Effective Natural Remedies for Thrush: Safe & Easy Solutions

Himalayan Pink Salt
Posted by Amanda (Chicago, Illinois) on 04/27/2012

Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of HIMALAYAN PINK SALT 1 or more times a day under the tongue for thrush/white coated painful tongue/dry mouth. You should see a BIG difference in 1-2 days. Also, it may be helpful to take a rest from all other supplements (except acidophilus) for at least a few days while trying the salt treatment.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Michale (New York) on 03/16/2012

I ate 1 teaspoon of Bentonite Clay (diluted in a glass of water) the first day, then 1 tablespoon and brushed my teeth with it 3-4 times a day - horrible dry mouth and thrush gone! After just 2 days!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Melanie (Rochester, Il) on 06/06/2010

Both myself and my infant suffered horribly from thrush. I breastfeed and had it on my breasts, baby had it on genital area. It was miserably itchy. I began consuming 1 TBSP coconut oil daily, as well as applying it topically to myself and my baby. I also would use tea tree oil/alternate 2-3 x daily,it also helped considerably to avoid sugar, and breads. A few things happened, I noticed right away my asthma improved and was able to go off my meds! I lost 8 lbs the first month, and a total of 30 in 5 months consuming the coconut oil. It took about 3 weeks, but the thrush was totally gone, with no reoccurances!

Posted by Donna (Janesville, WI) on 06/27/2008

With all the other suggestions on here, I have no idea why you still allow this comment to be on here. Urine in the baby's mouth??? That is sick...

Cranberry Juice
Posted by Michelin (Georgia) on 10/10/2022

Cure for Oral Thrush (Yeast)! Unsweetened Organic Cranberry juice.

The organic cranberry extract supplements did not work for yeast, even when I dissolved them in my mouth before swallowing. I just drank about 4 oz a day and it was gone in like 2 days. Like a Miracle!

Fresh Cranberries
Posted by Don (Michigan, USA) on 11/22/2019

If you indeed have oral thrush and at your wits end treating it, give this a shot. Buy a one pound wt. usa package of fresh whole raw cranberries. Wash/drain using plain water. Eat about 1/4 to 1 cup slowly letting it rest in your mouth a bit, 1-3 times a day. Store in fridge.They are so sour it would seem they have to be doing something good. Fresh cranberries are known for balancing blood sugar. I had this thought but have never tried it during active oral thrush. I do munch on fresh cranberries and my mouth feels so fresh and clean afterward. I'd be interested to see if they have a positive effect on active oral thrush. To clarify, I am not talking about cranberry juice. I am talking about Fresh Whole Cranberries. If you are a food whiner and have to have everything you eat taste like a bowl of sugar then you may as well pass on this. Note: I buy fresh USA cranberries on sale average 79 cents/ lb bag, wash/drain and put in slider bags in freezer to enjoy all year. Twenty pounds last me till they are in season again. Thank you.

Raw Sauerkraut
Posted by Danny (Seattle, Wa) on 08/19/2014

I started taking raw sauerkraut about a week ago and the thrush I've been battling for years is gone now. I read some research about how raw, fermented foods like Sauerkraut and Kimchi cure yeast, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I took only about a teaspoon for the first 2 days, then I moved up to 1 tablespoon, and now I'm taking 2 tablespoons. Also, I've been having chronic sinus problems and the sauerkraut seems to be clearing that up as well. I guess it really was a yeast issue all along. Make sure you buy RAW sauerkraut. The raw kind helps fight yeast and the kind that's not raw can actually add to it. Good luck out there! There are cures if you really investigate!

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Keru (Saudi Arabia) on 08/22/2014

Does Black Seed Oil have to be swished in the mouth, or just simply swallow it.Thank you.

Gentian Violet
Posted by Charlotte (Woodbridge, Va) on 09/05/2013

My mother who lived between 1916 and 1999 was a young country girl from WV. Her father had died two weeks before she was born - thus she had never seen her father. This was to have given her the blessing of being able to cure thrush in babies by blowing in their mouth three times. Sounds hokey in this day and age. However, when I was a child I witnessed the many people who came with their babies who had swollen purple mouths from the gentian violet. And one woman who had 12 children had been there for every child. This was in the days before antibiotics and now you never hear of this. Just thought I would share.

Posted by Mary (Crystal River, Florida) on 06/26/2013

Thrush: Low iodine in the body can cause yeast. I have hypothyroidism and didn't know that the thyroid regulates iodine in the body. I started eating dulse and kelp and used vinegar/water mix on vagina before I finally had the bloodwork done and it helped alot as the burning was untolerable, along with drinking apple cider vinegar, 2 tbls per cup of water with small pinch of baking soda and 2 tbls lemon. Also took good probiotics.

Gentian Violet
Posted by Lori (McKinleyville, CA) on 03/16/2009

This is in response to the negative feedback for gentian violet and thrush. Look up the website in Canada and look up any possible name for gentian violet on wikipedia and you will find the person who left that feedback is misinformed. Gentian violet, or any of the other names it goes by, are not listed on the website the user mentions.

I used gentian violet--one time--for my baby's thrush. Painted my nipples and she sucked. Within a day, the white spots in my infant's mouth were gone and she was back to eating normally.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Kixxritxz (Mo) on 06/04/2022

It works.

Posted by Lena (Queens, USA) on 10/22/2007

Two of my kids had thrush before turning 4 months old. My grandmother told me to use a cotton ball or clean white cloth, wet with bit of babies urine from first morning diaper change and wipe on the white patches on tongue and mouth. Cleared in 1-2 weeks.

Posted by David (Dallas, Texas) on 08/01/2010

Get over the stigma of urine being gross and nasty. Terminally ill people can survive and become well by drinking nothing but their own urine. It is not a waste product, it is a filtration of your blood and has very strong anti-biotic anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.... Do the research, many medicines are backwards engineered from urine.

Posted by Immils (Kentucky, Usa) on 12/18/2011

The reason the yogurt works is because it would be a type of probiotic for the baby. I have been studying natural medicine for approx 12 years now and have treated thrush successfully in babies and diabetic adults. To treat thrush which is a fungal infection called Candidiasis (Yeast for short), I give a strong probiotic and Pau D'Arco. This treatment will cure any yeast infection whether of the mouth or elsewhere. The physiology behind this is simple, the natural flora of the body is depleted and it can't keep the "bad bacteria" at bay so it begins to grow out of control and spread to other parts of the body creating what we see as Thrush or Yeast infections.

Pau D'Arco has a miraculous ability to choose not to hurt the "good" natural flora in the body but to help it grow and kill the "bad" bacteria in the body. The probiotic builds the "good" bacteria of the body up to sufficient numbers to keep the "bad bacteria from affecting us. The "bad" bacteria is always in our body but we have to be stronger and outnumber it. Once the symptoms of the candidiasis goes away then you can stop taking the Pau D'Arco and just take the probiotic for maintenance. Both come in forms that can be given to babies and neither are harmful in any way to the body from infant to adult. Hope this helps and I probably give more information than needed, all my friends and family tell me I do anyway. :)

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Acole130 (San Antonio, Texas) on 01/24/2024

Maggie, for thrush or yeast in the mouth. I use Milk of magnesia. I brush regularly with it. I know it seems weird but it really works. I brush my teeth without toothpaste first. I use a small amout of milk of magnesia the taste can be a bit bland unless you get a flavored one. I've used both. Then I rinse and brush with toothpaste. so you will definitely feel a difference! This being said. I'm going to use this regularly orally to help a yeast infection along with acidophilus and yougurt. I will also drink this amazing tea my 19 year old makes. I'm not sure what's in it but it has yougurt so it tastes good and is good for ya.

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Deborah (San Diego, California) on 12/24/2013

Take 1-3 teaspoons of Black Seed Oil for a few days and your thrush will be gone and you'll have a nice pink tongue!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Louise (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 12/15/2012

Tea tree oil was a godsend for me in treating a bad case of oral thrush I had after taking antibiotics for strep throat. My thrush was so bad that I had a sore throat for weeks, large bumps at the back of my tongue (as well as a thick white coating) and I had even begun to have chest pain and difficulty swallowing (I can only think that the thrush must have traveled down my esophagus, as I read this can happen).

The doctor prescribed liquid Nystatin and after 10 days it had helped with the chest pain and difficulty swallowing (the instructions were to swish and then swallow the Nystatin liquid) but I still had a sore throat that was not going away. My mum came across the idea of gargling with tea tree oil so I tried 5 drops tea tree in about a 1/4 cup of water, gargled a few minutes and swished around my mouth, then spit and did not rinse my mouth. Within hours my sore throat was so much better and within a couple days of doing the gargle and swishing in my mouth twice a day, all traces of the thrush were gone! I also had to cut out all sugar while doing this as each time I ate sugar it seemed to make the symptoms start to return. I hope this will help anyone suffering as I was.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Cheryl (Sturgeon Bay, Wi) on 08/29/2011

For over a month I had a white coating on tongue diagnosed as thrush. Was given 2 doses of nystatin. Didn't work. Was told to get Grapefruit seed extract as acts as antifungal. Took internally for one week. The next week I emptied the capsules and put it directly on my tongue. After 3 days the white coating was definately better. Been 6 days now & almost completely gone. Will continue for another week to take internally & put on tongue to make sure gone.. Notice I feel better now also. Not as tired & my bowel constipation has cleared up. I think this is a wonderful cure & it works!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 03/12/2009

Have you tried Apple Cider Vinegar? When my last child was born, he had thrush in his mouth. I was nursing him at the time and got a cracked nipple. The Dr. told me I had to quit nursing as the baby and I would just pass the condition back and forth. An old woman told me that was nonsense and to dilute apple cider vinegar with a little water and put it on a q-tip and rub it around in the baby's mouth and to rub soome on my nipple as well. She told me it would be gone in a couple of days at the most. I tried it and it worked. I have since passed this information on many times and it always seems to work. So, it's a cheap and easy thing for you to try if you haven't tried it already.

Baking Soda
Posted by Ruby (Gloucester, Ma) on 11/01/2011

Baking soda is excellent. I have what may be thrush and I'm concerned because I've read that healthy adults normally do not get thrush. As far as mold going through your system. I've read that only Borax tablets (ingestible) can rid the body of mold. Also I would do an anti-parasitic and toxic cleanse for a month. I do the colonix (Dr Natura) cleanse every year on my birthday, sometimes twice a year to maintain my health. You may want to do 3 months.

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