Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

Posted by Laura (Seattle, WA) on 10/16/2007

I've been using garlic for years for a variety of things. Usually I use it for colds. At the first sign of a cold, chop up 4 cloves of raw garlic and eat. I prefer to use it as a garnish on an already garlicy type food like soups or spaghettie, it helps make the taste not so obvious. Keep up with 4 cloves a day, then reduce the number as your symptoms decrease. This can stop a cold from manifesting, or it will shorten and weaken your colds. I used to have chronic bronchitis after every cold, now I haven't had it in years. I also only get one cold a year usually. Yeah, I don't smell great but I'm not missing so much work!

I will also use raw garlic juice on rashes and bug bites. It stops the itching immediately, and I pretty much use it for anytime I might need a phytoncide.

Posted by Hillary (Jonesboro, Georgia) on 09/27/2007

After years of suffering with horrible bouts of bronchitis, a lady, claiming to be a "witch" told me to soak my feet in hot garlic water, blanket over myself and the bucket, to inhale steam. She told me to do this for at least 6 hrs. I did not have bronchitis for 5 years. It is time to do it again (and I will), but was wondering, has anyone else heard of this "method" and what is is called?

Posted by Natalie (Tillamook, Or) on 12/09/2009

Yes I have heard of this sort of thing. My doctor gave me a nebulizer and told me to use ______ (garlic drops) in the nebulizer and she said it works miracles. Iv used garlic for many other things its amazing. Natures antibiotic. :-)

Posted by Dejan (Toronto, Ontairo) on 01/06/2010

This treatment is very common in Europe especially in the countries of Eastern Europe. We have all sorts of remedies with garlic, herbal tea, honey, red wine, etc. If there is a problem with breathing due to bronchitis or a horrible cold or flu, beside the garlic treatment, you can always brew a big pot of herbal tea, cover yourself with a towel and inhale the steam. You'd feel much better in no time.

Posted by Sylviecha (Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada) on 02/15/2011

They are called ophtalmic migraines. I've had these a few times, in a 15 years period. It comes usually with seeing bright zig-zag-type lines in the central or side vision (to me, it's similar to the lines we could see back then on the black and white TVs, when the program wasn't getting through). There can also be flashing white light sensations. These symptoms usually resolve spontaneously after several minutes ( generally in less than one hour). I did some tests, and the DR told me these migraines are not dangerous. After the initial panic from not knowing what that was, I became accustomed to them and since I don't have them frequently, I don't bother anymore. But I know they can be accompanied by headaches (this is not my case), and that can be troublesome.

Posted by Ellen (Leander, Tx) on 11/16/2014

Thank you sooooo much for posting this information about Ophthalmic migraines. I have experienced this several times and was worried I had a brain tumor or was going to lose my vision. I went to the ophthalmologist who didn't know what the problem was, but prescribed glasses for me.

It was soo comforting to read your response. I realize your post is over three years old, but if you see this again, THANK YOU!!!

Angina - Warning
Posted by Kathy (Benton, Ar) on 01/24/2012 - learn more about garlic - garlic does reduce artery plaque, can cure MRSA, many, many things - it is a natural antibiotic. It will burn your skin if you are sensitive to garlic. That doesn't mean you are allergic, it simply means put something between your skin and the garlic. Use a mask with a garlic poultice in it to breathe garlic into the lungs. Make a paste of olive oil and garlic, place in poultice (tea bag), place on bottom of feet in the ball behind the toes for garlic to get to the lungs over night. I wrapped a piece of garlic in gauze and put in my ear over night. Earache gone the next morning. Breathing it into the lungs is also good for unclogging sinus. Go to the website I provided above.

Posted by Emily (Madison, Maine) on 05/10/2007

I take the odorless garlic softgels for my Herpes outbreaks. I take twelve softgels when I feel the tingling and then three every four hours while awake for the next few days. If I don't get it soon enough to prevent it then it only lasts a few days. I also use the softgels for when I have ear pain. I pierce the gelcap and squeeze the contents on a cottonball and put it in the offending ear for an hour. Then do the same over night. You will feel an immediate response and the overnight treatment only needs to be done for a couple of nights. I LOVE garlic. These remedies I have found through many health and herbal remedy books.

Posted by Jane (Los Angeles, California) on 04/07/2007

I noticed that when I came down with a cold - I would always start to crave raw garlic. So I thought I would try it the next time before the cold took hold. It worked like a charm! Now I use it every time I feel a cold or flu coming on.

It has to be raw garlic. I chop a few large cloves (as much as I can handle) finely and sprinkle it on buttered toast or in my food. You should be sure to chew the garlic to release the essential oils. I continue this once or twice a day until I'm better - could take a few days to completely get well - but I have managed to fend off every cold since I discovered the "garlic cure." (this is good for colds and flu except if you are coming down with a stomach bug - in which case it could aggravate your stomach.)

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Posted by Cynthia (San Francisco, CA) on 02/03/2007


EC: Taking garlic juice with fresh water regularly reduces high blood pressure (hypertension).

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Posted by Gus (Missoula, Montana) on 09/28/2011

EC, please tell me how to make garlic juice? thanks

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Posted by Crystal (Melissa, Tx) on 07/28/2012

How long does it take for garlic to start lowering your blood pressure? Does anyone know of an instant bp reducer(natural, of course).

Immune System
Posted by Mark (Rochester, NY) on 01/25/2007

Oh, what raw garlic can't cure..... It's not that garlic cures infectious ailments both inside and outside the body it boosts your life giving auto immune system.... We were born with a system that is quite amazing to say the least. The auto immune system is working overtime in today's world.... Genetically, to know who you are is more important whereas everyone is so different yet totally the same when it comes to environmental hazards. We live in a quagmire of toxicity whether it be through the air, food or drink we take in..... Speaking of taking in, use raw garlic (chewed with food) as a spring, and fall seasonal pre-maintenence ritual .... Give your auto immune system a much needed break and detoxify yourselves today. Thank you, Mark

Ps....What inspired me to write this story ? I was at the dentist 8am Tuesday morning [1-23-07] ..... with a tooth abscess. The pain was incredible......Guess what ? Yep, Garlic. I couldn't do any garlic treatments the past few days on account of my social life so I had to wait until today to crush 14 cloves of raw garlic into a jar filled half way with (good water) not tap water. I would swish the elixir around the infected garlic pieces into the infected area with my tongue.... I feel less pain as we speak. "I ain't got no tooth insurance" so, (I'm sure to cancel the appointment now) but I believe than if I got the bill in the mail from a scheduled appointment next week I would be in much worse pain both physically and financially. Garlic is quite amazing....

Posted by Michelle (Albuquerque, NW) on 01/09/2007

Fresh Garlic cured my Bronchitis and Sinus Infection. 1 finely diced clove (not the entire bulb) 3x's daily with any complimentary food that has been cooled almost to room temp (eg. diced tomatoes, avocado, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti sauce, pizza, or even apple pie.) Garlic is a natural antibiotic and antifungal. Within an hour or so, easier to breather and think, in 4 days cleared up symptoms. Took for 7 days to eliminate any chance of becoming ill again. Drawbacks: odoriferous breath, and the odor also emanates from the pores of the skin. Use strong breath mints/cologne/essential oils to your liking.

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by Nancy (Kingston, NY) on 10/26/2006

For the past month or so I have had a horrendous cough with watery eyes, sinus drip and tickling in my lungs. The coughs were sounding real bad - like honking almost. I did a search on the net and figured I would try the garlic before going to the doctor (fearing of course TB or cancer etc...) Well - after only 48 hours of chewing a piece of elephant garlic as soon as the tickling began -- the cough has greatly reduced!! This morning the tickling moved from one lung to the other -- and I'm still chasing it with the garlic. I have had Lymes twice and whatever this infection is - reminds me of Lymes in the way it seems to move around inside the body. Whatever this is can't escape the wonderful garlic fumes. I even dropped a few slices in my wine last night. IT WORKS!!! Thank you so much.

Posted by Jim (Magnolia, TX) on 09/17/2006

Garlic for colds. When a cold first starts, place a whole clove between the cheek an teeth. It will shorten the effects of the cold.

Posted by Dan (Pittsburgh, PA) on 05/13/2006

About 2 weeks ago i was diagnosed with mono had very achy legs and arms. i have been cutting little slivers of garlic up and take it like a pill. wow it's strong, burns my stomach some too, but believe it or not, i feel so much better. i think i'm ready to retest for the mono. i think it will come up negative. my dad has lung cancer found out 5 yrs ago doctors gave him 6 months. i was very sad and even if my dad would pass away, i'll still consider him beating his cancer because he really did he lose so much weight but my dad has been taking garlic and garlic. he loves it. he puts it on bread plain and eats it -- he's gained weight now. he feels so much better. i love my dad he showed me how effective garlic would be and i'll never forget that secret he gave me. keep taking garlic it really does help.

Posted by Haywood (Arlington, VA) on 03/16/2006

I cut up cloves like the size of pills, and took them with water. I did this treatment at night so I could go through the next day without being bothered with hay fever.

Garlic Tea
Posted by James (New Orleans) on 03/12/2006

I didn't boil the garlic . I've read over and over that heat destroys the allicin. Anyway , I simply use a garlic press . It's a lot easier than chopping. I take it straight and chase it with lots of water . You can ball the pressed garlic up into a wad and take it like a pill. I was able to sleep last night without waking due to coughing. I took two medium sized cloves.

Chewing Raw Garlic
Posted by Sandyg (Kanpur, Up, India) on 11/22/2012

I tried the garlic tea recipe mentioned here and I must say that I got relief from cold and cough. In fact, when ever I go for vegetable shopping I put garlic on top of my shopping list. Thanks a lot.

Posted by Samin (Monroe, LA)

When I feel a cold coming on with symptoms of a sore throat & or sniffles, I blend 1-2 cloves of fresh crushes garlic & 1/2 cup of spring or distilled water. I drink it once in the morning on an empty stomach & again in the evening for at least a week. Bye , bye cold & discomfort. Oh by the way, it is disgusting but oh so good for U.

Ear Aches
Posted by Anonymous (USA)

Garlic for ear ache. one garlic tooth. heat not too hot. cut a piece from garlic wrap in a cotton ball with vick 's vapor rub then insert in ear. Not both ears. in no time you'll feel better.

Gas and Constipation
Posted by Anuradha (Delhi, India)

I take garlic after meals. I am now free from gas and constipation.