Effective Natural Remedies for Trigger Finger Relief

Gayle's Bandaid Method
Posted by Gayle Judice (Lafayette, Louisiana) on 08/06/2008

Bandaids cured my trigger finger. I kept a bandaid wrapped where my thumb bends, keeping it straight and unable to bend for (2 to 3) months and I was cured. I believe trigger finger flares up by using the flex motion too much and letting it heal and not being used (such as carpal tunnell) lets the joint relax.

Gayle's Bandaid Method
Posted by Nancy (Mc Kenzie Bridge, Or) on 05/18/2011

I agree with Gayle's bandaid method. I wore a splint on my finger for a long time to keep it from bending and it has cured my trigger finger in the past. When I have not been able to wear it though because it got in the way, I noticed a significant increase in the swelling and pain when my finger was able to bend. Gayle's idea of a bandaid is much better than a splint because it is a lot less cumbersome and can virtually be worn at all times.

Gayle's Bandaid Method
Posted by Katie (San Clemente, California) on 09/08/2011

I have been doing this for about 1 week and my finger feel much better. I have been using 2 inch blue tape and only change it a few times a day due to water.

Rule Out the Water
Posted by Adrian (Oregon) on 09/21/2022

Correlation does not imply causation. I highly recommend distilled water. Please do not go back to your municipal supply. I've provided a few links that will hopefully clarify some of the misnomers behind distilled water and reasons why people should be drinking it.

Tap water analysis- Three reason why I drink distilled water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7d2Q4ONZJM

Distilled water - What doctors and people say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27Xqfz5wZY8&t=696s

"Fluoride: Poison on tap" https://www.vissestormdds.com/news/44-fluoride-poison-on-tap-full-documentary

People should get their minerals from food, not water.

Posted by Vkelerful (Texas) on 10/19/2018

I have had much success with bromalein for my trigger finger which I took for a year...Trying now to supplement with pineapple juice now to sustain. Haven't done that enough yet....but a trigger maybe once a week isn't bad. Trying to boost the juice. How much does one need? What exercises?

Posted by Cheryl (Philadelphia ) on 11/20/2016

For trigger finger, try holding ice on it to relieve the inflammation, that worked for me.

Sea Salt and Rice Wine Poultice
Posted by Wendi Patterson (Oklahoma, City) on 10/08/2015

Trigger Finger:

Get sea salt that you buy for aquariums. Not just regular sea salt. Go to an Asian store and buy rice wine. Take a pan and heat the salt and then pour the rice wine into the pan. Make a poultice and wrap the affected area with the poultice in gauze. I place surgical gloves on my hands and wear it over nite for about two nites

Check it out and see the results.

Juice Cleanse
Posted by Charlene (Tx) on 09/17/2015

I had trigger finger for a year. I went on a juice cleanse and it disappeared. Prior to the juice fast, I did a colon cleanse, then a kidney gal-bladder cleanse, I used organic fresh squeezed OJ for the juice cleanse, also taking a detox tincture. So it was about 5 weeks of cleansing....I feel totally great. My other arthritis symptoms have also disappeared. I lost 13 pounds during juice cleanse.

Aloe Vera and MSM
Posted by Helen (Sanitago De Compostela) on 09/16/2015

I have had trigger finger in the fourth finger on left hand for well over a year now. I have had one injection for it which worked for about 4 months and now it has come back.

I am now drinking aloe vera and also massaging aloe vera with MSM gel into my hands. This is definitely helping my thumb joint which has recently become very painful, and I think it is having a positive effect on the trigger finger.

I shall continue with these for 3 months as I think it takes that long for things in the body to really change.

Fish Oil
Posted by Renee (Trinidad) on 09/08/2015

Hope this helps someone. About ten months ago I developed the trigger finger in the middle finger of both hands and stiffness in my fingers especially bad in the mornings. I bought an online highly rated splint to use, there was no improvement. I started using fish oil supplements about three months ago and the locking is completely gone. I still have stiffness in my fingers but it has improved significantly. (I am 35, female and generally very healthy)

Posted by Medsec (Cincinnati) on 01/21/2015

I've had quite good success with magnesium oil for both the carpal tunnel and trigger finger, not immediate, but after several weeks. Still have numbness in the trigger finger (thumb).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Holly (Nova Scotia) on 01/11/2015

Four of my fingers are locking now from trigger finger and my hands are aching all the time. I have been taking 1 tbsp. of ACV in a glass of water 3-4 times a day, but no results so far. It was suggested that I soak my hands in ACV for 15 minutes a day using 1 part ACV and 3 of water. If this is an alternative, then for soaking can I use the regular grocery store brand as the organic is expensive for that purpose.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Tom In Va (Virginia) on 05/09/2014

Well here is the update.

I purchased the Aloe Vera supplements, 500 mg capsules. I have been taking 1000 mg a day and haven't noticed a significant change in the trigger finger. So I am going to move on from this point and order the Bromelain and give you an update on the results.


Soursop Tea
Posted by Linda Davies (Nigeria) on 10/31/2013

I had a problem with my thumb called trigger thumb. A health situation where the finger locks and to unlock is very painful. Tried the hot heat treatment in addition to eating a lot of pineapples which is supposed to contain bromelain, a substance that is supposed to aid the cure. To no avail. By chance I discovered a painlesslump in my anal region. In a bid to get rid of the lump which I feared might be cancerous I started myself on a soursop tea treatment daily. To my greatest surprise not only did the lump disappear, the thumb trigger condition disappeared. I have a friend who suffers from rheumatoid athritis. I will tell her about this and see if it will alleviate her condition.

EC: For those interested in learning more about soursop, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soursop

Foods to Avoid
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/20/2013

I believe I read that low magnesium causes this but I also think that dehydration would contribute. Since magnesium pushes the calcium in and out of the cells and also aids the salt to hold the water in the cells then it would affect the joints as well.

With no water cushioning the joints, they would get sticky and very painful. Try a multi vitamin and multi mineral supplement and drink water half an hour before eating.

Hang From a Monkey Bar
Posted by Mark (Texas) on 03/26/2016

I will try this. My trigger finger is not painful and usually lets up as the day goes on but I play guitar (not for a living, just to live a little) and do not want it to progress to a point that I can't play anymore.). Thanks for the hint.

Respectfully, Mark

Posted by Troy (Madisonville, Ky) on 07/19/2012

how r your fingers doing now? need an up date please....

Posted by Ascot (Wyandotte, Michigan) on 07/20/2012

Of all the postings, this sounds not only the simplest, but the most positive, so much so that I have ordered bromelain to give it a try with the understanding that what may work for one, might not work for another.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Dora (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 10/13/2011

I want to thank Ted for the advice on how to cure Trigger finger. Also liked to share that I put Aloe vera on my finger and it is helping with inflammation of the finger.

Thank you very much to you all who shared such of important information. God bless you. Dora

General Feedback
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 08/17/2011

Hi Sue, traditionally you hit the ganglion cyst with a huge book and it bursts. (the bible was the book of choice). I have done this and it goes down and sometimes comes back up so you just repeat the "cure", until it stays away. Hope this helps. Lily.

General Feedback
Posted by Carla (Acworth, Ga) on 09/02/2011


I had a ganglion cyst on my right wrist for several months- it was right in the joint and you could only see it when my wrist was bent- very painful. The doctor drained it twice and it always came back- but each time he mentioned hitting it with a book. The last time it came back I had someone us a Very large hard cover book to smack it. It has been about 5 years and it has not come back yet.

Just be careful with the joint!

General Feedback
Posted by Alex (Orlando ) on 08/16/2016

Ganglions are fluid fill sacs. If you don't disrupt the sac they usually return. Surgery is an option where the sac is removed or if you break the sac I.e. smash with a book you must apply direct pressure for a few weeks with a pressure dressing to hopefully prevent the sac from forming again.

General Feedback
Posted by Pamela (Marlborough, Connecticut) on 10/04/2010

Also I have been having trouble with my knuckles being swollen for months, when to a doctor who gave me to cortisone shots in one hand and said I had trigger finger. I don't have any clicking in any fingers so I think he is wrong and the shots only helped for a week, which also cost 600.00 for the visit. I am desperate for help. I have been taking pain pills for weeks that only help so much. Thanks for any help Pam

Warm Water Soak, Ultrasound
Posted by Zoltan (Manitou Springs, Colorado) on 08/01/2012

Try a vibrator on palm of hand, just below the trigger finger. This is the area where surgeons operate to release tendon. I find it shakes it loose within a minute or two.

Warm Water Soak, Ultrasound
Posted by Hal M. (Jupiter, Florida) on 07/10/2015

Using a massage vibrator on the nodule along the tendon of my left hand middle finger almost got rid of the nodule in a day.

Avoid Citrus
Posted by Uchiki (Koloa, Hi, Usa) on 01/27/2011

My trigger thumb only occurs at night when I am sleeping. I recently had carpal tunnel release (3 mos. Ago) after 25 years of living with the disease. The surgeon said I had a very narrow sheath. He now says that is most likely the reason for the trigger thumb. Why now? By the way I have been eating lots of oranges, tangerines and grapefruit in the last couple of months. Do I continue to drink lemon water to alkalize?

Gayle's Bandaid Method
Posted by Ange (Grifton, Nc, Us) on 03/13/2013

I love this method and it makes sense. Thanks for the information. I am going to try it!

Gayle's Bandaid Method
Posted by Vicky (Texas) on 09/02/2015

You want a neutral position. lay your hand on its side on a table...relaxed...there should be a slight arch to your palm and fingers. That's it! There are neoprene sheaths available at Walmart that can do this as well. from my experience this was helpful in the beginning of my food regime. The vitamins, reducing inflammation/ acidity, bromelain are more helpful!

Rescue Remedy Cream and Essential Oils
Posted by Linda (Gilsum, New Hampshire) on 05/26/2008

Trigger Finger Thumb Pain and Stiffness: I had looked at this site the other night and on a whim decided to try one of the recommendations since I had the oils on hand. Someone had suggested lavender oil. I pulled out my essential oils and mixed a dab of Rescue Remedy Cream, three drops of lavender oil and three drops of lemongrass oil (my info had said it was good for athritis)and rubbed it thoroughly into my hands. I have done this three or four times now and even though I have been under a lot of stress, did some major gardening/digging, took a hike with my hiking stick and played my cello, the stiffness has eased tremendously. The clicking is still there but the nodule at the base of my thumb is less tender and the tendon is less stiff. I have tried other remedies with absolutely no relief so I am sure this is not a placebo effect.

Posted by Justin (Seattle, WA) on 06/27/2007

I just found you by googling "trigger finger natural remedies" and haven't left the computer for 2 hours! What a great find. Thank you. I will try the manganese and zinc, but aspirin hurts my stomach. Thus far turmeric has done the most good. I'll keep you posted.

Rule Out the Water
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 01/15/2021

This is fascinating Deirdre.

What type of water did you start drinking instead?

I've been drinking Berkey filtered tap water for years. Might be a good idea to change things up for a while!

Rule Out the Water
Posted by Tanya ( Bc) on 08/05/2021

Okay that's fascinating because I also have a stainless steel Berkey with the black Berkey filters and my issue started around the same time. I'm going to try drinking the municipal water and see if it makes a difference.

Thank you for the due diligence and the update, it is appreciated!

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