The Egg White Remedy for Burns

Egg Whites
Posted by Jennifer (Mesquite, Tx) on 06/21/2010

Last week I was in the kitchen draining noodles and lost my grip on the pot. I poured the still boiling noodles all over my right hand. I screamed and immediately let cold water run over it for about a minute and a half. I didn't know what to do for burns so I got some organic aloe vera gel out of the fridge and poured it over my hand which was very red and very painful. I put the gel in a bowl and kept my hand in it for about 5 minutes, but everytime I would lift my hand out, the horrible pain would return. My husband ran to the computer to see what the top cures were for burns. EGGWHITES. He cracked and seperated about six or seven cold egg whites into a bowl, and I put my burning hand it that instead. It felt immediately better! By this time, my hand was swelling a little and still very red and painful. I left my hand in the eggwhite mixture from eight pm to eleven pm, keeping my hand coated. By that time the pain was pretty much gone. I was tired and didnt want to sleep with my hand in the egg white bowl, so I coated my hand in the eggwhites and let it dry on my hand like a glove. I did that over and over til I had about three or four coats of dried egg whites on my hand, and then went to sleep like that. By morning I didnt know what to expect to see unter the egg white glove. I went to the bathroom to wash it off carefully. As all the egg whites disolved under the water, I quickly realized, there was no pain, no redness, no swelling and no scarring of any kind!!!! I use my right hand for everything for work and for making jewelry. This cure was a Godsend! Thank you earthclinic!!!!! God bless each of you who keeps this website up and running. My family loves you from the bottom of our hearts. I always tell everyone I know about you. They are believers too. Keep up the amazing work! Jennifer

Egg Whites
Posted by Lisa (Socal, Ca, Usa) on 06/19/2010

I got a burn on my arm from taking some food out of the oven. I tired using ice to relieve the pain but it is very short term. I looked on Earth Clinic and found egg whites, so I slightly beat the egg white, applied to the burn and put a small piece of paper towel over to hold egg whites to the skin. Surprisingly, the pain went away. After it dried, it came off the burn and I began to feel pain again, so I reapplied the egg white.

The next day I began applying Vit. E oil several times a day and it healed with no scar, just very light skin. Once spring came around the light area tanned and it's not noticeable anymore.

Egg Whites
Posted by Katie (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 06/18/2010

Egg whites for burns - a big yes! Anyone who cooks regularly will get a little burn every so often. While for most people a little burn will heal in a week or two, when I get a burn it will take about a year to heal, even for a slight burn.

I put egg white on a burn I got about a month ago. Within days it was healed with no mark. I was excited, but I thought maybe it was because it was a very minor burn. I felt I needed to try the cure again to be sure. Well I didn't do it on purpose, but a few weeks later, I got not one, but two burns from my wok, one day after the other. The burns were more substantial. The first burn mark is now completely healed a week after I got it. The scab on the second is starting to flake off, and I see that the skin is normal underneath. This is amazing, considering that I still have a mark from a similar burn from my wok that I got about 8 months ago! I will no longer go around with burn scars all the time!!

I've always wondered why my skin doesn't heal normally in the first place. It's not just burns, but cuts too. They do eventually heal, but take months instead of days. If anyone has any insight, I'd love to hear it. Thanks all!

Try the egg whites on your next burn. It not only helped me heal but took the pain away. And watch out for rogue woks!

Egg Whites
Posted by Kelly (Nampa, Id, Usa) on 06/15/2010

EGG WHITES CURED THE BURNS ON MY FACE IN MINUTES> I had lazer hair removal done on my face. I failed to mention that I had started hydrogen peroxide therapy to the technician before the treatment. This intensified the effects of the lazer on my skin. I kept ice on the burns for 7 hours and it was still burning badly. I got on EC and decided to try the eggwhite remedy. I soaked the eggwhite in papertowel and applied the papertowel to my face. Instantly the pain subsided. I fell asleep for an hour and woke up to no pain and no visible signs of ever having the burns. It was a miracle for me. Thank you earthclinic.

Egg Whites
Posted by Myriam (Perth, Australia) on 03/29/2010

I have to strongly disagree as well. I wanted to pour boiling water in my warm bottle and pour it over my fingers, it hurts so badly i put myfingers under the water with no relief at all, screaming to my husband to crack an egg and pour the egg white in a bowl. My nail start to peel, that was a bit scary. The moment i put my fingers in it, i had such a relief, nothing to compare with water. I left my fingers there for an hour, i was really scared to take them out, i thought it was going to blister anyway. I kept reading what else i could do, and decided to put aluminum foil over them. This morning no sign whatsoever that something happens. Amazing, i'm glad for the tip. Thank you

Egg Whites
Posted by Moi (V Ville, Ca) on 11/01/2009

Tom, have to disagree with your warning. Not long ago I spilled boiling/scalding water on my fingers. Really sore. Ran cold water over them for a minute or so while I tried to think/remember what to do. Pain was awful and I could see the fingers beginning to swell. I remembered the egg white solution. My fingers felt like they were being bitten by about 50 piranhas at this point. I separated the yoke from the white of one egg and put the white into a bowl and put my fingers into the cold -eggs were in 'fridge- egg white. Instant relief, and within minutes my fingers were getting their normal color back and the swelling went way down. I then soaked up the egg whites in a paper towel and wrapped that around my fingers and left that on for a few hours more. By evening there was no pain, no swelling everything was perfect. I know I would have had a very different outcome if I had not used the white of the egg.


Egg Whites
Posted by Claire (Tampa, Fl) on 10/15/2009

I must post a resounding YEAH for this cure. I burned myself badly on my iron, and only days later read about the egg white cure. I wish I had know about it then. I just put aloe on the burn and still have a scar. I have burned myself (minor) on a hot oven and hot pan handle since then and have put egg whites on the burn each time, and each time within 30 minutes, the burn disappeared.

Egg Whites
Posted by Jen (East Bay, California) on 08/30/2009

Egg Whites for SUNBURNS! Today my 11 year old daughter was attending a bday party at a waterpark and decided sunscreen wasn't that important. She is VERY VERY fair skinned (like her mom) and came home with a severe sunburn (already starting to blister). I had her bathe in cool water but I know from a few months ago this is a short term solution. A friend mentioned egg whites, I was thinking it might be a little crazy but decided to try. I used a basting brush to apply several layers and put a damp towel covering her back....out of ALL THE YEARS I have used Aloe Vera, you could STILL feel the heat rising off of the skin. Her skin is COOL TO THE TOUCH!!!! And her pain is VERY MUCH relieved compared to other times when other remedies didn't last!! The only reason I'm here is because earlier I figured I should at least look up this egg white idea to make sure it wasn't something that would cause further issues. So, for all of you who need a remedy for a SUNBURN, THIS IS THE BEST ONE SO FAR FOR US! :) THANK YOU!!!

Egg Whites
Posted by Betty (Dalton, GA) on 06/29/2009

Fathersday, i had the children over for dinner.Right before they got there i burned myself taking a pan out of the oven i was in a lot of pain i put a ice pack on in but the intense heat wouldnt leave. when every one left i came here, saw eggwhite remedy .i used only 1 egg white and soaked gauze in it, put it on my burn then wrapped in press n seal within 3 minutes the pain was completely gone. I never had any thing work so fast, and it never hurt again. Thank you!

Egg Whites
Posted by SassySarah (Los Angeles, California) on 06/16/2009

Last weekend, I opened a cooking pot in the oven and the steam burned my wrist. I immediately put a pack of frozen corn wrapped in a dish towel on it. It made it feel better, but as soon as I took the cool pack away, the pain as so intense I wanted to cry. I pulled up Earth Clinic, and read that egg whites helped pull the heat out. I first put an egg white soaked rag on my wrist for 5 minutes, and it helped a ton. But shortly after removing, the pain returned just as intensely. I did it a second time for about 10 minutes, and the same thing happened. Finally, I read more of the testimonials and realized I needed to leave it on for a long time so I put it on for 30 minutes while watching TV. I went to bed shortly after, woke up and my skin was discolored but not blistered. I followed it up with some aloe the next day once I bought it, and I'm on the road to recovery. I am also trying pure lavender oil as that is supposed to help heal minor burns. Seems to be helping, too.

Egg Whites
Posted by Lois (Fort Ann, NY) on 05/07/2009

Egg Whites relieved the pain I received from a burn on the palm of my hand (my thumb and index finger) It was so painful, the first thing I did was run to EarthClinic so find out what to do....First, I wrapped aluminum foil around my hand and that relieved the pain in about 10-12 I soaked my hand in egg whites (I had a container of just egg whites I keep on hand for baking) for about 15 some gauze and soaked it in egg whites, wrapped it around the affected fingers and left that on most of the day (4 hrs)..the last thing I did was soak in 1/2 cup ACV and 1/4 cup water for about 15 min. Just before I went to bed, I soaked it again in ACV & water.....woke up the next morning, NO BLISTERS! JUST A FEW TENDER SPOTS....Like a miracle....Thanks for this wonderful sight.

Egg Whites
Posted by Karin (Vina del Mar, Chile) on 03/28/2009

Egg whites for burns works like a miracle ointment. I've tried it myself, over my son and over a friend who is a Chef. But do not forget the first thing you have to do cool it down under cold running water for 5 minutes or so. Otherwise the skin will keep burning even after being removed from the heat source. You have to cool it down before applying the egg whites.

Egg Whites
Posted by Laura (honolulu, HI) on 03/19/2009

Egg Whites for Burns:

I burned myself badly all across the back of my hand and immediately turned to to see what might help the pain. I used the eggs whites! I cracked one egg, put it in a bowl, used a paper towel and soaked up some egg white with it. I then put that paper towel on the back of my hand and let it sit. I did this.. maybe 5 times. It really helps a lot! It didn't blister and the burning pain went away after a little. The burn ended up drying a lot and peeled away leaving somewhat pinky skin. Nothing horrendous. I consider myself lucky.. Thanks to everyone who share all these awesome rememdies!

Egg Whites
Posted by James (Old Chatham, NY) on 01/08/2009

Here's another "yea" for egg whites on burns.

We got a new wood stove a couple days ago. I absentmindedly braced myself on the hot open door while reaching for a piece of wood and pretty severely burned the palm of my hand, probably 2nd or 3rd degree burn a I got an instant dollar-sized blister.

Very painful, but my wife suggested egg whites. I dutifully separated the yolk from white and stuck my poor red throbbing palm in it. Stung for a good half hour or more, but I just kept it in the dish as I ate breakfast.

Then I looked online to find something better and saw these testimonials for egg whites, so I dipped in for another round and let it dry. Hasn't stung since. The dried egg white seems to keep it protected, I'm keeping it dipped every hour or so, and I'm able to type and use the hand, where I didn't think that would be possible for at least a day or two.

Amazing! Really works, give it a try, and thanks Earth Clinic for a fabulous site.

Egg Whites
Posted by Kellly (Howard Beach, New York) on 12/05/2008

My husband just spilled boiling water on his hand. The pain was bad! I put egg whites and gauze on the burn and wrapped it with saran, to keep it moist. The Pain is practically gone, we will see tomorrow about the blistering. Thank everyone so much for this great site.

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