Seborrheic Dermatitis
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tehiya (New York, New York) on 01/02/2009

I tried Apple Cider Vinegar for Sebhorreic Dermatitis every day for about 10 days, and my scalp is no better than before. It didn't work at all.

Posted by Ruth (Costa Mesa, California) on 12/20/2008

I had seborrhea dermatitis for a year and have tried acv,and everything Ted recommended, but it didn't help much. I tried dermatologists and nothing helped until finally my internist suggested I try Edonazole Nitrate Cream 1%, I tried it and the seborrhea dermatitis is almost gone. I started with the cream 12-4-08 and this is 12-20-08. I am thrilled. I washed my face twice a day and applied a thin layer of the cream after each cleaning.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael McMath (Red Oak, Iowa) on 12/12/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar has cured my dermatitis/ sebhorea by 95%. I posted in Sept., 08 about cider vinegar alleviating my dermatitis on scalp and face.

Now in December, 08 I have dermatitis of scalp alleviated by 95%. That on my face is somewhat different. After a month or so, I began to get rapidly cyling minor patches on my face even though I am applying to face every day--several times. The patches would generally show up as dry rough spots which would flake if you gently scratched them. I would remove flakes then apply vinegar, which would show red and generally alleviate in 2-3 days. Now I seem to have fewer patches lasting shorter time and healing faster. I wish it would go away completely, but this is so much better than before. I just hope it doesn't stop working at some point.

I haven't been using the organic raw vinegar because it wasnpt available for some time, and have only been applying the regular cider vinegar to skin. I got a bottle of raw vinegar two days ago and have started to take a couple of tablespoons in V-8 juice and hope this helps and maybe will also reduce appetite as it did before. The V-8 is a very good vehicle as it just seems to be more tangy with vinegar. I just couldn't take vinegar in water and not at all unpalatable. I don't know if using raw organic vinegar has any virtue at all. I am sort of conditioned to thinkl that it should because it is, well, ORGANIC. The Del Monte Cider Vinegar seems to work as well on my face and scalp as the raw. Perhaps just plain white vinegar would do the job. Really,I imagine the acetic acid is the active ingredient. Has anyone out there tried white vinegar?

I know of two fellows who work in stores I frequent who have bad dermatitis of face and scalp. I really want to tell them about this, but haven't had the nerve to do it. I guess I will screw up the courage and tell them as I wish that if anybody who had seen me knew about this that they would have told me and spared me years of embarassment, frustration, and misery.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lissa (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 12/12/2008

Hi I just bought all this ingredients - apple cider vinegar and baking soda and excited to begin. I m using Head and Shoulders and its working well but am getting worried as my hair is always falling. This was the same when i was using Selsun which also worked well with me. SO im giving this a try and crossing my fingers that it will work as well as everyone here. Will keep all of you posted.

Posted by Ruth (Costa Mesa, California) on 12/06/2008

econazole Nitrate 1% available on internet. I found it at shopzilla for $7.99. It works!!!!!!!! I have had Seborrheic dermatitis for a year and gone to my primary physician and 3 dermatologists. My doctor prescribed this for me Dec 5, 2008 (this is 3 days later and the itching is gone the bumps and lumps on my face are better and I can tell it is the answer. I tried everything Ted suggested, some helped but did not cure. Put a thin coating on face 2 times a day after washing face. I use it morning and night.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by DL (Atl, Ga) on 11/23/2008

Update to my post about GSE and seb derm around nose. The external application of grapefruit seed extract WORKED! It's been 2 months now and I have no peeling and flaking. Occasionally I will have one postule appear halfway down my smile line after I eat chocolate ice cream or a piece of chocolate, but other than that, nothing. The bump disappears within 12 hours. I kept up the topical treatment every day for about a week, then once every 3-4 days for another week, then stopped altogether. Haven't applied it since then. Yahoo and Yea!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susanna (Austin, Texas) on 11/23/2008

Hi, you asked about supplements for nitric oxide. I'm sure you found something by now, being that this post was so long ago, but for anyone reading this now for the first time, as I am, I thought I'd reply back to you. There is a great supplement on the market sold in the sports section at health food stores called NO2. You should check it out if you have a deficiency of nitric oxide. It's also great for numerous things as better and faster recovery after working out, building lean muscle, burning fat, enhanced circulation, and more energy. The company that makes it is MRI. There are several other products in the sports nutrition field that are similar, but this is still the best one, and it's timed released, for maximum absorption. Hope this helps you, and maybe someone else reading this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by RITA (LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA) on 11/21/2008


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Christine (clearwater, florida) on 10/13/2008

Please help! If you want to skip the entire story, please just scroll to the bottom 5 or so paragraphs. However, if you can help, please do read the whole story.

I think I have had something fungal going on with my body for some time. All throughout my pregnancy (5 years ago), I had a few yeast infections all handled with acidopholis. My son was born with "cradle cap". He is 4 and still has it (I think it's fungal = sebboreac dermatitis)

I currently have very bad dermatitis on my hands and face. It started about 3 years ago in between my fingers - lightly red and inflamed on a few fingers. Never having taken a drug in my life (including natural births), I saw a nutritionist.

He is one of the new who knows how to PROPERLY muscle test, and can test the supplement for your body and the correct dosage. He handled many problems for me (including major back spasms preventing me from operating at all). He handled liver cancer on my father, I've witnessed him handling autistic kids - I can sum it up to say for the most part he knows what he's doing!

On the hands, he found that it was a parasite. Throughout the last few years, he's also found a fungus as well. Most recently he found a virus in the liver (which makes sense as liver dysfunction can cause skin problems) I have drastically changed my diet and eliminated ALL sugar over the past 3 months. I went strictly organic 3 years ago.

Despite doing his protocol, it would ebb and flow - each outbreak steadily getting worse and spreading onto my knuckles and front of hands.

After a year the redness then changed to red and small little pustules. (little clear "puss pockets" on my fingers and eventually moving into the palms of my hands). I am super hygienic - wash my hands about 8 times a day with mild natural hand soap - doesn't make sense.

Frustrated, I went and got topical fungal cream. It vanished after a few days - only to come back when I went off the cream.

Last year I had it licked for several months when I went onto NO sugar (no bread, legumes, honey, juice, etc.)... Then it came back after about 3 months.

Now three years later I've had all of my body products tested on me - I use 100% natural soap, shampoos, toothpaste, makeup, etc. I clean my house only with vinegar and peroxide. I eat like a hippie - it doesn't make sense!

3 months ago I went to a "natural spring" in Florida, The next day my entire tummy was broken out in hives. It spread up my chest, onto the neck and on the hands.

I decided to skip the nutritionist as I'd been struggling for three years. I went to a dermatologist who told me it was an allergy to whole food supplements! I didn't buy this, but decided to take the steroid and antihistamine.

I took both twice. I felt terrible and the condition got worse! I went back and the Doctor the next day who then told me to keep it up for two weeks as it could take that long !!!!!

Regretting taking the drugs I went to my nutritionist who handled it within a day - EXCEPT the hands (my struggle).

I then started soaking my hands in salt water. I'd do this about an hour a day. This would clear them up and instantly take away the itch (didn't hurt surprisingly) and chilled them out.

At the end of September it was my son's 4th birthday. I cheated on my no sugar and had a piece of cake (not all natural, organic and sugar free).

The next morning I wooke up and it broke out on my face!!!!!! Within a day of the breakout my chin was orange from the oozing. YUK. I can't go to work looking like this... I work in the financial industry!

I went to my nutritionist who couldn't handle it.

My hands were also worse than before - I could NOT stop from itching. I bought cortisone cream, tar, psoriasis cream, etc. and loaded it all on my hands. NOTHING stopped this terrible itch. The knuckles looked like I got into a fist fight and were bleeding and swollen. My fingers almost twice their size. The salt water was also not helping.

By the way, each breakout has been worse than previous - especially since these terrible drugs! I researched the drugs (prednisone, xyzol and another topical steroid) Turns out a side effect of these medical drugs is breaking out WORSE than before once you're off the drug!!!

The nutrition was ALSO not working and now I had an orange chin and bloody knuckles.

I finally broke down and went back to the MD again (I saw a different one). He said it was a staph infection (hands) and impetigo (face). I could think with this. I took the anti-biotic which totally cleared the skin. This made sense to me - nutrition not working with such a massive infection misdiagnosed for months.

I thought an anti-biotic is OK - I've never had a side effect from the 3-4 times I've taken them (no condition I've had ever came back).

Now I've been off a week. Within a day I could feel the skin heating up under the lips. The itch started the next day, along with chin getting red and the lips also have little bumps around the base. I also have white heads around my nose, which is slightly red.

I spoke to the MD, who wants to put me on more drugs. I truly don't think this is a solution - seeing the "side effects"!!!!

I took a BUNCH of oregano oil (3 days ago). The condition has continued to worsen.

Remember, I drink more than 1/2 my body weight in spring water a day and I ONLY eat organic veggies and chicken (I even clean and steam veggies in bottled spring water). No sugar of any kind (bread, fruit, refined, dairy, etc.) I don't even put dressing on my salad. The ONLY stray from this is one cup of coffee per day. This is definitely not some allergy from a crap diet or chemicals in my environment.

I found this site - T H A N K Y O U!!! I've been taking apple cider vinegar internally and externally since yesterday. The chin is definitely drying up but still quite red. It started bleeding today (I think it was so dry, that when I moved my mouth, it cracked a scab)

HOWEVER, the hands don't seem to be changing. The knuckles are redder today (with white flaky skin on top - I assume this is eczema) and continuing to get chubbier and spreading.

I've also been drinking water with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with lemon juice and two teaspoons of ACV. I've put the ACV on my face and hands three times a day.

The redness is not yet going away on the face, but it's crusting up (yuk - sorry if this is gross).

Last night I put yogurt on my face and hands (the thick Greek yogurt) and taken a bunch of acidopholis. The yogurt seems to draw some of the gunk out as a "white head" formed after I rinsed it off.

I considered the oil gargle - but am worried I'll detox too fast and the skin will get worse than it is now.

I am going to start with coconut oil tonight and see if that helps on the hands.

I need to know from other people out there - does it sound like I'm improving?? Anyone else go through these symptoms before (or as part of) healing??? My main concern is whether or not I am healing.

Any suggestions? Please help! I am 29 and refuse to let this spread on my body! I plan on it being gone :)

Thank you so much,

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nancy (Orlando, FL) on 10/11/2008

I use Organic Apple Cider Vinegar for my seborrheic dermatitis and sensitive scalp. I typically take about 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/4 cup of water and mix it in a spray bottle (1 part to 1 part). I spray it directly on my scalp, by combing through the different sections. Then leave it on for at least 10-15 minutes. Then I rinse it out and use a mild shampoo & conditioner. The longer the better. Its best to do it on the weekends or at night because it does smell. (2-3 times a week) The worse you have it the longer it will take to see results. I started using the ACV because the Nizoral shampoo started making my hair really dry and brittle and it started to break and fall out. I have pretty oily skin and I needed to wash my hair every day. For the face, take a cotton ball and dab the mixture on the spots. And make sure you dry your hair good, the moisture breeds bacteria.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by DL (Atl, Ga) on 09/24/2008

Update to my first post about using grapefruit seed extract for dermatitis around my nose... After the 5th day of taking drops of GSE internally and it getting 50% better, but not more than that, I decided to start applying GSE to directly to the dermatitis. I put a drop of GSE on my palm and then touched the drop with my index finger and rubbed it in thoroughly to the dermatis, which wrapped around the underside of my nose and partially up the sides. Instant warming sensation. I kept the GSE on as long as possible, which frankly wasn't very long: 5-10 minutes max. I did this application once a day. It's intense, I must warn you. After a few minutes the dermatitis started to itch and burn. Quite torturous. When I couldn't take it any more I rinsed the GSE off with warm water and finished with cold water. I then applied pure shea butter. The itch then continues for about 20 minutes.

It's now day 5 (and I kept the GSE on for an hour, no problem) and my dermatitis is gone around my nose. The redness has slowly receded and this morning when I woke up the area was almost completely healed... the constant redness is gone! You'd think with a remedy so powerful that it would make the skin look worse, but it fact the opposite has occured. It gets red right after application, then heals over night.

Finally! After 10 years of non-stop, itchy, red, flaking skin!! I also know from experience that I will need to continue this remedy for at least another few weeks or it may come back. But hopefully I can eliminate it permanantly. I am thinking now that this condition may very well be caused by mites. So doing a yeast cleanse is important, but you also need to kill the mites on the skin with something powerful. I recommend that people try using grapefruit seed extract for scalp infections, seb derm, mite infestations. It might also work for rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.

Finally, I want to thank Marea soooo much for her thorough posting about Grapefruit Seed Extract on the melasma page. That's what got me to try the remedy out in the first place. Yea, Marea!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by DL (Atl, GA) on 09/14/2008

I've had seborrheic dermatitis around my nose for at least 10 years now. Humidity helps a lot in the summer - my nose merely looks red around the edges, but in the winter it peels and flakes non stop. Milk and chocolate always inflame the condition. After doing a fair amount of research, and having no luck with topical prescription drugs or home remedies, I decided I needed to try and internal approach to the problem. One of the articles I came across said that a certain type of yeast contributes to Seb Derm. Putting two and two together (the foods that inflame it and the fact that it never goes away with any topical application for very long) I decided I needed to treat this condition like candida and get rid of the yeast. So I started on grapefruit seed extract about 5 days ago. I did 10 drops in water the first day (-- uggh! Not recommended. Use juice). The next morning I woke up with headache. I figured the headache was a good sign, a yeast die-off, and continued my grapefruit seed extract - 2 more dosages at 15 drops each dose. The next day I awoke to find that my headache was exactly the same as the day before. . Day 3, headache was gone and my seb derm had improved by about 50%.

I am continuing to use the gse 3x a day -- and will continue to for at least another month or more. I am trying to cut back on sugar and dairy to help the gse do its thing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Red Oak, Iowa) on 09/13/2008

Well. I have had slowly worsening contact dermatitis & seborrhea on my face and scalp for 20 years. I have been using corizone lotion and cream to control it poorly for the last 6 years. I am not a health food freak, but I somehow found this site and decided, "What the hell!" I bought a bottle of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and put it on my scalp and face for going on two weeks now. The scalp has gone from maybe 15 patches on my scalp to one, and the dozen or so patches which alternate on my face have just finished cycling out completely. So far so good. I am utterly amazed and hope that it continues to work. I don't think it is placebo because I've tried many things which were supposed to help which never did. Also, the quality of the commentaries on this remedy was very good, which helped a lot.

Also, I took a tablespoon in vegetable juice twice daily and within two days my appetite diminished by probably 50%, if not more. It was the damnest thing. I just didn't feel like eating, but otherwise felt fine maybe better. I ran low on vinegar and am waiting for supermarket to restock and have stopped ingesting ACV for perhaps 6 days now and my appetite has returned. I have had oral surgery during the last week, so perhaps the tooth infection may have influenced my appetite. But I hope the appetite supression returns when I get more vinegar. If it does I will regard all of this as a freaking miracle. At this point I would say to anyone, "Try it. What do you have to lose?"

Look for What Is Causing the Imbalance
Posted by Angela (Tonasket, WA.) on 08/18/2008

While a blood test for a skin allergy is at least going to work, why not try a muscle test, then just get it cured instead of having to avoid it. Better yet, treat the allergy, using NAET practitioners, and then avoid the lousy soaps anyways, and use a vinegar rinse to boot. Your scalp and hair, not to mention body, will love you for it.

Look for What Is Causing the Imbalance
Posted by Monique (Laguna Beach, CA) on 08/13/2008

After trying everything listed on this site, I decided to get tested for food allergies. I was skeptical, but after two weeks of avoiding foods I was allergic to, my scalp was 90% better. I am hoping the seborrheic dermatitis completely goes away in a few more weeks. I highly recommend getting the blood test for food allergies / delayed food allergies. Is is worth every penny. Everything else works temporarily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diana (Brockton, MA) on 07/23/2008

apple cider vinegar with the following has improved 99.99% my scalp condition of sebhorreic dermatitis: spray or just add to scalp prior to washing hair, leave 5 minutes on scalp, then shampoo with lavender shampoo and 2 drops of tea tree oil, again leave 5 more minutes, then shampoo again with DHS dandruf shampoo (you will find this one over the counter, contains Zinc)and end with a tea tree conditioner. After 2 weeks, my scalf looks almost natural and the itch has almost completely gone away. Once condition starts clearing, use DHS shampoo only a couple or times a week, same as vinegar.

Look for What Is Causing the Imbalance
Posted by DR. ROB JONES (DULUTH, MN) on 05/08/2008


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Franny (Chicago, IL) on 05/04/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar helped my seborrheic dermatitis. Over six months ago I developed seborrheic dermatitis under my nostrils and the sides of my nose. The dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream which did not help and which lots of people have advised not to use long term. After finding this site I tried the ACV. I apply it on the affected area once a day with a cotton ball. After doing this a few days the scales dried up and I was able to pick them right off. But what I think has really helped is drinking the ACV. I drink it with boiling water and honey. About 2 tablespoons ACV. I use the boiling/hot water because the honey doesn't dissolve in cold water. And I drink it with a straw so it doesn't ruin my tooth enamel. The affected area is soft and smooth now!! It's still a bit red but the scales are gone. Much easier to conceal. I still drink and apply the ACV almost every day.

Thanks to this site for a natural remedy that works!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dorey (San Jose, USA) on 04/14/2008

seborrheic dermatitis: I wrote to this website some months ago when I was desperately searching for a cure to my disgusting seborrheic dermatitis. ACV has been wonderful for me. I like to make a combination of 50% organic ACV, 45% hydrogen peroxide from the drugstore, 4% filtered water, and 1% tea tree oil. I use it as a rinse in the shower, leaving it on for about 5-10 minutes before I wash it out with all natural Jojoba Farms Natural Shampoo/conditioner. I wash my hair daily, if not every day, every other day. I find that washing my hair on a daily basis keeps the flakes away. I actually purchased a shower head water filter from a brand called Sprite, and I believe this has contributed a lot to my skins clearing up. There is a lot of chlorine in tap water and this is very bad for your skin, it's drying and unhealthy. i recommend these things for everyone. GOOD LUCK.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/14/2007 391 posts

Borax was not taken internally later on of 1/8 teaspoon in one liter of drinking water and only the borax and peroxide was applied externally. That's probably why it didn't work. Of course, getting the pH to 7 is still important. Dietary sugars and acid forming food is what is causing the seborrheic dermatitis.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Julie (New York, NY) on 10/12/2007


I left feedback for borax saying that it worked for my rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. It worked initially but it came back today. So I detract my initial claims in the feedback I left yesterday. Thanks.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Julie (New York, NY) on 10/12/2007


I have been struggling with seborrheic dermatitis on my face for 5 years. I have tried everything - drastic diet changes, candida elimination, probiotics, apple cider vinegar, topical steroids, msm sulfur, betaine hydrochloride, pancreatic enzymes, vitamin C, oil of oregano, flax oil, etc etc etc. A year and a half ago, I also developed perioral dermatitis and ocular rosacea. I read about borax and I decided to give it a try, taking 1/8 a tablespoon of borax in a liter of water for 3 days straight. After the third day, things were definitely changing but not noticeably better. I then decided to try to use borax topically. I combined a 1/2 tablespoon of borax with some hydrogen peroxide mixed with 50% water and I put it on my face then rinsed it off after about 30 seconds. It worked! My face feels as smooth as it did when I was a child, and my ocular rosacea is gone too. I didn't even remember what it was like to have normal feeling skin on my face with no rough patches, flaking, or redness. And I can't believe my eyes are back to their normal shape! I am so relieved. I feel and look like myself again for the first time in years. It seems miraculous. I am so so so grateful. What an excellent site. I suppose my problem was demodex skin mites, and the borax/hydrogen peroxide combo has eliminated them. I hope my experience will help someone else.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by DZ (CT) on 09/12/2007

I have had seb derm in the creases at the side of my nose for the last 15 years, on and off, mostly on. The doctors all prescribed steroid creams and antibiotic lotions, which worked temporarily. 2 weeks ago I decided to give apple cider vinegar a go. I stuck a clean q-tip in my bottle of acv and then applied to my clean skin, dabbing all the area around my nose that has the dermatitis. I did this 2x a day for the first day, then 1 more time on day 4. Then I gave it a break. The dermatitis cleared up on day 6 and hasn't yet returned. I no longer look like I always have a cold! The redness that accompanies the dermatitis is almost gone.

I figure I will apply the acv once a week for preventative measures. This is undoubtedly the best treatment I have tried thus far. If it stops it permanently, I will be thrilled. However, in the past the dermatitis flared up after consuming a lot of dairy products, so I always thought it was an internal condition... We shall see! I will report back in a month or so.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Seattle, WA) on 11/21/2007

I've had moderately severe seborrheic dermitis of my face, scalp since puberty, and in the 15 years since then, I have seen 4 dermatologists and tried every OTC dandruff/sd shampoo and every prescription cream, corticosteroids, etc. My facial skin was always red, inflamed or recovering from a flare up, or about to have another one. I really believed that I would always have to deal with this. On your site, I read about treating my skin with a cottonball of ACV. I tried it, it stung the skin until it dried. But immediately there seemed to be a benefit. After 3 days, my skin looked noticeably better and was soft and the inflammation went away. My skin completely quit flaking. I do treat it with a cottonball of ACV at least once a day it has successfully treated my problem since the first day I used it, 6/11/07, about 5 months straight! I've NEVER had anything work like this. It is almost unbelievable. My theory is the ACV kills the microscopic fungus that likes my chemistry on my skin. If I skip ACV for several days, I notice my skin slowly starts to get red and flaky again. ACV stings the most over the "flared up" areas, barely at all on healthy skin. I can't say enough about how thrilled I am about ACV for SD.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shana (Duluth, GA) on 04/18/2006

Upon finding this website, I have tried several cures for my seborrheic dermatitis. I have had no success. I followed the instructions as best as I could, but to no avail. I see no changes to my scalp. I also tried dunking my head in the bowl of ACV for 10 minutes. No major change.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Reader (Columbus, Ohio)

I used apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. I figured out an easier way than drenching my whole head in the liquid. I put the mix it in a squirt bottle filling about 1/5 hydrogen peroxide and the rest with the apple cider vinegar. You just hold the tip close to your head and squirt your scalp. Massage in and leave on for about 10 minutes. Then shampoo as usual. I have done this three times. The first time I had more flakes than ever before! I thought maybe that means it is working, so I did it again. The second time nearly all of the flakes were gone. After the third time I couldnt find a flake. My scalp looks so great! It is so nice to know that I am not putting some expensive toxic medication on my skin. Thank you everyone for your posts and for those who haven't tried it or didn't think it worked; do it at least 3 times before giving up. It works!

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