Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

Candida and Thrush
Posted by Beehive (London, Uk) on 05/01/2013

Garlic for candida in the gut and thrush:

I began getting ill with the flu very very regularly. If my son had a slight sniffle I would catch it and end up bedridden for 10 days. As soon as I recovered from one flu-like illness I would come down with another. This went on for about a year. I also ended up with a recurrent thrush infection. I searched the internet and found that my illnesses were probably due to an overgrowth of candida in my gut and my immune system was compromised. I also read that taking raw crushed garlic would kill the candida but that I would get die off symptoms and it would make me feel really unwell. Well, I followed the instructions, crushed a clove of garlic, left it to sit for 10 minutes and then swallowed it with fruit juice and then ate a light meal. An hour or so later I felt so unwell. I regretted having had the garlic. These symptoms lasted 2 days. After that I felt fine. A few days later my son came home from school with a bit of a sniffle and I feared that I might end up bedridden again. Amazingly I did not catch the sniffle. A week after I had had the first dose of garlic I decided to have another one. I did not feel unwell at all. No die off symptoms therefore no candida in the gut. Now I take a crushed clove of garlic every couple of weeks or so. I also make sure my son has it too. The thrush cleared up too. I also eat live yogurt regularly too. There is no need to go to the doctors for an antifungal when you can get a clove of garlic and it does the job a million times better.

Eliminate Garlic Breath
Posted by Nohard (Aristomenis, Greece) on 02/01/2012

I'm taking fresh garlic for ED, so I chop up a whole head fine as possible, put it in a jar add olive oil, and lots of dry parsley, take the amount you want with a little water to swallow, I'm finding that this takes away the garlic smell from my breath, and must add, with my wife's thanks, for not breathing garlic over her.

Peeled Garlic Vs Fresh Garlic
Posted by Kate (Uk) on 12/18/2016

I'm not sure how helpful a comment published six years later but a. firstly I'm amazed that peeled garlic is a thing, we haven't become quite that lazy over here yet! and b. I would think you're better off with something with its skin on, and ideally local and organic if you can get it. In at least some parts of the world garlic is irradiated for supermarkets so it won't sprout - I *think* that doesn't happen unless labelled in the UK, but seems to in Canada (eg so might well be in the US. Something raw with the skin off must've gone through some process to stop it rotting (like enzymes or chlorine baths that don't need to go on the label). In the UK, garlic I get from the organic shop has got loads more of a kick than the stuff from the supermarket - sometimes you can't track exactly what is doing what (freshness? farming practices?) but just follow your nose.

Can I also recommend Joanna Blythman's book Swallow This, which is very enlightening about 'clean labelling' - ie putting foods, including apparently raw, fresh simple vegetables through all sorts of food processing that is invisible on the label. For instance, those fresh fruit salads in supermarkets don't go off for several weeks because of an enzyme dip, and harmless and 'natural' sounding words like 'beetroot extract' on a label are actually the same stuff that would have had a long chemical name in the 90s. Only at some point it would've been waved in the general direction of a beetroot. So even if you're a committed label reader, you won't necessarily be getting a very clear picture of what's happened to your shopping, because there's a whole culture committed to hiding it. If you want to get round this, garlic unpeeled and ideally from a local foodchain, not a major supermarket is probably your best bet.

Posted by Ann (Albuquerque, New Mexico) on 11/06/2010

When we feel a cold coming on or get a cold my husband and I mince a clove of garlic in water and then chug it down at least twice a day. We find this to be a powerful way to lose the cold. We now grow 150 garlic plants each year just for the two of us! You won't get garlic breath chugging it this way. I have heard that others blend garlic in water and chug.... That would work too.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Laila (Tysons Corner, Virginia) on 07/25/2010

In the Middle East, we eat fresh garlic or pickled garlic (from a Persian store) once a day. We use it for cold hands and feet, to help relax, and to help sleep at night. I've eaten as much as 4 pickled garlic cloves at one time though I know people who've eaten many more than that without getting garlic breath and sweat. Pickled garlic won't give you as much after smell as fresh garlic. Besides pickled garlic, you can take a few raw garlic cloves, peel, add enough olive oil to cover the garlic, cover bowl, put in microwave for a minute or two. This will turn the garlic brown and mushy. It tastes delicious.

It takes anywhere from 2 to 24 hours to notice either one or all of the above effects. If I eat garlic at night, I notice that my cold hands and feet are hot the next morning. The effect lasts 24 hours.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Silent27 (Vaimangga, Rarotonga, Cooks Islands) on 03/11/2010


For approximately 1 year I have had recurring bouts of strep throat and viral throat infections. These occurred every few months or so. 6 months ago I have was sick continuously for 2 months. I had NO energy and difficulty swallowing. My throat was always felt like it was on fire. Often it was bright red and/or covered in white spots. I was prescribed rounds of antibiotics and even had to take 3 penicillin shots. Nothing worked. UNTIL.

For about 3-4 weeks I drank fresh garlic (2 cloves crushed), ginger, honey, and lemon tea. I did this 3-4 times a day. Approximately 1 week after starting this course, I began to feel better. 2 weeks later I was 100% again. I still drink the tea and/or chew a piece of raw garlic whenever I feel a scratch in my throat or a little under the weather.

The best side effect for me was that the garlic tea course has also almost completely cleared up the acute toenail fungus I had on the majority of my nails. It was so bad that my two big toenails were almost completely yellow and hardened with areas of black; they even had begun to separate from the nail beds. For the first time in 3 years I can go nail polish free.


Multiple Cures
Posted by Kirsten (Portland, Or) on 10/28/2009

Adding Garlic to my health regimen has improved my life so much. It started with chronic tonsillitis that nothing would help and it would be two years before I could get them out, I am now 31. I was having infections twice a month and in desperation I came to Earth Clinic and found the garlic remedy for infection. I took one clove 3x per day when an infection was starting and one clove before bed as prevention. I have not had a full blown cold since! What I do is slice up the clove and swallow in slivers like pills before bed.

Garlic also cures my recurring cold sores on my lips. As soon as I feel one coming on, I slice a clove of garlic and hold it firmly to the sore until it goes numb. I have to be honest that it hurts like nothing I have ever felt, but because it has worked so well, I endure it for 10 minutes or so. I swear I can feel it burning the infection away! Immediately the bump goes down and often does not even scab, just goes away.

Posted by Jennahwithanh (Newcomb, New York) on 03/06/2012

I chop it fine and mix it in salsa, add a little honey and cayenne pepper and eat it with some corn chips. Opens those passages up real nice and tastes yummy too! :)

Posted by Denise (Soperton, GA) on 04/03/2009

Yes! Garlic is a wonder cure to have on hand. I read about it's properties a few years ago and have been using it every sense.

It works like a natural antibiotic, it kills off the bad stuff and leaves the good stuff along.

When I have a Cold or Sinus infection I will use it. I cut up a clove of fresh Garlic as small as I can. Then I will swallow as much as I can in one swallow with water to chase it down, swallow just like it was a pill. You do not have to eat it or chew it . Do this 3 to 4 times a day. I usually do it for 5 to 7 days. I store the cut up garlic in a small glass bowl in the refrigerator.

Tooth Abcess, Infection
Posted by Leila (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 03/03/2009

Garlic cured my jaw infection! One of molars in my upper jaw broke off about a year ago, all the way down to the gums. I don't have insurance and am mortally afraid of going to the dentist, so when my cheek swelled up yesterday, I panicked. I tried green clay, bit it didn't help much. After sleeping 3 hours and not knowing what to do about the pain (painkillers didn't help much either), I decided to do a search on the Internet and stumbled across your site.

Garlic worked wonders! I chewed it and pressed the pulp against the 'hole' between my teeth.It stung so badly, I had tears in my eyes, but after 5 minutes the pain had subsided. Am absolutely overjoyed! Will continue to treat with garlic, I have a really good feeling about it. Thank you!

Dogs and People
Posted by Thenewguyintown (Westwood, New Jersey, Usa) on 12/07/2010

Another good way to take "RAW" garlic is to use natural honey which also has some health benefits to it as well.

Tooth Abcess, Infection
Posted by Chanana (Aubrey, USA) on 02/06/2008

My mom had a severe absessed tooth a few months ago (almost a year). It was so bad she could not sleep at night. She used garlic and it cleared the infection and it has not returned. She cut raw garlic and rubbed the cut edge on the tooth and gums a couple of times a day and also ate a whole clove a couple of times a day and then gradually reduced the garlic intake as she felt it healing. She also used whole cloves (the spice you use in pumpkin pie etc. )as a local pain killer. If you bite down on the whole clove it releases a potent pain killer. just wanted to chip in some info that can hopefully help others, this is a great site...

Posted by Humberto (USA) on 01/10/2008

I had a cyst behind my ear. I would pop it and white stuff came out that smelled really bad.

1. I cut a clove of garlic and smeared the juice on it.

2. I put a cut clove on it with a band aid and left it on for 15 minutes.

3. I minced the garlic and put some juice on it.

(DANGER) 4. I made garlic paste with extra virgin olive oil. Crushed/minced up garlic, add extra virgin olive oil. Put it in a glass jar. It turns into a paste (like jam or jelly). I left it on for 1 hour. I made a mistake. I should had left it on for only 15 minutes. I burned my skin.

WARNING: Only leave it on for 15 minutes. The cyst is gone. The garlic killed it.

Eliminate Garlic Breath
Posted by Shane (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/16/2007

For those who don't want the smell of raw garlic on their breath try this method. Crush a clove or two onto a dessert spoon then add olive oil and down the hatch. you get the benefits of raw garlic with none of the breath issues. Best taken with meals.

Angina - Warning
Posted by Pat (Burlington, Vermont) on 07/10/2007


Although many of you believe you have been cured of angina by taking garlic and flaxseed, I am afraid that is is not true and you are in a dangerous situation. These supplements are very useful and strong if used prevention. However, they cannot unclog arteries. Please be good to yourself and reasonable. Use all available treatments and advice together! There are plenty of wonderful cardiologists who have a holistic approach.

Angina - Warning
Posted by Kathy (Benton, Ar) on 11/29/2011

There is a supplement that will help your arteries. It was discovered by Dr. Louis Ignarro who won a nobel prize for his discovery - Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke with Nitric Oxide. I take 1000 mg L-Arginine and 750 L-Citralline daily - taken together in the a.m. before eating. It relaxes the arteries from a hard, tight state. I have taken these two supplements for three years for plaque in my left subclavian artery. I get an ultra sound every year. My blood pressures were different in my arms the first two years. The third year, last year, my blood pressures were the same and my ultra sound results were very good. My doctor, a vascular surgeon, is following me closely. You can read about Dr. Ignarro in The World's Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets, Bottom Line Publications. He was also interviewed by Hugh Downs for his discovery.

Posted by Trisha (Singapore) on 01/26/2007

My mom had a 1 inch diameter mushroom like mole that would fester. she had it for over 30 the side of her breast. when she was in her 70s she heard about garlic and started taking it to lower her high blood pressure, she would take 2-3 cloves every night ( chopped finely and tucked into her mouth like a pill, & swallowed it down with a glass of sweet drink.. ) after 6 months she realized that the mole started to dry up -no more festering- and after a year it started shrinking and simply flaked off bit by bit..after 2 years it completely disappeared, to date it is only a dot left. completely cured what could have been cancerous ? she continues to take 3 cloves of garlic daily, to keep her blood pressure down, she is 84 years old, lives alone in a flat in Malaysia. she is very lucid and keeps abreast of CNN's daily news cast. due to garlic ? all reasons point in that direction...

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by R Smith (LONDON) on 01/02/2006

You can simply chew a peeled clove of raw garlic in the mouth, making sure you chomp it sufficiently into small pieces. The juices will be absorbed by your tongue almost immediately into your system, and is a fast way of getting it into the body. You can spit out the pieces without swallowing them, once the juice has been absorbed.

Low Energy
Posted by Ray (New York City)

Wake up the dead juice: When I was younger I used to get a lot of fatigue, loss of appetite, and body aches as a result from a cold. It would be those types of colds that just basically gave you those symptoms. It would have none or very little fever, coughs, stuffiness and sneezing. So I used to say to myself I would go to school if I had the energy. That's when I started drinking "Wake Up the Dead" juice.

There are a few ways to make this.

You can either boil some water and add sliced onions to it.

Or boil water and add chopped garlic to it.

I usually mix both onion and garlic to the hot water. I leave the chunks inside. You can remove them if you wish.

Drink that water as hot as you can take it.

Another way people do it is by mixing about 2 cups of cold water and 1 chopped onion and/or some garlic chunks all in a blender. They can either drink it hot or cold. But drinking it hot is better.

It is extremely important that you drink this as soon as you get up on an empty stomach. One cup is fine and 2 is better. The more onions and garlic you put in it, the better it is. It tastes very disgusting but it will give you one hell of a boost. It will last anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. Then you have to drink it again. You should only drink it twice a day.

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