Sinus Congestion
Natural Remedies

Quick Sinus Relief: Natural Remedies for Congestion

Ajwain Seeds
Posted by Johnathon (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 04/17/2008

I tried the ajwain seeds a couple of times yesterday and didn't see any results, i followed the instructions to the T, didn't experince any of the sensations that i read from other peoples testamonials, so i then tried the spicy tomato tea and only got minor results. So i made another tea about three hours later and still only minor results, it did however help me sleep better, without having to take my any pills which i normally take to help me sleep.. I woke up without any pressure in my sinuses, and no headache, so this morning a dank another tomato tea, and a couple more througout the day. Along with drinking the tea i decided to steam with apple cyder vinager which really helped loosen up my stuffy sinuses, i added thyme and fenugreek to the cyder, not sure if that helps? im going to try a few more cures from your site, and continue with the tea and steam, and keep searching till i find what works best for me...
