Turmeric for Dogs and Cats

Posted by Pj Masterherbalist (Louisville, Ky) on 01/12/2013

Tumors if not malignant can be dealt with using red root capsules and turmeric and cayene. Red root dissolves non-malignant cysts and tumors.

Posted by Jen (Little Silver, Nj) on 12/21/2012

AHCC and ESSIAC!!!!!!!!! AMAZING, and now I will also try Turmeric, but my cats tumor is not on a recent chest xray. So since aug she has been on it since they found a mass in a chest xray before surgery which they didn;t do because it showed up.

I recently took her to the vet for constipation and they did an xray (digital) which I asked them to please scan her chest area, and no mass!

The cancer doctor wanted to take her lung lobe out in Aug plus human chemo, I DON"T THINK SO.

So after a cry in the waiting room another patient told me she tried Essiac for her dog and tumors went away. I went right away and bought it as well as did as much cancer research as I could in cats and dogs. Good luck!

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 11/18/2012 441 posts

I wonder about using such high doses of turmeric for pets. "Amount" is a profoundly critical element of herbs. The amount of herbal elements introduced can dictate to which part of the body its elements are sent AND what action is taken when it gets there. Just like the form in which an herb is administered. A single herb can be used in various combinations of dosages and forms to treat hundreds of different ailments but HIGH dosages can ONLY be treated, by the body, as "toxin". The body doesn't care if it is turmeric or simple oxygen - if there's too much of it, it is simply "toxin" and the body has no choice but to go into "emergency mode". High dosage = chemotherapy. Some "bad" stuff may be eliminated along with the "toxin", but the fight, itself, will further weaken a system that is already weak from trying to remedy the situation. If the body gets to it before it gets to the area you are treating, you could create more and worse problems - often invisible, initially - without the "medicine" ever reaching the intended area. There are too many unknown variables to even guess, let alone calculate, what might happen. Kidney and liver failure are common as these are the primary organs used to eliminate toxins and what could have assisted or even cured a kidney or liver disorder - in the right dosage which would have elicited the right response from the body - could end up "silently" damaging the organs beyond repair. Always start "tiny", once a day. If the body responds, STAY tiny and once a day, before sleeptime. Don't rush it. Let it do what it has to do. If it stops responding, add a "tiny" bit more but don't increase the number of times per day. Let the body use what you're giving it at the time of day when it makes repairs without interference from you - during sleep. Medicine is just a part of life, it's not "magic". The body has a repair cycle. Seek remedy, apply (whether by eating, drinking, breathing or rolling in it) and then have a little snooze. Wake, take stock and either go about your business or take a bit more remedy and go back to sleep or, often, simply roll over and go back to sleep.

Posted by Ruby (Birdsboro, Pa Usa) on 11/15/2012

Get rid of the dog food first n feed him real food. When you cook make an extra serving or two if you don't cook everyday. Dog food is so full of toxins it will continue to feed rumors or cysts... Dogs don't get fat from real food - they get fat from eating too much like we do.

Turmeric Sources
Posted by Lauren (Cape May, Nj) on 08/26/2012

I would apply it every day... Make a paste with either a bit of oil (virgin coconut oil, virgin olive oil) or honey.
You could probably even break open a gel Vitamin E capsule and make a paste with the turmeric with that, too (Vitamin E capsules are gooey inside).

Just sprinkle turmeric onto a plate, pour a little of the stuff mentioned above onto it, and mix it around with your finger. Apply it on the dog's cyst/tumor/lipoma...I would do it once a day. You can probably cover it with a bandage if you think your pet will lick it off or rub it onto furniture.

It might stain the dog's coat orange, but over time it will wash off or fade.

Turmeric Sources
Posted by Yobry1 (Jc, Tn) on 07/10/2012

No one has mention if it's ok to give dogs turmeric when pregnant. Is it ok? Also, have read ppl making a paste with turmeric to put on lumps but no one says how to make the paste nor how often to apply it. Do you put a bandage on over the paste because if they lick it off, that would just defeat the purpose. Someone throw me a bone here (pun intended) lol. :)

Posted by Linda (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 03/25/2012

Her growth is growing. 4 months since I started the Turmeric. It's now a pea and a half a pea. Am panicking a bit, but continuing the 1/8 teaspoon Turmeric with each meal. But stopped the spirulina and Essiac tea for a week. I will start it again in another week, to see if the growth has subsided.

Posted by Kittyf (Somerset, Pa) on 03/22/2012

I, personally, take 8 capsules of Turmeric a day. this comes out to 2 tsps. I use it for arthritis though so maybe you'd want a bit more, maybe a Tablespoonful, spread out over the day? For what it's worth, Kitty

Turmeric Sources
Posted by Kb (Schertz, Tx) on 03/05/2012

Turmeric WORKS! I have a Boston Terrier who will be 11 in Aug. He began having cysts at age 8, one in particular that was pink and coming up through his paw, and the Vet went as far to schedule surgery. I panicked and looked on the web for alternatives and found a site that talked about different herbs as medicines in human trials. I began mixing a paste of pure tumeric and applying it to the cyst. For two days it cracked and bleed, my dog licked and licked, licking all of the turmeric off of course. Four days later it was shrinking, and I brought him to the Vet. The Man was puzzled and said, "lets put off surgery a few days. " Mind you, this surgery might have caused him to lose part of his paw. I was vigilent with the paste and "Baxter" was vigilent with the licking. It completely disappeared within a week, no kidding. I took him back to his Vet who said if he hadn't of seen it with his own eyes he would not of believed it. Turmeric WORKS. I am not paid, I am not totally holistic either, I just know what I have seen. He had large tumors under his arm pits the size of a 50 cent piece. Same thing, I made a paste and one has dissapeared and the other has shrunk to a nickle. He is going to be 11. He eats organic dog food, organic treats, and lots of water, love and play. He is truly blessed, and so am I. Thanks for letting me share! KB

Posted by Serephima (Winnipeg, Mb. Canada) on 03/02/2012

Your dog has an infection if there is blood in the urine.

Turmeric is great for may things. Lucifer gets one capsule every day. It protects his liver, pancreas, and other organs as well. Have you heard of Chaga?

Chaga is a Mushroom that grows on Birch trees. If you can get some already made Chaga liquid, give your dog anywhere from 1/2 a teaspoon to a full teaspoon of Chaga Mushroom 3 times a day. Chaga Mushroom is great for many things as well.

A herbalist once said, "I would rather have one herb that is good for 30 different things, than to have 30 herbs that are good for only one thing". I agree.

Turmeric is Queen of Herbs, Chaga is King.

Posted by Linda (Toronto , Ontario, Canada) on 02/28/2012

I have been giving my 8 pound toy poodle an 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric daily with her morning meal, for 2 months now. To dissolve a non malignant growth on her mammary gland. There has been no change at all. I also put her on a raw diet at the same time. Last week I started Spirulina. Previous to the turmeric I was using virgin castor oil directly over her pea sized growth and held it in place with a bandaid. I did that for a month, and there was no change. This has been an ongoing process since November. She is getting about 1/4 of the exercise she gets when we don't have snow, and I'm sure that exercise is significant in getting the lymph and blood moving. Also, my next step is to try the remedy from B Naturals in the USA for $25. It's an anti -growth herbal remedy they make, that is similiar they say to Essiac Tea. Good luck to everyone.

Turmeric Sources
Posted by Augustine Approved (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 01/05/2012

We produce a variety of 100% organic products for humans and dogs. Our official launch is only around the corner.

Our flagship product, Augustine's Super Food contains certified organic turmeric, among many other organic super food powders. Our belief is that prevention is better than cure.

You can read our story at: www.facebook.com/augustineapproved

If you would like to purchase certified organic turmeric you are more than welcome to contact us.

[email protected]

Turmeric Sources
Posted by Katie (Northport, New York) on 11/18/2011

A good source for organic turmeric is a company called Organic India. I buy the turmeric in 1 lb. bags.

Anal Gland Issues
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 10/25/2011 2063 posts

Sandi, have you tried any kind of topical ointments? The over-the-counter "Triple Antibiotic" would certainly kill any viral or bacterial infection cancer inducers. The old timers "Porter's Salve" is good for many skin conditions and is quite powerful. Good luck.

Anal Gland Issues
Posted by Sandi (Glendale, Colorado) on 10/22/2011

I have a 3 yr. Old Standard Poodle who has tumors on his left rear foot. This has been going on for a couple of years and the vets have never prescribed antibiotics (though they usually say after the fact that he should have had them) and only say to soak it in Epsom Salts. I've been soaking it in Epsom Salts with Essential Oil of Thyme and it only looks like it's getting worse this time. I don't know how much turmeric to give him and I'm frantic as I'm on a fixed income and can't afford to take him to the vet, especially on the weekend!

Posted by Dee (Surprise, Az) on 10/05/2011


I have a 12-year old female Beagle who has had one cyst on her leg for a 1-1/2 but started growing other cysts/tumors on the same side but in the back lower hip/stomach area. I took her to the vet and could only afford the vet to aspirate and send in a sample to the lab to test for cancer. A week later one of the cyst/tumor filled back up again the size of a grapefruit. I was sick - didn't know what to do. To remove these was going to cost an additional $1200 and the vet could not guarantee the removal of the "problem" tumor which he felt was a mast-cell tumor.

Came onto earthclinic.com and read everyone's suggestions on turmeric. Thought I would give it a try. 1-1/2 months later the large cyst reached a head and either it burst or my dog bit into it. All I know is that it was a mess. After I cleaned it and her up there was a hole 2" wide. Morning and evening I cleaned the wound with neosporin and colorless iodine and bandaged it until it was time to let it heal unbandaged. Went to the feed store and bought antibiotics and gave it to her twice a day until it was gone. She also had to wear a cone on her neck so she would leave the wound alone. It took 4 weeks to heal completely and so far the cyst/tumor has not filled back up again. Still giving her turmeric.

The only thing I have just noticed is red blood when she urinates and when I have checked her with a cloth. I give her the turmeric; milk thistle; prednisone and chlor-tabs for her allergies. What could be causing the fresh blood when she urinates? Any suggestions?

Hip Arthritis
Posted by Lori (Tucson, Az) on 09/13/2011

Try organic extra virgin coconut oil. My dogs love it and its good for arthritis also. I use it for cooking and on foods. Just research it, its good for a lot of things.

Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Usa) on 09/10/2011

Doug from Belflower, Ca. Haha so cute your comment was. I'm happy to see your concerned about your dog/best friend and took the time and compassion to find a treatment. Good luck.

Hip Arthritis
Posted by Fern (Mexico, Mexico City) on 08/14/2011

About your dog and the tyrosine thing, I remember doing a little reading and research on curcumin (major component of turmeric) specifically about it's anti-cancer properties, and I remembered something about being a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, so I did a little google search to refresh my memory and I found scholar articles about it (just google "curcumin inhibits tyrosoine kinase activity of epidermal growth factor receptor") you will also find articles specifically adressing it's therapeutic potential to treat prostate cancer.

Anyway... I would think that being a tyrosine inhibitor, it would do exactly what it did to your dog, but the curious thing is that a medicine called Gleevec (anti-leukimia and other types of cancer treatment) did the opposite to the patients being treated, it darkened their gray hair---this drug is precisely a tyrosine kinase inhibitor---

Sorry if I got too technical!!! LOL but I just thought it was pretty interesting... And I don't now if supplementing with tyrosine would render the turmeric mute :S

Redhead lab sounds pretty cool anyway :) good luck!

Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Ma. Usa) on 04/08/2011

To: Meeganzo from Norwalk, Ct.

I give my pets a probiotic in case if there should be any infections also to help keep their systems clean and active. There is Acidophilus and L-Lysine 500. it's essential for maintenance of nitrogen balance; also helps with providing nutritional support for the body's natural defenses.

Here is a website to help inform you better.


Good luck, and keep up the good work.

Posted by Bonnie (Norwood, On Canada) on 03/15/2011

I have a 12 year old miniature poodle with a couple of big cysts and have been giving her 1/2 tsp a day of turmeric and have seen no results yet, how long should I keep trying this? Thanks

Posted by Adolfo (Miami, Florida) on 03/14/2011

To Lisa from Columbus, Ohio, you shouldn't feed your dog "dog food". Raw meat is best.

Eosinophilic Granuloma
Posted by Gail (Wellington, New Zealand) on 03/02/2011

I was just reading of your kittys problem and was going to suggest the hydrogen peroxide therapy, where I see someone else has suggested this. HOWEVER, DO NOT USE THE 3% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE FROM THE DRUG STORE, it contains poisons and should not be ingested. ONLY FOOD GRADE 35% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE should be used, but this cannot be used 'neat" it has to be diluted. I have done the hydrogen peroxide cure myself and Iam totally convinced it is the way to go to kill cancers etc( cancer cannot live in an oxgenated environment)

(be careful handling the 35%, use vinyl gloves, it burns if you get it on your skin) Keep the litre bottle in the freezer and dispense some out to fill a brown glass bottle with a dropper)

My dear cat was severely jaundiced and the vet diagnosed either a pancreatic tumour or lymphonas. I searched the internet for how to administer the hydrogen peroxide , without much luck, putting in the drinking water is an option( it has to be distilled water, not chlorinated tap water) but how much ? and given cats dont drink all that much, how could the cat drink enough water to be effective? I then decided to put 1 drop of 35% FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE in a small bowl of PET MILK X 3 TIMES A DAY. ( which she happily lapped up)

THIS HAS TO BE GIVEN ON AN EMPTY STOMACH, THEN WAIT ONE HOUR BEFORE GIVING ANY FOOD) I also made up an 8 oz bottle of distilled water and put 3 drops 35% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE in the water, I used this to fill up the cats water bowl ( but I have not seen her drink the water) I also added a little of this water to the PET MILK to dilute it a bit.

This is what I noted the next day after only 2 bowls of the pet milk & H202. Her eyes were clearer, she seemed more alive and was interested in eating a whole bowl of food and I noticed her urine was becoming clearer. ( previoiusly it was a dark brownish mustard colour)

After 5 days of this therapy, I can see alot of difference in the cat, the urine is becoming clearer every day and she is eating regularly again. She was just skin and bone and though still very, very thin she seems ever so slightly better covered over the ribs. Her eyes are no longer sunk in her head and the insides of her ears are not so yellow looking.

I will continue on with this therapy as it seems to be working, I think I will use it for 60 days.

(In my research I found mention of an experiment with rats, where they were injected the rats with cancerous cells and then HYDROGEN PEROXIDE was put in their drinking water, the resulting tumors all resolved within 15- 60 days)

I hope this helps those seeking a cure for their beloved pets.

sincerely Gail.

Posted by Bonnie (Norwood, Ontario, Canada) on 02/24/2011

My dog is 12 and has a few fatty cysts so I am starting her on turmeric and just wondering if they burst or pop what should you do about that? I hope this works for her, as I love her so much.

Hip Arthritis
Posted by Katushka (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 02/15/2011

I have three mixed breed dogs with Hip Dysplasia, and a few years back I started them on 'pet naturals of vermont' extra strength hip and joint tablets. They have worked miracles for my three big guys, and I have even been able to avoid surgery on two of them with the addition of this tablet. I would whole hearted recommend it to anyone wanting to ease pain in their dogs joints. You can find it for sale on the internet (i order mine from amazon) and also in quite a few health food stores. Good luck!

Hip Arthritis
Posted by Senora Huesitas (Cozumel Island, Mexico) on 02/12/2011


I've been giving my dog tumeric for his hip arthritus for 9 months now. It is wonderful to have him off the vet prescribed medications and have him pain free and moving again. My vet is impressed! But, what we've noticed is a chocolate lab turn red!! No, it's not from the color of the tumeric it is because the tumeric has an interaction with the melanin that produces hair/skin color. So I have a redhead lab. The vet said my dog was lacking the amino acid tyrosine. So I've got him on tyrosine to put some melanin back in his coat. It's working, starting at his head now at his shoulders he's turning chocolate. I need an alternative to such long term use of tumeric tho. Perhaps one month on tumeric, one on some other natural anti-inflamatory remedy. Any suggestions?

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jane (Cambridge, Uk) on 11/06/2010

Our golden retriever went to the vet recently to have a large hematoma (swelling of blood on ear flap) drained. We were told he might need to have it drained again and then could need surgery. The next morning the ear was beginning to swell again so I mixed roughly half a teaspoon of turmeric in his morning and evening feed. By the next morning the swelling was reduced and within the next couple of days disappeared completely. I'm a great fan of turmeric as I'm convinced it saved my other dog's eye. (See ruptured retina) I still give him a little turmeric every day and people comment on his wonderful glossy coat. He's now 14 and can walk and run with ease and shows no signs of arthritis like many dogs of his age.

Posted by Katie (Oak View, Ca, Usa) on 09/17/2010

My weimeraner was dignosed with bone cancer-doc gave her 2 months. I started giving her a homemade hi protein, lo carb diet and she's still with me 16 months later. She has tons of fatty tumors, so I'm starting her on turmeric tonight, will post back in a week or so to tell what is happening.

Posted by Meeganzo (Norwalk, Ct) on 04/29/2010

I just started my dog Murphy on Turmeric I use capsules that I open so I am not sure how much I give him (one capsule)I never thought of going to spice shop to get the spice but that is a great idea. He is 15 and has a lot of fatty tumors and arthritis. Other then that he is in great health and is very active. I wish I knew about this treatment when I noticed the first fatty tumor! Any other suggestions to treat arthritis naturally? I also do give him glucosamine with his food and feed him a natural diet that I cook up for him (which of course he LOVES). My dog is about 70lbs and is a mix (adopted from the ASPCA in NYC). I would love to keep him pain free for the rest of his years if possible :)

Posted by Suzanne (Alpena, Mi) on 04/08/2010

My Lhasa Apso (23 lbs.) has a ping pong sized fatty tumor under his tail which looks like a misplaced testicle! The vet says it would be better not to remove it because he's about 12 years old and it does not interfer with his elimination. For two weeks I have been giving him 1 teaspoon of tumeric mixed with canned dog food, which he likes very much. Unfortunately, his tumor has not shrunk and HE SMELLS LIKE CAT URINE! Am I giving him too much? Shall I keep trying and wait longer?

Anal Gland Issues
Posted by Annonymous (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Usa) on 04/05/2010

Aloe and turmeric for cat hemmrhoids

My cat had a lump next to the base of her tail. The next day there was another on the other side. She would get angry if I touched them. It must have hurt. She held her tail to the side, so I initially thought she broke it. She didn't like me trying to straighten it. She was straining to relieve herself so I gave her some kitten formula mixed with aloe juice and fish oil. I rubbed the fish oil on her fur since she wouldn't drink it with the formula from a dish. She immediately ran to use the litter box. The next day she was more active, but she had a second lump. I gave her some kitten formula with some turmeric in it, and coaxed her into eating some raw lamb. I had to use a syringe to feed her the formula. Today, the third day, the lumps are nearly gone if not gone (I don't want to hurt her to find out for sure). I gave her a second dose of formula with turmeric. In all she got one dose of the formula with aloe and fish oil, and two doses with turmeric. Only a teaspoon or so of formula each dose. So not much aloe or turmeric. But the lumps appear to be nearly gone. They were the size of a small grape. She sits by the water dish and doesn't really drink. The vet said she has kidney problems. She's probably dehydrated. But she's much happier today. Thank you, Earthclinic :)

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jaine (Ny, Ny) on 03/31/2010

My little maltese is 16 and also has a large red mass on the side of the eye. The vet will not do anything for it, due to his eye. I have been searching everywhere for help for him. He weighs 8 pounds. I will begin giving him tumeric in his food today. I so hope this will work for him. I have also put some castor oil near the tumor, since I cannot put it on his eye. We are also switching to raw meat today. He naturally loves this.

Posted by Doug (Bellflower, Ca) on 03/16/2010

I rescued a 2 year old (roughly) Boxer on September 26th, 2009 and named him Clyde. He is the absolute best dog I have ever owned! Shortly after I adopted him, though, I noticed that he had a lump on his face beside his right eye. It took me a few weeks to spot it because of his wrinkly boxer face. It didn't seem to bother him at all so I decided to keep an eye on it for a while. About a month ago I took him to the vet to have the lump looked at because it seemed to be growing (about the size of a grape at its largest).

They performed a "fine needle aspirate" to determine what it consisted of and they concluded that it was a "probable keratin filled subaceous cyst". (The test alone cost $250!) They said that it would eventually have to be surgically removed. I was pretty freaked out because I am getting married in May and cannot afford to fork out the amount of money that would be required to operate on him.

I was looking into the problem online and stumbled onto Earth Clinic where I read about using Turmeric as a cyst remedy. I ran to the market and picked up a jar of Turmeric powder and began sprinkling 1/2 tsp of it into his food morning and night (totaling 1 tsp per day). His first dose was on Wed (3/10/10).

On the following Mon night (3/15/10 (tonight)) I came home and found the cyst draining a brownish, reddish goo! Once I began treating him with the Turmeric the lump seemed to grow. I was beginning to wonder if it was going to work but I think it only appeared larger because it was bringing the material to the surface to drain.

The lump is not gone just yet but it is rapidly venting its contents and I am sure it will be gone in no time! (I'll post another comment if I'm wrong).

I am ecstatic with the knowledge that I don't have to spend a gazillion dollars and put by my buddy through surgery!

I don't usually write reviews and I am super skeptical when it comes to alternative medicine but this is no joke! EC saved me big money so I figured it was worth sitting down for a few minutes to share my experience. Turmeric rules and I plan to go tell it on the mountains!

Thanks EC!

Posted by Kath (Full Time Traveler, Usa) on 03/06/2010


I used turmeric on my English Springer for his fatty tumors. After about a week the biggest one ( size of a golf ball) popped, totally gross. Had to keep the opening clean but now healed. Two on back legs popped a week later. He still has one on his neck but that one is slowly shrinking. This stuff works. I give him 1 teaspoon mixed in with 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil. He loves it and looks forward to his midmorning treat. Good luck!

Posted by Christine (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/22/2010

Cleo's sebaceous cyst had begun to dry up on Feb 1st. That would by the 2nd week of introducing her to turmeric. A scab developed and had fallen off at least 4 times. Today the cyst is practically even with her tummy skin. I am amazed and so thankful for this method of treatment. I now watch for a reduction in her fat lump, which fills my palm as I cover my hand over it. I believe that results are not as quick because of her age and so, I am patient. She has added vigor and energy, certainly because of the turmeric added to her food. I too add extra virgin olive oil to the turmeric, which I am currently giving her 1/4 tsp twice daily and will continue to do so. THANK YOU for EarthClinic.com and to all of the members' reviews!

Posted by James (Olkusz, Poland ) on 02/18/2010

Just found this site... reading about tumors... two days ago our english mastiff had scan revealing cancer.. he is too old,,ten ... to be operated on and they are not sure of the success.. he feels okay... all functions are working..but his tummy is large on one side... we are trying to arrest the cancer... read about turmeric and omega 3... and special diet... Question, our mastiff is over 200 pounds.. trying to decide how much turmeric to give him each day... i read one place that dogs with cancer should have tablespoon.... any thoughts would be helpful... any idea... tell me please...thanks james p.s. i will visit dogcancer website too..

Posted by Mary (Fayetteville, Ga) on 02/11/2010

Our Lab, Beau, was diagnosed with a squamious cell carcinoma in the roof of his mouth approximately 18 months ago. We struggled mightily with whether we should go the surgery, chemo, radiation route or just try to make his life more comfortable and happy. The surgery, chemo and radiation would not cure, and could only give him approximately 6 additional months. I purchased a book on Natural Healing for Cats and Dogs and immediately changed Beau's diet to a high protein, low carb diet. Also added Turmeric. Began with 1/2 teaspoon in his food for several days or week; then added 1/2 teaspoonfuls gradually until he rached 2 teaspoonfuls per day. Beau is a big boy; always has been. We've had him from birth.

I also started him on 1 teaspoon of the maple syrup cooked with baking soda every day. Ask your vet though, if this is OK. All I know is that Beau stopped bleeding from his mouth the day after his first dose of "syrup and soda".

Al, Beau exhibited a foul smell in his mouth and the vets never told us that sometimes parts of the tumor tissue will die and become smelly. Our new holistic vet practices Chinese and Western medicine and gave Beau Clindamycin because of the foul smell. After ONE dose, there was NO smell!!! Honest!!! She also performed acupuncture on him and he was so relaxed. I don't know how it works, just that it does. Good luck to you all, and may God bless you and our beloved pets. If anyone wants to get in touch with us, our E-mail address is [email protected].

Also, don't forget that God loves his animals, too. We ask His blessings on Beau's food, that it will nourish his body, strengthen his immune system and destroy the cancer that is within him. We also know that Beau belongs to God and that he is on loan to us to take care of. I thank Him every day when I look into that beautiful, loving face. What a gift.

Best Wishes,

PS: Don't forget the sardines for the dogs!!!

Posted by Suz (Boston, Ma) on 01/30/2010

After reading the posts on how effective turmeric has been on tumors and cysts, I'm going to start adding it to Casey's diet. I did a search and found info suggesting a dosage of approximately 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per 10 lbs. of body weight. I'd be thrilled if it would shrink her sebaceous cysts and I'll be back with an update. I love hearing these success stories and I love this site!

Posted by Suz (Boston, Ma) on 01/29/2010

I don't know whether turmeric can help at this stage, although I've heard positive things about it as a supplement. I've been treating my 16 1/2 year old Cairn terrier with a medicinal mushroom supplement, omega 3 caps and a change to a low carb diet. Two years ago I was told she'd be dead within 3 months due to tumors on all her major organs. There's an incredibly helpful website called dogcancer.net that has great info, links and support groups for anyone going through this. The company that makes the supplement donated them to the search and rescue dogs from the World Trade Center who all got cancer from the toxic waste. Diet change is major. I hope this helps.

Posted by Baz (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 01/27/2010

I have read that max daily dosage of Tumeric for humans is 1 tsp. and should be taken with black pepper to aid absorption, or with milk (fat soluable). Remember that Tumeric is a blood thinner so taking too much isn't recommended. So keep this in mind as most pets are substantially smaller than humans. Also, you can apply Tumeric topically onto tumors, then place bandage. For this, you can mix the Tumeric with honey (to make a paste) and place it over the tumor, then top with a bandage to protect clothing or bedding from staining.

Posted by Nancy Weaver (Dayspring, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 01/25/2010

My 11 year old collie developed a tumor on his lower jaw, two years ago. It is benign but after being removed twice , has grown back again. I have started to dose him with tumeric, 1/2 tsp 2xday. I am anxious to see if this will work because most times testamonials like those here on this site are sometimes bogus and I pray that this time they are not. I will update after two weeks. Nancy and Thunder.

Posted by Christine (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/18/2010

Am so happy to read of such success with cysts, both sebaceous and fat. I have a 17 1/2 yr old female daschund, who has had a fat lump on her upper chest and has developed a sebaceous cyst just below, which, due to Cleo's biting it, is not healing but contiuously bleeding. I wash it and cover it with a bandaid which protects it and ceases the secretion. I have today started with 1/8 tsp of tunrmeric mixed with almond butter. I shall advise of the progress.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for this invaluable information!

Eosinophilic Granuloma
Posted by Suze (Tweed, Australia) on 01/02/2010

You could try a few (3-5) drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide (just the one you get from the store) mixed with water and give it to him in a dosing syringe, morning and night. It is a bit of a cure all, see the posts on the human section of earth clinic. I give this to my cats and dogs and I have got positive results for many conditions, from viruses, to skin problems, the list is endless.

Turmeric Sources
Posted by Petprescriber (Roseburg, Or, USA) on 12/27/2009

What Are the Best Sources for Turmeric?

What are the best sources for tumeric, you may already know you can find it in the spice aisle of your local grocery store. But if you are using it for healing properties I would using your local grocery store, due to the quality of their herbs and spices. Even though there may be some good spices available at your local market, it's really difficult to verify their purity and potency. Also, the turmeric powder you buy at the grocery store is a spice. It doesn't necessarily come from high-quality organic herbs -- and is not produced using certified organic processes, causing you or your pet to risk missing its healthful benefits.

Here's a better option.. Do a Google search for organic turmeric in powder or supplement form. Here are some things you should watch for when choosing a product.

Avoid Unnecessary Fillers, Additives

When I went to the healthfood store, I found a big array of choices. Besides, curcumin and curcuminoid ingredients, I found products with questionable ingredients like fillers, additives, and excipients. An excipient is a substance added to the supplement as a processing, binding or stability aid. One ingredient, magnesium stearate (also know as stearic acid), is a potentially toxic metal additive from pill production. Another ingredient I found in many turmeric supplements, Dibasic Calcium Phosphate (DCP), may even inhibit the absorption of essential minerals within the system. There are others as well, but the crux is... you don't want or need these ingredients in your pets turmeric supplement. Some pose potential health risks -- and all are unnecessary. Plus a higher quality product may very well speed up the cure.

I calculate all of my animal dosages for herbs and homeopathy with a Pet Remedy Charts. They make it brain dead simple. I got mine from a holistic vet, but you can google them on the web and find them too.

Posted by Al (Mpls, Mn) on 12/14/2009

First off my Golden Retriever is a "He" and about a 100 lbs not fat just big most Goldens are big dogs i give him 1 teaspoon 2 times a day going by what most fokes say on this site, but his cyst/tumor has not gotten any smaller even with 2 teaspoons a day so its not working like every one is saying, maybe they are Turmeric sales reps?

EC: Not if they are writing about turmeric powder, which only costs a few bucks at an Indian grocer. The posts promoting turmeric capsules are the ones to watch out for! We had a bunch of fake turmeric posts on the boils page about a year ago. It was the company that sells turmeric capsules at the big box store (W-----t) that was sending in bogus testimonials, week after week.

Posted by Albow (Mpls, Mn) on 12/14/2009

2 teaspoons a day of turmeric spice is what everyone on here said to give him, its been over 10 days no change.

Eosinophilic Granuloma
Posted by Marcia (Rockwell City, Iowa) on 12/12/2009

Question:turmeric for my cat

Turmeric interests me greatly...would it help my old kitty boy (16) who has lived all his life with eosiphillic granuloma (sp) and in the last year has recieved 5mg daily of prednisone. (Don't like drugs) It was discovered when he couldn't breathe last year that he also has asthma. The life giver for him was discovering 7 years ago a feline colostrum powder...but even that wasn't keeping his tongue and throat from tumoring, hence the nasty drug.

Anyone with experiences like this? He is now throwing up nearly every time he eats...and it doesn't matter wet or dry food...so I am suspicious of throat or stomach problems again. He has very bad breath too. Thanks to all for any suggestions!! XXXX's M

Posted by Jane (Pasadena, Ca) on 12/09/2009

I think 2 teaspoons is far too much for a dog that size. No wonder she smells. You don't need so much turmeric to obtain results. Try no more than 1 teaspoon a day.

Posted by Albow (Mpls, Mn) on 12/09/2009

I been giving my 11 year old golden retriever "Hoss" 2 tsp of Turmeric a day for 7 days in his food for a cycts/tumor he has on the top of his neck the size of 1/2 golf ball, with no results yet, only a foul smell he didn't have before, I will post if any change.

Posted by Shamana (Anycity, State, Usa) on 10/07/2009

I have researched turmeric. The info I have found it that is it utilized better with a carrier of fat/oil. Like a little (full flavor not fat free) yogurt or olive oil on the food or side? Maybe a good quality dog kibble mixed in their feed? Any other ideas?

Also, please, for you? If you add it to food? Add it at the end to simmer and let a little oil stay on the soup/stew. This brings out the full benefit. According to my research. I am also reading about the benefit of whey for tumors. EFA's also.

Posted by Janis (Palm Desert, Ca, Usa) on 09/29/2009

I have three dogs and I want to give them Turmeric but I need some idea of dose to weight. Thanks for your help.

Skin Cancer
Posted by Andy (Uk, Rhondda Cynon Taff) on 09/12/2009

Hi Shelagh

I hope you receive this message.

My dog has a tumour on his upper eyelid - he has others but the one on his eye is most likely to bother him. I am already following the Dr Budwig protocol but am adding turmeric in his diet as from today. I notice that you painted it onto your cat's eye. I would like to try this but I am nervous in case it damages his eye. How did you know it was OK to put it on your cat's eyelid?

Hope you can help.


Posted by Lisa (Columbus, Ohio) on 08/27/2009

Just another update on my sheltie and to congratulate everyone else on their success with Turmeric. She is still cyst free and still taking about a tsp of turmeric a few times a week in her food. I am happy to see others are having success as well!

EC: Thank you for updating us - that's great news!

Posted by Eva (Nj, Usa) on 08/18/2009

Hi, I wrote August 4th about my golden retriever Zeus' progress with a cyst, treating him with turmeric (a small teaspoon mixed with food, 2 x per day) and said I'd come post again to update on results for others to see. As noted previously I began treating him 7/27/09, by 08/04/09 I saw the growth (which had not improved for months and had been growing) had shrunk very substantially. It is now 08/18/09 and it has shrunk still further, it is less than half the size of a pencil eraser. For it to go from 3/4 of an inch to just a couple of millimeters in 3 weeks is very encouraging. I will try to remember to post again in future with results.

Posted by Eva (Nj, Usa) on 08/04/2009

Turmeric for cyst on my dog

I found a growth on my 7 year old golden retriever's neck. His name is Zeus, great dog. I couldn't afford a vet and didn't know if it was cancerous or not, it was growing and then it seemed to be getting irritated, even some blood or crust on it, it looked scary and I was upset. It got to be about 3/4 of an inch. So I prayed for a cure and was researching natural cures because quite frankly I believe nature heals and truly cures better than modern medicine much of the time anyway, not that I'm anti-doctor because I'm not, just wish they'd get themselves familiarized with what foods/herbs can help too, instead of only pills and surgeries. SO ... I've been giving him about a teaspoon sprinkled in with his food twice a day, morning and night. I mix with a little water so it mixes in well, sortof an indian dog food gravy if you will LOL. The good thing is, he seems to LIKE it! So I don't have to force feed it to him. I've been doing this since 07/27/09, it's now 08/04/09, so about a week, and mind you the first day or two I gave him less to be cautious in case it didn't agree with him. He has had no issues, and this dog has a sensitive stomach so that's good. Well, last night I check and it's shrunk to less than half the size, now it's slightly smaller than the size of a pea and no crusts, it is smooth and no longer looks swelling and dangerous and scary. It looks like it's just shrinking and healing away. This in a week! I'm continuing until it's gone and then will continue using a smaller quantity, maybe one half teaspoon twice a day as a preventative measure. This is just awesome. I got my turmeric in a big bag from an Indian spice store by the way, it's pretty fresh but I'll bet any will do.

It's good for people too! I think I'll start taking a little every day, too! Good luck! And I'll try to post later with follow up to let you know our results.

Posted by Sue (Mathis, Texas) on 06/25/2009

I just read your feedbacks about cyst's & turmeric for pets. Is a cyst the same as fat tumors? I have a 7 1/2 yr old Golden Retrievor with oddles of fat tumors. Do you think the 1 tsp. of turmeric will work for fat tumors too? Has anyone used it for this?

Posted by Lisa (Columbus, Ohio) on 03/25/2009

Update: Turmeric for Canine Cyst

Was so happy to read the postive feedback others have had with turmeric for pet cysts. Just wanted to give an update on my Sheltie. I had stopped giving her the turmeric right after her cyst went away and about 2 months later it came back. I again started giving her turmeric and the cyst burst within a week. I now give her turmeric every other day, just 1/2 tsp (she weights 25 lbs) mixed with her food and some warm water. It's been almost 4 months and she's just fine, no cyst.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jane (Cambridge, UK) on 07/01/2008

Turmeric (Ruptured retina): I gave my dog turmeric (1 teasp) mixed in with his food and some tasty gravy after the vet said he would have to have his eye removed. There has been a dramatic improvement and the vet is no longer talking about removing the eye. He still has drops from the vet but the turmeric seems to have reduced the inflammation. It also seems to have shrunk a large fatty lump on his chest. This was not a tumour, but unpleasant to touch and you can hardly feel it now.

Skin Cancer
Posted by Shelagh (Palm Beach Gardens, Florida) on 09/14/2008

My 'peaches & cream' cat, Jasper, has just been diagnosed with skin cancer on one of his eye lids. I've begun painting the area with turmeric & aloe (from my garden) with a make-up brush. I am adding turmeric to his food (1/4 tsp. 2x a day). Will let you know how this goes, but so far, so good!

Posted by Diane (Jacksonville, FL) on 11/16/2007

Feeling it was worth a try... i gave 1 capsule every other day with one tablespoon of peanut butter to my Lhasa Apso. She had a lump that the vet wanted $200. to biopsy. Within one week, the lump came to the surface and drained. It was sooo gross and smelly. But it is gone! I will continue to watch her and report any post symptoms. This is pretty incredible!

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