Diatomaceous Earth Benefits for Pets

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Lesley (Neenah, Wi) on 03/13/2010

Ted, or anyone else, have any of you tried food grade diatomacious earth (DE)? It sure SEEMS to dry everything up fast, including MY white heads, dogs white heads, dogs' black heads (which came pooping out themselves, to be combed out easily with a flea comb) much else. It seems to be so effective at drying out shells/bodies of insects (fleas etc) and so safe, it made me try to use it as a dusting powder on the dog at the site of demodex infection. It certainly SEEMED to work.

I was so pleased (this before Dx with demodex). The vet thought TOO drying and told me to stop as antibiotics were started. My little old shih tzu girl became worse and worse.

When I restarted, (after visiting dog dermatologist who also said not to use, and AFTER things were looking really bad again) once again it all seemed to calm right down.

I also contacted a holistic vet who endorsed it on the site that I purchased the product from and she said it could be used as a cure for generalized demodex, but that I had to purchase her "package" ($125) for her further help.

Somehow, that seemed funny to me--my experience is vets who have answers try to give out that info as much as possible. Am I overly suspicious?


Ear Mites
Posted by Julie (England) on 09/12/2016

HI, for ear mites in dogs, cats, rabbits use Thornit Powder. Try Amazon or Ebay

Posted by June (KC, KS) on 12/25/2008

Hi, I bought my DE from www.herbalremedies.com. They have great prices. I mix it in my cat's food, and sometimes sprinkle it on their fur but don't use it on the carpet.

As far as keeping fleas out of your house, vacuum of course, this kills fleas. I mix up a spray that really helps. I use a blend of any of these oils: neem, eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella, etc...and add water in a spray bottle. Add as much oil needed to get a strong smell, roughly 20-30 drops of each oil. I spray this on the carpet as often as I need and lightly on furniture. It helps repel and will also destroy eggs.

I've also read you can place liquid dish soap in a plate and put these around your house. The fleas are supposed to be drawn to the soap and drown. You then pick up the plate, dump the fleas and start over. I haven't tried this, but heard it's a good remedy.

Also, google for information on www.holisticat.com. This site charges for membership, but their old posts are free to read. They have great suggestions on natural pet treatments.

Posted by Wendy (Alabama, US) on 01/21/2015

The Diatomaceous Earth. cuts them and dries them as well as the salt dries them.

Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 04/10/2024

Diamotaceous Earth (aka fossil flour), is literally dirt cheap. Sprinkle some over the area! Another poster in a D.E. thread here mentioned to not use a metal spoon when handling D.E. as that would negate the charge. I can attest it sure feels that way when I rub D.E. on an infection of mine, ie tiny electrical discharges). When I found Dog#2, both shoulder blades had massive infection with large pus pockets. He was in agony. I could see small slits on each blade so I knew the D.E. would have them draining in 15-20 minutes, and I was right. I was able to sprinkle some D.E. on him and it was so light it didnt cause him additional pain. 20 mins later I could smell the pus just leaking down from the wounds. The dog was out of agony for about the cost of about 25cents. I haven't found that post again yet to thank that guy, but D.E. has saved me and my rescues from many different infections, sores & bites, burns, and alot of pain! D.E. contains silica, which is something our skin has/needs, but not for too many days in a row, as it can be drying to the skin. I only use it in the initial healing phase. Our bodies do heal themselves very well, if infection is kept out of the way. After infection is no longer a concern, you want to moisturize the area to aid in cellular turnover, which speeds healing.

Potential Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (CA) on 06/15/2023

I would like to give my dog DE for a uti and arthritis. However, she has dry eyes. Can this dry her eyes more taking it internally?

Side Effects in Dogs
Posted by Frankie (Ft. Myers, FL) on 02/13/2022

Does anyone have experience giving this internally ie with food to senior dogs, dogs with liver issues and Cushing's Disease? Is it okay to dispense with Vetoryl, Denamarin, Gabapentin…? Thanks.

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Vreed27 (Seattle, Wa) on 07/28/2012

Yes she is trying to get your money. You can buy ten pounds of Food Grade DE on the internet for about $20 with shipping included!

Posted by Kcin Ar (Russellville, Ar Usa) on 01/28/2011

To Angela from Scotia, Ny, Usa- PLEASE never give your kitties diatomaceous earth!! I understand it can be inhaled and since it's like tiny microscopic shards of glass, it gets stuck in their lungs! I've heard of people who dusted their cat for fleas with it and it killed the cat!

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