Home Remedies for Stomach Aches & Abdominal Pain

Myofunctional Therapy
Posted by Angela Lynne (Vancoover, Wa) on 03/27/2014

My daughter had chronic stomach pains and 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar helped her most mornings. But she still had pains at night. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong and one even suggested we look into removing her gall bladder to get rid of her pain. We didn't do that! After an endless search we found out she had a slight tongue tie that led to a reverse swallow. With a reverse or tongue-thrust swallow, she was gulping a little bit of air each time she swallowed and that led to chemical changes in her stomach acid. A myofunctional therapist helped her to learn to swallow right and her mysterious stomach aches went away. She's sleeping better and waking more rested
