Oscar's Highly Effective BHT Hepatitis Treatment

Posted by Davey D (Bc) on 11/28/2015

I am taking BHT and have no cure but it has given me back my life which the interfuron took from me and the damage it caused. I am now taking 2 caps of 350mg per day with and without food. It makes me feel good and younger as well.

Thank you Oscar for all your hard work.

Davey D

Posted by Jos (Az) on 09/08/2015

Oscar, it makes three cured of the warts, and believe me they were bad, 25 years of bad.. I am one of the four you mentioned, differant e address.

Thank you oscar I agree 100% I was going to do just that. Bht is a great thing.. the reason it didnt totally cure me, may be :I drank coffee, Glucossamine Chondrotin, MSM also Methadone . and tons of sweets, so this may be why Bht cut my VL by 2/3 and couldnt reach non detectable ?? FB

Posted by Jos (Az) on 09/06/2015

Oscar, my fault I spelled the name wrong. It is Harvoni, the newest drug for hep c. Its 1.000 a pill taken for 12 weeks medicare approved it because of what they concluded from the 5 viles of blood they took . I have been off the BHT and on the Harvoni for 17 days and I wondered if you thought it would be detramental to take the Harvoni with the BHT...Sorry to bother you..

By the way I do not consider the BHT as not working. It has certainly cut my viral load in 2/3. The Harvoni is the newst drug out for hep c.. I figured by your post you knew nothing of the drug because I slaughtered the spelling.

Posted by Jos (Az) on 09/05/2015


Oscar I am confused, what is the differnce between non dectable and cured and what numbers designate a nondectable rating? if under 8000 is considered a very low vl a Dr Pearlman concludes what designates non detectable. The word certainly does not mean undectable because they still detect antibodies?

As far as the antibodies go, when you get a nondectable reading you still have the antibodies fighting the hep c in your liver and lymphatic system, is that right?. wouldn't a true cure be no antibodies? is it not true that no antibodies would mean there is no hepc for your body to creat antibodies to fight?.

I was told by a Doctor nondectable dose not mean the Lab finds no trace of of hep-c so what is the the designating factor for calling it "non Dectable"

In 2010 I tested 210000 H HCV RNA PCR quant....6.32h

in 2011 using bht as you prescribe my viral load went to 87830

last week I went on harmoni the dr had me tested before starting harmoni it was down to 761240

I had venerial warts very very bad for at least 40 years tried everything, podophlyn, freezing , lazer nothing worked except when I first went on bht after about 3 months they were gone! .

I have taken 13 harmin pills so far and the fatigue is almost gone I say almost but can not really tell because I also take Methadone.

In conclusion BHT has cut my VL load more then in half and the only symptom I have had in 3 years is fatigue.

Oscar do you recomend me taking BHT now along with harmoni, I was taking it up until I started Harmoni but then I stoped I feel like I should be taking it along with the Harmoni what do you think?

I know you are not a believer but I pray for you Oscar., or at least I think I read that somewhere in one of your posts.

Posted by Alan (Charleston, Sc) on 12/18/2014

Oscar, please comment.

I took the Interferon, Ribovirin and Incevek (sp?)treatment in 2013 through my local gastro- specialist. It was the most horrible time of my life. I am 64 years old. I could barely eat anything or even drink water. I felt so bad I truly wanted to die. I only lasted about 10 weeks before I had to stop the treatment based on my low blood levels. I found the Earth-clinic website by chance and I read your posts about your experiences with BHT. I started my own BHT program back in July of this year (2014). I have been taking 250 mg. BHT three times a day. I weigh about 220 lbs. I take one capsule in the morning when I wake up on an empty stomach, skip breakfast, eat lunch, take another about 3:30 in the afternoon and the last one when I go to bed. I am having no bad side effects. The only other things I have been taking are naproxen sodium (Aleve), vitamin D3, and a Prilosec OTC. I take these separately from any BHT. My viral load back in 2013 was 4 million. In May of 2014 after the Interferon treatment, it was 2,262,000. After 5 months of BHT, my viral load is reduced to 2,028,000. So it has came DOWN 10 percent in 5 months. I feel good physically and I have a good energy level. My doctor is wanting me to check out some of the new very expensive treatments early in 2015. But I am hesitant to start a new "Big Pharma" program if I can beat this thing over the long haul with the BHT. In your understanding of how BHT works, is it reasonable to expect a continuing reduction in viral load if I keep up the treatment as I am taking it now? Thanks for any and all response.
