Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robin (Redding, Ca) on 06/23/2017

I have a friend who had psoriasis really bad. It covered her whole body, her head too! I told her to take food grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide drops in a glass of distilled water as follows,

1. Take for 30 days.

2. Start with 1 drop day one, day 2, 2 drops, day 3, 3 drops continue to 21 drops if anytime you feel nausea back off a drop for a day and continue, take no more than 21 drops until the 30 days are up.

That was almost a year ago and her skin is clear and healthy! Hasn't had a outbreak since!

I've been reading a lot about hydrogen peroxide, is it safe to use in treating hep c?

Anti-Candida Protocol
Posted by Dianne (Delaware, Ontario, Canada) on 06/24/2014

Bill Thompson.

I have ordered your book, Killing Candida Sweetly, just waiting for it to arrive via mail.

My son has had Psoriasis for the past 3 years and is dealing with a breakout at this time. We are going with the thoughts that he has gut issues. Have just started taking Syntol (there were a couple of postings that were positive regarding Syntol on this site). He is putting apple cider vinegar (with Mother) in his water and also ingesting coconut oil.

I am looking forward to reading how you dealt with your issues of Candida and Psoriasis...hopefully my son will have success in ridding himself of this terrible disease.

Anti-Candida Protocol
Posted by Bill (Sanfernando, Philippines) on 06/27/2014

Hi Dianne...It's good that you've cut out dairy, wheat and gluten in your son's diet but take particular note about eradicating sugars, junk food and processed food from his diet as well. Candida and other pathogens feed off excess sugars and carbohydrates in the diet. Eliminitaing red meat is also beneficial against candida because candida virulence increases with too much heme iron in the diet.

I also wanted to mention some other things that might also help your son.

I've recently read some interesting research concerning the benefits of supplementing Gymnema sylvestre versus candida. The research report is shown here. The researchers at Kansas State University have found that Gymnema sylvestre works against candida in several ways. First it makes sugar unavailable to candida. The other fact is that Gymnema sylvestre blocks candida's transition into the more virulent and dangerous hyphal form. It therefore acts to reduce the virulence of candida in this respect. It must be said that Gymnema sylvestre will not kill the candida but it will certainly reduce the spread and morphing of candida into its more virulent form.

Gymnema sylvestre(GS) is commonly just taken as a tea and should be taken three or four times a day because it is such a safe non-toxic natural product. I would also further advise that GS should be taken combined together with Green Tea for the most benefit. The green tea will also help to kill the candida(due to the tannin content) and it will also help to remove heavy metals as well. The GS will meanwhile act to reduce the virulence of the candida as well as help to starve the candida of its favourite food -- sugar.

GS is fairy well-known and easily bought at health stores and on the internet -- always buy the organic form. The powder form or the tea form are the best ways to take it. I would simply combine the Green Tea and GS whenever you drink the tea form which is the best way to supplement these natural products.

Another good protocol which might particularly help your son's psoriasis is using Bentionite clay topically. Create a wet paste of bentonite clay and gently spread a thin layer over his areas of psoriasis. Let the bentonite dry completely to a dusty crust. This allows the bentonite to suck out heavy metals and poisons from these psoriatic skin regions and will also help to kill any fungus or any other pathogens topically. Then shower or wash off the bentonite and apply aloe vera oil to help relieve any dryness in these skin areas.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Connie (Hastings, Ontario) on 10/06/2012

Starting from what appeared to be insect bites, this skin ailment covered most of lower legs and appeared on arms also. It was apparent that anything with fragrance in it was affecting this skin condition, so I proceeded to use soaps like pine tar, and ones that were fragrance free. I purchased approximately $300.00 worth of over the counter ointments, antihistimine, antibiotics from doctor and after waiting seven (7) months to for epidermist I was diagnosed with psoriasis and given prescription for cortisone cream. I filled two prescriptions, with no results. My daughter's husband had an ointment for treating poison ivy, same as mine, only half the strength. I applied this ointment occasionally and EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL three times (3x) per day, and got healed with marvellous results within one month. No more psoriasis.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ren (St Albans, Vt) on 04/07/2012

For psoriasis, I have had very good luck by incorporating ACV orally twice a day and 2 Ayolic Garlic tabs twice per day. I drink the ACV with just a little bit of water. It's a bit strong but the results were rather dramatic. I thought I had yeast so I was taking these items to clear the yeast. Well my doctor has confirmed that it is NOT yeast and indeed psoriasis. I had it on the top of my penis under foreskin and on my feet. The doctor stated that both ingredients are anti inflammatory agents and that is why they were helping. Good luck folks.

Candida Connection
Posted by Herbgirl (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 04/01/2011

I suffered from psoriasis for 10 years, with nothing working, including both prescribed and natural remedies. Recently, I read a connection between psoriasis and candida. As far as I can tell, psoriasis can be caused by many things, which is why it's so hard to treat. If you haven't explored the possibility that you have an intestinal yeast infection, you may find that it's the source of your psoriasis.

I did the simple candida "spit test". Fill a tall glass of water & put next to bed. Upon awakening, gather as much spit as you can and spit into the glass before doing anything else. Wait 20 mins. If the spit forms long stringy 'legs' you probably have candida. If the spit sinks totally you could have severe candida. I tested positive.

I took Syntol (enzyme-probiotic) for 3 months to clear my candida (9 caps/day 1st month, 6 caps/day 2nd month, 3 caps/day 3rd month) and also ingested natural anti-fungal agents to help (fresh garlic clove, oregano oil extract, etc). I noticed within the very first week that my psoriasis was already getting better and within a month, it was totally gone.

A bonus tip: A few weeks into treatment I also discovered cold-pressed Castor Oil and rubbed it into my skin daily. This seemed to speed up healing and also took care of my dry and flaky skin in non-psoriasis areas.

Candida Connection
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/02/2011

Hi Herbgirl... My candida experience was similar to yours. As well as candida, I had psoriasis, eczma, tinea cruris(jock itch) and athletes foot (as well as alot of other problems). I had these skin problems for decades. When I eventually defeated and rid myself of my systemic candida, all these skin problems simply disppeared except the tinea cruris -- and I got rid of that in 2 days by simply applying Milk of Magnesia. So all these skin problems were associated with my candida and are perhaps best regarded as just part of the symptoms. This calls for a paradigm shift in our way of thinking about healing and cures that is wholly different from medical science's habit of treating just the symptoms. If I had gone to a doctor with all my candida problems, then undoubtedly he or she would have given me a powder and cream for my athlete's foot, another cream for my eczma, another cream for my tinea cruris as well as more internal drugs for my candida....

In most of the medical studies I've ever read on psoriasis, the research authorities, in their wisdom, have declared that you cannot get rid of psoriasis and, indeed, that it is a pre-cancerous condition and not so trivial.

However, through my own candida experience and riddance, I would say that these medical conclusions are incorrect. I got rid of my psoriasis 5 years ago at the same time as getting rid of my systemic candida problem and it has never reappeared. Therefore, I would also have to conclude that because of these facts, it is not the psoriasis that is pre-cancerous but that the candida should be regarded as the pre-cancerous culprit instead.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lele (Riverside, Ca) on 08/21/2012

I am a little mad at myself for not using this sooner (I think I avoided it because I hate using anything greasy). For starters, I found my coconut oil at my local Walmart. I use Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil, which you can find in the vitamin section for $10.

The first time I applied this, I put it directly on the affected areas and left it on overnight (to heat the oil I leave the container in a bowl of hot water). By morning, all the red patches had turned white and were completely smooth. I can't tell you how thrilled I was. I now use this as a deep conditioner once a week, as well. Coconut Oil has become my go-to treatment for my psoriasis.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Eric (San Fransisco, California) on 02/21/2012

Aloe vera, coconut oil and almond oil are all great for psoriasis. I use a ready made cream by mama nature specifically for psoriasis that contains all of these ingredients but I suppose you could get a recipe on the web that would show you how to combine these and make your own. Psoriasis runs in my family and I got it after suffering from stress. This cream has controlled the itching and has taken away a lot of the unsightly scales and redness that covered my arms and legs.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by 4Yahshua (Fountain Valley, CA) on 07/18/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar/ Baking Soda (aka Sodium Bicarbonate) for Psoriasis

Thanks for the information! Through this remedy,Yahweh seems to be healing my Psoriasis plaques (all!) HalleluYah! I started taking this 3X's a day about a week ago:

2 Tbsp. apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 1 tsp. Baking Soda. (I am 160 lbs. You may want to use less or more baking soda.)

Mix this with warm pure water 1/2 to 3/4 cup.

I take first on rising, during the day, and before sleep at night. The large plaques on my leg are only faint pink patches now, as are the ones under my arms and other places. Before I started drinking this drink, my leg plaques were shedding skin at least twice a day and I seemed to be itching all over. I do follow a healthy diet, taking a number of supplements including lecithin capsules. I was waiting for my Psoriasis to disappear completely before reporting my case. However, maybe my words will help you now if you are are being plagued by Psoriasis as I was. May you also be blessed by this remedy is my prayer!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sela (Huntsville, Alabama) on 07/25/2008

My Psoriasis started 8 years ago after working a highly stressfull job (where I also got many other stress related ailments as well). The Psoriasis started on my scalp then a few years later migrated to my forhead and then to my cheeks near my nose and finally to the sides of my face near the hairline. Everytime I'd go through major stress, the Psoriasis would spread. It has been a really bad case to where I won't go out in public and can't cook because my skin is constantly flaking and literally falling off. I tried medicated shampoos which hurt, dried out my face and left me a flaky mess from then on. It's like dandruff on your face!

I came across this site and decided to try ACV and it has worked to keep my scalp and face clear.

What I do:
If I'm having a flare up and I'm all flaky, red and uncomfortable:
1) Cleanse my face. 2) Pour some ACV on a cotton ball. 3) Stand in front of a fan and swipe the affected areas with the ACV reapeatedly (the fan is because the ACV stings a lot when the skin is raw from the condition). 4) Apply thick moisterizer or vaseline (vaseline works best for me) over the affected areas. I repeat this for 4-6 nights in a row and apply moisturizer during the day. You can tell it's working as your skin clears up the ACV no longer stings.

To maintain the flare-ups from starting again, I follow the above steps at least once to twice a week even if the skin is clear but use regular moisturizer instead of vaseline. The ACV does not sting at all at that point.

If I forget to use the follow-up ACV, my skin will start to feel tight and dry. At that point I follow all the steps and am fine just doing it for 2 days.

Added Skin Benefits:
Clean pores, rosey complextion, evened skin tone and no scars from the Psoriasis anymore after flare ups.

I've also used internally for allergies recently, which I will post about in that section.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 04/04/2022

Hello Gail,

Yes, Hope's Relief shampoo is a wonder that I wrote about on this Site a while ago now: I am glad that you are having success with it. The dreaded itchy scalp is held at bay with Hope's.

The conditioner they put out offers additional protection but I get by without it.

I don't need to shampoo as often either.

Unfortunately, it does not seem to readily lather in our water, does it lather in yours OK?

I still use it though, as it trumps all others I have tried - natural too, which is a plus.

I also use a 50/50 spray of ACV and H2O and leave on to soak for a while after the shampooing.

Malcolm Harker Herbals stock a skin, itch remover (again an NZ product) which is effective.



Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dr. Joe (Tampa Fl) on 03/16/2021

Psoriatic patches on face and thigh

My daughter had (HAD) psoriatic red patches on her face, thigh, and arm. We tried many methods and of course, the DR did nothing. We did not want to introduce antibiotics only topical. We tried Retin-A and everything else in between. What finally took care of it was one or a combination of the following...

  • MG-217 psoriasis(coal tar) multisymptom ointment over the counter at your local Walgreens or CVS,
  • Hyaluronic acid beauty cream from Vitamin world,
  • NOW brand tea tree oil,
  • Uncle Harry's spearmint toothpaste.

What really I believed helped after using the previous for about 1 to 2 weeks alternating was putting Elmer's glue on at night time which starves the area from oxygen. Also, Dog licks can help which my daughter said the dog liked to lick her arm.

Eucerin lotion if it gets too dry or itchy. Use sparingly so it can heal. Any q's please ask. Good vibes.

Dish Soap for Scalp Psoriasis
Posted by Anon (Not Canada) on 10/25/2020

Scalp Psoriasis

Dish soap eliminates itching right away, too. It's a natural brand common at grocery stores. The unscented is what I use most but the lavender works, too. It relieves itching and heals the sores when used every other day. I have very long hair and the soap has not damaged it.

Another big name dish soap does not work nearly as well.

I started taking selenium and flush-type niacin and getting more protein and my scalp is feeling better. To accentuate the flush (which feels so good as it creeps up the back of your neck and across the top of your head! ) chew the niacin and swallow it with some water and then chew on a 1 inch piece of fresh ginger. Do it on an empty stomach. I get up early in the morning and do it and then go back to bed and let it do its thing. I also take 3 drops Lugol's 5% and magnesium with it. There is a store brand that is marketed as a chelated magnesium that helps with sleep and bone health. It knocks me out and has a pleasant relaxing effect for a few hours after I finally get up.

If you wear hats, headbands, or ponytails that trap heat and moisture they may be causing the condition. Just washing them after each use may resolve the condition.

Virgin coconut oil scalp massage feels amazing, too. ☕

Black Seed Oil, Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Cat (Waco, Tx) on 08/24/2018


Doctors gave cortisone cream that works briefly but does not stop new growth of this awful disease. So now, we are testing/using used 2 items topically on my sister: Black Seed Oil and diatomaceous earth. She puts a tsp of BSO into hands and spreads on the infected sites waist down. We mix a tbsp of diatomaceous earth and 2-3 tbsp. water into paste and spread on upper half patches - allowing it to dry on skin. I wish she could take both internally to see if can work but she has severe stomach issues from once having cancer.


1. Black seed oil turned patches into pink patches within 2-3 days of application. But, because we ran out of the small amount we had, they are reappearing slightly -- so must get more.

2. Diatomaceous earth is turning the white patches black first then seems to heal a bit toward pink patches. But, we have not been as consistent with this as it does look unsightly.

Summary: I like what the Black Seed Oil is doing but it is so expensive and runs out fast -- we can barely afford it. So we are applying the paste of Diatomaceous earth for now. Sure wish she could ingest both but don't want to hurt her super-sensitive stomach that gives her much pain. One thing for sure, we won't give up!

Mental and Emotional Peace
Posted by Dieter G (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/06/2017

The role of mind and emotional peace in psoriasis

84, male, from Berlin/Germany, in Australia since 1952.
Stressful marriage on top of all other newbie cultural adjustments.
Psoriasis all over the usual places.
After 15 years in AU visited my home town Berlin on my own for about 3 months, at the end of which all symptoms had dissipated and I was cured.

It never recurred.

Pine Nuts, Blackberries
Posted by Canadaguy (Vancouver) on 11/07/2017 15 posts

I wanted to let you know that my psoriasis, which I have had for about 15 years or so, has gotten better since I started doing two things. First of all, it's only about 3' by 4", which is kinda small compared to many other people. It hasn't gotten worse in that time, just moved down from my knee to my lower leg. It itched and scaled a lot. The itching went mostly away when I started eating blackberries every day. Then I bought pine nuts, and wow! The scaling went completely away too! In addition it seems some of my food sensitivities went down or away with the pine nuts. I know psoriasis is considered an auto-immune disease, and I think the pine nuts may be useful to interrupt that process for some. It definitely hasn't fixed my psoriasis, just made it less 'angry', and less thick a bit too. I think it may be the sterolins in the pine nuts and the mannose in the blackberries, as that is why I tried them. But I am not really that sure.

I used about 2$ Canadian in pine nuts a day and about 2 cups of blackberries per day also. I also avoided pasteurized milk products and wheat, but I have been doing that for a while.

Posted by Andrea (Williston, Nd) on 02/20/2016

Hello to the earth clinic community, I am a 48 year young woman who has been suffering for psoriasis for about 9 years, I had try many and when I say many I'm talking about almost every treatment I could put my hands on it with no results.

About a week ago my sister gifted me a pound of organic Turmeric, after reading a lot about their benefits, it was meant for making the golden milk, which seems to be good for lots of ailments, but as busy as I am I never took the time to make the milk, so I start drinking it as tea. Two cups of boiling water for 1/2 spoon of Tumeric every day twice a day.( it last for the two servings)

Its been a week since I started and I can tell everybody here with the happiest smile in my face that my skin is 80% clear, the flares had stop and the ones I had kind of froze and are residing.

All I can say now is that it seems to be working for me, I haven't seen my skin, as white and clear for so long, and now I can't wait to see how is going to look in the next couple of weeks, ( I might be able to wear a bathing suit again...:)

Any way, I had the recipe out of YouTube, and from my heart I hope this help a lot of you who are in the same situation.

Full of love and hope!!

Posted by Maria (Florida, US) on 07/17/2015

A friend of mine ask me about how to cure psoriases in her toe nails. Her doctor said it was not of fungal origin. I did some research and find that Iodine 3% cam be used in the area. She did it and in a months + or - it was gone. I believe psoriases is not fungal in origin but related to toxins in the body.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cora (Texarkana, Tx) on 12/10/2017

Gluten, Dairy, Enzymes, Probiotics, and HCl. All have a major role to play in the battle for your health. Most of us have problems digesting our food because we are supposed to be eating raw foods which have enzymes that naturally starts breaking down food in our stomachs before our stomach acid (HCl) starts in on the food an hour after we eat. We are also supposed to chew each bite about 20 times to mix with our own enzymes in our saliva. The enzymes begin breaking down the food and "turn off" when our stomach acid comes in and works on the food some more. Then the food moves to our intestines where we are supposed to have an alkaline environment to turn these enzymes back on to continue helping break down food into the nutrients we need. Because of our lifestyle today, none off these things happen as they are meant to. So if you are not eating raw foods like a salad (that is organic! ) then you need to be taking an enzyme supplement when you take the first bite; Then take a HCl supplement an hour after you eat. And of course eating foods that promote an alkaline environment in your gut will also help greatly. However, that last part it is not so easy to do consistently. Particularly if you are already on another diet or have an allergen or intolerance.

My brother has psoriasis and is autistic and intolerant to gluten and dairy. We are also trying eliminate nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, paprika, etc). So far we have found that eating less nightshade vegetables and using topically or eating more coconut oil is helping us heal some of his psoriasis.

Cocoa Butter
Posted by John (Averill Park, Ny) on 01/27/2015

Hi Princessdiva,

My name is John and I've had psoriasis for over 30 years . Like you I've tried everything . Could you please tell me your procedure for applying the cocoa butter to you psoriasis ? Please tell me how many times you apply it and the specific brand and any additional information .Thank you Princessdiva .

God bless and everyone who uses it!

Castor Oil, Turpentine, Coconut Oil
Posted by Robbie (Philadelphia, Pa) on 01/15/2015

Psoriasis Cure:

I wanted to share a combination therapy that took care of my recent (and nasty) outbreak of psoriasis on the top of one of my hands as well as the groin area. I have no idea what caused this outbreak this time, I have not had one in years, other than I was loading up on plenty of sweets for a good while just before it happened. This is something I don't normally do.

This lead to the psoriasis on the hands spreading to four of my fingernails and turned them bad.

After much reading on earthclinic, I began to (one by one) try the various suggested remedies - including different alkalizing therapies, ACV twice a day, coconut oil , and even colloidal silver sprays as a topical.

I am convinced by now , that psoriasis (as well as eczema are caused by a fungal /candida overgrowth as sugar nearly always seems to aggravate it, along with it mostly growing in areas that are moist. ( I wore work gloves all summer while gardening, and sweating profusely in them, and why I feel my one hand broke out, strangely the other hand did not at all! ).

Believing psoriasis to be a fungal issue, I had been experimenting with Dr. Jennifer Daniels turpentine therapy (found online and I am an avid listener of hers) prior to this outbreak. I followed it for awhile and then forgot about it. I have recently started the turp therapy again, BUT while in doing so, I decided to mix a little with castor oil and apply it to the groin area that was growing so painful (burning and itching)from the psoriasis patches . I was getting desperate and determined to find relief some way, some how.

I found instant relief and the itching stopped almost at once. a few days ago I begin to add in a little virgin coconut oil to the mix and today I noticed the patches are disappearing very quickly, and the 'oozing' has mostly subsided! I couldn't believe my eyes! the oozing patches were beginning to make me crazy, smelly and just a real gross mess.

The mixture again: approx 1 TBSP castor oil in a dish, add approx 3 drops of pure gum turpentine, and 1/2 tbsp melted coconut oil.. mix it with your fingers and apply to the areas (and the areas surrounding the patches) leave it on overnight and repeat the process each day until its gone.

**Very important to keep the areas clean with a gentle washing a few times a day. Dry the area well (I used a hair dryer on a gentle setting) and wipe down the area with a rag soaked in ACV. I then tried slathering the entire area with the inside of the banana peel (something I read on earthclinic), dried the area again and then applied the castor oil/turp/coconut oil mixture.

As far as my fingernails go, they are somewhat slow to recover of course, as a whole new nail must regrow. I use a combination of various treatments and keep mixing it up to keep the infection from growing resistance to any one treatment.

I use the ionic colloidal spray on my entire hand and nails twice or more a day - whenever I think about it, along with ACV (soaking the nails in it). as well as peroxide, alcohol and even iodine/diluted. I have also introduced the turpentine directly onto the nails and allowing it to soak in and around and underneath the nails.

They are healing up nicely with new growth about half way out the nails.

I most certainly will keep a watch out on my sugar intake from here on out. I really feel like for me, it can trigger a horrific outbreak that can take months to get under control. I feel like maybe our systems are extremely out of balance with all the toxic overload in our bodies and environments.

I forgot to mention too that when I began these therapies, I immediately introduced probiotics back into my diet, something I had slacked off from for a long period. this included home-made milk kefir, home-made yoghurt, home-made fermented saurkraut, to get the stomach flora back in balance. The dairy did not seem to aggravate my psoriasis. I had also switched back to making my own home-made sourdough bread, noodles and other things with wheat, which I also drastically reduced my intake.

The hybridized, G.E , pesticide ridden wheat out there these days, I feel is very lethal for consumption> I am not sure if fermenting it helps, but are hopeful it might offset some of the dangers. if anyone knows, I would love to hear.

I hope this may help some of you, psoriasis is such a dreadful condition to have to deal with, I know.

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