Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

Baby Shampoo
Posted by Ria (Seattle, Wa--usa) on 02/22/2017

I'm in shock. I'm so glad I found this thread. I've had the most stubborn flu this year. I'm a regular sinus rinser...I use NeilMed's packets and squeeze bottle. After my first round of flu taking 11 days to heal, a friend (I could kill him! ) kissed me without permission when he was just starting to get sick...and I got sick again. It was settled into my sinuses for another week, so I start looking for ideas.

Using the 1/4 tsp baby shampoo to 1 c. warm water recipe worked for me immediately! Wish I'd sought more knowledge sooner, but grateful to know this now!

Baby Shampoo
Posted by Sam (Texas) on 09/29/2014

I have had really bad sinus pressure & pain for a couple days & knew it was a sinus infection. I have been reading all the sinus remedies & thought the baby shampoo sounded crazy, but I tried it anyway & it worked immediately! Since I'd been reading a lot ... I made my own concoction of 3 oz saline, 2 drops baby shampoo, a pinch of baking soda & 2 drops raw honey...shook it up & inhaled it. Within minutes the sinus pressure & pain started to give way & cleared out. I could function again. I just used it a 2nd time before bed to make sure I can breathe clear thru the night. No burning or negative affects. I thought I was going to the doctor for antibiotics & now I know that I am not. Thank you for this odd but effective bit of wisdom. I love earthclinic and all the kindred spirits here who take the time to share what works for them... and what doesn't.

Baby Shampoo
Posted by Alex (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/01/2008

I got a nasty sinus infection during the first week of January 2008. I went to my doctor a couple of weeks later and over the next few months I was given a variety of antibiotics, nasal sprays, singular, Claritin and a neti pot. I tried the silver spray and even used grape seed oil, oil pulling and apple cider vinegar but nothing worked until last week when my doctor gave me this simple advice.

She said: "Add two drops of BABY SHAMPOO to your saline nasal spray twice a day." I started that three days ago and I feel a thousand times better!!!!!!!! I am sending her a thank you note next week. Spread the word, use 2 DROPS OF BABY SHAMPOO IN YOUR NASAL SPRAY!
