Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Posted by Ms (New York, US) on 06/04/2014

Hello, I have several tattoos that I am trying to get rid of. I have tried some home remedies such as hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, brown sugar/body scrubs and essential oils to fade them which has helped slightly but I am wondering if anyone else has had luck with other products? Would be very helpful to me, thank you!

Posted by John (California, US) on 05/17/2014

Can bloodroot be used to treat for spider naevus skin blemish?

Thank you, john

Posted by Nadia (France) on 02/13/2014

Hello Earth Clinic,

I am very new to home remedy. I stopped to use chemical face wash and try to apply daily products on my face to substitute it then I give a try with yogurt mask. But after I apply yogurt, my skin become dry (normally yogurt is for dry skin, right?) Until now, I haven't found any natural product for my face.

I will be deeply grateful if you can help me. I don't want to use my chemical products back.

Thank you so much.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/14/2014

Nadia, organic coconut oil works for me.

Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/14/2014

Nadia: Women all over the world just like you are getting beautiful skin from green drinks. I put 1oz organic baby greens in a blender with some water, grind them up, and drink one every 2 hours. My skin is smooth and soft. I also eat plenty of organic fruits. Sugar, nutrients, and energized water are good for the skin. Omega 3's from plants are good for the skin. I take 30g/day chia seeds. You can take flax oil.

Posted by Karen (Calgary) on 02/15/2014

I just wanted to let you know that if you are suffering from dry skin after washing, try the oil cleansing method. If you google it you will find lots of info. It will probably really help you. Good luck!

Raw Cocoa Butter
Posted by Kate (Brisbane, Australia) on 09/03/2013

Hi I recently started putting cocoa butter on my skin and lips, and it seems to plump up the skin like anti aging products do. The lip are a great benefit. I use cocnut oil too, it it sinks into the skin fast and may be more suitable for normal to oily skin. My skin is dry and so the richness of the cocoa butter is suitable for my older skin.

Ps I have used a lot of face products over the years, including some expensive ones. The natural ones do not always perform as well in terms of anti aging, lifting benefits, so I'm pretty pleased with cocoa butter.

pps I just made a delicious fudge sauced with cocoa butter, cocoa nibs, coconut cream and a little honey. Decadent, but quite healthy!

I was looking for others' experience. I wonder if it affects the lips so well? Also, I wonder if mixing it eith any other oils will get an even better result? I can't believe it is so inexpensive and works s well. Bravo nature! Kate, Brisbane

Lightening Skin
Posted by Vanessa (Caracas, Venezuela) on 05/19/2013

Hi everyone! I want to whiten the skin all over my body including my face to even out my skin tone and make it lighter. What do you recommend?

Natural Cosmetics
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/06/2013

what is the best (healthiest) lipstick to use for an old woman sensitive to cosmetics and not wanting any beetles on my lips.... Need some color.... Liven up my face!

Like to stay frugal if at all possible.

Natural Cosmetics
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 05/07/2013

Hi Joy from Washington: I buy my lipstick at the health food store and, while it is very expensive, it lasts an incredibly long time because I use a lip brush to apply it. When it's near the end of the tube, I scoop out the remainder and add an equal amount of natural lip balm so I have a nicely tinted lip balm.

Also, you can buy a lipliner pencil from the health food store and colour in your lips and then, for a bit of shine, top with a natural lip balm.

If you are feeling like a bit of D-I-Y, here's a recipe to make your own lipstick. I'm even tempted to try it!

Hope this helps! Cheers, Bess

Natural Cosmetics
Posted by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 05/07/2013

Burt's Bees has some nice, subtle lip colors that are inexpensive - $5.00'ish.

Natural Cosmetics
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/07/2013

Is it a lipstick or a gloss? It seemed thin on the shelf but I haven't tried any on. Does the darker color look like your lips have color on them ? I use their acne stick. Love it. My daughter told me it cured her boil type acne in one treatment.

Natural Cosmetics
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/07/2013

Thank you sooo much for the reply... loved the website, I think I'll be visiting that site often, lotsa fun. My daughter is always making up stuff too so she will love it too.

Natural Cosmetics
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/12/2013

Today I took the advice and bought the shade called RAISIN suprised how dark it went on, seemed darker than the lid color but now mixing it with some pink I had of CABOTS VITAMIN E LIPSTICK... I didn't think they sold it anymore but found it on amazon but not the color I liked before..... The Burt's Bees is more like lipstick than gloss. Thanks... Love, Joy

General Feedback
Posted by Kathy (In, United States) on 03/09/2013

I know this isn't major. I just got over a virus that had me down for 6 weeks. It has totally wreaked havoc with my skin. Wrinkles, loose skin, dry, itchy. I looked like I aged 10 yrs. Any suggestions for collagen boosting, skin care. I'm back up to my 10 glasses of water a day but it doesn't seem to help.

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/09/2013

Kathy, drink less water and add a lick of salt here and there, grey sea salt is best.

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (Omaha, Ne) on 03/09/2013

Try Hyaluronic Acid with Chondroitin Sulfate, it helps plump up the skin and smoothes out wrinkles; you can get it at most vitamin websites.

Organic Oils and Baking Soda
Posted by Tammy (Swift Current, Sk, Canada) on 02/20/2013

I make facial scrub out of organic oils (I switch it up, sometimes EVOO, sometimes sweet almond, avocado, etc) and baking soda. I use this every couple of days and allow it to sit on my skin for just a few mins before rinsing (too much and it'll irritate so be careful). I also make toner out of ACV, witch hazel, brewed green tea and some essential oils. I use straight coconut oil as a moisturizer. It's funny because I tend to have oily skin but this combo has dealt with it amazingly!! I love the results on my skin, however, my husband has had to get used to the smell!

Castor Oil and Olive Oil Cleanser
Posted by Sharon (Canton, Ohio) on 01/06/2013

Morning and night I have been using an amazing homemade oil skin cleanser for the past few weeks. I saw results after only 3 days with clearer, tighter and dewy skin!!

Ingredients are olive oil and castor oil 1:1 (example 1 cup olive oil to 1 cup castor oil). You can add a drop or two of lavendar or tea tree oil to this if you want. Make sure to store in a dark bottle and away from sunlight. Shake vigorously before applying, then rub a quarter size amount into face in small, light, circular movements for one minute. Take a clean washcloth, dunk into warm water and place on face for a minute to allow impurities to come to the surface. Then use same washcloth to remove the oil.

It's amazzzzzing!

Castor Oil and Olive Oil Cleanser
Posted by Yvonne (Boston, Ma, Usa) on 01/06/2013

Thank you, this sounds great! I have used castor oil packs before and tried it as a mosturizer under my eyes but have never tried it as a cleanser. I hope it won't make my skin break out? I use a sonic cleansing machine on my face every morning and it's awesome too so I think I cleanse with that first, then try the olive oil and castor oil. Will keep everyone posted!

Castor Oil and Olive Oil Cleanser
Posted by Julie (Seattle, Washington, USA) on 01/17/2013

Hi, I was excited to try this cleanser but after a few days of trial, I'm going to give it a negativo big NAY! I am not convinced this remedy is right for dry skin types (moi). First of all be very careful not to get the mixture anywhere near your eyes! I started this oil cleanser a few nights ago, got a tiny bit near my eyes, wiped it off immediately, and woke up with HUGE bags under my eyes!! Two days later and I still have bags even though I am steering clear of the eye area when I apply the oil mixture. Plus... the cleanser is drying out my skin, not moisturizing like all the reviews said it would.

Castor Oil and Olive Oil Cleanser
Posted by Susan (Canada) on 07/05/2017

I understand that castor oil should only be used in very small amounts as it can be drying.

General Feedback
Posted by Gloria (Poughkeepsie, Ny, Usa) on 12/14/2012

Hi there. I am really interested in trying out oil as a lotion for my skin problems and wrinkles, but I am worried about my skin because of calories. That may sound vain, but it's true! Does your body absorb the calories from oil? Should I may some cuts in my food intake during the day to make up for it? Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 12/14/2012

Hi Gloria, I gave up using lotion many years ago now. Instead, I have used all sorts of oils as skin softeners for both my face and my body. They have included, olive oil, almond oil, castor oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, avocado oil and many more... So, you can see I've covered a lot of oils! Currently, I use coconut oil and have for some time because I like the light fragrance it has and also my body seems to just soak it right up. Lotion, honestly, never seemed to actually soften my skin. It always seemed as soon as the lotion wore off, my skin was dry underneath. With oils, they actually penetrate my skin and make it soft. My skin doesn't become dry and flaky anymore like it did when I used lotion.

As for weight gain from oil use- absolutely no issue at all. And as you can see, I've used quite an array of oils so I don't think there is a problem at all. So, go ahead and use it all you want! It's calorie free! You'll love it. Hope this helps. Lisa

General Feedback
Posted by Tylor (Montgomery, Al) on 11/29/2012

Hi. I'm curious to know about the Ice Water face rinse if it's safe to use. I know it was used in the old hollywood era to give the face a lift. I was told that it's dangerous, that it can damage the capillaries in the face, is this true?? I have used this treatment, but over time my face would hurt and my facial muscles would feel less moveable.

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/28/2012

Happy Holidays Everyone! While searching for homemade gifts, I came upon a great page for "13 Magical Things To Make With Lavender"! I love lavender and since it's a healing herb and most of us who come here to Earth Clinic are interested in natural remedies/ herbs, etc. , I thought this would be perfect. Personally, we have lavender all over our yard we planted, after being inspired by a trip we took a few years ago to the south of France. So, this is an easy one for me! Anyway, there are some fun and easy recipes that are beautiful gifts to give for the holidays.

Enjoy! Lisa

Jojoba Oil
Posted by Heathenpower (London, Uk) on 11/26/2012

Hi, I'm new to this website, I have to apply a mosituriser on my penis head and inner foreskin a couple of times a week to keep it hydrated and stop dry skin building up. Im only comfortable using natural products, and bought some Jojoba oil and was wondering if this is safe to use to moisturise the area? Thanks.

Brown Sugar, Olive Oil
Posted by Anu (Chicago, Il) on 11/26/2012

For dry, chapped hands an effectve remedy: Take few tsps of brown sugar in a bowl. Pour 2-3 tsps of olive oil. Apply it on your hands. Wash it with luke warm water(do not wash with soap, just rinse enough to get rid of the sugar)you will feel your hands really soft. use as often as possible, I keep it beside my kitchen sink, so that I can use it after washing the utensils.

Brown Sugar, Olive Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/27/2012

Anu, coconut oil does the same.

Sugar and Coconut Oil Scrub
Posted by Chelsea (Fort Polk, La) on 09/29/2012

A few times a week I take a few spoonfuls of sugar and add virgin coconut oil to create a scrub, it exfoliates and hydrates the skin very well. I don't have exact measurements, just however much you want to add. Hop in the shower and scrub! Baby soft skin!
