Natural Remedies

Natural Flea Control

Banana Peels
Posted by Picturesleuth (Califon, New Jersey) on 12/31/2013

Banana Peels also seemed to help as well as putting a bowl of water in each room with a night light (fleas would jump in and drown)…Also Ants came into the house and I realized they were hunting and harvesting flea larva or cocoons in-between floor boards or in rugs and taking them back out to their nest… Great thing that nature helped us! We also tried amethyst and we also used masking tape to capture any flea that hopped on to us. Religious combing of both our cats in morning and evening and cat baths too…. Also vacuuming… First infestation ever and boy was it a horrible long experience… But banana peels really did seem to be the turning point for us….

Banana Peels
Posted by Diana (San Marcos, Texas) on 04/27/2011

For fleas in the house, throw banana peels down around the areas where the fleas are concentrated. Leave them until they're black & dried up. They emit something that kills fleas as they dry. Is sounds gross but the peels don't get nasty, they just shrivel up & get hard.