Ear Mites
Natural Remedies

Ear Mite Remedies

Posted by Mike (New Orleans, LA) on 05/24/2009

I used 3 parts vaseline and one part sulfur on the outside of my cat's ears. The cat wiped all of it off including the scabs. When it would shake it's head blood flew. I thought there must be a better way so I'm considering a sulfur water/olive oil solution injected into the ear with an eye dropper. I'm wondering if the sulfur powder is a good idea and if so what are the ratios.... Mike

Yellow Dock
Posted by Heather (Mechanicsburg, PA) on 03/14/2009

Part of the introduction to the Ear Mite Remedy page says:

"In order to actually kill the mites, there are a couple of natural remedies that you can make at home.

The first one is a mixture of 9 drops of Yellow Dock Root Extract and 1 tablespoon of water.

Use an eyedropper to insert the treatment into the pet's ear, being sure to massage it well prior to the animal having the opportunity to shake it out. Administer the treatment once every three days for a period of six weeks.

The second treatment mixes 1/2 an ounce of Almond Oil with 400 IU's of Vitamin E. Warm up the mixture to body temperature and apply 1/2 an eyedropper into each affected ear. Massage the mixture around in the ear and remove the excess with cotton balls. Administer the treatment for a period of six days, leave it for three days and then repeat."

However, according to http://www.healthynewage.com/ear-mites.htm (which claims to have gathered their information from William Pollak D.V.M. and the Fairfield Animal Hospital), the treatment regimen listed above is inaccurate in some ways: It explains these treatments as two separate remedies (whereas the following info describes them as two steps of the same remedy), and the administration differs slightly.

I am not sure which is more or less accurate, but seeing as the following information was provided by medical professionals, I personally trust it a bit more. The following info is also more specific and gives reason for each application of treatment. Of course, you have the final say in what you end up using for your pet, so I can only recommend that you do extensive research and become educated on anything you may be considering before deciding on any one remedy.

www.healthynewage.com's remedy is as follows:

Step 1: Make a mixture of 1/2 ounce of almond or olive oil and 400 IU vitamin E in a dropper bottle. Warm to body temperature and put about 1/2 dropperful in the ear, massaging the ear canal well for a minute or so. Let your pet shake its head and then gently clean out the opening with cotton swabs. Q-tip type applicators many times compact material already in the ear canal. Apply the oil every other day for six days. Then let the ears rest for 3 days. (The oil mixture will smother many of the mites and start a healing process.)

Step 2: Using Yellow Dock Root Extract, dilute it with water, 9 drops to 1 Tbsp of water. Treat the ears with this mixture once every 3 days for 6 weeks. Ear mite eggs are quite resistant to just about anything after they have already hardened, that is why a 6 week period of treatment is recommended. The eggs will continue to hatch out in cycles and if medicine is present for 6 continuous weeks (medicine administered will last for four days) there will be no more eggs present.

I also found this tip very helpful: Instead of trying to place the drops directly in the ear, lay the dropper across the entrance of the ear so that the liquid first goes onto the outside and then drains in.

Ear Mites and People
Posted by Jen (Monona, Iowa) on 06/30/2009

I've used this web site before and its great. I would see if your friends dog will let the owner put veggie oil in his ear that is infected.just a few drops.and massage the bottom of the ear. it wont kill the eggs but it does get ride of the live ones. clean with a cotton ball. it works i have used it on my lab. he was so happy!

Ear Mites and People
Posted by Just Browsing (Interwebs) on 04/21/2017

I'm pretty sure you mean holistic.... holographic is something very different....

Olive Oil, Garlic Oil
Posted by Dianna (Austin, TX) on 02/12/2009

i have used both VCO and olive oil and garlic oil (from capsules - the smelly kind not the deodorized). i have pet rats and sometimes they will get ear mites. at first i tried putting VCO in their ears for several days and then also rubbing it all over their fur til it reaches their skin. while this seemed to work you have to do it again in a few days to make sure you get the new ones that hatch. i have also used olive oil for this and what i think worked the fastest was squeezing a garlic capsule in either VCO or EVOO and using the garlic flavored oil on their ears and around their ears. just don't get the garlic oil in their eyes! you must re-apply in 3 days and then in 3 more days to be sure. good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Susan (Redondo Beach, CA) on 02/04/2009

I have a 16 month old 13 lb.terrier pup whose one ear is now inflamed, from little hard bumps to more scab like today, smelly and clearly hurting her (the vet was booked when I went in, till Sat.)

Emily is a spunky sweetheart damaged in her back, legs & spine from puppy mill abuse (leaving no bowel control and little bladder control): she so doesn't deserve more pain in her short life.

I've so far used olive oil, vit.E, hydrogen peroxide, aloe juice -- so far E and Aloe seem to soothe her the most, but it has gotten worse.

She has been shaking her head, and whole body, a LOT. When I first checked her ear I saw nothing but thinner fur near her one ear, with a black dot which I thought might be emotional or have been a bug bite from rolling around 'love noshing' with her puppy friend. What is the difference between what mites and a yeast infection look like?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Linda (Wayn, PA) on 02/03/2009

I was just wondering if anyone has used coconut oil for ear mites instead of mineral or vegetable oil? Since coconut oil has so many healing properties, it seems like a good choice, but I haven't seen any posts about it. Does anyone have any thoughts or personal experience with this?

Thanks everybody for sharing your stories and thanks EC for bringing this wonderful site to us!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Chi2x (Manila, Philippines) on 02/12/2009

I'm currently using virgin coconut oil on my pup, pooch. She's like been scratching a lot especially at behind the ears and she keeps shaking her head. i also looked inside her ears and found red-black debris in there. so i think it might be ear mites. she's also been scratching her legs and biting herself which resulted in dandruff like substances in those areas she scratches. a friend of mine suggested applying virgin coconut oil on the needed areas and put some in her ears while massaging it after. im currently trying it now. hopefully it works. she has been scratching less but we'll see what happens. 1 month is it for ear mites??

this is site is great. :P i'm learning so much.

Gentian Violet and Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Jaime (Chambersburg, Pennsylvania) on 06/26/2009

I just chose to buy an ear wash and medicated powder from my local pet store. i've only used it for two days and already my dogs are doing better.

To the lady with the cat that has a raspy voice.... just as in people, the ears, nose and throat are all connected. you probably irritated his throat with the alcohol. next time take him to the vet unless you know the proper measurments.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Gwenda (Gulfport Fla, Fla) on 01/19/2010

thanks for this info, my dog a cocker has ear problems all the time, the vet was charging me a fortune for a cream that as soon as it was used up immediately returned, i came looking online just in case there might be a remedy and i have the diamomceous earth at home here and will try it.......as you see i too live in Gulfport fla

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Chris (Birmingham, Alabama) on 10/19/2014

I use Diatomaceous Earth for ear mites but it is a desiccant which means it can dry out the skin and ear.

I just dip my forefinger and thumb in and put it on the outside and inside of the ear but not all the way down into the ear canal. Mites travel so they will get up to it. I rub some around the base of the ears and some at the base of his tail. (not sure how much good that does but read that mites will travel to the base of tail area like fleas. ) That is the only thing animal related that DE seems to work for. I had no luck for fleas. It does work for roaches and seems to discourage ants.

Olive Oil, Garlic Oil
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 01/01/2009

the VERY best thing i have found for ear mites in cats, rats, etc. is olive oil mixed with garlic oil. usually i just rub the olive/garlic mixture on their ears and then do it again a few days later.

i've also had pretty much the same results with just olive or coconut oil by itself if you are afraid to use garlic. i personally don't believe garlic is poisonous to cats but some people do. also, i had rats that had ear mites and rubbed VCO all over them ears and everywhere and did it again a few days later (it doesn't hurt them to lick it off) and the mites were gone.

Olive Oil, Garlic Oil
Posted by Darinka (Adelaide, South Australia ) on 09/10/2022

Can I use fresh garlic juice mixed with olive oil or coconut oil for my dogs ears? He hasn't got mites but painful ear constantly and the vets are useless with their ear drops. Thank you

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by IVORY COAST (CYBER CITY, CALIFORNIA) on 07/05/2009


Posted by Donna (Savannah, GA USA) on 11/08/2008

My kitten has ear mites (I think) and I put Ear Miticide in his ear last night. It didn't seem to do anything but irritate his ears worse to where he shook his head and scratched at his ears more than before. Today I rinsed his ears with two drops of vinegar/water mixed 50/50. I then put two more drops of Ear Miticde in each ear. He is sleeping all of the time and when he does get up he wobbles. I am really worried about him. Can someone PLEASE tell me if this is normal?

EC: This website says to call your vet or local Animal Poison Control if you experience side effects from this product: http://www.drugs.com/vet/ear-miticide.html

Posted by Doris (Orland, Ca) on 11/09/2008

I have used a 50 50 solution of Hydrogen Proxide and Rubbing alcohol I rub it really good and then clean it out with a cotton swab it works well and our big dobberman just loves it...

Posted by Gulfport Gyrl (SC) on 01/24/2022

When using Hydrogen peroxide do you get the Food grade kind and dilute to 3% or do you use the kind from the store?

Posted by Marilyn (Shelton, Washington, USA) on 11/09/2008


Balance is a function of the inner ear back of the ear drum. Your cat is suffering greatly and may even begin spinning in circles or begin to go crazy. As a child I suffered multiple ruptures of both ear drums. The doctor had us pour hydrogen peroxide into my ear and hold it there with my head tipped till it quit fizzing. I seriously doubt any mite can survive multiple doses of hydrogen peroxide plus a lot of them will come out when the peroxide drains out. The H2O2 will not hurt the cat's ears though you might dilute it by half. The cat will not like the crackling noise in its ears from the H2O2 foaming but if the ears feel better after, it will soon put up with the procedure. Do it with dropper or even a spoon held well away from the ear so no chance of the cat wincing and getting its ear stabbed. I have used this on a cat with a vets direction to do so. Perhaps once a day is enough. Be sure the solution is strong enough to foam.

Posted by Janet (Vt) on 01/30/2017

My dog mixed breed, has ear mites badly, I sprayed mixture peroxide, acv, water in his ear, that was very red, very sore. I don't know how many times a day would do?

Posted by Renee (Mississippi) on 03/18/2017

My vet helps with cheap remedy for rescues he recommends 50/50 vinegar and rubbing alcohol he recommends a hair color bottle with tip. he says squeeze generous amount in each ear and rub it around till it squishes loudly then let them go so they can sling their heads and sling all the junk out of their ears. do it several days in a row

It really works and very cheap.

Don't recommend doing it inside your house.

Vegetable Oil and Iodine
Posted by Crystal (Spokane, WA) on 10/19/2008

I used to raise rabbits. For ear mites I used a solution of quarter cup vegetable oil and teaspoon of iodine. The solution needed to be shaken before I applied it with an eyedropper and rubbed it into the rabbits ears. Each day I would clean the waxy build up from the ear and reapply the oil until the infestation was gone. Is this remedy safe for dogs?

Vinegar, Oil
Posted by Christy (Dallas, TX) on 10/01/2008

My bull terrier picked up a nasty case of ear mites from an encounter with an especially filthy ferral cat. Because she's vet-shy here's the cure our vet had us do at home with ordinary earth-friendly products.

First we irrigated the ears with vinegar, which changes the pH and kills adult mites. Then we put 5 drops of heavy oil (olive would have been okay but we used jojoba) in each ear and gently massaged the base of the ear before allowing her to shake it out again. The jojoba really did wonders to stop itching and speed up healing.

The vinegar changes the pH in the ear, killing the eggs and the oil drowns live mites and soothes the ear. We irrigated and bathed weekly and oiled every other day.

Irrigations took place in the tub to restrict mess and so I could immediately bathe her in a pyrethium-based flea/tick soap; treating only the ears and not the entire body allows mites to flee the ear during treatment, then move back in. Our other dogs had their ears swabbed with hydrogen peroxide daily to prevent transmission.

We continued treatment for 5 weeks to be extra safe, but things noticably improved after the first treatment.

Vinegar, Oil
Posted by Liz (Brightwood ) on 08/04/2016

Do you dilute the vinegar to put in their ears will it burn them?

Vinegar, Oil
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 08/05/2016

Liz, I have always used a couple of drops olive oil for ear mites massage into ear canal.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Pat (Ava, Mo) on 02/05/2010

This is in response to "YEA" - Tea tree oil is TOXIC to cats! Do NOT use!!! Also, Grapefruit seed extract BURNS LIKE HELL. DO NOT USE!!!!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Stacey (Summerfield FL) on 02/25/2023

My indoor only cat has somehow gotten ear mites in his left ear with the classic coffee ground look and very crusty by the edge. It also smells.

I have a bottle of Nutribiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract ear drops. Can I put a few drops directly into his ear canal or can I only wipe the inside of his ear flap with the GSE and a cotton ball? Please advise.

Neem Oil
Posted by Sandra (Winnipeg) on 04/26/2016

I have tried a solution recommended to me a year ago for killing ear mites. It is a combination of Borax Powder, 70% Alcohol and drops of Gentian Violet (purple dye with antifungal properties). Initially this treatment worked but it can be very messy! You have to worry about the purple dye getting on fabric, cabinets and furniture as they shake their heads out. I would warm it up and use a stopper syringe to apply a few drops in each ear. I have been treating them since mid-December with a break of one or two days then the mites have returned with a vengeance.

I am trying the mineral oil treatment now which the cats tolerate far better. I first clean their ears with witch hazel to get all the debris out. I have 12 cats and this is becoming a daunting task as a few of them are half feral and don't take kindly to being held. I have only been using the mineral oil treatment for the second day now. I read a post that said someone combined mineral and olive oil... I wondered if they applied them simultaneously or if they mixed the two together?? Also to those who have been using Neem Oil, this sounds like it may be more effective than Mineral Oil whereby it sounds like it actually KILLS the mites opposed to slowing them down. Where can one pick up NEEM OIL... health food store I am guessing. Thanks for all the blogs as it does help when people have tested and tried effective methods. Also the person who said they applied both mineral and olive oil I think she applied olive oil at night also? Please clarify if you can, thanks!

Posted by Astralclean (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/27/2010

Earmites-Just pop open a capsul of 1000mg Garlic and squeeze the oil onto a q-tip or if it is really bad just squirt a little bit into the ear everyday. The amount doesn't matter-garlic will not hurt the ear.

Posted by Sarah (Harriman, Tn) on 03/17/2015

I'd love that chart if you still have it.

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/17/2015

Years ago I used to mix up 1% injectable Ivomec for Cattle - the kind sold in the farm supply stores or bought online -for heart worm prevention in my pack. One bottle diluted out can treat many animals and might be a good route for a rescue to go as they may get the volume of animals needed to use one bottle up.

First a warning:


This is no joke; if your dog has a heart worm infection and you treat it with the above medication you can cause all the heart worms to die at the same time, and they will clog your dog's lungs and your pet can die. Always get the heart worm test before undertaking any sort of heart worm treatment or prevention plan.

This is how you mix it up for dogs for heart worm prevention:

The proven dose for 50-100lb dog is 0.272cc - this is the amount of Ivermectin in Heartgard. So if you have a 50-80lb dog, you will give 1/4cc (0.25ml) of 1 % Ivomec for cattle ... monthly. Giving 0.1cc per 10 lbs of body weight is too much. It may not do anything bad, but why use more than you need? …Susan Lloyd, DVM

Source: http://www.sqdog.com/Dog_Health/Ivomec.html

Note the reference to .1cc/10 lbs of body weight; this dosage is all over the internet and is a very common dosage to treat demodectic mange, but this veterinarian explains why this dose is too much for heart worm prevention.

For ear mites in dogs:

"It's very important to verify with your vet that your dog has an ear mite infection before using this treatment. Ear mites are relatively uncommon in dogs (they're much more common in cats). Infections caused by bacteria and yeast are far more likely causes of itching and pain. It would be dangerous to treat for mites if the eardrum were ruptured, which is common with infections.

It's also important to treat all animals in the household at the same time, as otherwise the mites are likely to continue to be passed from one to another.

Directions for using 1% ivermectin solution:

Add 1 cc ivermection 1% solution to a 2 fluid ounce (60 ml) bottle, then fill the bottle with mineral oil.
Shake well before using to mix the ivermectin evenly. Apply 0.3 cc/ml of the mixture to each ear and massage in. Repeat in two weeks if needed.

Note there are about 30 ml in 1 fluid ounce, and 10, 000 mcg ivermectin in 1 cc of 1% solution, so you end up with 60 ml containing 10, 000 mcg ivermectin, or 167 mcg per ml. Giving 0.3 cc of this solution provides 50 mcg ivermectin, the same dosage as Acarexx. This will be enough to treat 100 dogs (200 ears). "

Source: dogaware.com/files/ivermectinmites.doc

An additional source on mixing up Ivomec for pets: http://forums2.gardenweb.com/discussions/1439362/ivermectin-for-doggies

Posted by Chris (Texass) on 10/01/2016

Ivermectin is a dangerous drug for certain breeds, certain animals, and it is easy to overdose. Some things are not worth the risk. It is better not to use it. Revolution from your vet is good for ear mites and so is advantage multi. I however believe those two drugs can cause heart failure due to the possible raise in blood pressure. It is especially dangerous for elderly cats (7 yrs, and up) and overweight cats. Cleaning your cats ears and mineral oil should do the trick. Ear mites can make you itch and you will think you have scabies. They do not infest a human but they certainly crawl on them and attempt to bite. Hydrogen Peroxide is supposed to be very bad for the ears especially if it gets past the ear drum. This is something I read, but I myself as a teenager used it in their ears often and saw no issues but cleaner ears. All of the drugs I mention and my opinions of them are based on years of personal experience with the drugs.

Posted by Merit (Phoenix, Arizona) on 05/15/2008


I used too much lanolin-based ear miticide (Zema) in my cat's ear. He continues to shake, now 12 hours after treatment. I know I have used rubbing alcohol to get water out of my ears. Can I use that on him to try to draw out the extra Miticide in the inner ear?

Posted by Deborah (Macclesfield, UK) on 10/01/2014

Warning! Ivermectin can cause death in collies with deletion mutation in the MDR1 gene, you can test your collie to see if he has this mutation but to be on the safe side, avoid it.

Here's some information from Vetmed:

The phenomenon of ivermectin toxicity in Collies was first described in 1983. Ivermectin causes neurologic toxicity in some, but not all Collies, at doses that are 1/200th of the dose required to cause toxicity in other dogs. Neurologic manifestations of ivermectin in susceptible dogs include, hypersalivation, ataxia, blindness, coma, respiratory compromise, and death.

Posted by h8erboy (Jerome, ID) on 05/26/2008

Funny how some people are seeking products with pyrethrin because "it's natural and comes from chrysanthemums" and others here are wanting to avoid Hartz Mites Drops because "it's pesticide." Newsflash folks, the active ingredient in Hartz drops is pyrethrins, same as the natural cures you're paying so much for. And yes pyrethrins do come from chrysanthemum flowers.

Posted by Ebeth (Abernathy, Usa) on 06/30/2011

Our cat had been diagnosed with Ear mites so we started treating him Pyrethrins as Vet prescribed. So the next morning I squirted some Pyrethrins on both ears he didnt liked it at all, as the Vet directions just " squirt it into his ears". He got soo sick since then, didnt want to eat, he wobbles and vomiting, when I let him outside the wind blows and he just fell into the ground. So I stopped the medication immediately and decided to let him get well first before I would do anything. After 3 days he is well and eating and not wobbling anymore, I just feed him as long as he wanted to eat so he can have his strenght back.

Anyway, I didn't use that Pyrethrins again, I know there is someone here in the board saying that Pyrethins is from crysanthemums and it is not a chemical , I know that too cos I read the ingredients after my cat got sick. Not all Natural remedy are good for every cat, or chemical/pesticide in that matter. Just like us people some medicine may work for you but not to everyone.

I started using coconut oil after I read a lot of remedies here, Im using VCO and he likes it when I massage his ears, but after 5 days I decided to switch to hand sanitizers cos seems like I didn't really see a big difference using coconut oil (i know it will take time) but I want him to feel better sooner. So far I see some improvements, he is more happy and alert and playful and dont shake his head often but probably a couple of time in a day. So I will continue to use Hand sanitizer and see what happens its been 3 days since I started using it.

Thank you so much for this very helpful message board.

Posted by Know (USA) on 02/05/2014

You have to understand that mites are not visible. Dirt in the ear doesn't mean that you see a mites. Dirty ears create itching too. Whenever what you do helps to clean the ear some kind of way. But for mites any oil will drown them if they are on the skin under the skin in site of the ear that where they're hiding. Wet ear from the oil will prevent them from moving around

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Joey (Kingston, Ontario Canada) on 01/08/2011

this is a wonderful product... My mixed breed collie has always had ear infections which I presumed were mites and were treated with steriod liq from the vet, only to return in 8 wk. my vet then took a swab and it came back as a YEAST infection. I then researched online and found a treatment for this:

4 oz witch hazel, 1 tbsp boric acid, 4 drops gentian violet, shake well. put several drops in ear and massage, use 2 x per day for 1 week then 1x/dy for a week. Use longer if required. this is not a permanent cure but sure did last longer than the steriods.

About the Dia. Earth 'dirt': I bought a bag (35 lbs! ) at our local farm centre - ensure you buy food grade. I take a teasp daily for colon health..... It is also good for your pet health - worms - have seen the results. I use it in the garden for grubs, use in the basement to control spiders. Since we can no longer use pesticides this is the best all round product for home/garden that is safe.

Posted by Ràchel (Seattle, Wa) on 02/02/2016

Pups àre at high risk.

Ear Wash
Posted by Sara (Dayton, Texas) on 04/02/2008

Here is a remedy that really works, I got it out of the book called The Whole Pet Diet--
2ounces-witch Hazel
5-drops-tea tree oil
5-drops- clove oil
Mix all ingrediants together in a clean bottle.Warm the bottle with your hands first, because cold solution is uncomfortable for pets. Squirt half an eyedropper into one ear.Try to do it quickly, then fold over and massage for 30 seconds. Afterwards let your pet shake it out, then treat other ear.

Posted by Lisa (In The Country, Massachusetts) on 02/26/2008

Ear Mite Remedy - Perfection. Here is one I heard from a vet....who also admitted they will never tell you this in the office since it will cause them to lose out on some profit. This worked for my male adult cat who would never let me near his head - ever. Take the flea and tick medication (I cannot for the life of me remember which brand I used) and put one drop and one drop only in each ear. I did this for my cat, literally all I did was put one drop in each ear, no rubbing, no rinsing, nothing. The ear mites disappeared, never came back again, and he was a brand new cat that just loved attention! Give a try and see for yourself!

Posted by Timothea (Newberry, FL) on 03/16/2008

To Lisa from In the country, massachusetts--Please come back and tell us exactly what flea/tick med you use-one drop /ear to end mites. Thanks.

Posted by Lyn (Salinas, CA) on 03/06/2008

Lisa from In the Country, Massachusets: PLEASE revisit and tell us exactly WHICH medication you used. I doubt that all of them are effective and some are significantly more expensive than others.

Posted by CECILY (SONORA, CALIFORNIA) on 02/26/2008


Posted by Sue (Shrewsbury, MA) on 03/25/2008

I read a posting from "In the Country" MA regarding one drop of flea and tick treatment to rid cats of ear mites. Is there any way you can contact her to find out what product she used? If not, would it be safe for me to try ONE drop in each ear of Frontline on my cat for ear mites? Thank you for your help!

Posted by Tia (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/29/2008

Hi Cecily, and others with similar problems, I know how this is going to sound, but when we love our cats sometimes we have to do things they hate in order to help them, what I've done with cats that I've rescued and needed things like ear drops, pills, etc, is to use the sleeve of a thick coat, and literally put the cat through it so the head only comes out the end, and YES the cats in question would dislike me for a few days, but with patience and treats they always trusted me again.You can buy a cheap thick coat at an op shop, ones with liner are better, as it helps get the cat in and out, and you can cut the sleeve off with extra material around the entrance.

Posted by Meredith (Greenwich, CT) on 06/16/2008

I know that I'm not supposed to mention a product name, but perhaps the filters will let this through for the sake of information. Revolution kills ear mites. I have used it with great success (and no harmful side effects) on two of my cats. My mother is a vet tech, and she advises 2-4 drops in each ear. Be advised that Frontline does not kill ear mites, so make sure that you buy Revolution. The good news is that even though it's expensive, you only need to apply it once. For the cat who will not suffer ear drops, you can apply Revolution topically to the neck (a normal application as described in the Revolution info packet) and it should kill the mites. This is, of course, not a holistic remedy. However, when cats have chronic ear problems, it really affects their quality of life. Sometimes you need to bring out the big guns. Hope this helps!

EC: We've had a lot of requests for the name of the medication from Lisa (who never responded to the questions), so thanks for this...

Posted by Animegirl (Milford, Oh) on 11/22/2011

hi, I have a four month old munchkin male kitten. I just got him neutered, but the vets office said he had ear mites. I just got him a little over a week ago when this happened. I have another cat and two chihuahuas I know it can spread. The vets office did say the treated the ears, but I still see the black looking stuff in his ears. I do own zymox will that kill ear mites? Also I see the same black stuff in his nose is that ear mites as well? My brother told me I could use alcohol and peroxide- will that work or will it hurt his ears since he has been itching them?

Posted by Dawn (South Dakota) on 06/15/2015

The medication is Frontline Plus. My vet did the same thing.

Posted by Frances (Suburban Dallas) on 11/08/2015

To Lisa, in the country, Massachusettes..I'm confused by what u mean by any flea/ tick medication. I'm assuming the tiny container of liquid that is rubbed onto the area between cats shoulder blades..if not would you please let us know what you mean as I currently cannot afford a vet because I am getting several strays neutered to get them homes before winter and can only afford the basics.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by June (KC, KS) on 01/12/2008

I also use H2O2 for one of my cats who has been plagued with earmites since I found him abandoned as a kitten. I've never been able to completely rid him of the problem, probably because I have not been diligent enough, but the H2O2 definitely helps. As you know, it dissolves ear wax and earmites thrive in those waxy conditions.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sarah (Raleigh Nc) on 08/17/2017

My dogs have mites on back of ears..the inside is clean I used a ear mite liquid from Wal-Mart..the back of ears are crusted n they r irritated.nothing is working . what can I do...also I have scabies. Help us plz

Ted's Mange Cure
Posted by Missy (Toronto, Ontario) on 07/20/2009

Please, I have searched and searched and I still cannot find Ted's ear mite formula using the borax & H2o2 method.
I have read this lengthly mange cure on another site that was written by Ted, but I just can't understand it.

Why? Because it's for mange and you have to bath the dog/cat in it.


I have spent a fortune at the vet using Milbemite and Revolution over the past year. My poor little cat still has those nasty bugs.....I just had the vet put her 5th application of Milbemite in her ears last week and she still scratches and shakes her head. So please, I beg you, would you please post an easy to follow formula for the ear mites rather than the lengthly mange formula for bathing.

|Thank you.

Ted's Mange Cure
Posted by Missy (Toronto, Ontario) on 07/20/2009

Please, I have searched and searched and I still cannot find Ted's ear mite formula using the borax & H2o2 method.
I have read this lengthly mange cure on another site that was written by Ted, but I just can't understand it.

Why? Because it's for mange and you have to bath the dog/cat in it.


I have spent a fortune at the vet using Milbemite and Revolution over the past year. My poor little cat still has those nasty bugs.....I just had the vet put her 5th application of Milbemite in her ears last week and she still scratches and shakes her head. So please, I beg you, would you please post an easy to follow formula for the ear mites rather than the lengthly mange formula for bathing.

|Thank you.

Ted's Mange Cure
Posted by Andre (New York, USA) on 10/23/2007

Update: two weeks later. Kal romps around now without his collar, the mites are still there, as I see a small amount of residue, but clearly they are on the way out. Many thanks to Ted at earthclinic.com for his latest suggestions on using a more concentrated dose of H2O2 (hydrogen Peroxide) for the finish. .. Are there any other suggestions esp. re: diet to finish the ear mites? Maybe the drier air helped ..

Ted's Mange Cure
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Thanks for the information! The Dr. Bronner soap has the lavender and tea tree oil that I always like. So its great you use it. The house should lightly be sprayed with some borax solution or sprinkled borax powder if possible to prevent reinfection. You can also use a small amount of borax, and sprinkle it like a talcum powder on the localized area. Not only the borax kills them, the powder also cause the insects to be suffocated. Those are optional.

Ted's Mange Cure
Posted by Kathryn (Pasadena, Ca) on 04/04/2009


Ted's Mange Cure
Posted by Sherry (New Florence, Pa) on 05/04/2015

Hey, what about dogs? I keep reading about cats but what about dogs?

EC: Please see Ted's mange cure for dogs here: https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/dog_mange_cure.html

Posted by Adan (South Lake Tahoe, CALIFORNIA) on 09/09/2007

Reading some of your e-mails, i am trying to find out what really works to kill/control/repel ear mites. Since there are so many kind of these mites, does anyone know of zoonosis? Not only does the pet get them, but some people like myself (documented proof at UC Davis on file), how do you try to live a normal life with your pets? Anyone out there know the answer? I have tried all the above, or have heard of them, but chemicals are dangerous, so I'll pass on the vets opinion, use natural products, or stuff like mineral oil, Not nice to Lice shampoo, another thing that works is DermaTechRX also. That is my arsenal, any suggestions?

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