Fermented Food Health Benefits

Sauerkraut for Acid Reflux
Posted by Anne (Detroit, MI, USA) on 09/01/2008

I was reading over natural cures for Acid Reflux, or GERD, and noticed no one mentioned sauerkraut. I have been using this and it does work wonders. I used to get pains like aliens eating through my body from the GERD, and the sauerkraut has helped immensely. I don't like the taste of it, so I'm going to try a few things mentioned on this site. 2 tblsp sauerkraut 2x daily helps clear the nausea and pain for me.

Sauerkraut for Acid Reflux
Posted by Linda (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/17/2008

I noticed that saurkraut had not been mentioned for relief of acid reflux. I know that lots of german delis serve this with their meals....The fermentation of the kraut is really good for the digestive system...really helpful to decrease acid reflux.

Sauerkraut for Cold Sores
Posted by John (Altoona, Wisconsin) on 12/30/2008

I suffered from cold sores for many years. Then I read about a cure that used sauerkraut juice to cure them. I tried it at several outbreaks and they quickly disappeared. It may be the L-lysine in the juice. They went away and have not come back for years.

Kimchee Recipes
Posted by Monica (Atlanta, GA) on 12/13/2005

I make a large container of kimchee and keep it on hand when I feel my intestinal and vaginal candida starting to act up. For me, it really helps nip an attack in the bud, and seems to raise my immunity generally. It even seems to ward of a cold or any kind of respiratory infection.

Here's my recipe: Buy a big head of nappa cabbage. Coarsely dice, and steam in the microwave with a small amount of water for five minutes only. It should still be crisp.

Place the semi-cooked nappa in a large bowl.

Add the following to taste and toss with the nappa: about 1/2 cup of Vietnamese Chili Garlic Sauce. This can be purchased at any well-stocked Oriental grocery. The kind I purchase has no sugar, although it does contain vinegar (but that doesn't seem to lessen the benefits in my case.)

Then dice and add 3 or 4 raw scallions.

Grate a large carrot and then, finely dice and add 2 large garlic cloves. Lastly, grate about 2 TBSP of RAW, FRESH ginger and add. Pour on about 1/2 cup water to make a "sauce" that will distribute all of these ingredients with the nappa when mixed together. The result should be a pungent, head-clearing "salad" that I eat in between meals a half-cup at a time, a few times a day when experiencing symptoms.

If you are familiar with kimchee, you know that it traditionally contains fermented fish sauce, so I leave this out, of course. My kimchee stays in my refrigerator at all times and will not spoil, so it can be kept on hand to have when needed. It's a good thing I enjoy eating it. It's great as a condiment on rice, but mixing it with other foods seems to lessen its punch for me. One more thing. It does cause garlic breath, so I brush and gargle with baking soda. It helps me so much with my candida and general immunity, that I'm not willing to give it up!

General Feedback
Posted by Kathleen (San Antonio, Texas, United States) on 11/28/2009

I would like to suggest you add fermented foods to the remedies page.

EC: Thanks for the suggestion - post away!

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