Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

Saw Palmetto, Spearmind Tea
Posted by Drea (Sarasota, Florida) on 07/23/2009

I have been suffering from cystic acne for about 2 years. I went on birth control and that helped, but my skin was very oily, and I was very moody all the time. When I went off it, i developed really bad cystic acne. It was bad one month and then it was better. But it never went away. I came to the site about a year ago and started using many of the remedies but never was consistent to see results. But I was getting very depressed TO see my face the way it was. So I changed my diet, started ACV, cooked only with EVCO. I gave up all caffeine, coffee, started the Paleo diet, drank lots of water. I also started taking some supplements like zinc, omega 3, and evening primose oil. But within a month my face was the worst it had ever been!!! I was so depressed. I was really good about my diet, and I was losing a lot of weight. I didnt know what to do anymore!!! I was just going to stay at home and never go out!

I started doing alot of research, and I stopped taking all the supplements, stopped drinking ACV and I wasnt cooking with any oil, I did continue to follow the Paleo diet. Within a week my face was a little better, so I decided to start taking the Omega 3, and Primrose oil again. Acne was back in a few days. So it was the EFA'S that were giving me this terrible acne!!! It was trial and error, but its true.

I heard about saw palmetto, and I decided to give a try I take 320mg daily. It started working!!! I read that it helps to regulate hormones especially testosterone. I also read about the spearmint tea and gave it a try two cups a day. It works wonderful. I also noticed that my hair on legs wasnt growing as fast!!! I read that it helps with the androgens and with body hair. I feel so happy, my acne is gone, less body hair. I hope this info helps someone, because it has helped me! I still take the ACV it helps with weight loss cook with EVCO and once a week 50mg of zinc, I only use organic makeup and face cleansers! I stay away from sugar, eat lots of veggies and fruit!
