Sore Throat
Natural Remedies

10 Best Natural Remedies for Soothing a Sore Throat

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Belina (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico )

I've read about people having problems with Cayenne, Habanero or other "hot" chilies or sauces and as a Chef who specializes in Mexican fare, plus I now live in Mexico too, I can give you a very easy and efficient remedy to ease the burning from peppers. Also, it doesn't matter if the burning is in your mouth, lips, face (from touching it with your hands after handling peppers) or hands, it works:

Put a little salt on the palm of your left hand, wet the tip of your right index finger in your mouth slightly and dip it in the salt and place it UNDER your tongue (sublingual) in the tender area on your jaw and not ON the underside of the tongue. Relief is very quick, easy to do, you can do it anywhere (like a restaurant) and works for everyone plus you can find salt everywhere.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Angela (Rock Hill, Sc) on 01/09/2010

Definitely agree. Don't use sugar. I mix mine with real lemon juice, warm purified water (not distilled), and Grade B organic maple syrup. This gives it a warm herbal tea flavor. It is the same as the "lemon juice diet", but I do not fast very often. I like it because it is healthy and I have osteoarthritis that is very painful in the winter and it helps with that a lot.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Shawnshine (Portland, Or) on 05/08/2009

Unfortunately, sugar lowers your immune system and allows the bacteria in your throat and mouth to breed more rapidly. I would advise against using sugar if you're battling a bacterial throat infection such as Streptococcus.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Caroline (Alexandria, Va ) on 03/11/2010

Steve, Curious why OJ thickens your mucus. I thought it was anti-inflammatory and therefore beneficial when ill.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Steve (Portland, Oregon) on 05/13/2009

You should be aware that orange juice thickens your mucus, which is the opposite of what you want when you have ear, nose or throat problems.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Regina (Seoul, South Korea) on 01/07/2009

The orange juice tip worked for me.

During the winter and summer vacation, I work with young kids for about 3 or 4 weeks. However, I'm an insulin dependent diabetic, which means I'm more prone to getting colds or other illnesses. I ended up with a bad lung infection the last time I worked with children and swore I'd take extra steps to make sure I'd not get sick this time.

So far so good, but this morning I woke up with a start of a sore throat and went into a mild panic on how to stop it. I found the page on various cures and decided I'd try the cayenne pepper cure. However, being diabetic, I simply don't have honey in my kitchen. I do have juice, so I put some pepper in orange juice and sure enough my sore throat faded. I followed up by drinking the same solution after lunch and I just had one after dinner.

I'm still drinking it just to be safe because my sore throat faded away this morning and hasn't returned.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Nina (San Diego, CA) on 03/07/2008

Cayenne pepper works, but in order to ease the hotness, I just use orange juice. Put an 1/8 of a teaspoon of cayenne in a glass of orange juice, and drink it. Make sure the oj has pulp in it, the cayenne will bond to the pulp, and it won't burn your mouth at all! I have been using this method for years. And DON'T use milk to "ease the hotness" when you're sick- avoid dairy products.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Giancarlo (Sunny Isles Beach, Fl) on 01/15/2010

yes, yes there is a trick for the fire not to come out of your nose and ears, literately!

At first, I tried gargling, and it exploded out of my nose and the cayenne vapor was coming out of my eyes burning, spit it right away. Then I realized that it was way deeper than that, so I was gonna have to drink it.

I did a few rounds of practice with water alone first. Hold your nose and swallow water without breathing. Don't let the air come out from your ears either. It's all connected in there.

I put some honey on the mix, and held my nose, and swallowed without letting air out in any direction, but down my throat. It worked, I didn't explode at all.

Now I can do it tomorrow. If you even let a little air out... it's a bomb.

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Cecilia (Atlanta, Georgia) on 03/06/2009

In order to avoid severe coughing while gargling with cayenne pepper (red pepper) in tempered water you need to breath deeply, hold your breath, take a sip of cayenne pepper, gargle, spit the mix and breath normal.

Gargling this way you avoid breathing through your mouth when you are sipping the mix and the dry cayenne powder doesn't get into your through.

Also, when the throat and larynx are irritated it is better not to swallow a lot of the mix so just swallow what is left in your spit after spitting the mix. It has worked wonderfully for me!

Cayenne Tips
Posted by Ten-d (Dallas, Texas) on 07/26/2009

I've been reading these threads and see that there are SO MANY people worried about the heat of the pepper. If you want to use Cayenne Pepper, just start putting in your foods. It tastes great! Obviously don't put it in cereal! But chicken, salads, soups, even certain sandwiches taste better with Cayenne Pepper. CP is a great spice, it assists your body's natural blood flow and helps to carry nutrients via the bloodstream into your body more quickly. Using it all the time will help in your general health - plus because you will have been using it, you will have gotten used to it, and thus, the gargle wont worry you a bit! Give it a try. But I do say get the stuff from the health food store. The name brand stuff just doesn't do the trick, at least for me it doesn't

Hot Tea
Posted by Caiti (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico) on 11/19/2010

I have swollen lymph nodes, a sore throat with white sores which makes it uncomfortable to swallow. A few nanas here in Mexico have suggested to me, in the morning to drink camomile tea and separately eat a tablespoon of honey with lime juice added to it (pretty tastey! ). Also, during the day to drink tea from the flower of Boganvilia, gargle with salt water sporadically, and avoid breathing through my mouth. And obviously, rest and stay warm! All day yesterday I was completely wiped out, but after following this, I feel wayy better energy wise, and my throat has improved although is still swollen and a bit uncomfortable. Hopefully with one more day of patience, I'll be cured!

Tongue Stretch
Posted by Annsmeal (Bailey, Colorado) on 09/21/2010

I have used the tongue stretch for many years as well. I always tell people to look in mirror when doing this because your tongue should be rounded not pointed when sticking it out. This method uses different muscles and works better for a sore throat.

Vicks Vapor Rub
Posted by Ben (Columbus, Oh) on 09/20/2010

Please don't try this!! At the first sign of cold/sore throat, sip a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass (8 oz!! ) of water.. Every hour if you can, or as often as you can throughout the day.. By the end of the day, symptoms will be gone.. This works by alkalinizing the bloodstream.. If you already have the sore throat, gargle a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in, again, 8 oz glass of water.. Gargle the whole glass, but spit out each time... Do this about every 3 -4 hrs and you will no longer have a sore throat!!! When I was younger I got sore throats fairly regularly; this was the only thing that worked!! OH remember to rinse rinse rinse your mouth out after using the vinegar!

Vicks Vapor Rub
Posted by Candy (O Fallon, Mo, Us) on 09/19/2010

Back when we were kids when we had a sore throat my parents put vapo rub on our throats. Of course the label says external use only. Is it really harmful in any way. I just remember that our sore throat was gone the next day and nothing we have now comes close to being that good but I wonder if I should use it. Of course I am still alive today so it is not toxic, but has it changed at all in these many years and is it ok to use internally? Nothing in the ingredients looks like to me it would be harmful.

Tongue Stretch
Posted by Jfnj (Manteno, Il) on 09/19/2010

Doesn't work for me, now it's 10 times worse!

Lemon Juice and Sea Salt
Posted by Martha (Dallas, Texas Usa) on 09/09/2010

I recently read Ted's post regarding sea salt and lemon juice and had an opportunity to try it out earlier in the week when, during a plane trip home, I developed chills and a sore throat. Normally, by this time (several days later), I would have a raging sinus infection. But, as soon as I was home, I took the 2 t. Sea salt/lemon juice (with a dash of baking soda) and water as described. Slept pretty well that night, and have repeated the solution for 3 days now, feeling improvement each day. Today I not only feel recovered but also energized. My question is how often is it safe to do this on a regular basis? Once or twice a day? Once a week? I would love to know as I am about to travel internationally and this would be a great remedy (or preventive?) that would not be too hard to obtain overseas. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this site as I have learned so much and am still learning.

Peanut Butter
Posted by Leriejane (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 07/17/2010


Out of curiosity, I tried eating a spoonful of chunky peanut butter to soothe my sore throat, and it worked! It lasted at least 1/2 an hour, but that's longer than any cough drops, tea, honey, or apple cider vinegar that I've tried. Half an hour isn't that long, but most of the scratchiness and soreness went down and continued for awhile after. It's a lot of calories, but if you're sick you probably won't be eating much, so won't be a problem. This is probably a good solution to do when your throat hurts really bad, between cough drops or tea, etc.

I've also found that drinking a shot of cheap alcohol, the kind that 'burns' as it goes down, works really well at numbing the throat. Either drink or gargle a shot's worth (or add it to warm water with salt).

Antiseptic Mouthwash
Posted by Emily (Cape Coral, Florida, United States) on 07/16/2010

I had a really bad sore throat and my friend was supposed to come over later. I read this, ran upstairs, and started to gargle. To be honest I didn't check how much I used, but I would assume it was about two tablespoons. As soon as I started gargling I started to feel better. It definantly worked for me.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes
Posted by Annelle (Princes Town, Trinidad ) on 07/10/2010

Developed a sore throat after getting wet in the rain, because I (foolishly) kept my wet shoes on at work in the air conditioning. When I got home I boiled 4 cloves of garlic (crushed), 6 teaspoons of cayenne powder, and a tablespoon of peeled, sliced ginger. I let it cool, and because it was such a hot concoction, I put it in my blender with one cucumber, 4 teaspoons of cinnamon powder and a stick of celery. Also half a carrot for taste. Added an additional 1/2 cup of water, blended it and drank. Within 2 hrs, my sore throat was 95% gone. A 2nd dose will definitely get rid of the sore throat 100%.

Posted by Mara (Somewherreee., Florida) on 07/04/2010

I have not tried using Salsa but after reading this I sent my dad to the store to buy it for me, I did try gargling salt water but it did not cure it just took some of the pain away.

ACV, Baking Soda, Cayenne
Posted by Sundrop881 (Rockford, Illinois) on 05/15/2010

I would be careful about using the baking soda as a great uncle of mine used it almost daily as an anti-acid and eventually it burned holes in his stomach.

I had a sore throat. I just took my tonic (composed of lemon juice, tomato juice, grated garlic and some hot sauce) with 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper and swallowed when I was on my back. I took about 3-4 sips and now my sore throat is gone and I feel like a human being. Other than my stomach is a little jittery, I feel Okay. My nose is still plugged, but I am working on it with a saline nose spray. Thanks, I can finally do some work now.

Baking Soda
Posted by Tina (Bowling Green, Ohio, Usa) on 05/11/2010

Are you sure you used that much baking soda and water? My nebulizer only holds maybe a table spoon or so of liquid and takes a long time to nebulize what I put in it. It would take a very long time to breath in that much mixture! Please respond soon.Thanks.

Acid Reflux Connection
Posted by Bonny (Nassau, Bahamas) on 03/15/2010

Vocal help suggestions anyone?

3 months ago what I thought was a discomfort in throat & neck from maybe too much singing is still with me after 4 different antibiotics, numerous tests & 2 scopes from ENT doctors. One thought it was acid reflux due to the inflammed appearance where the oesophagus meets the voice box....10 days on omeprazole made me feel worse . The next gave me anti-inflammatories which seemed to help but once stopped, the raw feeling & sensitivity on right side of throat returned. I cannot even speak for long without a strained feeling, nevermind sing.......any suggestions, this is so depressing.......

Hyssop Tea
Posted by Yourvette (Muskegon, Mi) on 03/06/2010

For a sore throat use hyssop tea (prepare according to directions) and honey to sweeten as often as needed.

Side Effects
Posted by Debbie (Webster Springs, Wv) on 02/28/2010

I tried apple cider vinegar and honey for a sore throat, it cured my sore throat. The next morning i have 6 canker sores.. Hurts bad...

Aspirin Tea
Posted by Pchandra (Piscataway, Nj) on 12/18/2009

I think the key ingredient that worked here is the 'husband preparing it with a touch of love' that probably contributed 80% effect to the relief' rest all added to the remaining 20% :)

Antiseptic Mouthwash
Posted by Lea (Wabash, In) on 12/16/2009

The Antiseptic mouth wash work slightly for me when I treid this. I think relief in that area the mouthwash was able to reach lasted for a total of 5ish minutes. I have an extreme sore throat which from what I've read sounds like it could be strep or Mono. Though I've had both tests done for it, saddly it isn't either but a bad viral one. Salt Water provided more relief for me than mouthwash.

Hot Tea
Posted by Ch In Iah (Houston, Tx) on 12/10/2009

To Michelle from Co. Springs: if your sore throat has lasted for 10 days, it is probably more than just a sore throat. You might need a traditional remedy which your doctor can assign or prescribe even while you are pregnant.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joe (Toledo, Oh) on 11/29/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide cure for Sore Throat

The last two times I woke up and had a sore throat coming on strong, I used the following method to relieve it overnight. Do this once in the morning, once in the mid-day, and once before bead. And repeat the following day after throat is feeling better.

1. Use Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (any generic brand) as a gargle, make use to gargle enough to get both sides of the tonsils! You can dillute with equal parts water, just make sure to gargle about a half cup if you do (ex: gargle a little, spit, and repeat until gone)

2. Use Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to clean/disinfect ears. (I read somewhere that most viral/bacterial illnesses start in the ears and that if not treated there will persist for days) Clean ears out as good as possible with cotton swab/q-tip. Take a dropper or use the cap and put a good splash (3 drops or so)of Hydrogen Peroxide in each ear, tilting your head and letting it fizz in your ear for about 2 or 3 minutes (on each side). I read that you should not do this if you have tubes in your ear! You can also use a cotton swab/q-tip soaked in peroxide to clean ears if uncomfortable with the first method (which is preferred).

At this point I like to repeat the gargle just to make sure I got it all.

Lastly, Take 2-3 TBL ACV (preferrably organic but it doesn't matter) and 1 TBL Honey (preferrably raw and unfiltered but it doesn't matter) and add to about 1/4 to 1/3rd cup of water (preferrably warm). Take a few big gulps, and some little ones and get it on tonsils. With last swallow gargle it before swallowing.

This covers and eliminates the infection in the throat, the mouth, and the ears.

I have tested this method twice with success. It is rather inexpensive and works great! And it takes about 5 to 10 minutes 3 times a day. The only nagging problem is the congestion which I just use some vapor rub on my chest, throat, and under my nose to get some relief.

Aspirin Tea
Posted by Jennifer (Fontana, Ca) on 11/27/2009

tea remedy for sore throat

My husband did this for me and I was amazed. I have had a sore throat for 3 days. He took a green tea bag, water, a half lemon, 1-2 tbs honey(taste) and 2 aspirin and put in in the microwave for 2 min... when it cooled enough i drank it and Im telling you my sore throat was gone within 20 min.. this is not a cure it will come back but do it every 6-8 hours or so and you will be able to swallow food! its thanksgiving and i spent it bed but at least i was able to eat what they brought home! This also works for cough and fever!! GOOD LUCK!

Posted by Maribel (El Paso, Tx) on 11/23/2009


This was purely trial and error.

I woke up with a terribly sore and scratchy throat yesterday morning. I'd already read about the benefits of gargling with ACV and warm water and honey... I had also seen other approaches at combatting a sore throat...

But none seemed to offer a temporary natural pain relief -- and Voila! I stumbled upon this one purely by surprise.

I was too tired to go to the supermarket to buy cough drops or whatever, so I looked to my freezer and fridge and pantry for any source of antioxidants i could consume to get rid of this cold altogether.

I found a bag of frozen blueberries that i had their to make smoothies. Well, I allowed these blueberries to thaw from their frozen state. Then as i was watching t.v. I was just scooping these berries (now at room temperature in my mouth) hey, good source of vitamin C and antioxidants, right?

WELL ... to my surprise not even 10 minutes later my sore throat was GONE. I KID YOU NOT!

GONE GONE GONE. I finally decided to do an internet search under blueberries and sore throats, and apparently they have proven to soothe sore throats (who woulda thought??)

Take it from me, it worked even much faster than an Ibuprofen, or an analgasec would. Hooray for Blueberries!!!

Posted by Kiwi6262 (Cullman, Al) on 11/01/2009

My 5 year old had such a bad sore throat that he was nearly in tears for several hours, so I was desperate. After reading the suggestions and things that have worked for other people, I decided to try out the apple cider vinegar, honey, lemon in warm water. Only problem was, I only had artificial lemon juice, white vinegar, and yellow syrup, but like I said, I was desperate! So! I warmed some water, put in a TBS of artificial lemon juice, a TBS of white vinegar, and 2 TBS of yellow syrup and tasted it to make sure it wasn't horrible (my son is 5 after all, and reasoning with him to drink something awful just because it will make him feel better isn't really an option!) and it tasted fine. I gave it to him and before he had half the cup drank he gave it back to me and said "Good job Mommy! It worked! I'm all better now!" I'd say that's the best testamonial you could get!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Dimetri (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 09/21/2009

For a sore throat I have found that Oil of Oregano works like a miracle cure. Apply one to three drops on the tongue, close your mouth and allow your saliva to wash it back towards your throat. You will feel a choking/burning sensation for about 10 to 20 seconds which will soon subside. Repeat as needed throughout the day. Usually by the second or third day, my symptoms have gone. During this time, stay away from processed foods and especially white sugar & sugar filled foods. Those little bacteria and viruses love that stuff. And remember to keep yourself hydrated - lots of water, not soda, not beer, not alcohol, not flavoured water, not crystal light, just H2O. Usually about 2 to 3 litres depending on your weight.
