Natural Remedies

Effective Home Treatments & Natural Remedies for Shingles

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Carrie (Oklahoma ) on 01/27/2022

Re: Antifungal Cream for Ringworm Helps Shingles

I thought I had ringworm when it first started on my back. I used a mixture of Tinactin and yeast infection cream to treat it. We raise sheep that give us some hard to cure ringworm, so I use two different meds to treat it. I then broke out in other places and realized it wasn't ringworm and I didn't hit the front with ringworm meds. The patch treated with ringworm early was huge, but it dried up faster and hurt very little but the other non treated patches have been very painful. Also, I ended up going back to the ringworm meds because it controls the pain better than any other patch, cream or soak I used. I use it on the back patch 2x a day since it doesn't hurt any more, but I apply it to the front as often as needed.

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 12/07/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and just checking in to let you know that making CDS is a no-brainer if you have the right glassware. I did not and had to make do with what was in the kitchen. The Chlorine dioxide is made and now I have to properly dilute to suit what program we opt for. Everything must be glass with no plastic. I have the graduated cylinders and liter jars ordered from Amazon. Researched and found that CDS cures Genital Herpes so it should handle Shingles because that is Herpes Zoster. Herpes is supposedly not curable but one person said she had breakouts every few weeks for the last 20 years and had none for 6 months since taking the CDS. Now that will give the medical folks indigestion for certain. Life is just a bowel of cherries. ====ORH====

Chlorine Dioxide
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 12/05/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and will do little medical practice without a license. Tractor Driver has another Shingles outbreak and is always around her left eye. Treatment in the past has been antibiotics and Vit C IV. It is now back after only two months. As all know I spent almost 40 years breathing Chlorine Dioxide fumes while working in pulp mills. Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide are two different animals. I have the compounds to make a weak solution of CDS and it takes a day for the gas to be absorbed in distilled water. Jim Humble called it MMS but this is called CDS, the proper name. Shingles is a virus and this will address it. We shall see. It cures Covid 100% in 4 to 8 days as all know Bolivia went from 100 deaths per day to zero. They even passed a law that it had to be used. If this works, BIG BROTHER will be after ====ORH==== for certain.

Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 10/19/2021

My wife's grandmother, when in her early 70s, had had chronic shingles for a couple of years. Kroger started carrying acidophilus milk. She started buying it once a month, and each time would be shingles free for a week. She started buying it twice a month, and would then be shingles free for 2 weeks out of each month.

Finally, she found she could buy acidophilus in capsules, and as long as she continued to take them she had no more shingles.

Posted by Joseph (Stockton, CA) on 09/26/2021 73 posts

So you used lysine to help shingles, however there is not a Dosage that I can see. Please let me know of dosage. My 53 yr old contracted shingles 10days ago, however 3 days ago we learn they were shingles, he is a vet and is currently taking the ointment (Bactroban) Valtrex and Monohydrate (monodox). His current problems are: itchiness at site of rash (right side of face) pain at side of rash, right ear pain intermittently. If you need anti-itch cream when do you apply when he uses the ointment 2X daily? Will the basic little tube be uused enough or will he need more ointment? Any other info would be greatly appreciated since he has OCD & Schizoaffective.

Posted by ron (pocatello, idaho) on 09/23/2021

Shingles is a terrible condition for many people and a cure is available and cheap; (echinacea one or two ounce bottle take the whole thing through the day); it has worked for three people that I know of, including myself. God bless and good tidings.

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Debby (Monroe) on 09/15/2021

Hi, I am 63 and medication isn't stopping the spread. How much eucalyptus and how much hemp oil. Can I use jojoba oil instead. Thanks Debby

Zostavax Vaccine
Posted by Gail (New Hampshire) on 04/12/2021

My 2 youngest daughters got shingles at ages 5 and 7 after getting the chickenpox vaccine. The doctors didn't quite know what to think. Thankfully they didn't suffer much. I did not allow them to get the booster vax, and the school nurse was okay with that. Some years later I came across an article:

Perfectly explained what is happening to our elderly population now. I'm nearing the end of what is my first- and hopefully last- shingles outbreak. Thanks to EC, I have an arsenal of knowledge that will allow me to prevent this should it try to attack me again! And no, I won't be getting the shingles vax or any other for that matter!

Vitamin B12
Posted by Charles (MN) on 04/12/2021

to aurora in mason city:

lysine for shingles (it's a herpes virus) 3000 mg a day 1000 morning, 1000 noon 1000 night. for 3 days. 500 mg. every day for the next week..

Vitamin B12
Posted by Aurora (Mason City, LA) on 04/10/2021

Hi, I recently had shingles, with a lot of pain in one leg. I talked to a doctor friend in Mexico and he told me that they use vitamin B12 to heal and help regenerate nerves. Also, I found out that Acetyl-L Carnitine is good for neuropathy pain relief, and possibly regenerating the nerve.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 04/06/2021

Hi, have you read through all of the posts on EC's shingles page? Also, check out the Reader Q&A page for many helpful replies from people.

Here's a recent Q&A that received a lot of responses.

P.S. When I had shingles, an antifungal cream applied to the painful area helped immensely. Found that one on Earth Clinic!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Art (California) on 04/06/2021 2154 posts

I have had luck using aspirin in lotion. The aspirin has antiviral activity while also relieving pain. I had to apply it frequently as the pain would come back. Here is a study that shows that it is effective :

I have also used lotion in Original Gold Listerine to make a spray that was convenient, but required a little more frequent application.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shadel (Nebraska) on 04/06/2021

Having shingles pain for approximately 3 months, I am at a loss what to take/apply for this problem. I experience pain at night which disturbs my sleep tremendously. I have used vinegar, cooling gel, colloidal silver, oregano oil, coconut oil. Also goldenseal paste. Thank your for suggestions.

Posted by Sherry (Phoenix, AZ) on 03/04/2021

Last year had an outbreak of shingles, had lysine on hand so upped my dose to help remove the shingles virus. Outbreak on the right side of my body in 3 weeks cleared. I've had 3 more outbreaks, the last one felt like it was going in my right eye so much pain, also in my scalp. It crossed over to the left side pain and burning on my hip, I took 6 lysine and within 20 minutes watched it dry up. Reading it is caused by too much arginine in the body, must keep more lysine than arginine. I was putting 1 tablespoon cocoa powder in my coffee every morning high in arginine, it blocks lysine. Now I watch my intake of arginine and take 4 lysine capsules a day. No more outbreak.

Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Pam N. (Kent, WA) on 03/03/2021

I'm 67 yr old, got shingles on my face and in my ear and on my eardrum. Did the Dr thing, anti-viral, steroids, sleeping pill, pain pill, lidocaine gel. My search led me to eucalyptus oil, several drops in a tablespoon of hemp oil, which worked like a charm and took the pain away immediately, applied as needed. I was basically bedridden for a month feeling sick and vertigo from shingles on my eardrum. It has been 5 months of residual pain around my ear, across my cheek, on my lower lip, and my tongue. It continues to fade but my tongue always feels weird.

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by JoS (Florida) on 12/29/2019

The anti-fungal cream took away shingles pain on my back. Applied it twice a day.

Antifungal Cream for Ringworm
Posted by Anon (TX) on 10/23/2019

Dear god...thank you to whoever posted first on the antifungal cream for shingles pain.

The docs gave me the antiviral pills. Then nerve pain pills. Then lidocaine patches. Then told me if it got any worse they could admit me to the ER for some serious pain control. In total desperation I returned to this site and read EVERY remedy (I had already tried the top ones, several times.) Towards the bottom of the pile I found this gem. And I had antifungal cream on hand since one of the boys needed it for jock itch. It is also good for ringworm...and btw can usually be found in any dollar store. I grabbed our tube and within 2 hours I had drastically less pain. Not NO pain but certainly it knocked about 80% of it gone! I could live with the rest until the shingles subsided. Between the cream and the bleach baths, shingles became a tolerable thing and kept me out of the hospital and back to work the next day.

Again....THANK YOU.

Mama's Shingles Remedies
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 11/18/2019

It took me a week to realize I was dealing with shingles. I had a belt of pain around my lower ribcage on just one side. The pain was so intense I would become short of breath. Once I realized it was not injury or a lung issue, I began treating it as a virus. I was also experiencing itchy skin that felt burned, which was the clue to shingles.

1,ooo mg of lysine each day
2 t. coconut oil a few times a day
vitamin c

1 -2 dropperfuls of cayenne pepper tincture in juice 4 x a day

and...baking soda baths!

They helped more than Tylenol. 1-2 cups each, Epsom salt and baking soda. I recall that those baths helped my children when they had chicken pox. Sometimes I would use pain patches from the dollar store. They have a lot of menthol in them, and capsicum. Salonpas patches were hard to remove and irritated my skin - the generic pain patches never bothered me!

I hope you never get shingles, but if you do, I hope these remedies are helpful for you! ~Mama to Many~

Shingles Vaccination in Elderly
Posted by Leona T. (MN) on 10/07/2019

My 94 year old dad got shingles November 2018. It got into his eye. He has been doctoring with it since. He still has haze over his cornea today. My question is should he get the new shingles shot?

Wild Green Oats
Posted by Don Z. (Malibu, CA) on 05/30/2019

Just heard from someone who had a very bad case of shingles that got cleared up really really fast with no return by WILD GREEN OATS - Avena Sativa. I wanted to memorialize this for people in need.

L-Lysine, Manuka Honey
Posted by Julie (SWFL) on 03/21/2020

Lysine + maximum strength (MGO) raw Manuka Honey raw

My husband had chicken pox twice (as a child and in high school) and recently had his first episode of shingles, on one arm.

I gave him 1000 mg Lysine (by mouth) twice a day, coated the rash with the highest MGO rated Manuka honey and covered it with gauze + a tube bandage overnight for 5 days. It's gone.

Colostrum, Lysine
Posted by Para (Tennessee) on 01/08/2019

Because of another underlying disease, I have Shingles every day of my life for 5 years.. The way I keep it from flaring up and causing me pain in my head is Colostrum LD Powder. I worked up gradually to 2 or 3 Tablespoons a day. This will take the pain away within an hour or two after taking it. I also take 500 to 1000 mg Lysine daily. Prevention for me is taking the Colostrum and Lysine without fail daily. If I have made mistakes (forgetting to take the above or eating arginine foods) and ended up with a severe bout of Shingles, I add in Manuka Honey from New Zealand 15+ officially graded it seems to give an extra punch when coupled with the other things.. How I get severe bouts - eating anything chocolate, eating Vanilla Bean not Vanilla flavored but the bean itself .. got to stay away from Arginine foods very important because if the Arginine fills up the pathways and is overpowering the Lysine in the pathways, you will get an outbreak of Shingles.

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