Natural Remedies

Effective Home Treatments & Natural Remedies for Shingles

Aloe Vera
Posted by Awagner3216 (Albuquerque, Nm) on 12/07/2011

I tried some aloe from the plant that I have and it made the itching and pain worse! I'm going to go to the store and get some Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oil.... Hopefully it will work, I'm only 22 and this is the first time that I have ever dealt with this. I hope that this is not a life long thing that keeps coming back!

Essential Oils
Posted by Ruark (Sydney, Nsw Australia) on 11/10/2011

I have been experiencing shingles for the first time. On the face which is excrutiating. Read a post here on using eucalyptus oil, so I just applied some and it certainly quelled the pain. As soon as I can get someone to help apply it to my scalp I reckon it will knock down the degree of pain too. Wow shingles is horrendous, any relief and a good night's sleep please.

Essential Oils
Posted by Sarah B (Jefferson Twp., Pa) on 05/27/2012

I used an essential oil mix that has provided so much relief in only a day and a half. Tried bc it was all I had that had Eucalyptus oil in it and turned out to be amazing.

Posted by sarah (New zealand ) on 05/04/2024

Get a heavy metal detox spray for your grandson. You can use a product from masterpeace too which is available in the States.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by God Made Natural Cures. (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/27/2014

Baking powder might work better than soda because the corn starch is soothing. You can make your own baking powder without aluminum. Recipe is one part baking soda, one part corn starch, and 2 parts cream of tartar. I make small batches and keep them in my old baking powder can. No preservatives and yet I have had none go bad.

Diaper Cream and Mylanta
Posted by Caroline (Charleston Sc) on 07/24/2017

Is the licorice taken internally or applied topically?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Breizhbabe (Woodley, Reading, Berkshire, Uk) on 05/30/2011

Hi, When our children had chicken pox, which is the same virus as shingles - to ease the pain of the blisters we were advised to put some oats in a muslin cloth, tie it and place it in the bath. This produces a milk which bathes the sores and soothes. I tried this last year when I had shingles for the first time and it was very soothing. I also put calamine lotion onto the spots (you can also use this for sunburn). I currently have shingles and I think they have affected my scalp. When I wash my hair I put one drop of tea tree oil into the final rinse water and this has soothed the scalp. I wonder whether peppermint might also help. Now I have read the article on apple cider vinegar will try that. You can buy organic apple cider that isn't that much more expensive.

Posted by Nypie (New York, Ny) on 05/21/2011

Hi all,

Last week I came down with a rash and then a few days later a cluster of blisters near my lip that looked horrible. I assumed they were the worst case of a cold sore I had ever had and proceeded to use whatever had worked in the past. To my horror nothing worked and I stayed inside my home for days feeling depressed about it while applying cold sore ointments and more. While thinking about it I thought it odd I also had a rash around the bumps which had never happened before so I started googling. So I came to the conclusion I had Shingles-hurrah! ... ? Knowing I had turmeric in the medicine cabinet and knowing it's supposed uses for skin ailments I decided to give it a try. I just pour a bit in my palm, add a bit of water and then apply it to the affected area. It is working! It is obviously healing and looking much better. I'd also advise tea tree oil & vitamins through diet & supplements.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lysine
Posted by Schuyler (Mullins, Sc) on 10/11/2012

I started with shingles Dec. 2012. Have had ongoing problems since then. It was hard to diagnose because it never came out as a rash, but stayed "inside. " It's in the left side of neck, left upper roof gum area, temple, top left side of head, partially down left neck and left shoulder. Been on antivirals & steroids 3 times. Now, back on antivirals alone. BUT... This time, I'm having an actual outbreak on the inside of the lower lid of my left eye. It's very uncomfortable. I've just taken the ACV for the first time after reading all the comments, but can anyone suggest what I might possibly be able to use for my eye to help with the bad discomfort? I know I can't put vinegar in there--UGH! Thanks for any help.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lysine
Posted by Connie (Slc, Utah, Usa) on 10/11/2012

Hi Schuyler; I would recommend high dose B12, even injections for shingles. B12 has antiviral properties, and it used to be used to treat them before the advent of antivirals. Shingles near the eyes may even cause blindness, so I can't help but ask you to hurry. B12 will also treat post herpetic neuralgia, which can be debilitating.

Posted by Marina (Miami) on 08/16/2023

Arsenicum album 200ck for shingles/viral rash

Side effects alert. I only took it 5 times in 2 days and started feeling extremely unwell, feeling sort like of one leg in a grave. I stopped it immediately, after concluding it must be arsenicum album, and today is the second day after I stopped, but not feeling any better. My detoxification is compromised to start with, due to MTHFR polymorphisms and low BP, and the dose is probably too high. This homeopathic remedy is suggested here on EC. If blood flow to the liver decreases as much as thirty percent, and this can happen in hypotension, plasma levels of hepatically cleared drugs are largely dependent on blood pressure and posture, this can cause toxicity buildup and even cause seizures. I should've been more careful. I was also taking L-Lysine, zinc-15mg, ascorbic acid and Lauricidin. But I started feeling unwell after adding the homeopathic remedy.

Posted by Marina (Miami) on 08/16/2023

I want to add, I should have started with Arsenicum album 30c, not 200ck, or reduced the number of pellets from 5 to maybe 2-3. Even though I feel like half dead, the stubborn rash is 90% gone. Will see if it comes back. It probably will for I have some underlying issues. This is what I was taking along with Arsenicum album (for 2 days): L-Lysine-500mgx4, zinc-15mgx1, ascorbic acid -1gx2-4 times/day, Lauricidin- only 3pelletsx3 and LDN 1mg. I was drinking a baking soda solution 2-3 times a day. Took 1-2 drops under the tongue -0.5% Methylene Blue solution for 2 days once a day. Except Arsenicum album I was taking other supplements for at least 10 days.

Electro Muscle Stimulus
Posted by D. Ron (Madison, Wi, Usa) on 03/14/2011

A patient came to my office with painful shingles on her arm and back. Ran my electro muscle stim over the area for about 10 minutes. She came in a week later and told me the shingles cleared with in 48 hours.

Cola Nut
Posted by Nanabea (Accra, Ghana) on 01/13/2011

My Grandma had a really bad episode of shingles. It weakened her and put her in agonisin pain. I came to this site to find something to stop the excruciating pain. I tried the ice pack and the acetone and aspirin concoctions they all worked relatively well. The cola nut however did the trick, although it itches unberably it took the pain away and cured the redness. The blisters vanished and she was up and doing the next day. It was such a relief to see her well again.

Black Tea
Posted by Suanne (Geelong, Australia) on 08/10/2010

I had shingles and the medication the dr gave me was not effective so I used tepid black tea to dab on the blisters and it cleared it up in a couple of days. I use the cut side of a slice of lemon to cure corns. Use it every time you think of it over the day. Soon gone forever.

Lye Soap
Posted by Benito (Rome, Ny) on 11/01/2009

Lye soap works on shingles I had them at 22 yrs old very painful I lathered lye soap on them and let it sit for agood 20 minutes and they dried up the next day.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Guest (Georgia) on 07/31/2017

She used capsaicin cream (that's the correct spelling), and it made her husband's skin burn like crazy. I've tried it for arthritis and muscle strain and it burned like crazy on me, too, so there's no way I'm putting on my shingles lesions. It works as she said, in a counter-irritation way.

Obviously, it works well for some of you, but if you haven't tried it yet: Don't apply without a glove or your fingers will burn for hours. It's really difficult to wash off (if you need to because it makes your pain worse), and you'd better throw the wash cloth away.

Essential Oils
Posted by Jenesse (Mesa, Az, USA) on 11/27/2012

Yes, the recommendation for Ravensara (Ravintsara) and Callophylum / Tamanu nut oil is from Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt's "Advanced Aromatherapy". You can use a 50-50 concentration. No additional carrier oil needed. I added a few drops of geranium which is also a great anti-viral oil. This blend smells earthy and sweet - it's great!

I currently have the VERY characteristic "shingles pain" , no blisters yet. The pain is already MUCH better and I'm praying it only gets better not worse. I additionally took a few oregano capsules, lots of L-Lysine and got a chiropractic adjustment - just be to be sure. I HATE the shingles!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Wendy (La Ceiba, Honduras) on 12/18/2008

I read with great interest all the remedies posted for shingles. Researching a bit on my own, I came up with this concoction which has reduced itching and pain as well as sped up healing.

In a very small container place One teaspoon of coconut oil, squeezing a gel cap of Vit E oil into it...add a teaspoon of Neem oil, 2 drops of grapefruit seed extract, 2 drops of oregano oil, 4 drops of sandalwood oil, a teaspoon of fresh aloe gel and a 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric.

mix this all up and dab it on the blisters. i lightly placed a tissue over this as the turmeric will stain clothing so wear something old.

I have eliminated coffee, alcohol, nuts, seeds and have upped my intake of papaya and sardines (high in lysine).
Internally, I am taking 15 drops of grapefruit seed extract and 2 drops of oregano oil mixed with water in a shot glass, followed by a large glass or pure water every hour. This mixture does not taste good, but has very strong anti viral properties and ANYTHING is better than the pain from shingles. DO NOT take more than 2 drops of oregano....this is powerful stuff. ALWAYS mix it with water.

I am on day 5 now. i started using this protocol on day 3. The first angry patch has scabbed over and and looks much much better and the other patches have not developed blisters I am hopeful for a brief experience.

Many of these ingredients are part of the Indian healing system called Ayurveda. I just added everything I researched into one method. Hope this helps you.

Zostavax Vaccine
Posted by Tony (Chantilly, Va) on 12/03/2008

Some of you may know,but for those who don't...There's a vacine for the cure of shingles called (Zostavax) no perscription is needed as it is given just like the flue shoot at most local clinics,walgreen's & cvs drug stores. The average cost is $225 and can only be given befor yon contract the virus or once you're over it. Hope this helps to rid everyone of Shingles.

Zostavax Vaccine
Posted by Tom (Elgin, Il) on 03/15/2010

Pharmacies charge just $25 for the vaccine, I just called after my doctor wanted $225.

Zostavax Vaccine
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 04/09/2024

My husband is wanting us to get the shingles vaccine. After some research, I read the Zostavas vaccine is no longer available in the US (it had approximately a 50% success rate). The article recommended not getting the vaccine if you've never had chickenpox (a blood test can check your immunity); if the blood test is negative, the varicella vaccine is recommended instead. Those with a weakened immune system that compromises the immune system should avoid it.

Still, I'm vascillating (I've had a compromised immune system and am GF). I never had pox as a child (was a baby when 2 older siblings bro ut it home from school). Thoughts from contributors and readers?

L-Lysine and Vitaminc
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere Usa) on 05/14/2014

Since shingles virus live in the spine, if I had shingles I would rub from the base of my skull to my lower back down the spine, with a few drops of clove oil. I do not know if this will help or not. But I have in the past had very bad pains in my spine and in my throat and rubbed both places with clove oil and it went away very over night. If I had sensitive skin, I would maybe dilute the clove oil. I don't have sensitive skin so I use full strength.

I believe somewhere on here Ted speaks of spinal virus and clove oil.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Waltraud (Arkansas ( Usa )) on 09/30/2016

Corn flour or oatmeal flour? There is a difference between the two, yet I have found that some people use both to mix with aloe vera and cayenne powder!!!!!! Can you comment please? Thank you Waltraud

Posted by Debbie (Syracuse, Ny) on 10/02/2015

I used a supplements too, and it has pretty much eliminated my shingles rash. 2000 mg daily of lysine for 3 days, then 500 mg in the a.m. and p.m. daily, Liposomal vitamin C 2000 mg ever 2 hours for the first 2 weeks, natural vitamin E 400 mg 2x daily, B-12 twice daily, moducare 2 caps three x daily for 1 week, then one capsule twice daily, vitamin D 5000 mg daily. I used bentonite clay on the blisters and they had drained in 2 days, then started using Emuaid max salve 2 x daily to heal the rash. They are looking real good, but still have to take pain meds for the underlying pain. I hope this pain goes away soon.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Carol (Los Angeles, CA) on 07/22/2006

My sister had an attack of shingles with pain so bad she could barely walk. She was misdiagnosed at first and told she would need back surgery. The 3rd doctor diagnosed shingles, and warned her that the terrible pain could possibly be permanent and that the ugly blisters on her back might cause scarring. She told me this on a Sunday morning and I said, "Try coconut oil. Keep it in your system (3 tablespoons a day)." She did, plus rubbed it on her back. The very next day, Monday, she went back to work (she had been out over 2 weeks), and worked ALL day. She told me that her pain had stopped and that the blisters were going away. It has been a week now and she is feeling "better and better." Because of her success, I began using Coconut oil for myself and noticed overnight improvement for my rosacea. May I also say that I think coconut oil tastes delicious!

How To Avoid Shingles
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 03/06/2024

Our young daughter-in-law just came down with painful shingles. I've forwarded your recommendations (prayers she puts some to use). I've been hesitant to have the shingles shot due to low immunity. Are there any suggestions to KEEP FROM getting shingles? My mom said that as an infant, my older sister and brother brought chicken pox home from school, but I never had any symptoms/rash/blisters. She even took me to the doctor to make sure!

How To Avoid Shingles
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 04/29/2024

Thanks "Mama". Your recommendations on board! What's your thought on this: My girlfriend awoke with shingles 3 weeks ago. It's been brutal - excruciting pain along her Trigeminal nerve, 3 ER visits (she's been there since 6am today), Gabapentin, botox injected into her scalp, a host of other scary drugs that have helped for a day or two. I'm wondering if the fillers and botox she injects herself with frequently could be part of the problem, or one of her 3 facelifts. Her painful episodes are enough to almost sign up for Shingrex.

Posted by Joseph (Stockton, CA) on 09/26/2021 73 posts

So you used lysine to help shingles, however there is not a Dosage that I can see. Please let me know of dosage. My 53 yr old contracted shingles 10days ago, however 3 days ago we learn they were shingles, he is a vet and is currently taking the ointment (Bactroban) Valtrex and Monohydrate (monodox). His current problems are: itchiness at site of rash (right side of face) pain at side of rash, right ear pain intermittently. If you need anti-itch cream when do you apply when he uses the ointment 2X daily? Will the basic little tube be uused enough or will he need more ointment? Any other info would be greatly appreciated since he has OCD & Schizoaffective.

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Debby (Monroe) on 09/15/2021

Hi, I am 63 and medication isn't stopping the spread. How much eucalyptus and how much hemp oil. Can I use jojoba oil instead. Thanks Debby

DMSO and Magnesium Oil
Posted by Roxie (Grand Rapids, Michigan) on 07/19/2022

I just read that dmso with oran (urine) works better than dmso alone. Still have to look into it, but Amanda Vollmer, who wrote a book about dmso, mentioned it in a thread on Facebook.
Worth checking out, I guess if it helps.

Shingles Vaccination in Elderly
Posted by Leona T. (MN) on 10/07/2019

My 94 year old dad got shingles November 2018. It got into his eye. He has been doctoring with it since. He still has haze over his cornea today. My question is should he get the new shingles shot?

Wild Green Oats
Posted by Don Z. (Malibu, CA) on 05/30/2019

Just heard from someone who had a very bad case of shingles that got cleared up really really fast with no return by WILD GREEN OATS - Avena Sativa. I wanted to memorialize this for people in need.

Coconut Oil, Carrots
Posted by Trish (Juda, Wi ) on 04/13/2018

I was diagnosed with shingles on Monday this week. I have had the rash for a week now, no blisters yet. It stretches from my spine under my shoulder blade to my sternum like a belt all the way around. Very uncomfortable. I have toughed it out for a while, but the past few days the pain is so terrible. Deep muscle pain like I was severely bruised from arm pit to hip, front, back all the way round. Terrible pain. I am taking the prescribed anti virals and nerve blocking pain meds, but the exhaustion and pain is keeping me from everything. I am also concerned about spreading this to myself on other parts of my body and also my kids and husband. I also read to mix baby aspirin and bag balm together and apply to the rash, their rash healed in three days, what do you think? I am also going to try eating the coconut oil as I use this quite a bit, so do I eat 2 tablespoons at one time? What other things do you recommend?

Vitamin C
Posted by Alexander (Louisiana) on 12/22/2017

I know I am responding to a very old post, but I had to add what helped me and my shingles problem. My shingles outbreaks were continously, in the same place. As soon as one outbreak would heal, another would break out. Then I started taking Vitamin C to bowel tolerance and have never had another shingles outbreak in years. Not to mention my overall health has also improved. It's worth a try.

Lysine, Olive Leaf
Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 10/08/2016

Hi Angee,

If you have not yet tried lemon water, that is a whole lemon juiced in about two cups of water, give it a try. When I added this the tingly feeling left.

I had the shingles rash on my leg. I used the same helps you did and maybe a few more. Like a baking soda and water paste to get rid of the initial pain and itch. I also used Castor Oil which was very soothing for my leg. When the pain finally made it exit between supplements and all the Lemon water chased the tingly feeling. A

I still had a few threatening bumps and when I would eat the wrong food or supplement the bumps would start to itch again. Not as painful as at first so did not take anymore lysine.

What I got was a stronger Olive Leaf than I had, this one with 20% Oleuropen. I also put some Hydrogen Peroxide in a spray bottle. I sprayed rash with Hydrogen Peroxide morning and evening. Then I would spread on the Caster Oil. The rash is not to be seen at all. That took about two week to get rid of remaining bumps. And I still drink my lemon water.

