukewarm salt water first. (This was advised by the Chinese doctor who gave me acupuncture, which may help, or may constitute skin injury and make it worse. ) Then I pat dry. After I massage the Aloe Vera goo in I massage in olive oil. (I still use my old faithful unscented moisture cream in between. ) I've been doing this two to four times a day. I haven't been scratching hardly at all and it hasn't flaked. Who's to say whether the fading of my arms and chest was caused by this treatment? At least it has kept my suffering and the severity to a minimum.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Enzymes
Posted by Leesa (Tampa, Fl) on 09/08/2010

Is your psoriasis still in remission? Did you stop using the ACV after you cleared or continue your daily dosage in order to maintain your clearing?

Parasite Cleanse
Posted by Mai (Loule, Portugal) on 08/17/2010

Please try to find the name. Thanks

Ted's Remedy Reader Feedback
Posted by Wayne (Exeter, Devon, Uk )

Hi, I have suffered scalp psoriasis on and off for numerous years. Sometimes I find a shampoo that will clear it but the scalp appears to become accustomed to it after a while and it is no longer as effective. Recently, after washing my hair I noticed a strong ammonia smell from my scalp which eventually subsides. I would like to try Ted's lotion recipe of 5% Milk of magnesia, 10-15% Ammonium Chloride & 5% Xylitol. Is this solution made in water or an unscented shampoo? Will let you know how I get on.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Keith (San Leandro, Ca) on 05/31/2010

I've been suffering from a red and scaly scalp, tried all the shampoo's. Lately the scale has gotten so bad my scalp was completely white with scale under the hair. So I tried Aloe Vera Gel, completely soaking my hair and scalp twice each evening and the scaling is completely gone now which is just the third night, still using the "blue" shampoo in the mornings just encase so I don't get any snow on my black uniform. The redness is still easy to see but I'm hoping over time this too will ease up, but I wanted to let anyone else out there know that the Aloe does help alot.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kellady (Upstate, Sc) on 05/17/2010

To Edie from Lafayette, AL: You have been sadly misinformed regarding your health conditions. I am responding, because I am worried for you, and feel compelled to educate you and possibly save your life. My daughter has severe psoriatic arthritis (which is NOT the same thing as rheumatoid arthritis, but is very similar). The difference is that you cannot have psoriatic arthritis without psoriasis, and there is a blood test to determine if one has the rheumatoid factor. If it is negative, it is not RA. Secondly, although psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis are autoimmune conditions, Hepatitis C is NOT. I don't know where you got your information, but Hep C is a bloodborne pathogenic virus. It is an infectious disease that will cause liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and/or liver failure. It IS curable, unlike autoimmune illnesses. I am living proof of this, as I have beat Hep C. You really need to find an Infectious Disease Specialist or Gastroenterologist to manage your hepatitis, and get you treatment before it is too late. Your psoriatic arthritis may be manageable with biologics, such as Humira or Enbrel, with the help of a Rheumatologist. Those meds have helped several people that I know, but unfortunately stopped working for my daughter after only 9 months...hence why I am here. Hope this helps, and that you get the help that you need to eradicate that wicked virus. Don't try to tackle that one me.The PsA won't kill you, but the Hep can. Good luck!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Igor (Toronto, Canada) on 01/31/2010

Hello. Could You please explain what oil pulling is. Thank You.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Emily (Jones, Alabama) on 01/26/2010

ACV with mix cured psoriasis.

I have suffered from psoriasis for about 25 years and was told by a Dr. that it would never be gone only improved. The only thing I could use to help clear up my sore split elbows was a creme I was prescribed. It never completely worked.Winter time was always terrible for me. About a month ago I read up on the "Master Cleanse" for weight loss and began doing this. I decided to add to the recipe for other health benefits. I made a lemonad with half a lemon,2 tbs. maple syrup, 1/10th tsp cayenne pepper. Now what I added was 1tbs.ACV, 1tbs honey, pinch of Borax, dash of ginger, dash of cinnamon. Not only did I lose weight by drinking this yummy drink but a "side effect" (as I noticed by accident) is that my psoriasis is totally gone. Not cleared up I mean gone, like I never had it before. Skin is no longer thick and bumpy. I just can't believe it.Thanks you guys for such a wonderful website, this has changed my life. I have benefitted from so much information I have learned on here. You are doing so much good, you are a blessing.

Folic Acid
Posted by Amanda (Sacramento, Ca) on 01/15/2010

Cure for Psoriasis - Folic Acid

I had psoriasis for a year and a half. The patch on my knee just kept growing and would go through cycles of horrible itching redness, then purple, then flakey and so on. I started taking Folic Acid for other reasons and in a couple weeks I noticed my psoriasis was getting better and then shortly after completely disappeared. I have been free from that torture for 5 months now. I was completely shocked and so relieved.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Heather (New York, Ny) on 01/07/2010

To Kay and Anna: Thank you for such a detailed post. After years of suffering with moderate psoriasis, I finally became serious about a more disciplined diet and lifestyle. Almost all of the research that I have done on my own supports exactly what you have stated. I just wanted to add a few things:

Pork - I gave this up a year ago not ONLY because of the toxins, but because of worms and parasites that live in the flesh of the swine.

Raw Fish - same deal as above. While some obscure diets advocate raw fish/raw meats this seems antithetical to healing for someone with a compromised immune system.

Wheat Gluten - Not sure exactly what the connection is, but I believe it is a contributor to irritable bowel, and perhaps encourages candida growth as well.

Nightshade Vegetables - Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers should be avoided. I have also read some articles recommending avoidance of corn.

Nuts - I was advised by a homeopath who treats me regularly that all nuts are acceptable EXCEPT for peanuts and cashews, because of the natural mold that develops inside their shells.

To Edie: STAY ENCOURAGED! You will find that when you are eating more simply and cleanly, you will feel healthier (I've actually gained a bit of healthy weight), look radiant and have a ton more energy. This is because your body is digesting more efficiently, and absorbing and utilizing nutrients more effectively than before. Therefore, do not worry about what you are not eating. Rather, concentrate on establishing good habits that are easy for you to follow. You will soon start to crave healthier foods.

My typical daily diet consists of:

Fresh Fruit: 3 whole bananas OR 3 organic apples OR 1 whole mango (skin-on), cubed.

Non-wheat cereal: Quinoa, oats, amaranth, tapioca with poached fruit and a little honey and cinammon.

Vegetable/Legume Soup: Lentil, Carrot, Split Pea (meatless) Pumpkin. Veggies for vitamins/antioxidants, legumes for protein. Alternate!


Vegetable Omelette: I like Spinach and Goat Cheese. I have not yet noticed a reaction with me for eggs... may have to try an elimination and see whether it helps


HUGE Salad: Mixed greens with Grilled Chicken or Salmon, some goat cheese (soft), carmelized onion and avocado.


Organic Baby Arugula with grated goat cheese (hard), hemp seeds or slivered almonds, and vinagrette. I love a bottled miso vinagrette, but may eventually try a homemade one with apple cider vinegar.


Any combination of protein/vegetable or starch/vegetable from the following (try not to combine protein and starch as this causes poor digestion). Grill, steam, bake or saute: lean chicken, fish, legumes (peas, beans), veggies (bright colored, e.g. carrots, beets; and green leafy ones e.g., broccoli, spinach, kale, collards are best), starches (brown rice, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkin) prepared veggie burgers, prepared veggie sushi (macro/organic only).

SNACKS (2-3 per day):
Brown rice cakes, nuts, fresh fruit, dried fruit (sulfite-free only), granola bars, wheat-free crackers, nut butters, organic fruit butters.

DRINK (between meals):
Spring water (2 litres per day), fresh fruit/vegetable juices, herbal teas, health tonics.

There is such a variety to be had. Look for ways to substitute acceptable ingredients for unacceptable ones in recipes that you encounter. Focus on creativity, and think positively about your healing!I've been on a strict elimination diet for 2 months now, and I honestly do not crave any of the bad stuff I was eating before. I think you will adjust quite easily!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robb (Anchorage, Alaska) on 11/22/2009

I have had Psoriasis for years. It is at it's most painful in winter, I think this is due to my working in the arctic. My knees and elbos crack and bleed, the small knuckel on my right hand and the outside wrist bone on my left hand are red and painful. I started using ACV as a tonic after my bath, I also rub it on my knees and elbos, any spot that has dry skin or is rough and painful. I mix baking soda with olive oil and use like a soap prior to bathing, I gently apply to my face, hands, elbow and knee. I try to not shower but to have a bath, I add a few drops of olive oil to the water and soak for a few minutes. I noticed results the first time I tried this combination, after a week the pain and redness was gone. I also drink ACV in the morning, I just take a good slug and chase it with water

Parasite Cleanse
Posted by Emb (Livonia, Mi) on 11/13/2009

My niece suffered from psoriasis and after six months of traditional treatment from her doctor with poor results and no hope for a cure, she went to a holistic practioner. She was told psoriasis was caused by a parasite. She was given a parasitic cleanse (had to drink a capful of a liquid two or three times a day) and had to eliminate sugar from her diet. She saw a huge improvement in three weeks. She is totally free of this skin condition and has never had another occurrence. That was seven years ago. She doesn't remember the name of the product, but you might talk to your local health/vitamin store for suggestions.

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Jere (Atlanta, Ga) on 10/27/2009

I am a thirty year old male who has had psoriasis since I was six. Every summer I use ointment and sunlight to clear my skin from head to toe. Only to have it return in the fall and worsen throughout the winter. I recently visited a certified practitioner at my local natural health store who told me something very interesting. She ran a Limbic Stress Analysis on me (which is basicaly a new technology that asks your body questions in order to find out what your body does not agree with) and then reading from her computer screen she told me my body does not agree with dairy products and that it causes me skin inflamation. I then told her about my psoriasis. She recomended me a few products from the natural health store and also to cut way back on my dairy intake of course. This lady knew nothing about me. I was quite suprised. I will report back to this site in a few months to update. Hope it works...

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anna (Chicago, Illinois) on 10/21/2009

Such a huge change in diet is also a lifestyle change which is very hard work. So I would suggest taking baby steps. The positive results will drive you forward, rather than leave you hungry or developing a complex about food.

For example, after reading other testimonials and due to personal experience, I would recommend first cutting beef and pork out of your diet. To make sure you are still getting your protein and iron, get a vegetarian cookbook (browse Amazon before buying or better yet, go to your local library) or look online for recipes with lentils, garbanzo beans, navy beans and kidney beans. You can make soup, dips, and even amazing veggie burgers from scratch (if you are addicted to burgers for example) with beans. Not all beans treat people the same, so play around until you find beans that most agree with your digestive system - sometimes too it's just a question of soaking and cooking them correctly. Listen to your body - if you start to feel strangely tired, it could be that you are low on protein or iron. Lentils are a good source of both, and almonds. Then of course you have white meat (chicken livers - paté or fried in salad!) and fish as well as nuts (walnuts and almonds are excellent), but everything in moderation.

Then try to cut down on your dairy intake but make sure you are still getting your calcium (through supplements, or kale, kidney beans, almonds, sesame seeds).

Also, simply swap your white rice for brown, honey for sugar, or try brown rice syrup. Consider using barley too, or oats, in place of rice. It may seem overwhelming, but once you get the hang of things, it really doesn't take much time or effort to whip up nourishing dishes in a matter of minutes. It still surprises me at the end of those days when I'm grumpy and tired and hungry how quickly I will be sitting down to eat.

Instead of junk food snacks, nibble nuts, dried fruit, or fresh fruit, or even things like rye crackers. You can even make your own granola bars; there are some excellent recipes out there.

I was diagnosed with low iron last year and started eating more red meat than ever [and citrus (acidic) to help with the absorption of my iron supplements] and my psoriasis kicked in for the first time in years. At first I thought maybe it was the winter and lack of sun (although winter comes every year, but not the psoriasis), then I started to feel more and more down and thought it was SAD and a side effect of that. But then I thought maybe I was down because of the psoriasis. After awhile it's a vicious circle. The other frustrating thing is that everyone has a different metabolism and so what works for one person doesn't work for another person. So keep track of things: keep a food diary and a skin/body diary. For example, I noticed that when I cut out dairy completely (and I don't eat much of it to begin with), my fingernails turned to rubber, which is bad news for women with osteoporosis risks. Also keep track of any supplements you are taking.

I hope this is helpful! This site has really helped me connect the dots. Thanks to everyone for sharing!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Chantel (Orlando, Florida) on 10/20/2009

i was wondering the same thing as Edie!

Tanning Beds
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/17/2009

I am very skeptical of this "tanning beds are dangerous" thing. More and more evidence is coming out that light is a kind of nutrient, and that Vitamin D-3 the "sunshine vitamin" (actually a hormone) prevents and cures a whole host of diseases, and that humans have a process similar to photosynthesis in plants. Plus, humankind evolved to live in the sun, so it just doesn't make sense to me that sunlight is the CAUSE of skin cancer. It makes more sense to cast an eye at modern cosmetics and food additives, along with nutrient (especially pigment-type nutrients like beta-carotein, etc) deficient diets, REACTING WITH sunlight to cause skin cancer. I know that when I use commercial skin or body washes, the scent lingers for literally hours afterward. That must mean that the scent is penetrating my skin and/or bonding with my skin chemistry in some way. I don't know about any of you guys, but I think that cannot be a good thing. And those scents, flavors and colors are also hormone mimics and are based on the technology of solvents. And that's not to mention all the "preservatives", transfats, pesticides, herbicides, etc. that our so-called "food" is loaded with. Jeez, its a wonder anybody is alive at all. And then they blame the tanning booths or the sun.

Tanning Beds
Posted by Elle (Columbus, Oh) on 09/17/2009

Sun and tanning bed use at tanning salon. All exposed areas of psoriasis cleared completely with treatment, with visible results apparent immediately. Psoriasis returns in other areas after stopping treatment, but when resumed continues to clear. The dry buildup of flakes and scale first leaves you with smooth red patches which fade in color, leaving me with a dark patch of normal skin. The dark patch completely fades as well, and the skin is left as if it were never afflicted.

EC: Warning!

Associated Press
Wed., July 29, 2009

LONDON - International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas.

For years, scientists have described tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation as "probable carcinogens."

A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation was thought to be lethal.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Franklymrshankly (Austin, Texas, US) on 09/08/2009

ACV & Psoriasis

I was just curious if your psoriasis became much worse the first week of using ACV? Mine is soooooo red and flaky after a week of use and I am just wondering if this is normal or maybe this remedy is just not for me.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nicky B. (Martinez, California) on 08/06/2009

Was glad to read your suggestion about ACV - I will give that a try! But would like to point out that you should never use petroleum jelly; your skin won't breathe. I have had psoriasis since age 13; I'm 49, now. Have tried many meds offered by doctors but the body tends to build a resistance after it becomes accustomed to its effect. Moisturizers are very helpful but try to stay away from scented products lotions, hair products and laundry detergents. An inexps. brand (St.I.) has a fragrance-free body lotion which I have used for years. Instead of using petroleum jelly, try a fragrance-free (Eu) brand moisturizing oitment. Its best to apply moisturizers immediately after a bath or shower as your pores are open and better absorb the moisture. Drink LOTS of water and take lots of antioxidants (vitmin C, etc.). To your health!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by 4Yahshua (Fountain Valley, CA) on 07/18/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar/ Baking Soda (aka Sodium Bicarbonate) for Psoriasis

Thanks for the information! Through this remedy,Yahweh seems to be healing my Psoriasis plaques (all!) HalleluYah! I started taking this 3X's a day about a week ago:

2 Tbsp. apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 1 tsp. Baking Soda. (I am 160 lbs. You may want to use less or more baking soda.)

Mix this with warm pure water 1/2 to 3/4 cup.

I take first on rising, during the day, and before sleep at night. The large plaques on my leg are only faint pink patches now, as are the ones under my arms and other places. Before I started drinking this drink, my leg plaques were shedding skin at least twice a day and I seemed to be itching all over. I do follow a healthy diet, taking a number of supplements including lecithin capsules. I was waiting for my Psoriasis to disappear completely before reporting my case. However, maybe my words will help you now if you are are being plagued by Psoriasis as I was. May you also be blessed by this remedy is my prayer!

Vitamin D, Fish Oil
Posted by 4Yahshua (Fountain Valley, CA) on 07/01/2009

Sunsong, just to let you know. You do not need to see fleas to have a problem. We learned this the hard way with "Pretty" the young calico kitty that came to our home late last year. She stayed mostly in our garage and was doing very well with the good diet we gave her, including a garlic capsule (to help control fleas) and a lecithin capsule daily. After awhile we noticed a small bump on the back of her neck, that was all. However, during this past month she started to have more bumps there and they looked like sores, raw and open. We took her in to see what was wrong. Then we learned that she was infected by the fleas. (They said that they are a real big problem here.) If you feel any bumps under the fur (especially at the back of the neck or under the chin), please start flea control immediately. Eventually, they can kill your beloved pet!

Vitamin D, Fish Oil
Posted by Sandy (Fayetteville, AR) on 06/24/2009

Vitamin D3 2000-4000 iu per day (more in winter, less in summer, if you get natural sun)
fish oil - _____ (this is high grade Omega-3)
1 ibuprofen per day

This greatly reduced my symptoms and i have very few small spots left. This does take serveral months.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Edie (Lafayette, AL) on 06/24/2009

To Kay Ramos: I read your post and was wondering with everything I would need to cut out of my diet, what foods are left? Could you send me a list of everthing that I would need and some recipes that I can use with those foods? I've tried every cream, potion and lotion on the market and I figure maybe the cure comes from the inside not the outside. I have pscoratic rheumatoid arthritis and hep-c. Maybe if I tried this program it would help both problems. My hep-c is controlable and it has'nt gotten any worse for a long time but I'm still concerned that it might. I'm aware that both of these problems stem from an autoammune disorder and if it could help build that up then it would be worth trying. Thanks again for your post and I hope to hear from you.

Banana Peel
Posted by Singing Preacher (Belton, Texas) on 06/14/2009

I recently read in a local paper that a woman used banana peel on her Psoriasis. I have had two treatments and immediately saw results. I rub the inside of the peel on the affected area twice a day. The first reaction burned like nettle, but after the stinging stops the itching did as well. Now that I have used the peelings for two days it appears that the areas are less productive, and lighter in color. No ointment has worked this successfully, and I am 51 with psoriasis at my knees and elbow since I was 12.
