Skin Condition Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Josey (Tulsa, 0l) on 09/08/2012

I had crust and cracking behind my ears for about a year and could not cure it with anything. Then I began applying ACV and by the next day it was gone, and in a week of applying it, it never returned.

Posted by Evelyn (Thousand Oaks, California) on 07/06/2012

I had really bad dyshidrosis and apple cider vinegar and water (50:50) applied on my palm and between my fingers (where I had the vesicles and blisters) for 30 minutes a day helped to clear it up as it was most likely fungus related from what I have researched.

Posted by Walter (San Diego, Ca., USA) on 04/09/2012

I stumbled on your web-site while seaching for information about itchy skin and possible iodine therapy. Thank all of your readers for sharing their use of iodine.

Several persons remarked that they did not observe any changes to some of their iodine uses. One major reason for this is that iodine, like all supplemental nutrients, does not work by itself. They all need helps or co-factors. Another unappreciated reason is bio-chemical differences among all of us. We need specific monitoring for a best fit.

I did a comprehensive research about iodine and posted my findings as an article on the web-site:

This health menu has other doccumented researched and nutritional information, including co-factors, magnesium, zeolite, body acid-alkalinity, etc..

My research, as shared by renoun researchers, found that good research about the affect of iodide on skin health is lacking. Testimonials may not be scientific but these are the best we have at this time. So one has to be careful in drawing conclusions. I have had itchy skin for a long time and have been looking the the real cause of itchy skin instead of listening to dermatologists that dry skin causes itchiness! I have re-started using Lugol's solution 2%. Lugol's is made up of two forms of iodine --- iodide and iodine. It is iodide that is stored in the skin and other issues; while iodine is used by the thyroid gland. More inbfo on all of this on the sited web-site.

Thank you, for all the info,

Walter Sorochan, Emeritus Professor San Diego State University

Blotchy, Red Face
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 09/10/2011

I absolutely know what you are talking about. All my life I would flame up on exertion, or in hot weather, not to mention if I had one glass of wine. Lately this has eased though slowly. What happened was I discovered I had hemochromatosis.. That is my body stores all dietry iron, common among celtic types. I have been treated for the last 8 months by regular bleedings at the blood clinic.. This is critical as the buildup of iron is dangerous (check out internet for more info) What I had thought was a malar flush (lupus symptom) on my face is almost gone now. The last two weeks the fading has been much more noticable as I have increased my iodine supplement. Dr. Can check for iron overload with a serum ferritin test. They don't usually check that one when they do the hemoglobin test for iron in the blood (anemia) which is a different thing altogether.

Blotchy, Red Face
Posted by Tim (Tennessee) on 08/30/2015 21 posts

I use zinc oxide paste, aka diaper rash creme for babies, 17 pct plus zinc , left it on over nite, works great, note, take a picture of your face, and notice the difference after a week, it works.

Posted by Skyeclown (Davidsonville, Md, Usa) on 07/15/2011

Have you considered it may be Tinea Versicolor? I've had it before and treated it with Selsun Blue.

Lymphatic System Treatment
Posted by Rene (England) on 05/25/2023

Rick, I think that you are really brave, I congratulate you. I also think that you are really onto something. I tried something of the kind with urology but stopped when I started with skin problems. I believe now that the skin problems were caused by the treatment clearing toxins from my body so will try again. I was just putting a small amount of urine under my tongue for my system to make the decision about what was wrong in my body. This is just the same as you did. Very brave. Keep going.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Leigh (Tucson, Arizona) on 06/29/2016

I tend to get outbreaks on my back, arms, legs and neck. For me, the tiny bumps are more "painful" (like a needle prick) versus itchy.

I find that an application of a drop of oregano oil to the area is extremely effective in relieving the pain--almost instantly!

Olive Oil
Posted by Mary (Toronto, Canada) on 04/08/2015

Yes to cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil for eczema, psoriasis, dry skin used morning and evening, no extra chemicals, creams, lotions or potions on your skin.

Massage into skin for two minutes, wipe the excess with a tissue, I had my neck at times half covered with psoriasis - painful and itchy, and I have the butterfly rash on my face - nose, cheeks and forehead

I think I left a positive review in the past for coconut oil, I prefer though olive oil.

Painful Skin
Posted by Karen (Lowville, Ny) on 03/28/2015

I have been having pain issues with my skin. What can I do to alleviate the pain?

Painful Skin
Posted by Tea (Auckland nz) on 11/07/2020

People with fibromyalgia talk about painful skin, and lipoedema.

White Dots on Skin
Posted by Aaron (Sydney, Australia) on 07/09/2014

I got tiny white dots all across my body. My skintone change from fair to little darker with a clear border separating two regions.

Http:// I have this since birth. I have not seen anyone with such issue. What is this disease and is there any way it can be cured?

White Dots on Skin
Posted by Olga (Norway) on 03/25/2017

No idea what they are, but I have them too

White Dots on Skin
Posted by Beata (Poland) on 07/02/2018

I also have them, never seen such a thing on other people's skin... Sometimes I am being laughed at that I look like a fetherless chicken... :/ I also have it since birth, I always connected it with my dad's hypopigmentation.... but I am not sure it has something to do.

White Dots on Skin
Posted by Janet (Los Angeles) on 07/04/2018

I'm so sorry to hear you suffer from this. Both my kids have this all over their body and I'm trying to figure out what it is. Reading what you wrote breaks my heart as I'm so worried they'll get made fun of - especially my daughter. Anyone find out what this is?

White Dots on Skin
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/02/2018


White Dots on Skin
Posted by Laura (Bolivia) on 07/15/2021

I have the exact same white dots and my baby has them too.. haven't figured out why yet.

White Dots on Skin
Posted by KT (Usa) on 07/17/2021

Could be too many carbohydrates in your diet. Do you drink whole milk?


Skin Sensitivity Remedies
Posted by Henry Sim (Seria, Brunei) on 05/13/2014

Is it just me or does any of you also get this? My skin is sensitive to rub and abrasion. I don't have this strange phenomenon as a young man.

But now, when clothes rub my skin soon there will be peels itch and ant-bite pain. For example, when going to toilet, I always pull down my trousers to the ankles. The rubbings now peels my ankle skin and feels prickly pain.

My skin also dries easily after a warm shower. How I miss the young days when I could warm shower a lot. Now I often skip shower a few days, makes me hot like a cooker.

How to toughen my skin to like buffalo skin but still looking nice and soft?

Skin Sensitivity Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/14/2014

Dear Henry,

I know that sometimes my skin is slow to heal and easier to damage. Borage oil has helped me very much with this. You can try 3 1,000mg capsules of Borage Oil a day.

Comfrey helps skin cells to regenerate more quickly. If you were able to find some comfrey, you could take it internally (though the FDA does not recommend this.) If you can't get comfrey, you might try 1 teaspoon (or 4 capsules) or turmeric twice a day. We have found it excellent for skin problems.

You can also mix 1 part castor oil and 1 part extra virgin coconut oil together to make an oil to use after a shower (or each night.) on the skin. Make sure you have some good fat in your diet, too. The coconut oil would be a good fat.

Plenty of pure water is good for keeping your skin healthy. You can add a teaspoon or two of raw apple cider vinegar to it if you like.

Please let us know how it goes for you!

~Mama to Many~

Peeling Skin Remedies
Posted by Jason (Kuala Belait, Brunei) on 03/17/2014

Can someone explain this:

1. My skin peels when I take warm water to shower.
2. My skin peels when I use soap.
3. My skin dry and peel when expose to sunlight.

Its painful itchy, like a sore wound.
I only bath twice a week or 2 weeks.
I come out only at 5pm.
Chinese medicine says yin deficient.

Anyone has gone through the same thing and found a cure?
Please share with me, I want a cure a.s.a.p.

TQ n God Bless.

Thin and Sensitive Skin
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 02/28/2014

I have noticed the skin on my fingers getting thin and sensitive on the palms and pads of my hands and fingers and was wondering what I could do to strengthen the skin on the pads of my fingers and palms. I already use coconut oil and Shea butter. Is there a known solution either from research or hearsay from people who have had this problem and found a solution? I look forward to hearing something.

Thin and Sensitive Skin
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 03/01/2014 2063 posts

Vit-A or (Cod Liver Oil) and/or Vit-E (Mixed Natural) taken orally and/or applied topically will toughen the skin very well.

Thin and Sensitive Skin
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 03/01/2014

Man: Ingredients need to be organic. Mash 1 small ripe banana, add 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. raw honey, 1 tsp. colostrum, and 1 tbsp. whole oat flour. Mix and apply. Leave on for 30 minutes. Wash off and apply jojoba and cold pressed rose hip seed oil. To heal from the inside drink several green smoothies from organic baby leaves.

Thin and Sensitive Skin
Posted by KT (Usa) on 03/01/2014

I am mentioning this because I had the problem of sore and spitting fingers for a long time. I learned it WAS from hidden sources of MSG. At the first sign of any tenderness, I look back at what I had eaten. MSG is a nerve stimulant and can stimulate some nerve cells to death. Our entire food supply has been tainted including the grains and grasses fed to pasture, grass-fed critters that we eat and get eggs or milk from. With "organics" it is in the soil. I had a worse reaction after I converted for a short time. There is no one-size-fits-all remedy. You have to pay attention to everything you eat. Everyone has a different tolerance level.

Thin and Sensitive Skin
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/04/2014

I just finished posting to the "Oil Pulling-DMSO" section but I wanted to report back to this one now that I found it again.

My fingers have healed up perfectly.

For several days I while I was sitting at computer I sprayed by finger tips with hydrogen peroxide and the bubbled up really much on under the fingernails and it stung. It was painful to spray H2O2. Then, I took pure DMSO and put it on them. And then I sprayed Capsicum extracted in alcohol on them. It was not the most pleasant treatment because I had to watch very carefully what I touched while I was treating my finger tips.

I did that for a few days.

There may have been some kind of an infection there and it seems it started after I ate some pasta that was given to me by an acquaintance.

I am thinking that my blood sugar bounced for a day or two and as a result my immune system got weak and the skin ( being the main organ in the body) showed signs of weakness. That is a thought, it is not a proven fact because I am not a scientist and I have no evidence other than what I can gather from study.
All these little tidbits of information from places like Russell Blaylock (youtube) and Dr. Mercola and right here at the Earth Clinic start falling into place.

All I have done is "Oil Pull" with DMSO and also Coconut oil.

I have taken fish oil and several grams of Vitamin C and Magnesium and Vitamin B complex. I have also been drinking a glass of distilled water with about a half a tablespoon of cayenne stirred into it. It seems to activate the entire system.

That is what I had available to me, so that is what I did.

To Mama: The chemicals I used in occupation were Acetone, Metha lEthal Ketones, Metal isobutal ketone, etc. Methylene Chloride.... these were paint stripper chemicals and I used no gloves in my younger days. And this is several years ago that I quit. I will likely have to be very careful to eat right and do the right thing from now on.

To Kt: Yeah, I do think there is a connection between MSG and food chemicals. I did eat several servings of a canned noodle thing and then I was sick for 2 days and then this problem began. My energy level bounced around and my feeling of well being bounced around.

I am beginning to believe that there is a direct connection between the food chemicals like MSG and the affect on blood sugar stability ( And Dr. Russell Blaylock also in his videos on You Tube points out the direct relation ship between diet and health).

Blood sugar stability may have more impact on good health than is published or commonly known. I already know that I can't eat pasta without feeling bad. When I ate at my acquaintance's food that was offered to me I knew that it would have a negative affect on me. And she knew I am diabetic and still offered it to me. (some people will never learn and the Bible says there are "Silly women laden with sins ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth".

I also think that there may be something to do with gluten also in this because I noticed some months ago that when I ate cheap spaghetti that I felt really bad physically and mentally. So I gave away the rest of my spaghetti.

To timh and Mike62 from Denver: I appreciate your input also.

Onward. The entire system from the head to the toe are connected in ways that I do not understand and I am not going to pretend that I do. Why do my finger tips feel so strong right now where as just a short time ago they were weak and in pain? What exactly did I do? I don't know, but I have been posting what I do and I have not hid my beliefs nor have I hid my faith in God.

Thin and Sensitive Skin
Posted by KT (Usa) on 03/06/2014

Dear Man from Sojouring: Gelatin capsules are 11 to 13 mg. of MSG. When the binders and fillers are manufactured for tablets, this can create a manufactured form of glutamic acid, which is MSG. Any "extraction" should put up red flags. I learned it is the flowing or anti-caking agent in common table salt. Please be aware each time you reheat leftovers you create more MSG. That's why leftovers taste so good!

Slits in Skin Remedies
Posted by Lorna (Marietta, Ga) on 12/29/2013

Have you ever heard of slits in the skin? I am experienceing them in my nose, and now over my eye in the crease of my eye lid. They burn, sometimes ich and my eye lid will get very dry and peel. I have tried oils, creams and so far nothing works. Thanks for your help

Slits in Skin Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/30/2013

Hello Loma,

Lesions to the face might be fungal infection. If one has had many pets growing up; cats and dogs then possibly these leisons are the fungus "ring worm" which is not a worm at all but fungal.

The typical ringworm fungus lesions are Microsporum Canis, Microsporum gyseum, or Trocphytron mentogryphytes.

An ultraviolet light test can be given, the Woods Test, but apparently this only identifies about 50 percent of the Microsporum Canis ... the rest not detected by the test.

I would buy an over the counter cream containing terbinafine which is effective against topical fungus. One brand name containing this is "Lamisil" and the brand "Tinactin" contains a different active ingredient, tolnaftate.

I went to a dermatologist for years who never properly treated simple fungal lesions. These fungi can spread all over the face, ears, arms, shoulders over the years. They appear in different forms of lesions, but underneath if the skin is scratched the oval appearance of the fungus appears.

Over the counter creams worked for me to rid myself of subcutaneous infection.

Slits in Skin Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/30/2013

Loma, have you tried Coconut Oil (the stuff that actually smells like coconut! )?

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by Emacsp (Thmasville Ga) on 12/23/2013

I recently started a new job in a manufacturing plant that makes brass plumbing and heating parts. Many of the parts that I handle have fine metal shavings on them which tend to stick in your fingers and thumbs. Some of them end up getting buried just below the surface of the skin.

The shavings are very small and very hard to see. Once buried into the skin they cause soreness and pain when any area of the fingers, hands, and thumbs that have them come in contact with just about anything. At this point my fingers and thumbs are so sore that it's hard to use them.

Does anyone have any suggestions on anything that can be used to draw the shavings back up above the surface of the skin where they can be removed? Any and all ideas appreciated.

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 12/24/2013 2063 posts

Emacsp: Some good steam room sweat treatment may work. For local only, try soaking your hands in warm water w/ added baking soda for a few minutes then dry hands and place a strong music speaker magnet over the affected area to draw out the metals.

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by Cheri (Lincoln Park Nichigan) on 12/23/2013

Have you tried magnets?

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/24/2013

Emacsp, you can try these 2 ideas:

1. soaking for 10 minutes in vinegar.

2. apply a "drawing salve" with icthammol in it.

And: pls wear protective gloves at work!!!

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 12/24/2013

Hi, the remedy for splinters in general is homeopathic and can be ordered from a health food store. The name is rather difficult but you can write it down: MYRISTICA SEBIFERA. I would ask for 30C strength.

This is a useful item for everybody's use. Regards, Om

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 12/24/2013

Hey Emacsp!

I ditto the suggestion of homeopathic Myristica Sebifera - useful for expelling foreign bodies.

Another thought: Elmer's glue applied as a masque to your hands, let dry and peel off. It may be helpful to let the mask remain overnight on the affected areas and then peel off in the morning.

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by David (Los Angeles California) on 12/24/2013

I wonder if PRID a drawing salve for splinters would work for metal? There are other brands of drawing salve. Ask the pharmacy for others that work for splinters. You rub the salve on the skin and this draws the splinter out. I've never tried it on metal but it works well with wood.

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by Emacsp (Thomasville Nc) on 12/28/2013

I appreciate everyone's suggestions. So far I have tried soaking my hands in vinegar. It gave some relief from the pain, but didn't draw out any of the metal.

I purchased and applied PRID drawing salve. It did seem to draw out some of the shavings on the first day I applied it (Christmas day), but I have not been able to leave it on my fingers for any extended time since then due to my work schedule. I am going to try it this weekend when I should be able to leave it on for 10 or more hours.

I have not tried the baking soda or magnets yet.

Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 12/29/2013 2063 posts

Thanx for the follow up as it helps to reduce speculation from actual healing.

Photosensitivity Remedies
Posted by Jen (Australia) on 12/16/2013


I am hoping some one can help ....My husband has become photosensitive after taking a specific type of antibiotic he is in his 60s.

If he is in the sun for 5 min he becomes bright red and itchy until the redness disappears. He looks like he has been in the sun for hours.

This creates difficulty for doing anything out side and he used to love the beach....As we live in Australia we have a lot of sun ...

Would anyone be able to tell me if the borax can help him or know of any thing that may be available without causing other side effects.

It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.


Photosensitivity Remedies
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 12/16/2013

Check out a book called "Drug Muggers". It details common drugs and the vitamins that they deplete. Your husband may be missing a vitamin that is causing the sensitivity. He might also try taking probiotics/yogurt since antibiotics kill good digestive bacteria as well.

General Feedback
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 11/19/2013

Can anyone recommend books or websites on identifying minor skin things. I have had a few minor things on my skin I haven't been able to identify for long time. They haven't given me any problems. I rather not go to a doctor. Any books or websites that help identify what those minor skin imperfections are?

Crawling Skin Remedies
Posted by Billy (Maryland) on 10/24/2013

I made a mistake and washed my clothes with D----y Fabric Softner. The very next day I was itching with a sensation of something crawling on my skin. I never saw anything crawling. Please help me to resolves this problem.

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