Yeast Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies: Herbal Solutions & Lifestyle Tips

Posted by Veda Woo (Usa) on 05/28/2016

My 93 year old Mom had a raging yeast infection from alcoholism and sugar diet, the prescribed anti fungals were not working and the infection was systemic and evident all over her body. Her doc suggested Borax.

She stays on 2 doses oral Borax/ day and that has been 3 years...her body looks cleared but was warned she should stay on Borax her whole life...even without alcohol and low sugar diet and good nutrition. She also stays on a 90 billion probiotic.

Hope this helps someone...Borax saved her life.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Dee (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/03/2014

I am 30 yrs old and have suffered from a constant yeast infection/candida overgrowth for about 3 years. I'm positive that this was caused by taking many rounds of antibiotics. Over the years I tried everything from traditional western meds (fluconazole, terconazole) to holistic remedies (ACV, probiotics, candida diet, garlic suppository etc.) and while the candida diet helped, it never completely got rid of my yeast infection.

About 5 months ago I discovered bentonite clay and it has changed my life! I bought the liquid form and followed the instructions on the bottle which is to add 1 tablespoon to an 8 oz glass of water and drink 2 times a day on an empty stomach. Within 1 week my yeast infection was completely gone. Since then I've only had 1 relapse (I went on vacation for 10 days, was in the pool for hours at a time, drank lots of beer and ate lots of starchy foods and unfortunately did not bring bentonite clay with me) As soon as I got home I started taking it again and my yeast infection was gone in less than a week. Now I only take it once a day about 3 times a week and I'm still doing well. I have not experienced any side effects and am very happy with the results.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maz (Philadelphia, Pa) on 04/26/2012

I had a persistent yeast infection that did not go away after using Monistat, or Diflucan, OR both together. The treatment would clear up the infection for a day or so, then it would return. My doctor told me I needed to see a pelvic specialist. I couldn't get an appointment with a specialist for A MONTH... I thought "well, if I have to wait that long, trying Mom's advice can't hurt. " (My mom grew up poor in rural Georgia where "folk" medicine was all the medicine most people could afford.)

I poured out half a cup of unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar and added a little bit of warm water. I was having internal and external itching and dryness, varying amounts of discharge (from "a little" to "buckets"), and a LOT of yeasty smell.

Day 1: Soaked two Q-tips in the ACV for a couple of minutes, then put them in my vagina and kept them there for 5-6 minutes. It BURNED LIKE CRAZY for about 90 seconds, then I felt... Nothing. No burning, no itching, nothing! I took those out and then used the ACV to wet a paper towel and wiped everything external (note that I trim my pubic hair pretty closely, you might need to use more ACV than 1/2 cup if you don't). Again -- burning for a little while, then nothing! The itching was gone all day, the discharge stopped after a couple of hours, and all that was left was a little bit of the smell.

Day 2: The smell had become a little worse and the external itching had come back a little bit. I repeated the same process. This time, NO burning internally, and only a little burning externally. The smell and itching went away again.

Day 3: A little bit of the smell had come back. I repeated the whole process one more time, and I've been INFECTION FREE ever since!

Posted by Patty (Orange County, CA) on 12/17/2022

I was diagnosed with a yeast infection and suffered them from the age of 16 (1969) until menopause. Turns out I have Sjogren's Syndrome which causes dry eyes and mouth, yeast infections, and ultimately severe arthritis.

In 1972, my doctor recommended I douche with 20 mule team borax. It was effective then and likely the ingredients still work now. I stumbled on this old conversation and wanted to add my experience in the hope it would help others. I recommend seeing and following a doctor's advice but can confirm this douche was once highly recommended and effective.

Childhood Sexual Abuse
Posted by Gglexicon (Riverside, Ca) on 10/03/2012

Hello, I am a 19 year old living in Southern California. I have visited the sites on numerous occasions to try natural ways of curing the miscellanous vaginal infections that I have Had(and ongoing). It was alarming that so many women struggle with the symptoms that go with having a vaginal infection, that is not sexually transmited.

But what I wanted to shed light on is the fact that alot of women who were sexually abused as children tend to have gynecological problems as they mature, or even immediately following the abuse.

The reason why I mention it is the fact that one in three women have been sexually assaulted/abused in their lifetime. Most of the time, the victims know their perpetrator. ALOT of women go around not completing healing from this past trauma.

This isn't a cure for having Bacterial Vaginosis, yeast infections, or even trichomiasis. I can attest to the fact that immediately after I was molested at age 8, I started to have yeast infections. When I read this fact/or generality in the Book Secret Survivor by Sue E. Blume, it totally made sense that the source of all these infections was that is was stored trauma, taking the form of stress, and the learned habitat of tightening my (sexual) core alot throughout the day ever since the day the molestation happened. What gives more evidence to this is that my mother, and four of my five sisters are all survivors also. I remember as a child folding laundry, and noticing that all of my sisters' underwear were stained just like mine.

I am not asking for pity. I just wanted to share this bit of information, and story to help other women who have vaginal infections to possibly look back at that as the source of all their struggle. Maybe even begin to actively heal if they havent done so.

Peace and Love, G.G

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 11/21/2017 2154 posts

In reply to Jennifer (Fl),

Hi Jenniffer,

With colloidal silver, ppm is just one way to describe how much silver is in an actual liquid suspension. It probably would be less confusing to just say how many milligrams of silver are in a given amount of the liquid suspension, but manufacturers have chosen to use parts per million instead of milligrams. Most other supplements use milligrams and this is easily understood with minimal confusion for consumers. For example, a one liter bottle of 10 ppm colloidal silver contains 10 milligrams of silver, a 500ml bottle of 20 ppm CS contains 10 milligrams of silver, a 250 ml bottle of 40 ppm CS contains 10 milligrams of silver and a 125 ml bottle of 80 ppm CS also contains 10 milligrams of silver. So these four examples will all deliver 10 milligrams of colloidal silver per bottle, even though they are all different parts per million. Based on available studies and the average amount of blood in the adult human body it can be roughly estimated how many milligrams of silver need to be taken per day in order to achieve an effective dose. The amount of milligrams of silver per dose is what is important, so when people say they take 5 teaspoons of silver three times per day, it doesn't mean much, unless they also say what the parts per million is, whereas if they say they take 5 milligrams of silver three times per day, it is clear that they are taking 15 milligrams of silver total per day and there is no need to use parts per million.

If a person already has 20 ppm colloidal silver, but would prefer to have 10 ppm colloidal silver, they just need to add an equal amount of distilled water to their 20 ppm silver and they will have 10 ppm colloidal silver.

To get the best effect for topical use, keeping the topical application (dressing) wet or moist is very effective for rapid healing and neutralizing most types of pathogens .


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (Los Angeles) on 08/25/2013

Hello ladies, I suffered for years with vaginal yeast infections. I was convinced it was sugar related. Then, in solidarity with my hubby who has gout, I started to DRINK 2 teaspoons ACV at night before bed (mixed in 1/2 cup water). This cured me!!!! I have since found out that the PH of my body was off due to too much caffeine and stress. We focus sometimes too much on curing the symptoms, when the PH balance of the whole body is the answer. Don't forget to rinse teeth after drinking as ACV can damage your teeth. God Bless and hope this helps you as much as it had helped me.

Boric Acid
Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/16/2011

Hey. I have been struggling with yeast infection my entire life. Pretty much everytime I have sex, I get one, its so awful, and I have tried everything under the sun over the years to try to help me feel, normal, down there.

Boric acid works! However, Boric acid is very strong, and very drying and traumatizing to the tissues even after 2 days of using it, so heres what I do, to get the effects while lessening the dryness, irritation, and sometimes bleeding factor of using the 00 empty gel cap boric acid inserted in the vagina everyday for a week issue. The first day of my yeast infection, I'll put one capsule up in there, and maybe even do it again, the second day. But by the third day, I open a capsule, wet my 2 fingers with water, and sprinkle the boric acid, on my fingers. Then lay down over a towel and insert, and I try to distribute evenly up in there, (I know, graphic and gross) but when your desperate to get rid of this thing, it wont matter. Then I wash my hands, dry them, the sprinkle tea tree oil on my fingers and do it again. It feels very cooling, and medicinal and your flowers will feel back to normal in about 4 to 5 days of doing this every night. You can even have sex during this treatment, because the tissues arent dried out, like if you were using the capsules.

You guys, Ive tried everything, EVERYTHING. I use to use these herbal suppositories, (cant say the name on here) but you can purchase them on amazon. Com, which contain Boric acid, and tea tree oil, as the main ingredients, and they worked. But them they changed the formula, and removed the boric acid, which was the main ingredient that really worked in there, and everyone started to complain. So, Im essentially recreating that suppository. I've tried tea tree oil on its own twice a day to cure and infection, and its a pain, and it doesnt always work. However, inserting a bit of tea tree oil in the vag rite after sex, is an awesome preventative. I also take a good expensive multi strain probiotic everyday, and that has prevented future UTI's aswell. Anyways, its all about Boric acid, but it is very strong, and harsh, but it does work

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Happy Lady... (London, Ontario) on 08/27/2012

Well... All I can say is thank the Good Lord for bring me to this site!! I am a 44 yr old healthy woman. About a yr and a half ago I started getting really itchy and irritated "down there" I was pretty sure I had a yeast infection and my Dr. prescribed me the one day pill, plus I got the canesten cream, to no avail. I was mistified and it's always worked in the past, so I was wondering what was up. The itching progressively got worse and the irritation was hell. Let me tell you I would scratch till I bled and I am not kidding. It was HORRIBLE. I asked my gynaecologist during my next apt about it and told him I had treated for yeast and he non chalantly said "it's from being moist, get yourself some "desitin cream" and apply liberally and that will help" NOPE... Didn't do a thing. My labia became so inflamed, irritated and almost leathery due to my scratching. It was relentless. I bought every cream you can think of and spent so much money I was willing to do ANYTHING to get back to normal, but nothing was working. I even took benadryl thinking I had an alergy. I bought hydrocorizone creams, itch creams, vagisil, special soaps... You name it! I went back to my family Dr again and telling him I could take this no longer... He took a look at my "goods" and could see the inflammation and spots from scratching. He said I had a bacterial infection brought on by my constant scratching. He prescribed a course of antibiotics for the bacterial infection and the one day yeast pill. He took a swab as well which came back showing yeast. Imagine!! I took the antibiotics which cleared up SOME of my swelling and soreness from the bacterial infection but the fact remained I had YEAST and I was ITCHY!!!! In fact I was going out of my mind with this itching!!!! If I didn't get this figured out I was going to end up with another bacterial infection from scratching. When I itched it would make my labia so inflamed and sore but I just could not stop. It ruined my sex life and I could think of nothing else. I felt like my life was ruined and I was literally destroying my vagina with the scratching.

WELL.... Then came this site. First of all, selfishly, I was so happy to see that I was not alone. This was happening to other women! I read and read and read for about 3 hours non stop and then went straight away to the kitchen where I actually HAD ACV. I took 2 teaspoons orally, then got a cotton ball soaked full strength ACV and wiped the whole area. It was the middle of the night... So too late for a full on bath. It did sting a litte but the stinging felt so good as it alleviated the itching some. Well... I woke up this morning feeling about 50 percent better. :) After work today I went and bought me a big ass bottle of ACV and some Acidophilis capsules. I soaked in a shallow bath with about a cup of ACV and cup of Epsom salts. Then I took 2 tablespoons of the ACV orally, and 1 of the Acidophillis pills.... Then wiped the area with full strenght ACV, even after I had bathed in it. Well.. I am am sitting on my bed right now with a fan on my goods to fully dry out before going to sleep. I feel almost NO itching and the swelling and irritation is almost gone. To think I had that little bottle of ACV in my cupboard all along. I am thrilled beyond belief and am so happy to have found this site. Thank you, thank you, thank you SOOOO much to all of the ladies who shared their stories and aired their most private and personal situations here to help others. I stopped short of posting this on my Facebook page just to get the word out to other woman! LOL. This works and I am living proof.. I have my life back and you can too!! Whoohoooo!!!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lisa (Burlingame Ca) on 03/20/2017

I recently came down with the worst yeast infection of my life - and I've had a number of them over the years. But for some reason this one would not respond to any of the usual medications. And in fact every time I tried something (like Monostat or ACV douche) it just got worse! I tried coconut oil and oil of oregano and tons of kefir and pro-biotic pills but all that happened was I got worse. I was actually in so much pained I felt frightened. But fortunately I did get around to trying the 500ppm colloidal silver I had on hand (this stuff is so strong it's actually caramel colored). I soaked a tampon in it and inserted it and left it in for five hours. I did this again once a day for a full week and it cured me. It also starts relieving the pain and itching very quickly, like within about 8 hours.

I have since gone to a number of discussion sites on the internet telling women about the success I had. I know there are a lot of women out there who have a terrible time getting over a yeast infection. I just wish I had known a month ago what I know now! Another great thing about the colloidal silver is, unlike most of the other things I mentioned it hardly stings when you apply it. The type of silver I got can be ordered through Amazon or some of the other sites that sell supplements. Make sure it's 500ppm colloidal silver and caramel colored. Do not try anything less because the strong stuff will not hurt you when used in this way. I feel perfectly great now.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jennifer (Fl) on 11/20/2017

I'm so happy to hear your positive experience with colloidal silver. This stuff truly is miraculous! I just want to add, for anyone who may refer to this for help, you don't need 500 ppm. When it comes to colloidal silver, less is more. 10 ppm is the MOST effective solution because it has the smallest particle size which means it can cover more surface area and reach places larger particle silver can't. 500ppm is best for topical use while smaller particle silver is better for internal use because it can expose itself to hard to reach places, thus promoting more healing. :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dawn (Canada) on 11/28/2013

I drink 1tbsp. of ACV with 1/4 cup of water twice a day before meals and it helps me. I swear by it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lexi (Dona Ana County, New Mexico ) on 09/23/2013

Thank God for this site! I suffer from a number of chronic disorders and recently had to go on a course of antibiotics. This gave me one raging yeast infection, the likes of which I've never had. At one point I was putting cold packs down there in the middle of the night in between bouts of tears because the itching was so intense. I bought a generic Monistat kit, but all it did was give me serious cramps, nausea, and made me so miserable I would have rather sufffered from the flu I'd had! Then I found your site and about how Apple Cider Vinegar might help with my symptoms. I soaked in the bath and that helped stop the itch, but about an hour later I started feeling it again. So I soaked a cotton ball and put it up against my vag. The first minute or so, the burn was crazy, but once it subsided, there was no more itch! I think now that I can finally stop scratching, I'll be able to heal. Thank you SO MUCH for all the advice, I've been miserable for days. Acv is a miracle cure!

Baking Soda
Posted by Bev (Long Beach, CA/USA) on 01/24/2009

I had 2 bouts of vaginal yeast over 35 years ago. At that time there was no such thing as vaginal creams, etc. My doctor recommended a baking soda douche in the morning and at night (1 T per douche). That was the only thing that relieved the itching. I didn't continue long enough to cure the infection so it came back. This time I used it longer and it has never returned. I used the white vinegar douche years ago too just to stay clean. Never ACV. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lillian (London, UK) on 07/25/2022

ACV for Yeast Infection

Miraculous. Lifesaver. I have had a couple less severe yeast infections in the past that cleared up with OTC clotrimazol or fluconazol (available as an oral tablet in UK pharmacies) after a couple days, but this time had a horrible infection that wouldn't clear with pharmacy medication. Went to gyno who diagnosed BV and yeast infection occurring at the same time, and prescribed antibiotic vaginal pessary x5 days for the BV + fluconazol x2 pills 3 days apart. The treatment cleared up the BV symptoms (awful smell and excessive watery discharge) but the yeast symptoms continued and worsened. For over 8 days I have had unbearable itching, swelling, burning, tenderness and discomfort. Nothing helped and following the dual medication course of treatment, it had gotten even worse. Finally found the ACV cure on this website yesterday morning. I started out soaking a towel/tissue in ACV and pressing this to my vaginal area (as well as a little bit inside vagina) for about 30-60 seconds at a time – this burned like crazy for a couple minutes but provided relief for a few hours. I did it three times throughout the day yesterday but was disappointed it was only alleviating the symptoms and not curing/killing the yeast.

Then last night, I decided to try the soak – I poured a cup of ACV into a basin of hot water and sat in it for only about 5 mins before bed. Woke up this morning feeling 99% cured!!! It's been almost half a day and no more itching or tenderness, just a feeling of dryness that I'm hoping will pass after awhile. Will do the ACV soak once more this evening and feeling confident that I will be finally yeast free! SO THANKFUL for this lifesaving remedy

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ashnels (CT) on 12/20/2021

I get frequent infections around menstrual time. I use cylinder shape ice cube trays - melt 1/4 cup coconut oil on the stove, add to trays, and freeze.

Lime Tonic
Posted by B (Ca) on 08/06/2018


This is too important NOT to share for those who suffer from many chronic yeast infections take this as follows for 2 dollars per week, EASY to take.

Cut 5-7 limes depending on your blender size, blend with water, MUST use the whole fruit, the outer green peel, the inner white peel the seeds, the WHOLE fruit. Should make about a quart good for one week for one person. Store in refrigerator. To serve, take out and stir using about 2-3 oz in a cup, add one oz warm water and down quickly, VERY EASY to take, rinse mouth, teeth, gums 2-3 times.

A REAL cure/preventative, you can cheat a little on your diet with this too but with any major problems not recommended to cheat a lot. Take 3-5 times daily depending on the quality of your diet, if real good diet take 3 times daily, for lower quality diets increase to 5 times daily.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sheila (Los Angeles) on 05/04/2018

After years of dealing with yeast infections and doctors telling me to watch the carbs and sugar- I finally figured out what was causing them. I only drink plain coffee and tea- thus it was all the CAFFEINE that was causing a PH imbalance in my body. Now I started drinking decaf and green tea and it has made a huge difference in the number of infections that I get. I also have begun to recognize a connection between stress and yeast infections.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Melissa (Garner, Nc) on 11/29/2016

I am writing here to make sure I can get out the remedy that worked for me. I am not saying this is the perfect cure as it may not work for everyone but I definitely want everyone to know my situation/history and what has worked.

I have been suffering with systemic yeast issues for over 5 years which seem to present themselves as yeast infections, symptoms of yeast infections even when there is no infection, fatigue, brain fog, sleeplessness, rashy feeling in my skin esp in the legs, feet, hips, back and joints. About 8 months ago I started something called the GAPS diet along with an anti-candida diet to heal both my leaky gut (the main issues I've been told) and the yeast overgrowth.

About 2 months ago I got a yeast infection from sex with my boyfriend. I was devastated as I had been on the GAP/Candida diet for 6 months even though I know it can take anywhere from a year to two years to really heal the body. It was tough. So...I went to the doctor, they swabbed and confirmed yeast. They did the typical treatment..diflucan. I took it even though I hadn't touched a pill or chemical in 6 months. Just to be safe I also got OTC 3 day monistat. A week later I'm still feeling bad and I'm back at the drs with another swab and confirmed yeast. They gave me more...diflucan and pretty much shrugged (this was not a gyno, just a GP). They told me to take one and then another one 3 days later. So I did. At this point I was sure that the diflucan probably wasn't going to work so I started researching. After talking with my boss, who is also a good friend, she suggested tea tree oil tampons which actually worked for her BV and her wife's yeast infection. So I did that for 3 days and didn't feel any better. I then decided to try boric acid suppositories which I have used in the past for BV succesfully. I filled 00 capsules with boric acid and inserted once in the morning and at night. Felt better for the first few days and then on day 5 and 6 I started feeling worse. This could have been die-off, not really sure but I switched methods at this point. My boyfriend and I had a cruise coming up and I was desperate to feel better.

I started reading about Grapefruit Seed Extract and found a way to use it on a tampon online. Here is what I ended up doing after some trial and error. This worked for me and in fact eliminated most of the symptoms during the treatment aside from just feeling swollen down there I actually did this our entire cruise and didn't suffer much.

1. I melted about 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil in a small glass jar (BALL baby food jars work great). Do this on the stove or using a hair dryer aimed under the glass jar not in it (did that on the cruise since there wasn't a stove and it worked great). Do not use the microwave.

2. I added 8-10 drops of GSE and mixed well. **Just FYI, these oils really don't mix and you will see the GSE settle in little oil balls on the bottom of the jar. This is ok.** Also you will need to adjust the dosage to meet your needs. If 8 irritates you try less drops or start with 5 and work your way up. I was fine with this amount.

3. Take a Super Tampon in a cardboard applicator (very important it's cardboard). Remove the tampon and keep just the applicator. Take a regular tampon and put it in the cardboard applicator and thread the string through the bottom so it looks like a normal tampon where the applicator is just a little over sized. This will allow the tampon to expand as you add the oils.

4. Carefully and slowly drip or pour in very small amounts of the coconut oil/GSE mixture. Allow time for the amounts to absorb. This is going to take a minute or two. I got to where I could do it as a slow steady drip. If you pour too fast you'll end up with the oil just running out of the bottom of the tampon and it'll be messy. The last to go on will be the GSE oil which is good because it will be right at the tip. Be careful not to go too slow so the applicator doesn't get soaked and soggy. It takes a little practice but you'll get it quickly.

5. Once all oil is on the tampon (there may be some dripping out of the bottom, if so don't worry just get it in), you will insert it. **FYI...sometimes a little oil will seep out of the bottom when you insert. For this reason I would make sure you aren't standing over something, like clothes or good rugs. Best to do with pants off standing in the bathroom on tiled floor if possible. Wear a panty liner during the day

6. Change this out every 7-8 hours for about 14 days. I am not sure if it is needed for 14 days but that's how long I did it for.

At the end of treatment I went to an actually gyno and had a swab and labs done. My swab came up yeast free and the labs just came back yesterday and I am clear of all the yeast strains they tested for (albicans, glabrata, tropicalis, Parapsilosis, Krusei). The dr told me I obliterated everything in there. They found no yeast and no bacteria at all.

Right now I am doing suppositories of coconut oil and 50 billion probiotics. I Mixed 1/2 CO with 1 50 billion capsule and poured it into 1/2 tbsp molds to insert each night to make sure the good bacteria is what grows back after the decimation of everything. I plan to do this for 5-7 days to repopulate the good guys.

I would highly recommend GSE as a yeast remedy.

Boric Acid
Posted by Nancy (Dallas, Texas) on 12/23/2015

I got a yeast infection from hell after using antibiotics to lower my Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. I stupidly didn't act on the itchiness for days, and then it got so bad that it not only hurt to pee, but felt like I had to pee ALL the time!!

I first tried Diflucan that my doctor prescribed. Did nothing. Then tried ACV...seemed to help the itching a little, but it would also come back and all my symptoms kept getting worse. Tried Hydrogen Peroxide...nada.

So I moved to Boric Acid suppositories which I made myself, once a night. I bought powdered boric acid and size 00 gel capsules. Using those started progress finally, as I could finally tell that the yeast was dying by having deep fatigue, and it did rid me of the peeing discomfort.

But still had some major itching and problems. I moved to twice a day on the fourth day (wish I started that way) and THAT started doing the trick. Will maintain twice a day for 3-4 days, then go back to once a day and keep it up for 10-14 days, depending on symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mango43 (Beverly Hills, Mi) on 04/05/2013

Did you consider that perhaps you had die off? I'm just wondering if you were actually killing the yeast if it was in your system. My understanding is that candida gets worse before it gets better. Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Feelingbetter (San Antonio, Tx) on 09/11/2012

I first stumbled onto EarthClinic about a year and a half ago trying to find what to do about the bumps I get on my scalp, then later for cold sores that popped up. First I want to say: I love it here on EarthClinic! I came back recently to see options on how to treat my bfs case of ringworm from the neighbor's dog, and I came back this time because I seem to have developed a yeast infection. I am sure it started because of my weak immune system combined with meds from surgery(wisdom teeth) or from the doctor/clinic I went to for cold sores that followed my surgery even though I had been maintaining up until then from advice I got on EC. He gave me cream that I reacted to and when it didnt work, he gave me steroids to "possibly" help with healing). Any input here would be greatly appreciated, more specifically input about weak immune systems, meds, & yeast infections. Obviously I completely regretted making the trip to the doctor, AGAIN, and now I am terrified about going back. The visit confirmed my fears and doubts. I do not want to go to the doc for my YI and be prescribed antibiotics or something like it when that could very well be why I got it in the first place. I am sincerely sad about the fact that I have no faith in doctors ability to help me. It also makes me feel weird to feel that way; who am I to say this doctor doesnt know what hes talking about, but the way things are done and decisions are made is just not the way for me. Anyways, sorry for the ranting, the point is I came to EC and ACV had something like 84 yeas, the most of any suggestions. So I picked up the ACV on my shopping trip the next day and stewed on it for a few days, trying to work up the courage to try it. I couldnt stand how irregular my "stuff" was, and the pain and itching was crazy. This is my first YI and I didnt realize something was really wrong until I tried to have sex and it was almost unbearable. By this time I was sure something was wrong and EC confirmed everything else.

Anyways, on to the good news: I finally worked up the courage to try the ACV. I went by the closest pharmacy and bought disposable douches. I have heard in the past that douching is not great for you, so I was still real nervous. Anyhow I got home with 6 disposal douches and squirted the first one in the sink til it was empty. Then I meticulously refilled it with Apple Cider Vinegar and water, about half and half. (there may be other types of douches that refilling will be easier to do, I didnt realize this and bought the disposable because they were cheap) I rinsed off first before douching and douched in the tub. It was a tiny tingly type of burn, not a crazy hot burn, and just for a few seconds, probably not longer than 10. Then I refilled the douche with warm-ish water and rinsed. After I did this I considered waiting longer before rinsing. Maybe if you try it you will want to let the Apple Cider Vinegar set in there a minute before rinsing. So then I rinsed again to not smell of Apple Cider Vinegar and by that time I felt pretty good and positive about it. I had been testing what was in "there" with a tampon and after the douching, the tampon came out clean. I expected this after the douching but was still a little bit excited to see which way this was going to go. At this point I had alot of hope, the itching had subsided, I still had a little pain from inserting the tampon to check. So from here there were either two ways this could go: do the tampon test later and there will either be more weird goop that doesnt smell like me, OR there MIGHT be normal stuff. So of course, like you may have guessed, it was more weird goop, but it was a very tiny amount and this time around I felt confident this was going to work! I did it again the second day with the same results, I feel better, still positive, AND when I did the tampon test the second day I could tell I had less itchiness and less pain from the tampon test.

Today is the third day. I tried the tampon test again today before douching and I did NOT have pain from inserting the tampon( I was excited about this) and I ALMOST feel normal. I know from the tampon test that things are not back to normal yet, but I am confident they might get there if I keep trying. I am going to give it until I run out of douches. I will douche with my shower tonight again and update soon to let you all know if it worked or what recourse I took instead. Wish me luck and good luck with your own experimenting! P. S. Please dont hesitate to ask for more detailed explanations or anything, I just tried to keep it simple. TRIED. Lol. Sorry it is so long. I hope it is of some help.

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