Hyperhidrosis - Excessive Sweat Remedies

Posted by Rachel (Charleston, Sc) on 08/09/2010

I started using iodine/iodide and my hyperhydrosis disappeared. I no longer suffer from excessive sweating on my hands and feet and I no longer have cold extremities.

Posted by James ( London, England.) on 07/03/2011

Hello everyone, I suffered from excessive sweating, it got progressively worse over the last 6 years, it had always been pretty bad, affecting what I could wear, when to leave for places, so I had a 'cool down' half hour as sweat would be running down my back and all around my head, I read this forum and started taking Sea Kelp and Magnesium tablets, as some helpful people had suggested.

This weekend I went to a wedding and danced to the music, one song would have had me standing outside for fifteen minutes to cool down, but I had no sweat running anywhere, when I did work up a sweat, I could feel it actually working like it should, and it cooled me down within a couple of minutes, so I went back in, in my dry shirt and carried on!

The other thing I have noticed, is that my acid reflux has been curbed to the point where I dont need to take medication for it, I used to double over if I had forgotten to take my pills, now its a slight case of feeling a slight burn for a second, then its fine, I can cope with this.

Thank you to everyone who has suggested remedies, I feel like a new person!!


Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 04/17/2009 495 posts

Yea Rah, R. You have learned to listen to your body. For others who find you are running low on magnesium, this little old mineral has a lot to do with calming the nerves, lifting depression as well as lowering the blood pressure and keeping the heartbeat in good rhythm. For those who are taking magnesium, I find that you can take 400-500 mgm twice a day without laxative effect. When you go above that level and still need more magnesium, it is also absorbed through the skin, therefore adding magnesium to your bath water & luxuriating as if you were at an expensive spa, you can build your levels up faster by doing both the 400 - 500 mgm twice a day orally and using the magnesium bath to avoid flushing out your much needed magnesium with more magnesium orally causing the laxativie effect. I have never had to take magnesium shots, but my niece who did said they hurt worse than any shot she ever had. Of course, she had been through chemotherapy and never did get her levels back up before she crossed over.

Posted by Selena (Chula, GA) on 06/10/2009

The only magnesium supplement that works for me is the ionic form of magnesium citrate. It takes several days for you to notice a difference. I know that the magnesium is what works for my sweating because after I forget to take it for a week, the sweating starts back. Every time I restart the mag. it takes about 3 days to get into my system. I only take about 200 mg once per day. After it starts working...I can take the 200 mg. of mag. just a couple times a week and it will still be effective. The kind I take mixes in warm water and fizzes. It helps for sleep and stress too.

Posted by Pr (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 03/25/2010

Hello, you need to ask a different person someone trained in natural health care and knowledge of the body's use and need for vitamins and minerals. I guess you are trying as you are asking here. I am not a trained health care professional but I do know that it doesn't matter what age you are everyone needs magnesium and could be deficient at different times in there life. I have known a lot people personally who did get help with sweating by taking magnesium. In some of the books I have read excess sweating could be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Keep in mind there other things that could cause this but magnesium seems like a simple enough place to start.

Posted by Winnie (Hampshire, Il, Us) on 04/17/2012

I have to say, I took the advice from one of the previous posts who said to use the magnesium citrate. I bought a magnesium powder that gets mixed with water. Truly, could not even believe the difference! First relief I've ever experienced. I only use it when it's warm. Couldn't do it all the time, as it does have a laxative effect, and it also does what the name says: it makes me calm - (in other words, ready for a nap! ) But this is the only thing that I can say has a definite effect. wouldn't be without it.

Posted by Paxeco (Stockholm, Sweden) on 01/16/2014

I've been reading the information on this page and I feel really excited and hopeful that I will overcome this desease that has been with me for all my life. I have hyperhidrosis in all over my body. I will try soon magnesium citrate and pray for this to work out. It would be good if people kept updating their situation here after trying magnesium or any other thing, since I noticed that it's been a while since someone posted here.

Posted by Hodaya Ben Shachar (Israel) on 04/01/2017

I just want to mention that magnesium is not absorbed very well in the gut. Better to use Magnesium oil rubbed into the skin ( don't wash it off). I buy Magnesium salt or epsom salt and dilute in boiling water to max concentration. You could also use Dead Sea salt ( not internally) or Atlantic sea salt in a pinch( much less magnesium). I general it's better to use natural salt not regular table salt.

Liquid Chlorophyll and Sage Fluid Extract
Posted by Francesca (Brussels, Belgium) on 08/31/2009

Be careful with sage. I took a few drops once- twice a day in a glass of water and the sweating was less but after a month or two I started to have heavily vaginal bleeding. Turns out it was the sage that caused the blood loss.

Hemp Oil
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 06/23/2018

Your poor Daddy!! What a blessing he has you in his life! Nutmeg is my suggestion. I have used it to manage pain and for mental health. You might try him on 1/2 to 2 teaspoons daily. Just mixed in water is fine. It has a strong taste so drinking it down in cold water with a small snack to encourage digestion is my suggestion. The effects take about three hour to be noticeable and tend to linger for a few days. I would expect it to relieve the pain to a degree and to possibly help heal him. It seems to help my brain and muscles coordinate themselves. Cloves are a stronger pain reliever but very dehydrating in my experience. Maybe 1/2 to 1 teaspoon a day. If he gets very thirsty I have found fresh citrus juice to remedy it well, but it seems to reduce the effect of the cloves. I enjoy a treat of cloves and nutmeg, later followed by fresh grapefruit and/or a strong mint such as peppermint patties. Cloves and coffee are good together if he is a coffee drinker. Cloves, coffee, chocolate, nutmeg, cinnamon in hot milk - I drank this when I was very fatigued and in pain but had to go to work. It was unexpectedly VERY potent! Raw eggs and kefir are other ideas. Fresh turmeric root would probably be a Godsend, as well. It can be blended in frozen orange juice with fresh lemon juice to make it tasty, or just eaten raw (but it sticks to the teeth). My husband only takes one or two small pieces daily and is impressed with how it improves his circulation. I use three times that; it is a very safe food. Holy basil would be another idea, it is very relaxing and somewhat inspirational in my experience. St john's wort. Ginko if you can find the real deal. Aloe.

Posted by Jean (East Tn) on 12/31/2016

Have had super sweaty arm pits, feet, hands starting in the morning w/coffee for years. Just started drinking a glass of WATER - BEFORE coffee. MAJOR help. Sweating has significantly calmed down. I have been doing a couple other things as well, but don't suppose they are related as the sweating calmed only after drinking the water. I'm very happy about it. I hope this will help someone.

Black Tea Soak
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 07/26/2022 48 posts

I heard this too and tried it. Been so long trying to remember but I think it made a real difference. Think it was a 30 minute soak daily for 7 days, then with a maintenance of weekly thereafter. Easy to do while you read of watch TV. I used about 4 tea bags per quart of water. I also read to add some salt, which I've not tried but will this time. Don't know how much but will start with 1 Tbsp of Pink Himilayan or other mineral salt like Redmonds.

Posted by Karinita (Sydney, Australia) on 11/20/2014

I suddenly developed severly smelly underarm sweat. The smell would reoccur even while I was in the shower. The smell was "hormony" and could fill a room, and was not helped by deodorant, salt crystals or vinegar.

In desperation I dabbed a small amount of reconstituted lemon juice and it worked wonders. Smell gone, even from the clothes that seemed to reactivate the odour on contact.

Initially I had to put it on three times a day, but within a week once a day is enough. I cannot wait to see what real lemon will do for the problem.

I now dab and then pat a little drop in all parts of the body that develop odours.. "the crack", under breasts and groin.

I have been informed that to just be careful that a rash does not develop due to the acid mantel of the skin being disrupted. Three weeks in, I had no rashes and no odour.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Helen (Ohio, US) on 08/22/2014

Exessive palm and feet sweating: I've been having this problem since childhood. I'm now 53 and still have issues, especially when it is hot humid, but I still sweat in the winter too. I've tried commercial treatments as well as, ACV, sage tea and pills, soaking with tea and so forth, nothing really helped. Does anyone know an effective remedy for this please? Shaking hands, holding hand for prayer is very very uncomfortable. Thank you.

ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 12/30/2013 2063 posts

Greg: As for the Ionic Trace Minerals whatever you find affordable. I use tablets orally and the liquid in a bath; but do also supplement the amino acid Taurine to further aid in bringing those minerals thru the cell walls.

To help prevent the damage and bleeding of the skin I would recommend a Carotinoid complex as well as full spectrum Vit-E.

Lecithin is bipolar (hydrolipic/hydrophilic) molecule which is ideal for delivering nutrients throughout the body achieved most notably thru Liposomal Encapsulation Technoloy (LET). This method will delver nutrition throughout the body directly to the cells independent of your severed nervous system.

I hope this info helps; do update so as to bring some validation. Stay positive and continue to find anything to alleviate the bad side effects and regain some semblance or normalcy.

ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 12/31/2013 2063 posts

Greg: Browsing thru skin care products I found Argan Oil and Ceramides to be promising for topical application. You may want to check the skin care section at your local health food store for a lotion w/ many nutrients. Dietary consumption of omega 3 fatty acids like flax, krill, fish, and walnut oil will help.

Also, there may be in your area a naturopath or homeopath or chiropractor that may help.

ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy

Castor Oil
Posted by Timothy (San Antonio, Texas) on 12/26/2013

Yes, I have heard of hyperhydrosis and there is a surgery recommended for it called ETS Surgery or a Sympathectomy that will completely destroy your body. You with wind up with a symptomology called Ccorposcindosis. You will never sweat - ever again - from your face, head, or neck, and you will sweat profusely on your stomach and back through your clothes, and your heart rate will lower, making it is struggle to do any physical activity at all.


Posted by Trudyg (USA) on 06/11/2013

Did you try applying it externally? I use mag oil as deodorant and I never have any wetness (not even damp, but I don't usually have an issue like yours) and never any odor--even when I don't wash or reapply the next morning (got stuck at a campsite w/ insufficient water for bathing).

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Alex (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/26/2009

I have excessive sweating problems, usually worst when I drink coffee and smoke.

Recently I have been reading about mega dose vitamin therapy, and I have been taking huge quantities of vitamin B complex. I am taking up to 4 capsules every 4-5 hrs per day and it works, even though I drink coffee and smoke!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Tania (Boston, Ma) on 06/04/2010

I tried the apple cider vinegar honey remedy. I do notice it helps for sweating A LOT - THANK YOU!! I think the original poster left out important info though! You have to mix the the 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons thick honey with 8 OUNCES OF WATER. I wouldn't heat the water up or anything, though. I would just leave it at room tempertature. Not all of the honey is going to dissolve, but you can still slurp it up with a straw! I found the recipe on line. Apparently, this is a famous recipe and the brand who makes the apple cider vinegar wrote about it in a book. Do this three times a day and see if your sweat reduces significantly!

Posted by Timothy (Burlington, Vermont) on 10/08/2011

Try apple cider vinegar and honey (has to be a thick, coagulated honey - not the liquidy kind). Take 2 teaspoons of ACV and 2 teaspoons thick honey (perferably organic - you can also use Manuka Honey at a low UMF level, which is so healthy for you! ) mixed with 8 ounces of water 3X a day. Drink and mix the apple cider vinegar and honey together with a straw and brush your teeth afterward bc the the Apple Cider Vinegar can erode enamel. This was miraculous in keeping my exceccive sweat away - but I had to drink it 3 X a day - and less than that and the sweat would come back, but total relief from awful, dripping sweating when I took this remedy properly! Good luck to you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union) on 08/06/2011

Hi Dorey... Ted's advice on how to cure fibroids is to alkalize the body daily using his ACV or lemon/lime with baking soda remedies twice a day as well as footpainting with iodine. I would further recommend that perhaps you supplement 4 - 8 drops a day(26 - 50 mgs) of 5% Lugol's Iodine or simply take 2-4 Iodoral tablets(available on the internet) daily. Research from The Iodine Project seems to conclusively prove that iodine supplementation will reduce cysts both in the uterus and fibrocytic breast disease within a few months. Here is some research on iodines many benefits:


If you supplement lugol's iodine, you will also find that your skin, hair and nails will also improve. Iodine also improves your energy levels. A little known secret of iodine is also that it removes fatty liver deposits, so you will also lose weight if you have a pot belly(I can also attest that this is true -- and that it works -- from my personal experience with taking iodine -- I now have a flat belly). Also little known is that iodine is a marvellous anti-histamine -- it interferes and down regulates histidine conversion to histamines preventing inflammation. This is why iodine was so successful when used in large dose against asthma in the pre-WW2 period.

In part of their historic research, the Iodine Project has found that the Japanese ingest an overage of about 4.6 gms of kelp a day. This gives their bodies an average of about 12.5 mgs intake of iodine/iodide per day. This dosage is approx 100 times more than the RDA of 150 micrograms per day. Because of their iodine intake through eating large amounts of seaweed per day, the Japanese as a population have a very low incidence of uterine fibroids, breast cysts and cancer. For years, researchers couldn't understand why the Japanese, as a population, had such a low incidence of lung cancer -- despite their population being one of the heaviest cigarette smoking groups in Asia -- until they found out the iodine connection. Both iodine and the T3 and T4 hormones tend to accumulate in the lungs -- iodine is anti-cancer as well as anti-mutagenic.

Finally and in anticipation, many people seem very afraid of taking lugol's iodine in such large amounts. If you speak to your doctor, he will warn you against the so-called dangers of taking such large amounts of iodine. But this belies and contradicts the research facts and if you look back to the historic pre-WW2 use of iodine for emphysema, bronchitis and asthma, the doctors at the time recommended iodine dosages of between 1000 -- 2000 mgs per day. That's 150 - 300 drops a day of lugols iodine. And doctors recommended this and these treatments were usually quite successful -- otherwise they would have stopped recommending lugol's at the time. For the real illicit reasons why lugol's has been so de-emphasised by medical research -- see this link:


Apart from avoiding processed food, my own regimen just consists of taking dessicated liver as a baseline for all my necessary vitamin, amino acid and mineral intake. As well, I continually alkalize and supplement larger dose iodine, magnesum and vitamin C in my diet -- these are always lacking in our western diets. I also take brewer's yeast regularly for the B vitamins, selenium CoQ10 etc, as well as supplement Humic/Fulvic acid as concentrated drops in order to provide a continual detox from my body of pesticides, fungicides, heavy metals and other toxic dietary poisons. I also use Chanca piedra decoction regularly to clear out the excess calcium from my body and also to protect my intestines, kidneys, liver and blood. Iodine also helps to remove cadmium, lead, mercury and aluminium from the body and also removes bromine and chlorine..

My own view of taking just kelp tablets for the iodine is not a good one. I bought some European-made kelp 3 years ago. Each tablet contained 125 MICROgrams of iodine. Therefore to get the needed 12.5 mgs of iodine per day as just a daily maintaince dose would have meant me taking 100 tablets of this kelp per day!! I forgot all about Codex Alimentrius. A Kelp tablet therefore might just about satisfy the whole body needs of a mouse, but will have very little effect, in my own opinion, against significant problems like cystic fibrosis or uterine firbroids.

Lugol's Iodine, as part of my own weekly regimen, is one of my essential supplements now and has been for about the last 4 years.

Posted by Zakr (Hydeville, VT) on 05/14/2009

I've been taking magnesium gluconate for almost 2 weeks now, and when it would be 70 degrees out and I would try to do mild house work, it looked like someone sprayed me with a squirt gun. I don't want to say definitely that it works but the past couple days I've been really dry, maybe a little excessive sweating but I think my body is still working the magnesium in. Overall I am hoping this helps me in the long run, as I cant stand using topicals and all that. 1 pill a day is fine with me as long as its a supplement and not a chemical with bad side effects

Posted by Kelly (Kingston, Ok, United States) on 08/23/2010

Oil of Magnesium is awesome as a deodorant, can't say it would help with excessive sweating. But I am totally controls odor from perspiration much like salt crystals except I find it last much longer.

Posted by L. (Red, Alberta Canada) on 08/25/2010

Two things that work for me are, zinc oxide, found in the baby aisle. Also, I have found the best results with Magnesium Oil.

Posted by Ruth (Ontario, Ca) on 03/22/2016

I haven't tried this myself yet, but I've read a lot of comments online about people using milk of magnesia on their skin. I think it's mostly as a deodorant, but might be good to control sweating too. Might be good for people concerned about diarrhea from too much magnesium. Dollar General, Kroger and a few other brands carry pure milk of magnesia. Be careful of other brands as they have additives you don't need like bleach and other things. It's just plain old Magnesium hydroxide and purified water.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Nita (Geraldton, Western Australia) on 11/22/2011

Hello, Yep got the excessive sweating problem but can't take ACV as have low pressure. At present rubbing salt under armpits.. Slight reduction in amount and smell. Will try charcoal tablets and keep you posted.

Have kidney disease so need to watch what goes and on the body. I got my husband to use charcoal tablets for food poisoning the other day... Amazing results. Pain and diarrhea stopped within 30mins. Brilliant stuff.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Pam E. (Riverside County, California, USA) on 10/09/2023 136 posts

Activated Charcoal is known for adsorbing a lot of different harmful substances from the body, but most only recognize it helping if the substance is in the gut... .

However, when my cat presented with a missing toenail (had ripped out & gotten infected), the only thing that took care of his infection was a dose of Activated Charcoal, mixed with water & with his food. (I read that people who've had part of their intestines removed & have to wear a bag, use A.C. to take care of the odor & take it with every meal, but don't appear to have any trouble with the A.C. causing any nutritional insufficiencies.)* Anyway, it only required one dose of A.C. for the cat, & the next day the infection in his toe & foot was gone, & t began healing nicely!

What I started out to say is that by adsorbing harmful things from our gut, perhaps it is also able to adsorb things from our blood as it comes to the intestines to pick up nutrients through its membrane ... and, by liberating the body of having to deal with all those negative things, the body become strong enough to deal with problems that are farther afield than the digestive tract, when they were too weak or otherwise busy to do so, before.

ALSO, it is also known that sweating is one of the methods the body has to get rid of toxins from our bodies, so maybe that is a reason (at least in part) for some cases of Hyperhidrosis ... but after or while taking A.C., it takes over getting rid of a lot of the toxins ... thus allowing the lessening of sweating to occur.

That's just my two cents ... but I know A.C. has helped me with a few infections when nothing else I tried had done anything for it, so in my opinion, it works surprisingly well!

*Activated Charcoal FAQ* #3


Sage Tea
Posted by Calvin (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 05/23/2011

@ Edy from Prescott Valley, AZ. I had the ETS surgery in San Antonio in June 2008 because my sweating from the head and arm pits were as bad as anyone can imagine. Since then the compensatory sweating is much worse, especially my abs, chest, back, legs, one arm pit and butt. I soak thru clothes all the time, some days losing 5-10 pounds of water. I noticed there is a company online that sells a tea with all of these ingredients and am thinking I will try it!

Sage Tea
Posted by Len (Qc, Philippines) on 02/01/2012

try to use your urine in the morning and let it dry ( hands, feet, underarms) for some minutes and rinse later. It will give amazing results on the sweaty areas. I am doing it with my hands and feet and I was amazed how it works. Try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jill (Frederick, Md.,usa) on 09/22/2011

Sage for sweating! It is a beautiful plant, very easy to dry, and put it in scrambled eggs, spaghetti sause, gravy for roasts anything. It makes an excellent soap also! And it stops sweat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lily (Toronto, Ontario) on 08/05/2012

I have an issue with hyperhidrosis under my armpits and at the soles of my feet. I tried using ACV for my pits and it worked for about a half hour. After that I went right back to sweating up a storm and with that eventually came the stink storm. I found that removing meat and diary from my diet has helped a lot, far more than the vinegar ever has.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Blanche (Iberia Parish, Louisiana) on 05/30/2011

You may have thrown them off when you said non-acidic apple cider vinegar, but surely they could have guessed what you meant - organic non-filtered apple cider vinegar. The brand name starts with a B.

Molybdenum and Bamboo Extract
Posted by Marianne (Round Rock, Texas) on 08/11/2022

I have a sweating problem that started about 2 years ago but not hyperhidrosis. I don't sweat on my hands and feet or my underarms. Have seen several doctors but no answers.
The sweating usually starts while I sleep, but not always. It seems to increase when I move around so I try not to do that (I am an 82 year old woman and retired). It can take up to 2 hours for my body to dry. The sweating can occur several times a day but I can't figure out what sets it off. I have good and bad days.

Is anyone out there having my problem?

Molybdenum and Bamboo Extract
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 08/12/2022

Marianne, can you trace it to a food your body doesn't handle well anymore? Gluten? Starches? Dairy? Sugar?

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by Jane (US) on 04/26/2020

I am over 70 years of age, on three pharmaceuticals; my blood pressure, heart and thyroid (removal of thyroid/now suffer hypothyoidism). Nifedipine 30mg, carvedilol 25mg, Synthroid 112mcg in that order. Plus vitamin supplements (CQ10, Serrapeptase, Policosanol , Vitamin E, D3, ,etc and I weigh 199 lbs. at 5'6”. I have an irregular heartbeat sometimes but otherwise I'm in great shape. Right now, I am having reoccurring excessive night sweating while sleeping. This has been going on for the past week. I wake up during the night and my bed clothing is drenched in sweat, making it necessary to change clothing before I can go back to sleep. I have suffered with this condition before but it only lasted a day or two but I had a cold. I have not been exercising and I am staying in the house. I am trying to keep my blood vessels open heart in good condition. I know I need to lose fifty to sixty pounds But this sweating is getting to be a bit much. Looking for advice. Thank you.

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by Margaret (Ma) on 04/26/2020

hi Jane,

When not hormonally related, I've read that the body sweats at night to get rid of toxins. Try exercising a few times per week to a really good sweat, then you may not sweat at night. Rebounding to improve lymph node circulation might be helpful. Also, you didn't mention magnesium or potassium in your list of supps. Your meds may have caused a depletion in one or both, so try supplementing those. Please keep us updated!

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by Abdel Fassi-Fihri (Casablanca, Morocco ) on 04/27/2020

It sounds like you might be in Hyper, you should test your thyroid and adjust the dosages!

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by Karen (EC's Facebook Page) on 04/27/2020

I have this problem. I will awaken several times a night just soaked in sweat. I am also 70. It has helped greatly to cut back on carbs during the day and absolutely no sweets, whether it be an apple or chocolate, that helps a bit..

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by Jane (United States) on 04/29/2020

Abdel, Thank you. I thought about my thyroid levels and my last test, I was told every thing was normal at 0.634. Waiting to talk to Dr..

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by Steve East (EC's Facebook Page) on 04/27/2020

Cut out wheat, fake dairy and added sugar! Sweating is usually a result of a deep seated infection. Sit and think what that might be. Kidneys, ( uti ? ) liver? Drink lots of water, preferably fully filtered ( no fluoride). If you ever had fluoride based antibiotics, then supplement with vitamin k2 and boron and start a course of Liposomal Vitamin C every two hours increasing the dose as you go! If you get headache, nausea ( herxheimer ) just back off the vitamin cdose a little! Now I am NOT treating as we simply have not enough information. An informed guess for you to consider! That thyroid though .... just stay away from mainstream? If you wish, find us on fb ... curezone group.

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by Jane (United States) on 04/29/2020

Steve, I don't do facebook, but thanks for suggestion.

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by John Kirby (EC's Facebook Page) on 04/27/2020

Side effects from the very first drug I looked up nifedipine Although this medication is effective in preventing chest pain (angina), some people who already have severe heart disease may rarely develop worsening chest pain or a heart attack after starting this medication or increasing the dose. Get medical help right away if you experience: worsening chest pain, symptoms of a heart attack (such as chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating).

Excessive Night Sweat Remedies
Posted by James Wallace (Seattle ) on 05/21/2020

My night sweats stopped when I started taking 400 mg of magnesium every evening. I'm a male with chronic fatigue syndrome. Night sweats are a symptom of CFS. Magnesium also helps me sleep great. Also it's good for irregular heart beats. Get magnesium in 100 mg capsules, to start with, because too much causes loose stools. You have to figure out how much you can take.

Hemp Oil
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 06/23/2018

DMSO can be purchased in the horse goods section of farm supply stores. Cayenne. Comfrey salve.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jenny (Philadelphia) on 05/31/2018

VCO cured my hyperhidrosis! I do not sweat anywhere on my body accept.....the dreaded crotch area. After I shower I dry off completely and put a small amount of VCO in the nether region. I no longer need to use any sprays deodorants or panty-liners! Also, since I use VCO as an allover moisturizer my feet do not get funky from my black work-shoes.

Posted by Sami (LA) on 04/18/2023

Hi Phillip,

Hopefully you will see this after 6 years. If so, could you help us and indicate which brand? There are so many and you seem to have had success if you take it daily, I would love to follow your footsteps. Much appreciated!

Posted by Mel (California) on 05/02/2016

Wow, I had no idea. What kind of Hyperhidrosis do you have? Palmar, Plantar, Facial.....? So any kind of cheap Magnesium and from the drug store will work?

Posted by Clare (Uk) on 07/16/2016

Just ordered some Magnesium to try. Apart from horrible topical chemicals, nothing seems to work for me but I'm up for giving this a go. Thanks for your advice!

Black Tea Soak
Posted by Erin (Raleigh, Nc) on 06/07/2015

A few months ago my feet started sweating excessively, whether hot or cold, when wearing shoes. It didn't smell that bad but the wetness was very uncomfortable.

I read somewhere about a black tea soak remedy and it worked.

Brew strong black tea (cheap stuff you make iced tea from is fine) and when it's cool enough soak your feet in it for 30 minutes. I did this once a day for 10 days and my sweating pretty much went away. After about 2 months the sweating started again, so I just started soaking my feet again, and it's already getting better after 4 or 5 days of soaking.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/24/2014

Dear Helen,

That would be a very uncomfortable problem...and to have suffered with it for so long!

I see that you have tried many things...I wonder if you have tried magnesium supplements? A couple of people have posted about that remedy here at EC. A lack of magnesium can cause all kinds of imbalances...I like to use Natural Calm before bed and it is a great source of magnesium. Some like to use Magnesium Oil...if you try it, give it a week or two to see if it will help.

The other thing I would consider is iodine. Iodine is another nutrient that is often lacking in our diets and that lack can cause so many health issues. Here is a link to Bill's great article on iodine.


I hope that you will find relief soon. Please let us know how it goes.

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Helen (Ohio, US) on 08/26/2014

Dear Mama to many, thank you for your kind concern and suggestions. I will try and use magnesium and iodine one a time and report back.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Amina (Norway, Oslo) on 04/29/2014

Hi! I am searching for info about Diatomaceous earth, and find it difficult..

I read that it is very fine structured and should not be inhalated.. My question: is the Diatomaceous earth also clogging skin pores? I am asking because I am making my own deodorant, and want to use Diatomaceous earth, but not if it is clogging sweat glands like antiperspirant does.. sweating is healthy! The odor is the thing I want to get rid of!

Thank you so much, I hope you will find tie to answer this :) Amina

ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
Posted by Greg (Los Angeles, California) on 12/29/2013

Hi Tim,

Thanks so very much for the reply. I have tried MSM/DMSO and I was wondering about the Ionic Trace Mineral supplement you mentioned? Which one? And how would the lecithin help? Thank you again. I need all the help I can get!

ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
Posted by Daniel (Chicago, Il) on 02/03/2016


I know someone who killed himself after having ETS surgery. BEWARE!! This surgery will destroy your life and health!! These doctors who perform it lie and are out for money. Better to live with sweating! ETS surgery will leave you a cripple.

Sage Tea
Posted by Dee (Orlando, Fl) on 07/05/2013

I've been dealing with excessive sweating all of my life and for once I have found something I can rely on. My sweating usually is triggered by social anxiety/stage fright and have been taking many supplements for it including magnesium, b vitamins, fish oil, coconut oil, acv, holy basil, ginger, 5 htp, multi vitamins, beta blockers, baking soda, borax for detox, and others I'm forgetting. I'm a work in progress but have finally found sage is affordable and has the drying capabilities I've been searching for. I boil one big pot if the dry herb and drink about 2 cups give or take a day. I shave my head so the sweat used to just roll off my head neck. I also started to spray witch hazel on my head which also keeps me dry. Between the two I think I am able to feel more comfortable in social settings. Good luck and keep trying new avenues.

Castor Oil
Posted by Tracy (Barking Essex, England) on 06/13/2013

hi just found this site tonight and wow what an amazing array of remedies especially for skin for older women. Can anyone help me with a solution for excessive sweating of my hands and feet, I have tried every imaginable remedy sage tea, mint, vitamins of all shapes and sizes, gp visits alternative treatments nothing have ever worked ever. Its called hyperhidrosis and there is no known cure or in fact no explanation as to why this problem exists. Has anyone else had any relief from using castor oil packs or anyother remedy. Has anyone ever heard of this problem would be grateful as to hear from people using this site there seems to be a lot of knowledge. thank you tracy

Castor Oil
Posted by Jag (Orlando Florida) on 05/22/2015

I had a sympothetomy about 20 years ago. I would not suggest anyone getting it. You solve a problem and create another. Yes, your heart rate does slow a bit, but it does not make you struggle to be physically activity. I am extremely physically active. That is total misinformation. If anything, it's the only benefit you receive from the procedure, a slightly slower heart rate is a good thing. Also, I see people talking about non-acidic Apple Cider Vinegar, there is no such thing. These kinds of misinformations really confuse people looking for a remedy. I've found, a good brand sage tea, just before leaving to an event and powdered magnesium has helped my compensatory sweating.

Posted by Tim0701 (Nj, US) on 06/14/2014

It sounds like you have social anxiety. I would know b/c I suffer from it as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Stacey (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/20/2011

Does anyone know if you can apply this to problem areas.. Such as hands and feet or is it just for drinking? Can you do both?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by S (Thousand Oaks, Ca) on 08/30/2011

I know everyone mentions raw honey but I wonder, would raw organic Agave Nectar work too?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Posted by Ann (Seattle, Wa) on 08/21/2017

Hi DanceJunkie - Thanks so much for your post! Glad this amazing remedy is helping you! You say:

I have been drinking 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar & 1/4th tsp of bs 2-3 times a day & I swear it has helped me a TON!

^ does bs stand for baking soda? I am just wondering if you added baking soda also or tried it w/out the honey?? I know your post was a while ago - if you do happen to see it, I'd love to hear your response! Thanks again!

EC: Yes, bs stands for baking soda.

Sweaty Feet
Posted by Linda (Fairview, Oklahoma, Usa) on 02/04/2011

HELP! SOS Cannot find any posts on this site for sweaty feet. I am fine in the summer. When I have to put on socks and wear shoes, my feet sweat. The colder the temp, the more they sweat. I have to change socks several times a day because my feet chill and I am concerned about getting sick. This is weird, not to mention aggravating. Has only gone on in the past couple years. I am 63, had mercury poisoning which has left me with lots of physical problems to live with. I was healthy up to that point; always been interested in natural health. The only prescription I am on is for BP. Help!

Sweaty Feet
Posted by Saba (Mentor, Oh) on 04/21/2011

Question: Thank you so much for the post. I have the same problem since childhood. Both my feet and palms sweat. This will be heaven sent if it works for me. My question is for how many weeks did you this or are you still doing it twice per week? Thank you.

Sweaty Feet
Posted by Len (Qc, Philippines) on 02/01/2012

My mom suffered from excessive hand sweating then and she told me it stopped when she used her urine in the morning and let it dry for some minutes at the palm of her hand. I am doing it too for two days now and I observed an amazing results.

Sweaty Feet
Posted by Sweatyb (Sacramento, Ca) on 10/31/2013

I've had sweaty feet and palms all my life and have been constantly fighting fungal foot infections. I just happened upon a remedy by accident and it's kept me dry for that last couple of weeks. Apply extra virgin organic coconut oil (I purchased from Costco) to your hands and feet, then put on cotton socks until you feel dry. It takes just a few minutes to go completely dry even if I am drenched when I apply the coconut oil. It really works -- I stopped for a few days, was sweating profusely and when I did it again today, was completely dry. And I even had boots on, which normally makes me sweat like mad (not enough ventilation). I even tried it on my armpits today and it worked there too. My palms did seem a little too dry sometimes (like I should put on some lotion). This is the only thing that has worked and it's so easy (no pills, drinks or soaking required). I have tried several other remedies that didn't work -- sage, apple cider vinegar, prescription antiperspirants. Hope it helps!!!

Sweaty Feet
Posted by Denise (Ft. Myers, Fl) on 11/20/2015

Doesn't the coconut oil make you feel greasy? My son has severe hyperhidrosis. When he was a little kid the sweat would actually run down his hands. Now it is mostly his armpits. Doctors first tried CertainDri, then some machine that had an electrical pulse that was supposed to zap the sweat gland in his hands which, as a 9 year old kid, he hated.

Now that he is 28 it has really affected his life because he has to carry around a sweat rag for his armpits plus wears a super absorbent t-shirt under his dress shirt for work. And we live in SW Florida where it is hot and humid at least 8 months out of the year.

Please advise about the coconut oil and the magnesium. I have read on here that magnesium can cause diarrhea, he already has issues with that now from something that hasn't been determined yet.

Sweaty Feet
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 11/20/2015

Hi, the one thing I know that works for this is botox. Look into it. Good luck.

Sweaty Feet
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/21/2015

Denise, soaking for 20 minutes in an Epsom Salts bath with some magnesium chloride thrown in, is probably the best way to get magnesium.

Sweaty Feet
Posted by Maryjane (Ny) on 11/26/2015

I too have suffered most of my life from hyperhidrosis. Although this site promotes natural cures, my relief came from Botox injections. My dermatologist administers them in his office. The treatment lasts about 3 months. It can be injected into the hands, feet or underarms. I get the shots in my hands as does my son who also suffers from this condition. It has changed my life. I can't stress that enough. My insurance company covers the treatment. I also tried the other remedies like your son did, but they did not work for me. I suffered for many years but watching my 20 year old son suffer led me to find this treatment. Good luck and let me know if you need more information.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ginger (Texas, Usa) on 09/14/2010

I am 30 year old woman, but as a teen I had terrible problems with armpit sweating. The best antiperspirants seemed to act as sweat enhancers! My armpits were clean-shaven, but my deodorant / antiperspirants still didn't work well. And, I bought the strongest that had rugged, outdoorsy, exercising men in their advertisements! One day, I decided to try waxing my armpits. I didn't want to put my harsh yet poor working antiperspirant on right after, so I rubbed some aloe vera gel & tea tree oil on instead, just so I wasn't stinking. What a difference! The sweating was probably 10% of what it had been, & that was with no antiperspirant! It's like if I have hair in the follicles, I sweat awfully & if they're totally removed, I don't. I find the easiest & most convenient method to do this to use a hair plucking device. I use it weekly. This is really worth trying if you have a sweating problem, want to use a more natural deodorant, or have a BO problem. Although I know it doesn't cure ones odor, the possibility of sweating less certainly can't hurt.

If you're interested in more natural deodorants for whatever reason, read forums & try several if your first doesn't work. The glycerin natural deodorants have never worked for me personally, but some people love them. My personal favorite is the crystal stone. For some reason, the spray & roll-on versions don't work nearly as well. Note about the stone: when it states wet the stone prior to use, it isn't kidding. I find it doesn't work without putting the actual stone in water, even if my armpits are freshly "wet" from the shower. Hope some of this helps!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Saratea2u (Ypsilanti , Mi) on 09/15/2010

I totally agree I am a big sweater at least I was until I started using the crystal stone

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mm (Ottawa, Canada) on 01/31/2011

I 100% agree about the crystal stone. It's amazing! I tried every kind of antiperspirant and nothing worked. My armpits were constantly wet... After using the stone for about a month my excessive sweating is gone! It's amazing after all these years. I recommend everyone should try it out.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/23/2012

Crystal stone Q - can you use the crystal stone on your neck and face? That is where I get my heavy sweating.

Posted by Belia (Fresno, Ca) on 08/17/2010

Rachel from Charleston, SC how did you take the iodine? please help I have tried everything.

Posted by Mattynapps (Clinton, Ny) on 11/24/2010

What kind of iodine/iodide did you use, just curious because I also get cold extremeties and excessive sweat. I did an iodine test and it does seem like im lacking iodine. I used Liqui-kelp Daily iodine and noticed you also said iodide, is that was I should be using? Let me know, thanks.

Posted by Coregon (Medford, Or) on 12/18/2010

I just read on another site that a pharmacist recommended "painting the armpits with iodine" for excess sweating and odor remedy. Funny I was just thinking about trying that before I found that. I'll let you know how it goes. I'd say you should be sure that you are not allergic to iodine before you try this. And I would also think that you should do the iodine patch test periodically to make sure you are not using too much. Seems to me that if it is iodine deficiency causing sweating, it would make sense that after you paint armpits for awhile, your iodine levels would go up and you could stop doing this.. Or only do it occasionally to keep the benefits. Again, I'll let you know if it works.

Note: In response to other comments about magnesium deficiency causing sweating: I do believe that magnesium levels also affect sweating. I dissolve a 1/4 cup of epsom salt in a glass jar (or pan) with 1-1/2 cups very hot filtered water (stir). Once it cools, then put in spray bottle and spray armpits, as well as all over your body several times a day or at least after you shower. It seems to be helping.

Posted by Dean (Duluth Mn) on 01/27/2017

Can someone please give me the dose?

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Sarah (Shizuoka, Japan) on 06/25/2010

I had a cut on my hand that I was putting tea tree oil on. I noticed however after 2-3 days that the really bad sweating on my hands had stopped!

I added 6 or so drops of tea tree oil to around 3T of olive oil and covered my hands in it before I went to sleep. The tea tree oil meant it was absorbed quickly, but you may want to alter the timing if you are concerned about the oil getting onto your sheets.

I did this for 2 nights then stopped and it was almost 2 weeks before I noticed the sweating was becoming a problem again. It didn't completely stop my palms from sweating but now I don't have to be nervous when I go to shake hands etc.

*the season has also just changed (spring>summer) so I don't know whether that also had some effect.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 06/26/2010

In addition to normal sweat glands, you have scent grands located in your palms, under arms and bottom of your feet. These are associated with your emotions and have an odor. Temperature has little to to with these glands and deodorants have no effect. If you are afraid of a dog, he knows it by these scent glands and will likely bite you because he feels threatened. Your situation is interesting. I wonder if this is normal sweat or from your scent glands.

Posted by Saba (Mentor, Oh) on 05/27/2010

Question: Has anyone heard of formalin used to prevent excessive sweating? A friend told me that he was given a diluted formalin years ago to apply on feet and palms for a week and he stopped sweating in those areas for over 6 years and now it's coming back. If you know of this please let me know how much to use, how to dilute it and where to get it. Thank you and God bless you all.

Posted by Flor (Philippines) on 09/13/2013

I also have body odor problems because I sweat too much.. I tried lime it really does the job but I can say that baking soda is really effective in removing odor... What I did is to apply lime juice 3 mins before shower and after shower I apply the baking soda and leave it for a couple of minutes and rinse... Guaranteed no smell even if you sweat a lot... Hope it helps you

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Mary (Minneapolis, Mn) on 01/27/2010

To Alex from Bangkok, Thailand: you did not mention if you had the body odor with the sweating. I dont have much sweating but lots of body odor. Could I have a vitamin deficiency that is causing the BO?? Will the vitamin B complex work for the BO and I also drink coffee but do not smoke. Help please

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by M (Nyc, Ny, Usa) on 04/15/2010

To Mary -

For body odor, I SWEAR by liquid milk of magnesia applied to the arm pits after a shower. I use a hairdryer on cool to speed up the drying process. I am positive this will help your odor problems better than deodorant or antiperspirant!!

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Fred (Los Angeles, Usa) on 06/21/2011

Woh I'm giving this a try, Drysol cured my palms underarms and feets but I still have small sweating other places where I don't know if I can apply Drysol. If you're having hard time finding Drysol I found a site with free shipping called drysolonline.com, I had success with workout and running but forgot to add vitamins to my daily routine.


Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, Georgia) on 11/20/2011

Guys, I know how it feels like having this HYPERHIDROSIS thing.. I've been suffering this since birth.. I'm now 25 years old, I usually stay inside the house when it's weekEnd... I already tried using drysol and cider but nothing works, now I'm trying magnesium and I am hoping this wilL work.. HELP US GOD.


Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 11/22/2011 2063 posts

Tinkerbel, the prescription drug Amitriptyline (the old school antidepressant) has an anticholinergic effect which causes dryness throught the body. It is sometimes prescribed as sleep aid. Side effects include dry mouth and nightmares. If the side effects be minimal, Amitriptyline might help.

This isn't natural remedy, but there it is. Good Luck.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, New Jersy) on 11/22/2011

Timh, did your doctor prescribed this Amitriptyline for HH or you just discovered it on your own? For People out there who know some natural remedies PLEASE HELP, TY.

I'm suffering from palmar and plantar HH EVERYDAY, I swear it's EVERYDAY.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 11/23/2011 2063 posts

Tink, no it was for sleep & depression, but the dryness and dark dreams made me toss it.

The natural alternative to Amt. is one of the 4 main nightshade plants ---Belladonna, Datura, Brugmansia, Henbane. These plants all contain anticholinergic chems which are quite effective in inhibiting info accross cell membranes which results in dryness of mouth, infrequent urination, and nerve imbalances like hallucinations. These plant alkaloids are known psychotropics that can be very dangerious in even small doses. Many teenagers wind up in ER in need of life saving measures. The secret is to use a very very small dose only before retiring for HH.

I am currently using homeopathic Belladonna for inflammation and sleep disorder with little results, but no dryness or bad dreams. Surely there is a homeopathic formula for your problem that doesn't have bad side effects.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, New Jersy) on 11/23/2011


The thing is, because I usually stay inside our house I used to sleep most of the time... Based on my observation I'm also having nightmares EVERYDAY, most especially at night.. Well I can say that I'm perfectly healthy except for this HH that I cannot control that's why I don't just take any drugs, only supplements. Hehe, what advice can you say bout this Timh?.. and can I ask, how old are you?

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 11/24/2011 2063 posts

Tinkerbell. As for the nightmares, I would advise to first embrace the Christian Faith (assuming that you havn't done so already) so you have a great ally in which to defeat the dark spirits in the unconscious mind. Also Christ can purify the dark thoughts which arise from the sexual desires. Good, battle half over. Now, get some chakra tuning & strengthening to further empower your mind & spirit. Last is visualization. Imagine yourself in the arms of a very noble man. A man full of love & courage that would defend you with his very life. Always holding you. That should do a good job on the nightmare issue.

As for my age, I'll direct you to my facebook page where you are welcome for friendship.

http://www.facebook.com/#! /profile.php?id=100001609199204

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, New Jersy) on 11/25/2011

Hmm, well even though I always pray everyday still I would have nightmares. Of course I do believe in GOD even though I always feel depressed most of the time because of this HH.. so I just thought that there's a scientific explanation for this?..


But well I keep on thinking that maybe God has a better plan.. WhatsoEver, etc.. Bla, bla, bla.. Hehehe sorry for that.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Hh Sufferer (London, Uk) on 11/26/2011

Hello there everyone I so know how you all feel!!! I suffered silently for over 10yrs!! I was such a social person but am very restricted now because it's the most uncomfortable feeling being wet or damp with sweat when you go out, only ppl that go through it will understand the frustration!! The worst is when my friends want a hug :S I plucked up the courage went docs 6yrs ago and a horrid doc told me go lose weight it's coz I am fat (I was a stone overweight) omg!! I was mortified that after convincing myself to go he brushed me off like that!! But I'm at a new town with a new doc she's fantastic told her how I felt she did my thorough blood tests diabetes, hormones amoungst some others and what do you know I have an under active thyroid!! Hypothyroidism!! So it's not just hyperthyroidism that causes hh it could be hypo too! Well that was some relief but even though I'm on pills for life I'm still sweating but less especially on my face. Go docs peeps and insist on blood tests you never know.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Bem (Tel Aviv, Israel ) on 01/16/2012

Hey, I read all of you responses. I had s surgery for sweat 5 years ago and my life change completely. I tried almost everything, including alternative medicine, pills and chemical preparation.

I'm going to try this apple*honey but I have a question.. I don't have this apple cider vinegar with yellow label in my country so I have to import..

What is the cost of this bottle? and this is for a month or more?

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Gosanfran (San Francisco, Ca) on 01/16/2012

If you can't get the organic brand where you live, you can use the regular, non-organic brand if it's available.

In my case, the regular ACV worked better for me (much better) than the organic did.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Noodles (New York, Ny, Usa) on 01/16/2012

Hi HH sufferers, I too know the humiliation of excessive sweating. For me it is my face, head, torso and when it's really humid, my arms and legs. Basically everything. This problem started when I was around 21 or 22. I am now 37 and after visiting several doctors, endless google searches and complaining, I have found this site. I am so thankful for the new possibilities that might help me but mostly for the company of others with the same issue. My friends, co-workers, strangers etc think I'm crazy or just went swimming when temps are humid or high. I am currently trying to find a new job and the sweating is an obstacle. Anyhow- I plan to try several of these remedies and if any of them work I will let you know. If there was something even partially helpful it would improve life greatly.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Jamey (New York, Usa) on 01/19/2012

I'm depressed... I'm after surgery and I'm sweating all over my body also I have heat wave all the time.. I will try the honey but probably if it won't work I'm going to end this shit.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, New Jersy) on 01/21/2012

Jamey, I know exactly how it feels like... This thing also leads me to depression, most of my time I would just sleep and wish not to wake up... I don't even talk to people because the more I talk the more I could feel other sweat glands open in my body. Although before they would say I'm so talkative, but now OMG "I HATE LIFE" but of course I can't just kill myself cause GOD FORBIDS...

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Jamey (New York, Usa) on 01/22/2012

the question is why to stay here if you are not enjoying the ride... I can honesty say that for the last 3 years I'm waking up without thinking about nothing except the surgery.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, New Jersy) on 01/23/2012

Same here, the thing is I can't afford that surgery.. And I think now I'm starting to get crazy, haha whata Life..

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Jamey (New York, Usa) on 01/25/2012

You didn't do the surgery? If not don't do it... you have a lot of options before the surgery...

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Foof (Armstrong, Bc Canada) on 01/25/2012

I too am so glad to have found this site. This excessive sweating is so embarassing. I have to constantly wipe my forehead even as I walk through the grocery store. Everyone else is bundled up in ski jackets, and I wear a cotton blouse and a light sweatshirt!! My excessive sweating problem is from taking strong medication for pain. Will this ACV & honey solution work for me because my problem is from meds, not a natural or surgery related problem? I guess I can try and find out, right? I'll let you know!

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, New Jersy) on 01/25/2012

Lot of option? yeah right... Well, didn't do the surgery cause my family would say"no, No, NO"... grRrRr, why is there no cure for this?

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Jamey (New York, Israel) on 01/26/2012

No man the surgery is very very bad treatment, my life is a mess, I'm not talking with my parents, I tried maybe 15 ways to change it but the body is "broken".

You have a lot of options before the surgery, check in the internet.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Ben (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 01/26/2012

I have important question... I didn't understand the magnesium thing.. Its pills that you are taking every day? and someone can really tell me that its helped him after ETS surgery?

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, New Jersy) on 01/27/2012

What I mean is, I already tried everything except that surgery.. Guess body's broken too... Know what my sweat Glands would only close when I'm in deep sleep... "wish I will never wake up"

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Tinkerbell (Aragon, New Jersy) on 01/27/2012

Magnesium works for others but not for ALL.. I've been taking magnesium for months but I only lose weight, I lose 10Lbs. Now I'm 100Lbs but still it's a bad news cause I still sweat every minute w/o any reason... For obese people out there, try magnesium.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Shasha (New York) on 02/15/2012

Wow I'm so glad I'm not alone with this condition. So guys I just bought a fresh sage leaves, so should I eat it raw or make it as a tea? And how many leaves should I take daily?Does it really work, should I take it with something like ACV, etc? Help I'm just sick of sweating like hell, TY.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Phillip (Illinois) on 11/20/2016

Hope you got this worked out man, people have said that certain types of magnesium are needed for it to work. That and sage and chloroyphll. Try em all together if you need too. look up dosages on here so you don't take too much

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