Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

Cough, Chronic
Posted by Flint (Austin, TX)

I have 2 children that have never been immunized for whom I have made all medicines for at home all their lives. My 2 year old was suffering from a chronic cough. It lasted 5 months and none of my syrups, oils, tinctures etc were eliminating it. One day I was eating salad with a vinaigrette. He asked specifically for the dressing and drank 2 oz straight!! He continued to ask for it daily since and has seemed to have cured himself! The cough has subsided and I feel that it is due to the apple cider vinegar! What a smart guy!

EC: Read many more testimonials and cures here.

Posted by Hotlava (Seattle) on 10/18/2013

I agree with Mr. Whoa that Fevers are our Friends....

However, high fever (over 102) can be very damaging to our body tissues/probiotic bacteria/enzymes, especially in infants and children. Bringing down a high fever using ACV on a washcloth is a great remedy that people should tuck into their memory banks esp. when caring for children!

Food Poisoning
Posted by Amanda (Atlanta, GA)

I came to this site after being released from the hospital. I had been hospitalized from 2 days because of bacterial gastroenteritis (food poisoning) and severe dehydration that resulted. Needless to say, I was depleted, weak and tired the day I got out. After reading about Apple Cider Vinegar that first day out, I decided to give it a try and drank 1 tbsp straight. Within an hour or two I was bouncing around the house! I left, went shopping for hours, came home and did chores, started calling up friends... it was really amazing!

EC: We suggest that you drink straight apple cider vinegar the moment you feel you might have food poisoning. Don't wait!!! Better yet, take it before going to a barbeque, or any event where the food may have been sitting around for a while.

Dosage: In the case of food poisoning, we recommend pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar as it is extremely strong. Grocery stores will carry at least one, if not more, commercial brands of ACV. Heinz is a good brand, but any will do. DO NOT DILUTE IT. However, be prepared for your throat and stomach to burn!

Make sure you brush your teeth with baking soda afterwards to protect your dental enamel.

Read many more testimonials about ACV and food poisoning here.teeth with baking soda afterwards to protect your dental.

Read many more testimonials about ACV and food poisoning here.

Posted by Jacky (USA)

My husband had a fungus under his skin in the abdomen and drank 3-5 tablespoons of ACV each day and it cleared up in no time at all. Since the doctor could not explain or cure his problem, I have a theory. My husband had been on a lot of different antibiotics over the past several years for some issues he had and the antibiotics messed up his immune system where he contracted this fungus. Thanks be unto God for ACV!

EC: Read many more fungus remedies here.

Gall Bladder Issues
Posted by Lindae (Ventura, CA) on 07/30/2009

If you are having gallbladder attacks, flush out the stones with a liver cleanse. olive oil, epson salt and grapefruit juice. You can use the apple juice to soften
the stones before you do the cleanse. The attacks could also mean that your liver is compromised by toxic materials like heavy metals besides the stones.

Posted by Denise (Brooklyn NY)

I have been taking ACV (2 teaspoons ACV and maple syrup) for almost a week. I have been having problems with gas--terrible gas. Everything that I ate gave me gas. I noticed in the very same day that I took the ACV my gas pains have disappeared. However, one of my tooth that has multiple fillings is hurting me. Now I understand why. I will just use a straw. I love my ACV. I am trying to lose weight also.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Reader (Boston, MA)

I'm so happy that I found this site. I have applied straight apple cider vinegar 30 min before washing my hair and the flaking is almost gone. It has taken five treatments and WOW what a difference. It make my hair shiny too (extra bonus).

EC: Click here for many more remedies to cure SB and dandruff.

Hair Conditioner
Posted by Barbara (Phoenix, Arizona)

I have been using vinegar once a week for years and years as a hair rinse. It gives my hair the perfect pH balance. As a result, at the ripe old age of 63, I have very thick, healthy, shiny hair. When I tell people about it, they think I am crazy, but it works!! I remember when I was very young, my mom would wash my hair in rain water and then rinse it with vinegar.

I use approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup vinegar diluted with about 1/2 cup water. I shampoo and rinse first then pour on the vinegar - let it sit about a minute and then rinse out the vinegar and then shampoo again and rinse very well so there is no odor of vinegar. This was even recommended to me by a beautician once, and I hadn't even told her that I was already doing it!! The vinegar also removes all the old shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, etc. build-up in the hair.

High Cholesterol
Posted by Susan (USA)

One reader found success in lowering her high cholesterol by diluting ACV with a small amount of grape juice; she also drinks close to 80 ounces of water daily.

EC: Click here to many more testimonials and remedies to cure high cholesterol!

Posted by Jim (Youngstown)

I have only taken apple cider vinegar for two month, 3 tablespoons in morning, and 3 after work. Warts on my finger completely disappeared and I tried commercial removers. I had them for many years, so I believe the vinegar is responsible.

EC: Click here for more warts cures.

How to Make ACV at Home
Posted by Susan (USA)

If you live in a country where apple cider vinegar is difficult to find, try making it at home. Click here for the recipes.

Weight Loss
Posted by Peculiar (Mbale) on 03/12/2023

Thanks. But you really hid part of your remedy. You said B.... ACV. Please what is that B?

EC: Bragg's.

General Feedback
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/13/2015

Dear Lisa,

I think it is fine to take it straight, but it would be a good idea to rinse out your mouth afterwards. My daughter prefers it straight when she needs it to get it over with.

But you like it and crave it. With something like that, it may be that you need it. While a sugar craving does not mean you need sugar, some cravings, I think, are an indication of a bodily need. My children craved pickles when sick one time. I think it was the vinegar they needed.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by beverly (Texas) on 02/04/2022

Are you absolutely sure about this? I have researched and cannot confirm this.

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Carolina (Chicago) on 03/25/2014

From what I know "acidity of undiluted apple cider vinegar may destroy tooth enamel when sipped orally" and this is exactly what happened to me. Maybe for someone it works, but not for everybody. People like me that have thin teeth do not have a very big tooth enamel cover and it affects it very fast.

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Marie (Seattle ) on 11/18/2018

Hi, it sounds like the vinegar you're using is working well. But if you can find raw apple cider vinegar I'd also try that. If not, go with what you can find! ;

ACV and Breastfeeding
Posted by Shazi (Ajman, Dubai) on 06/15/2013

Hi recently I saw this site it impress me a lot and I thought I should aske some question which maked me confuse. I am breast feeding mom ( first baby 2 and half month) I want to start apple cider vinegar for weight lose but vinegar can effect on baby is it good or not?

Maximum Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages
Posted by Missmartini (New York) on 04/10/2013

How much is too much?

I'm wondering if it can be detrimental to drink more than 2 tbsp of ACV in a glass of water morning and evening? I find it an enjoyable and refreshing drink (sometimes I use Perrier instead of flat water) and could happily sip on 4-5 glasses per day, just adding Baking Soda to the first and last drink. I use it for silent reflux and general stomach calming. I add a capsule of Cayenne to the glasses I drink at work, but not once I get home in the evening.

I understand the teeth enamel concerns, so lets assume I manage that separately and sufficiently. My question is more around ingesting too much and causing some negative impact internally.


Gall Bladder Issues
Posted by B (Richmond, Va) on 01/20/2013

I had the worse pain in my life from what they think is gallstones. After listening to an infomercial on you tube it recommended ACV one teaspoon in a glass of Apple juice. After drinking it the pain immediately decreased and in fifteen minutes was completely gone. Best thing ever.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 10/05/2012 2063 posts

ACV is manufactured in tablet form, availability around the globe I dunno; much more convenient than liquid.

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peter (Perth, Western Australia) on 09/23/2012

Found some ACV today at the supermarket. It is the kind with "mother" in it. Not knowing how much to take I did what the bottle said and threw a couple of tea spoons in a cup with warm water (about 1/3 full) and drank it.

Any reccomendations on how much and when to take it? What is it supposed to do? Mine is the _____ brand and it says 5.6% acidity and says it's organic. Does any of this matter?

Do we need alkalinity or acidity?


How to Take
Posted by Henr (Ny, Ny Usa) on 04/04/2012


Apple cider vinegar is gross, as any of you who has tried drinking it surely knows. All the posts I have seen say to dilute it with water, but in my opinion that just prolongs the terrible experience of drinking it.

I just tried mixing it with a little bit of cold tonic water (about 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar to 2-3 tsp tonic) and found that was much better than still water.

I hope that this doesn't somehow counteract acv's effectiveness, because I've found it to be much less disgusting!