Turmeric for Dogs and Cats

Anal Gland Issues
Posted by Annonymous (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Usa) on 04/05/2010

Aloe and turmeric for cat hemmrhoids

My cat had a lump next to the base of her tail. The next day there was another on the other side. She would get angry if I touched them. It must have hurt. She held her tail to the side, so I initially thought she broke it. She didn't like me trying to straighten it. She was straining to relieve herself so I gave her some kitten formula mixed with aloe juice and fish oil. I rubbed the fish oil on her fur since she wouldn't drink it with the formula from a dish. She immediately ran to use the litter box. The next day she was more active, but she had a second lump. I gave her some kitten formula with some turmeric in it, and coaxed her into eating some raw lamb. I had to use a syringe to feed her the formula. Today, the third day, the lumps are nearly gone if not gone (I don't want to hurt her to find out for sure). I gave her a second dose of formula with turmeric. In all she got one dose of the formula with aloe and fish oil, and two doses with turmeric. Only a teaspoon or so of formula each dose. So not much aloe or turmeric. But the lumps appear to be nearly gone. They were the size of a small grape. She sits by the water dish and doesn't really drink. The vet said she has kidney problems. She's probably dehydrated. But she's much happier today. Thank you, Earthclinic :)