Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

Bacterial Vaginosis
Posted by Aminta (Charlotte, NC) on 10/11/2008

I want to thank for starting this website. It has truly been a blessing to me. I am writing to let you ladies know that, although no one commented that they used fresh garlic as a cure, it really works. I have suffered from BV for 3 yrs (since my husband cheated on me). Every other month after that I was getting recurrences of BV. Like the rest of you, neither the cream's nor pill's got rid of the BV for good. I recently was reading up on how natural garlic heal's so many ailment's. So, I bought so garlic, peeled it and wrapped it in gauze. I tied it with dental floss and inserted it in my vagina once a day, preferably at night before bed. I would remove the garlic every morning before taking my shower. I did this for 7 day's and I am symptom free still today. The bad thing about it is that the smell of garlic doesn't wear off for a while so if you are sexually active often then I wouldn't recommend this home remedy. I hope this remedy help's you ladies. It is alot cheaper on your pocket's. I bought 2 bulb's of garlic for under $1.00.

Posted by Sonja (Swanley, England) on 09/08/2008

I have used garlic for years. Every time I get a cold I eat one clove of garlic 3x a day. I enjoy the taste, so have it on bread with pate, or meat always raw. It is not very social... but within 3 days feel great. It is very effective. I also love horseradish for congested sinuses/ blocked nose. just a bit of it with some meat and you can breath freely..
it is easy, cheap and works without fail.

Tooth Abcess, Infection
Posted by James (kent, uk) on 08/23/2008

I used garlic for my tooth abscess and within 3 days they has cleared. Before i knew about garlic i had to take anti biotics which had unwanted side effects like tummy cramps. Now i always take garlic when i have problems with my gums or any other infections such as ear infections. I had one nasty ear infection and it went fast after i had taken 500mg of odourless garlic a day for a couple of days.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Robbie (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) on 08/04/2008

This is going to sound hideous... and it is, but it does the trick.

When ever I have a cold I have a number of remedies I use.

In Scotland we have a thing called a hot toddy which is basically whiskey, cloves, honey and lemon made into a tea.

However, my other remedy (and this is the disgusting one) I have used and it works... is blend some garlic cloves and water into a blender. Then gulp down some of the brew at night. I normally just try to drink the whole thing. I don't really bother with measurements, Just play about till you find something that works for you. It's the garlic your eating, the water just helps it go own. Plus it's broken up and therefore absorbed into the body quicker and easier.

I also do the same as a mosquito repellent. Blend the garlic and water together and pour through a siv. The pulp I place in plant pots on my pation and the water garlic solution I place in a squeezy bottle and go around spraying my windows and door frames. All blood eating creatures hate garlic.

You can also use Listerine which surprisingly mosqutios hate for some reason. I use a combination of the two.

Posted by Ken (Chicago, IL) on 07/14/2008

I can vouch for this one. I caught a cold last month that went into my chest. Though the cold faded, I'd had a nagging cough ever since then; keeping me up at night, awful fits in public, etc. Lozenges and expectorants helped, but didn't stop the cough. After 2 days of drinking the garlic tea (twice a day) my cough is completely gone and I feels tons better - I'm still drinking it! It definitely feels good for what ails you ... and for what doesn't!

Organic Garlic and Sulphur
Posted by Hillary (Ft. Lauderdale, FL) on 06/21/2008

Well tell her to buy whole foods. It'll cut her shopping time dramatically since there are no labels. She'll have to cook them herself!!! ;D

Posted by Toni (Toledo, Ohio) on 06/13/2008

I take 2 cloves of raw garlic a day and have not been sick in over a year. I hate the taste of garlic, so I put a little bit of pudding or apple sauce on a spoon then I put 1 clove of finely minced raw garlic on top and then cover that with more pudding or applesauce, then just swallow it down. Do this twice a day. This is the easiest way to ever take raw garlic. Remember to get the full benefits of garlic it must be raw.

Posted by Mary (Mary, USA) on 05/14/2008

Hi guys. I started the garlic procedure to remove a raised mole on my forearm. I've warn long sleeves for forever because of how much I hated it. About a month ago I heard about this remedy, so I tried it & after about 4 days I wasn't seeing any results besides half of the mole was a bit lighter. I stopped the experiment, & after a few weeks, I decided to try 1 more time so I started 2 days ago, this is my 3rd day now & I definetely see results ! I really think its going to work. The 1st time I tried this remedy I was putting too big of a piece on the mole, about 4 times the sixe of it, which was just damaging the sin around the mole. Now I've been only cutting a small piece to fit the mole perfectly. I've heard you should scratch at the mole just a little bit w a knife or something, not hard, so thats what I did this time [only the 1st time u apply the garlic, not everytime, just once for the whole experiment], so i washed the area 1st, scratched the mole up a tiny bit, cut the clove up, with the knife I rubbed the juice from the garlic onto my mole, I started to feel a tingling because I scratched at it, then wet a napkin & cleaned up any juice around the mole on my skin, apply the garlic piece & put a bandaid on. I go to work & 11 hours later take the bandage off & wash it & do the whole thing over w a fresh bandaid and piece of garlic. I have been using a whole new clove for each application. It is a big waste of garlic since I only use a tiny piece of it, but the cloves dry out quickly, even in a ziplock bag, so I just get a new 1. They are very cheap anyways. Now, my 3rd day, my mole is raised quite a bit more & its a bubble that I want to pop so badly ! There are a couple tiny bubbles on my skin around the mole, but from now on I am going to apply vaseline on my skin surrounding the mole to protect the skin. I will keep u guys updated !

Organic Garlic and Sulphur
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 05/05/2008 495 posts

You're on the right track, but if you want to google monosodium glutamate and aspartame, you will find the worst problems with our food supply. You can also google sodium fluoride, which is found in most toothpastes, and in too many of our municipal water supplies. It is also a neurotoxin. My niece tells me she hates me because it now takes her 4 hours longer to grocery shop because she is now reading ingredients on all food purchased.

Dogs and People
Posted by Sabina (Goshen, NY) on 04/30/2008

I've been giving my small and large dogs fresh garlic cloves, twice a week, for the past 30 years, and they all lived long healthy lives. I used to eat a clove daily and I never got a cold or flu. I gave up the daily garlic because it made me stink. Once I gave it up I began to catch virus. I now only take it if I feel as though I may be coming down with something.

Organic Garlic and Sulphur
Posted by Patrick (Murray, Utah) on 04/29/2008

We are currently studying the effects of returning sulfur to our diets. Organically grown garlic has roughly 39% sulfur and is a good source of sulfur. When grown with chemical fertilizers we have not have benefits reported. All of the results reported regarding garlic have been seen with Organic Sulfur, pure crystal MSM with no anti caking agents and in its crystal form. We believe that the sulfur may be the most important aspect of the garlic. We also believe that most of us are sulfur deficient and Linus Pauling's concern for mineral deficiency as the cause of many of our current disease processes. But how we become deficient makes us question what we feed our food, what types of fertilizers are used.

Posted by Leslie (Pascagoula, MS) on 04/02/2008

It seems that ever since hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast we have been battling more and more cases of boils. I have found that GARLIC helps get rid of boils. At any stage in the cycle of the boils if you get the 1000 mg GARLIC capsules and squeeze the gel onto the boil it will get it to come to a head and drain or the boil will disappear completely.It generally takes a few days but it does work to eleviate the swelling and pain and its effective in healing the boils. Its safe for children.At the first signs of even a bump take one gel capsule and sqeeze the gel onto the bump then rub it in aftewards throw away the used capsule and wash your hands. Repeat this at least three times daily until the boil is gone.

Sore Throats
Posted by Marilyn (Cherry Hill, US) on 03/28/2008

My 27 year old son was so sick with strep throat. He couldn't swallow or talk much. I boiled a cup of water, once the water came to a boil I put one garlic clove cut in half in the water and let it continue boiling for 2-3 minutes more. Now I let it cool and let him drink it. This way you hardly taste the garlic. I did this twice every day for a week. He got better. My son never wanted to believe in the old remedies but now he can't deny the reality. I hope this helps someone.

Posted by Greek (Chicago, IL) on 03/28/2008

My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1985. We live in a polluted community, he smoked, and my families diet was pretty heavy in red meat. He was given the proper medication and then discharged. He knew that cancer usually returns so he decided to modify his diet.

The first thing he did was stop smoking. He then changed his diet. No more red meats. He made sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits every single day. His main fruit of choice is bananas. The addition he made, which I think was the most valuable was garlic. Garlic is a huge staple for mediterraneans, so this wasn't a big adjustment. It was a big adjustment for everyone else in the house that valued breathable air. Well, 23 years later, he's as healthy as a horse. He gave cancer one hell of a beating.

I take the garlic pills because of the obvious odor. I work with a lot of people and I don't want any embarassing odor. Is there anything that can kill the bad breath or the odor that comes from the pores?

Posted by Amanda (Atlanta, GA)

I tried roasted Garlic to soothe a nauseous, upset stomach. The results were not good! Please do not roast garlic as a digestive aid, it does not work!

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by Nancy (Kingston, NY) on 10/26/2006

For the past month or so I have had a horrendous cough with watery eyes, sinus drip and tickling in my lungs. The coughs were sounding real bad - like honking almost. I did a search on the net and figured I would try the garlic before going to the doctor (fearing of course TB or cancer etc...) Well - after only 48 hours of chewing a piece of elephant garlic as soon as the tickling began -- the cough has greatly reduced!! This morning the tickling moved from one lung to the other -- and I'm still chasing it with the garlic. I have had Lymes twice and whatever this infection is - reminds me of Lymes in the way it seems to move around inside the body. Whatever this is can't escape the wonderful garlic fumes. I even dropped a few slices in my wine last night. IT WORKS!!! Thank you so much.

Garlic Tea
Posted by James (New Orleans) on 03/12/2006

I didn't boil the garlic . I've read over and over that heat destroys the allicin. Anyway , I simply use a garlic press . It's a lot easier than chopping. I take it straight and chase it with lots of water . You can ball the pressed garlic up into a wad and take it like a pill. I was able to sleep last night without waking due to coughing. I took two medium sized cloves.